Hannu Karpo
(1942 - 2025)
Hannu Karpo (s. 5. maaliskuuta 1942 Helsinki) oli suomalainen toimittaja. Karpo teki pitkän ja monipuolisen uran televisiotoimittajana yli 50 vuoden ajan. Jäädessään eläkkeelle vuonna 2007 hän totesi o...
Tommy Cash
Tommy Cash (mõnikord kirjapildiga TOMM¥ €A$H , sünninimega Tomas Tammemets ; sündinud 18. novembril 1991 Tallinnas) on Eesti räppar, kontseptuaalkunstnik, tantsija ja moedisainer.
Tomas Tammemets (bo...
Tapani Kansa
(1949 - 2025)
Tapani Kansa on kuollut – Iskelmälaulajan värikäs ura kesti yli 50 vuotta
Wikipedia: Aarne Tapani Kansa (9. maaliskuuta 1949 Hamina – 25 maaliskuu 2025) oli suomalainen laulaja. Häntä pidetään ensisi...
 Charlemagne denier (a silver coin) coined in Mainz from 812 to 814, today at the Cabinet des Médailles in Paris. By PHGCOM - Own work by uploader, photographed at Cabinet des Médailles, Paris., Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5729324
(c.747 - 814)
Charlemagne's signature -monogram of Charlemagne, from the subscription of a royal diploma:
Charlemagne (English: Charles the Great, German: Karl der Grosse, French: Charles le Grand, Latin: Carolu...
Minna Canth
(1844 - 1897)
Kirjailija, tasa-arvon puolustaja
Canth, Minna (1844 - 1897) Daniel Nyblin 1887. SKS, Kirjallisuusarkisto.
Minna Canth on Suomen ensimmäinen huomattava naiskirjailija. Hän kirjoitti novelleja, pieno...
Alexander Stubb, 13th President of Finland
Helsinki, Finland
Wikipedia: Cai-Göran Alexander Stubb (Finland Swedish pronunciation: [kai jœːran aleksˈandær stʉb], born 1 April 1968) is the 13th and current President of Finland, having won the 2024 presidential ele...
 Photo by Daniel Torok. Public domain. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:TrumpPortrait_(cropped).jpg
Donald J. Trump, 45th and 47th President of the United States
Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Donald John Trump is an American politician, media personality, and businessman who is the 47th and current president of the United States. A member of the Republican Party, he previously served as the...
Timothy Lennart Kopra
Knight Klas Pedersson Fleming
(c.1360 - c.1427)
Valtaneuvos, laamanni, ritari. Riksråd, lagman, riddare. Fleming-suvun ensimmäinen jäsen Suomessa. V.1386 F. Kallundborgissa Tanskassa tunnustaa saaneensa Margareeta kuningattarelta osan tälle lainaami...
Elisabeth Rehn
Helsingfors, Finland
Har varit försvarsminister och presidentkandidat i Finlandwas the first woman to become Minister of Defence in Finland. In 1994 she was a candidate in the presidential election.
Petteri Orpo
Antti Petteri Orpo (Finnish pronunciation: [ ˈɑntːi ˈpetːeri ˈorpo ]; born 3 November 1969) is a Finnish politician serving as the Prime Minister of Finland since 2023 and as the leader of the National...
Charles I, last Emperor of Austria-Hungary
(1887 - 1922)
Golden Fleece - Grand Masters======Golden Fleece - Knights: Austrian Branch=====Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia ==Karl I. (Österreich-Ungarn)==* Full name; German - Karl I. Franz Joseph Lud...
Albert Einstein
(1879 - 1955)
Albert Einstein (14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955; Hebrew: אלברט איינשטיין) the first child of the Jewish couple Hermann and Pauline Einstein, nee Koch was born in Ulm, Württemberg Germany and is often re...
(1964 - 2005)
Kirsi Hannele Sirén, o.s. Viilonen oli iskelmälaulaja, joka taiteilijanimellä Kikka tuli tunnetuksi seksipommi-imagostaan ja vihjailevia sanoituksia sisältäneistä iskelmistään.
Kai Korte...
Jakob Per Anders Norrgård
KAJ - Bara Bada Bastu | Sweden 🇸🇪
Jakob Norrgård, född 22 mars 1993 i Maxmo i västra Finland, är en finlandssvensk artist och komiker. Han är sedan år 2009 medlem i humorgruppen KAJ, som u...
