Historical records matching Prince Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration
Immediate Family
ex-wife's daughter
About Prince Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration
Prince Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration was a Russian general, prominent during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars.
The Bagrationi (Bagration) Dynasty
i) General H.H.E. Prince Petri Bagrationi [Kniaz Peotr Ivanovitch Bagration]. b. at Kizlyar, 1765, educ. privately. Entered the Russian army as Sgt. Kavsansk Rifles 21/2/1782, served in the Turkish and Persian wars, prom. Capt. 1792, transf. Kiev Cav. Regt. 1792, prom. Maj. en seconde 1792, transf. as first Maj. Sofiiskii Carabineers 4/5/1794, prom. Lieut-Col. 15/10/1794, prom. Col. 1798, cdt. 6th Chasseurs 1798-1799, prom. Maj-Gen. 1799, served in Swiss and Italian campaigns 1799 in the actions at Breshia, Lecco, Adda River, capture of Milan, Tidone and the Swiss campaign, cdt. Chasseurs of the Imperial Guard 1801-1801, GOC Jager bde. 1802-1805, cdr. Advance guard at Austerlitz 1805, prom. Lieut-Gen. 1805, cdr. 21st Inf. Dvsn. 1808, served in Swedish campaign 1808-1809 capturing the Aland islands, Vasa and Kristianstadt, prom. Gen. of Inf. 1809, C-in-C Moldavia 1809-1810, served in Turkish campaign, C-in-C 2nd (Western) Army 1812. Granted the hereditary title of a Prince of the Russian Empire as Kniaz Bagration by Emperor Paul, 4th October 1800 o.s. Rcvd: Knt. of the Orders of St Andrew (1810), St Alexander Nevski (1807), St Vladimir 1st class (1809), St Anne 1st class (1800), and St George 2nd class (1805), Cdr. of Justice of the Order of St John of Malta (1800), and a gold sword of honour for bravery (1808). m. Princess Ekaterina Pavlovna (b. 1783; m. second., at Paris, 11th January 1830, General The Rt Hon John Hobart (Caradoc), 2nd Baron Howden, GCB, KH, and d.s.p.at Venice, 21st May 1857), daughter of Count Pavel Vassilievitch Skavronskii, by his wife, Countess Ekaterina Vassilievna, daughter of Vassili Engelhardt. He d. from wounds received at the battle of Borodino, at Sima, 12th September 1812 o.s. (bur. at the Field of Borodino 1832), having had issue, an only daughter:
(1) Princess Marie-Clementine. b. at Vienna, 29th September 1810. m. 12th July 1828, Otto, Count Blome (d. at Salzau, Probstierhagen, Germany, 1st October 1795; d. there, 1st June 1884), eldest son of Friedrich, Count Blome, by his wife, Countess Charlotte Juliane, née von Platen zu Hallermund. She d. at Paris, 12th July 1828 (or 26th May 1829 - Toumanoff), having had issue, one son.
Son des Fürsten Iwane Bagration aus der königlichen Dynastie der Greorgischen Bagratien. Im jahr 1801 annektierte Zar Paul l das Königreich Georgien, das unter König Herakleios ll aus dem Hause Bagration mit der Zarin Katharina ll einen Schutzvertrag geschlossen hatte. Eine Verschwöring gegen den Zaren, der sich mit Napoleon Bonaparte gegen Großbritannien verbünden wollte und an der er beteilgt gewesen war, zwang das Ehepaar zur Flucht aus Russland. Im Jahre 1810 Machte er den Feldzug gegen die Türken an der Donau mit, und zu anfange des gegenwärtigen Krieges commandierte er das fünfte Armee-coprs, bestehend aus 40.000 Mann, und hatte bereits mehreren Gefechten mit Glück beygewohnt, als er am 7. September 1812 in der Schlacht an der Moskwa schwer blessirt wurde, und bald derauf an den Folgen der erhaltenen Wunden starb.
О князе Петре Ивановиче Багратионе-Мухранском (русский)
Пётр Иванович Багратион — генерал от инфантерии, шеф лейб-гвардии Егерского полка, главнокомандующий 2-й Западной армией в начале Отечественной войны 1812 года.
Prince Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration's Timeline
1765 |
June 29, 1765
Kizlyar, gorod Kizlyar, Georgien (Georgia)
1805 |
Novyy Usad, Arzamassky District, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, Russia (Russian Federation)
1810 |
Novyy Usad, Arzamassky District, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, Russia (Russian Federation)
1812 |
September 12, 1812
Age 47
Sima, Yuryev-Polsky District, Vladimir Oblast, Российская империя (Russian empire)
???? |