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Bagration Genealogy and Bagration Family History Information

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  • Bagrat de Bagration y Baviera (1949 - 2017)
    de Bagration y de Baviera, also Bagrat Bagration-Moukhransky, Prince Bagration-Moukhransky (born 12 January 1949) is Spanish-Georgian nobleman, member of the House of Mukhrani.LifeHe was born in Madrid...
  • Kethevana Princess Bagration-Muchransky
    Princess Ketevan Bagration of Mukhrani also known as Khétévane Bagrationi–Orsini, Ketevan Bagrationi–Mukhraneli, or Ketevan Bagrationi–Mukhranbatoni (Georgian: ქეთევან ბაგრატიონ–მუხრანელი) (born July...
  • Prince Nikolay Georgievich Bagration (1865 - 1933)
    Niko Bagrationi (Georgian: ნიკო ბაგრატიონი; Russian: Николай Багратион, Nikolay Georgievich Bagration) (1868–1933) was a Georgian nobleman who fought as a volunteer officer in the Boer army during the ...
  • Prince Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration (1765 - 1812)
    Prince Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration was a Russian general, prominent during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. The Bagrationi (Bagration) Dynasty GENEALOGY i) General H.H.E. Prince Petri ...
  • Princess of Russia Tatiana Constantinovna (1890 - 1979)
    Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Ask * Wikipedia * Artikels in russia: #1 #2

About the Bagration surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Bagration surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Bagration surname.

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