 Photo by Joel Rouse of the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence; retouched by Wikipedia user nagualdesign. Licensed under the United Kingdom Open Government Licence v3.0 (OGL v.3). Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Queen_Elizabeth_II_in_March_2015.jpg#mw-jump-to-license
Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom
(1926 - 2022)
Queen Elizabeth II (1926 - 2022) Thursday, 8 September 2022: The Queen died peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon.
The King and The Queen Consort will remain at Balmoral this evening and will return t...
Baron C. G. E. Mannerheim, 6th President of Finland
(1867 - 1951)
Utöver framstående militär och statsman, var Mannerheim dessutom storviltjägare, upptäcktsresande, gourmet och kvinnokarl. Efter en orolig uppväxttid, familjen skingrades och Mannerheim relegerades vid...
Queen Maria of Yugoslavia
(1900 - 1961)
Wikipedia links: Български , Bosanski , Česky , Deutsch English , Français , עברית , Magyar , Hrvatski , Italiano , 日本語 , Nederlands , Polski , Português , Română , Русский , Српски / Srpski , Svenska ...
 Photo by Isaac Mayne / DCMS. Public Domain Mark 1.0. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Waving_from_Buckingham_Palace_Balcony_(52877352018)_(cropped).jpg
Charles III, King of the United Kingdom
London, Greater London, United Kingdom
Charles III Charles III (Charles Philip Arthur George; born 14 November 1948) is King of the United Kingdom and 14 other Commonwealth realms . He acceded to the throne on 8 September 2022 upon the deat...
William "the Conqueror", king of England
(1024 - 1087)
Guillaume 'le Conquérant' FitzRobert, Duc de Normandie, Roi d'Angleterre , in English: William the Conqueror, King of England ===Parents===Robert 'le Diable', Duc de Normandie & his mistress Herlève de...
Eleanor d'Aquitaine, Queen Consort of England
(1122 - 1204)
Eleanor of Aquitaine (Aliénor d'Aquitaine in French), Duchess of Aquitaine and Gascony and Countess of Poitou (1122[1] – April 1, 1204) was one of the wealthiest and most ...
Arkkiatri Arvo Ylppö
(1887 - 1992)
Talollisen poika Akaan Toijalasta, lastentautiopin professori Helsingissä, arkkiatri 1952 - 1992
Akaa syntyneet 1845-1889 (AP I C:6) Sivu 646-647 ; SSHY / Viitattu 27.08.2021
Jakob Kurki till Koljala i Vanaja
(bef.1325 - 1383)
Alilaamanni. Satakunta.Jakob Kurki, hoiti laamannin virkaa 27.2.1362 Nils Turenpojan (Bielke) puolesta; 20.6.1373 Turussa kaupanvahvistajana; 26.1.1383 vahvistettiin rajalinja Jakobin omistaman Vanajan...
Carl XVI Gustaf, Kung av Sverige
Stockholm, Sverige
Name/Title: Carl Gustaf Folke Hubertus, Duke of Jämtland, Prince of Sweden.*King of Sweden 15 september 1973.*Knights of the Order of the Golden Fleece-Spain (1183) - 1983 *Knights of the Order of the ...
 CC BY-SA 4.0 Perussuomalaiset r.p.
Riikka Katariina Purra ent Niskakari
Suomalainen politiikko ja kansanedustaja. Vuodesta 2021 Perussuomalaisten puheenjohtaja. Valtiotieteiden maisteri Turun yliopistosta.
Lähteet ja lisätietoa
Wikipedia: Riikka...
 Photo by Michael Shick. CC BY 2.0. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:George_Foreman_2009.jpg
George Foreman
(1949 - 2025)
George Edward Foreman (January 10, 1949 – March 21, 2025) was an American professional boxer, entrepreneur, minister, and author. In boxing, he competed between 1967 and 1997 and was nicknamed "Big Geo...
Saint Patrick of Ireland
(aft.367 - 461)
St. Patrick of Ireland Saint Patrick (Latin: Sanctus Patricius, Irish: Naomh Pádraig), born in Kilpatrick near Dumbarton in Scotland c. 387 – died at Saul, Downpatrick, Ireland 17 March 460/1. He was a...
