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de Provence Genealogy and de Provence Family History Information

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  • Alajarde de Provence, souveraine d'Antibes (deceased)
    see 2014 (C) notes above
  • Amabilla de Bamville (c.1220 - aft.1308)
    2. Hugh I and Lucia had 3. Lucy de Corona c. 1265 - c. 1316 = Sir Knight William de Baguley, Lord of Baggiley c. 1260 - a. 1320, they had 4 children Hugo I married as his 2nd wife = Lady Amabilla De B...
  • Beatrice di Provenza, regina consorte di Sicilia (1234 - 1267)
    éatrice de Provence, née en 1231, morte à Nocera le 23 septembre 1267, comtesse de Provence et de Forcalquier, fille de Raimond Bérenger IV, comte de Provence et de Forcalquier, et de Béatrice de Savoi...
  • Douce I de Gévaudan, comtesse de Provence (b. - c.1127)
    1112 recibe el condado de Provenza por herencia materna. Ese mismo año contrajo matrimonio en Arlés con el conde de Barcelona, y en 1113 cedió a su marido los derechos sobre el condado de Provenza, el ...
  • Engelberge de Provence (c.877 - c.917)
    Engelberge de Provence =* daughter of King Boson of Provence & his second wife Ermengardis d'Italia * betrothed to Carloman King of the West Franks * married to Guillaume I "le Pieux" Duc d'Aquitaine C...

About the de Provence surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the de Provence surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the de Provence surname.

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