Max von Sydow
(1929 - 2020)
Max von Sydow vɒn ˈsiːdoʊ; Swedish: fɔn ˈsyːdɔv; born Carl Adolf von Sydow; 10 April 1929) is a Swedish actor who became a French citizen in 2002. He has appeared in many European and American films...
Robert I the Bruce, King of Scots
(1274 - 1329)
Robert I of Scotland
Roibeard Brús
Raibeart I na h-Alba
Robert I av Skottland
English Monarchs, The House of Bruce, Robert the Bruce
Henry VIII, King of England
(1491 - 1547)
Henry VIII of England Henry VIII was King of England from 21 April 1509 until his death. He was also Lord of Ireland (later King of Ireland) and claimant to the Kingdom of France. Henry was the second ...
Axel Johannes Åhman
KAJ - Bara Bada Bastu | Sweden 🇸🇪
Axel Åhman, född 6 februari 1993 i Vörå i västra Finland, är en finlandssvensk författare, komiker och journalist. Han är sedan år 2009 medlem i humorgrup...
Grand Duchess Alexandra Iosifovna of Russia
(1830 - 1911)
Alexandra Friederike Henriette Pauline Marianne Elisabeth princess of Sachsen-Altenburg.*By marriage Alexandra Iosifowna (Александра Иосифовна) Grand duchess of Russia.==Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall...
Akseli Gallen-Kallela
(1865 - 1931)
Akseli Gallen-Kallela kuuluu Suomen merkittävimpiin kuvataiteilijoihin. Ennen kaikkea hän oli suomalaiskansallisen taiteen uranuurtaja ja tärkein kehittäjä; kansallisromantiikaksi kutsuttu visuaalinen ...
Urho Kaleva Kekkonen, 8th president of Finland
(1900 - 1986)
(Ia.) Pielavesi, syntyneet 3.9.1900:
Pielavesi > syntyneet, 1892-1904 > Sivu 559 280: :
(Ib.) Pielavesi, lastenkirja 1891-1900:
(Ic.) 1891-1900: Pielavesi, Pielavesi 5, j758:
 Museovirasto, Historian kuvakokoelma, HK19650812:69.
Elias Lönnrot
(1802 - 1884)
Kielentutkija, lääkäri, Suomen kielen professori. Lääketieteen tohtori, historian-filosofian kunniatohtori.
Tämän kansallisesti merkittävän suurmiehen syntymänimi oli muodossa Elias Lönroth. Kuolle...
Kevin Holmström
KAJ - Bara Bada Bastu | Sweden 🇸🇪
Kevin Holmström, född 12 december 1993 i Komossa utanför Oravais i västra Finland, är en finlandssvensk artist och komiker. Han är sedan år 2009 medlem i ...
Edward III, king of England
(1312 - 1377)
"Edward III (13 November 1312 – 21 June 1377) was King of England from 1327 until his death; he is noted for his military success and for restoring royal authority after the disastrous reign of his fat...
Harry Houdini
(1874 - 1926)
Death certificate say born in Appleton, WI, USA:
Births: 392 row
Harry Houdini (1874 - 1926) , considered one of the greatest illusionists in history, was a Hungarian-born American magician and esc...
Erika Vikman
Erika Susanna Vikman (Finnish pronunciation: [ ˈeːrikɑ ˈsusɑnːɑ ˈʋiːkmɑn ]; born 20 February 1993) is a Finnish singer and songwriter. Beginning her career as a Finnish tango singer, Vikman first recei...
Paavo Tapio Lipponen
Suomen pääministeri (1995-2003), Eduskunnan puhemies (2003-2007), Suomen Sosialidemokraattisen Puoleen puheenjohtaja (1993-2005), energiateollisuuden konsultti. Helsinki.
Prime Minister of Finland (1...
 Unknown artist; stained glass window at Tewkesbury Abbey, as published in 1843 by Henry Shaw.
Gilbert de Clare, 7th Earl of Gloucester
(1243 - 1295)
"Gilbert de Clare, 6th Earl of Hertford, 7th Earl of Gloucester (2 September 1243 – 7 December 1295) was a powerful English noble. Also known as "Red" Gilbert de Clare or "The red earl", probably becau...
Jean Sibelius
(1865 - 1957)
Jean Sibelius , born Johan Julius Christian Sibelius (8 December 1865 – 20 September 1957), was a Finnish composer and violinist of the late Romantic and early-modern periods. He is widely recognized a...
Michael I of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, King of Romania
(1921 - 2017)
Michael Prince(prinz) von Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen.*King of Romania 20 July 1927.*Abdicated as King of Romania, when his father returned to Romania and took over on 8 June 1930.*King of Romania on 6 Se...
Gange-Hrólfr 'Rollo' Ragnvaldsson
(c.860 - 931)
Among biographical remarks about Rollo written by the cleric Dudo of Saint-Quentin in the late 10th century, he claimed that Rollo was from Dacia (Latin name for Denmark at that time), and had moved fr...
Edgar I "The Peaceful", King of the English
(943 - 975)
Links:==* The Peerage * Wikipedia * Medlands * King of the English: Reign 1 October 959 – 8 July 975> Predecessor: Eadwig "The Fair" Successor: Edward the Martyr
Wyatt Earp
(1848 - 1929)
Wyatt Berry Stapp Earp (1848 – 1929) was an American farmer, teamster, buffalo hunter, officer of the law in various Western frontier towns, gambler, saloon-keeper, and miner. He is best known for his ...
Therese Johaug
Therese ble Verdensmester på 30 km fristil fellesstart og i stafett i Oslo 2011 (den 5.mars 2011.) Over 100.000 mennesker var på plass i Oslo sentrum for å hylle henne, ved utdeling av gullmedaljen.VM-...
Alfred the Great, king of the Anglo-Saxons
(849 - 899)
Alfred the Great (Old English: Ælfrēd[a], Ælfrǣd, "elf counsel" or "wise elf"; 849 – 26 October 899) was King of Wessex from 871 to 899.
Alfred, also spelled Aelfred, byname Alfred the Great, (born 84...
Ragnar 'Lodbrok' Sigurdsson King of Denmark and Norway
(aft.749 - aft.845)
The legendary Ragnar Sigurdson Lothbrok is a mythical viking primarily depicted by the two sagas Ragnar’s Tale and The Tale of Ragnar’s Sons . Heimskringla, Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks, Sögubrot af nokkr...
King Gustav I Eriksson Vasa, King of Sweden
(1496 - 1560)
Gustav I Eriksson Vasa, King of Sweden
Son of Erik Johansson Vasa and Cecilia Magnusdotter (Eka)
Gustav I, born Gustav Eriksson of the Vasa noble family and later known as Gustav Vasa (12 May 1496[...
 Photo by Elena Ternovaja. CC BY-SA 3.0. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Matt_Damon,_Berlinale_2023_(cropped).jpg
Matt Damon
Matthew Paige Damon is an American actor, writer and philanthropist whose career was launched following the success of the film Good Will Hunting, from a screenplay he wrote with friend Ben Affleck...
Jarl Birger Magnusson (Folkungaätten)
(c.1210 - 1266)
Archaeological examination of the alleged tomb showed YDNA Haplo group I1 (I-M253) and MtDNA Haplo group H. Source: jarl , död 1266, statsman, enligt traditionen av Folkungaätten, Sveriges styresman 12...
Fred Rogers ("Mister Rogers")
(1928 - 2003)
McFeely Rogers (March 20, 1928 – February 27, 2003) was an American educator, Presbyterian minister, songwriter, author, and television host. Rogers was most famous for creating and hosting Mister Roge...
Charles Martel
(676 - 741)
Charles "The Hammer" Martel was the defacto King of the Franks from 737-741 (Officially he was Duke and Prince of the Franks). He was also known as a great general, and is most famous for his vict...
Louis I, The Pious
(778 - 840)
Louis I, The Pious
FMG: Franks: Carolingian Kings (26 Jul 2020) Kings of the Franks 751-840 (Carolingians) .
LOUIS [Hludowic] , son of CHARLES I King of the Franks & his second wife Hildegard (C...
 François Clouet, "Francis II, King of France, and his wife, Mary Stuart, Queen of France and Scotland," from a miniature in Catherine de' Medici's Book of Hours, BnF, NAL 83, folio 154 v.
Mary I, Queen of Scots
(1542 - 1587)
Find-A-Grave Memorial Mary “Queen of Scots” Stuart Mary Stuart
The Rebbe R' Elimelech of Lizensk
(c.1720 - 1787)
Family Tree , Family Tree Chart * www.Lizensk.com * Hachnasas Orchim Lizensk * Bio - Wikipedia
Anders Gregersson Garp
(b. - aft.1494)
Äldre svenska frälsesläkter I:2, s. 148-153. Gregersson Garp, asemies, peri 23.11.1447 isänsä testamentilla puolet Vehmaan Koskesta ja saisi äitipuolensa jälkeen toisen puolen; katselmusmies 1462 Liedo...
Henry I "Beauclerc", King of England
(1068 - 1135)
"Beauclerc because of his study habits (Beauclerc meaning well-learnt, scholarly, erudite) Il est aussi connu sous le nom de Henri Ier de Normandie, roi d'Angleterre et Henri Ier, roi d' Angleterre dit...
Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia
(1868 - 1918)
Y-DNA R1b-U106 (needs source citation)
Nicholas II was the son of Alexander III Romanov, Tsar of Russia and Mariya Feodorovna Romanov
Nicholas II - Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russias: Reigned fr...
Prins Olof Daniel Westling Bernadotte, Prince, Duke of Västergötland
Haga, Stockholm, Sverige
Links:==*Wikipedia Swedish English Norwegian Prins Olof Daniel, född Olof Daniel Westling 15 september 1973 i Örebro, är en svensk idrottspedagog, entreprenör, prins och riddare. Han är även hertig av ...
Hannele Pokka
Hannele Pokka on suomalainen poliitikko ja ympäristöministeriön kansliapäällikkö vuodesta 2008. Hän oli keskustan kansanedustaja vuosina 1979–1994 ja Ahon hallituksen oikeusministeri vuosina 1991–1994....
Vesa Juhani Enne
(1947 - 1997)
Perhe Enne muutti Helsingistä Raumalle 15.6.1948.Lainaus Wikipedia.LapsitähtiVesa Enne oli Reino Helismaan löytö kesän 1959 ”Hyppy huipulle” -kykyjenmetsästyskisasta, jossa vasta 12-vuotias poika laulo...
Edward I "Longshanks", King of England
(1239 - 1307)
Edward I "Longshanks", King of England
Son of Henry III, King of England and Eleanor of Provence, Queen Consort of England
Biography English Monarch. The eldest son of Henry III and Eleanor of Pr...
Harald "Blue Tooth", king of Denmark
(bef.935 - bef.986)
GORM "den Gamle/the Old" King of Denmark
x Tyre "Danebod"
HARALD Gormsen ([925/35]-Jomsborg 1 Dec [986/87], bur Roskilde Cathedral). HARALD I "Blåtand/Bluetooth" King of Denmark. Adam of Bremen re...
John I "Lackland", King of England
(1166 - 1216)
alternate birth location detailsKings Manor House, Oxford, Oxfordshire, Englandseveral sources also give his birth year as 1167other possible death date ; 19 October 1216===============================...
James IV, king of Scots
(1473 - 1513)
James IV Stewart, King of Scots was born on 17 March 1473 at Stirling Castle, Scotland and died on 9 September 1513 at The Battle of Flodden Field, Northumberland, England. His body was lost but his he...
Lauri Saatpalu
Lauri Saatpalu on eesti muusik, laulukirjutaja ja näitleja
Poja surm (fotoga) -
Carol II Caraiman of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, King of Romania
(1893 - 1953)
Carol II von Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, King of Romania gained the title of Prinz von Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen. His marriage to Joana Maria Valentina Lambrino was annulled on 8 January 1919 because the ...
John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster, 1st Earl of Richmond
(1340 - 1399)
JOHN "of Gaunt", St Bavon’s Abbey, Ghent [Feb/Mar] 1340-[Leicester Castle or Ely Place, Holborn, London] 3/4 Feb 1399, bur Old St Paul’s Cathedral, London)
s/o EDWARD III King of England & Philippa d...
Sweyn I "Forkbeard", king of Denmark, Norway & England
(c.960 - 1014)
I Forkbeard====Svend I Tveskæg====Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Kings of Denmark * Wikipedia: English Dansk
 Photo by Flickr user greg2600. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Greg_and_Pamela_Anderson_(41961859304)_(cropped).jpg#mw-jump-to-license
Pamela Anderson
Pamela Denise Anderson (born July 1, 1967) is a Canadian-American actress, model, producer, author, activist, and former showgirl, best known for her roles in TV series Home Improvement, Baywatch, and ...
 Diana, Princess of Wales © John Mathew Smith of www.celebrity-photos.com, 2010. CC BY-SA 2.0. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Diana,_Princess_of_Wales_1997_(2).jpg#mw-jump-to-license
Diana, Princess of Wales
(1961 - 1997)
Diana, Princess of Wales (Diana Frances; née Spencer), was a member of the British royal family as the first wife of Charles, Prince of Wales, the heir apparent to the British throne. She is the mother...
 Portrait by Pelegrí Clavé. Public domain. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Retrato_de_Benito_Ju%C3%A1rez,_1861-1862.png
Benito Juárez, Presidente de México
(1806 - 1872)
Abogado y político mexicano, de origen indígena zapoteca, Presidente de México en varias ocasiones del 18 de diciembre de 1857 al 18 de julio de 1872. Peleó y derrotó al segundo emperador Mexicano Maxi...
Napoléon I, emperor of the French
(1769 - 1821)
Napoléon Bonaparte (15 August 1769 – 5 May 1821), was a military and political leader of France and Emperor of the French as Napoleon I, whose actions shaped European politics in the early 19th century...
Thomas Cromwell, 1st Earl of Essex
(1486 - 1540)
Wikipedia: English
Thomas Cromwell born c. 1485 at Putney, Middlesex, England, executed July 28, 1540, at Tower Hill, Tower of London, Middlesex, England, age 55
Thomas Cromwell was an English stat...
Prince of Kiev Volodymyr Sviatoslavich
(956 - 1015)
Vladimir the Great was Prince of Novgorod, Grand Prince of Kiev, and ruler of Kievan Rus' from 980 to 1015.
Saint Vladimir Svyatoslavich the Great, also sometimes spelled Volodymer (Old East Slav...
(c.758 - 783)
Hildegard of Vinzgouw
Daughter of Gerold, count in Kraichgau and Anglachgau and Emma, of Alemannia,
Hildegard, 3rd partner & 2nd wife of Charlemagne Birth, Parents & Siblings [Charlemagne] m seco...
Robert II, King of Scots
(1316 - 1390)
"Robert II, also remembered as Robert the Steward, was the King of Scots who ruled from 1371 to his death. He was the only child of Walter Stewart, 6th High Steward of Scotland and his first wife Marjo...
Robert I, king of West Francia
(866 - 923)
M. Angel notes: Robert I was never a Capet (this was a family name created by Hugh Capet, based on a place name). The name of his family or dynasty was "Robertian" (from Robert Le Fort, his father). He...
 Photo by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc. Public domain status confirmed by Library of Congress. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Elvis_Presley_promoting_Jailhouse_Rock.jpg
Elvis Presley
(1935 - 1977)
Elvis Aaron Presley , in the humblest of circumstances, was born to Vernon and Gladys Presley in a two-room house in Tupelo, Mississippi on January 8, 1935. His twin brother, Jessie Garon, was stillbor...
Aleksis Kivi
(1834 - 1872)
Kirjailija. Tuusula.
Författare. Tusby, Finland.
Author. Tuusula, Finland.
Aleksis Kivi (oikealta nimeltään Alexis Stenvall, 10. lokakuuta 1834 Nurmijärvi – 31. joulukuuta 1872 Tuusula) ...
Olof Jönsson Tavast
(c.1332 - bef.1402)
Rikas maanomistaja, rälssimies. Tawast-suvun kantaisä.
Rik jordägare, frälseman. Stamfader för Tavast-ätten.
Rich land owner, noble man. Ancestor for Tavast family.
HUOM! Olof Jönsson Tavasti...
Christian Frellavson Frille
(c.1350 - 1418)
Kristiern Frellavsen , af dansk adlig börd. Fogde på Ribehus 1382. Fick 1408 en attest af borgmästare och råd i Ribe, att han var född af »gode riddare och knaegte»; † 1418 20/1 begrafven i Ribe domkyr...
Allen Owl
(c.1890 - 1964)
Allen Owl was an Eastern Band Cherokee man
The common perception of why the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians' ancestors remained in North Carolina after the Trail of Tears in the 1830s is that many of...
Henry II "Curtmantle", King of England
(1133 - 1189)
The first Plantagenet King .. Henry II
Genealogy From Medlands :
HENRI d’Anjou, son of GEOFFROY "le Bel/Plantagenet" Comte d'Anjou et de Maine & his wife [Empress] Matilda [Maud] of England (Le M...
Paavo Väyrynen
VTT Paavo Väyrysen esivanhemmat löytyvät osoitteestaVäyrysen esivanhemmista löytyy myös Ilta-Sanomista 18.01.2012.* *
Pépin, king of Italy
(aft.773 - 810)
Pepin Carloman, son of Charlemagne & Hildegard* born as Carloman but renamed / baptized Pepin* had no legitimate children. By mistresses (one of whom was likely Bertha of Toulouse), he fathered a son, ...
Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan (born Robert Allen Zimmerman ; Hebrew name: Shabtai Zisel ; May 24, 1941) is an American singer-songwriter, artist and writer, and Nobel laureate. He has been influential in popular music and...
Magnus III of Sweden
(c.1241 - 1290)
: 892 Utfärdat: 12690531, Löing Innehåll: Hertig Magnus bortbyter till Peter Israelsson (Finstaätten) jord i (Eds socken, Sollentuna härad) mot jord i Väsby (Munsö socken, Färentuna härad).
Harald III "Hardrada" King of Norway.
(c.1015 - 1066)
Harald Hardråde Sigurdsson (Haraldur Sigurðarson)
Son of Sigurd Halvdansson and Åsta Gudbrandsdóttir, Queen of Norway
Harald Sigurdsson, also known as Harald of Norway (Old Norse: Haraldr Sigurðars...
Igor Taro
Põlva, Põlva County, Estonia
Igor Taro (sündinud 1. augustil 1981) on Eesti ajakirjanik ja riigiametnik.
Erik Ångerman
(c.1480 - aft.1552)
Viimeisimmät tiedot Erikin ja perheen vaiheistä lähteiden valossa:Genos 2017:1, s. 2-19 - Tiina Miettinen: Sursill-suvun alkupolvet Uumajassa ja Pohjanmaalla.-------------------------------------------...
 Puke Ariki, Accession Number A65.958.
Major Kemp
(c.1824 - 1898)
Te Rangihiwinui, also known as Taitoko and later as Te Keepa, or Major Kemp, is thought to have been born in the first half of the 1820s at Tūwhakatupua, on the Manawatū River, near Ōpiki. His mother w...
Grover Cleveland, 22nd and 24th President of the United States
(1837 - 1908)
: 18 March 1837 Birthplace: Caldwell, New Jersey Died: 24 June 1908 (heart failure) Best Known As: The 22nd and 24th president of the United States Grover Cleveland is the only U.S. president ever to s...
Jaakko Pentinpoika Ilkka
(c.1540 - 1597)
Ilmajoen Ilkan isäntä, nimismies, maakauppias, nuijasodan päällikkö
Ilkan isäntäluetteloa ainakin 1546-1634
Ilmajoen Kokkolan kylän Ilkka (talon nimi mainittiin ensimmäisen kerran vasta vuonna 1591...
James V, King of Scots
(1512 - 1542)
James V Stewart, King of Scots was born on 10 April 1512 in Linlithgow Palace, West Lothian, Scotland and died on 14 December 1542 in Falkland Palace, Fife, Scotland and was buried in Holyrood Abbey, E...
P.M. Arvid Posse
(1820 - 1901)
Adelsvapen * Wikipedia * Arvid R F Posse, Svenskt biografiskt lexikon (art av Sven Anders Söderpalm), hämtad 2018-02-10.* Svenskt PorträttArkiv Count Arvid Rutger Fredriksson Posse (February 15, 1820-A...
Michael Thomas, Sr.
(c.1720 - 1799)
2 wives. 23 children
per Germanna Foundation research.
Biography Michael Thomas was born circa 1720 in Culpeper County, Virginia, Colonial America. His parents were Johannes Wendel Thoma, Sr. and ...
Sweyn II Estridson, King of Denmark
(1019 - 1074)
Svend Estridsen/Svend den Yngre====Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Kings of Denmark * Wikipedia: English Dansk * Biografi på dansk