Jeffrey Dahmer
(1960 - 1994)
Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer (May 21, 1960 – November 28, 1994) was an American serial killer and sex offender. Dahmer murdered 17 men and boys – many of whom were of African or Asian descent – between 1978 a...
Sir Walter de Chesney
(1020 - c.1086)
Leo VI 'The Wise' Byzantine Emperor
(866 - 912)
The identity of his father is uncertain. His mother was the wife of Basil I but mistress of Michael III . Leo VI "the Wise" or "the Philosopher" (Greek: Λέων ΣΤ΄, Leōn VI), (September 19, 866 – May 11,...
Väinö Linna
(1920 - 1992)
Väinö Valtteri Linna was Finnish author and academian. He is best known by his works that represent Finnish history, The Unknown Soldier and Under the North Star trilogy .
Ebbe Skjalmsen Hvide
(1085 - 1150)
Ebbe Skjalmsen (Hvide) Skjalm Hvides efterslægt II - EBBE-LINJEN.
Død 1150-1151
Begravet Sorø Klosterkirke, Alsted, Sorø, Danmark
Far: Skjalm Hvide , d. eft. 1102
Mor: N.N.
Notater Må have ejet e...
Elizabeth Bourchier
(c.1441 - 1516)
Individual Record FamilySearch™ Ancestral File v4.19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elizabeth DINHAM (AFN: 9F9L-RK) Pedigree Sex: F Family -------------...
Anders Pedersson i Grubbe
(c.1470 - c.1543)
Inga källor finns till Anders Pederssons i Grubbe föräldrar eller ursprung. ________________________________________________________________________
Anders Persson Grubb anställdes som Lagman och Land...
Krister Simonsson Agricola
(1593 - 1662)
Kirkkoherra. Uskela.
Kyrkoherde. Uskela, Finland.
Vicar. Uskela, Finland.
Agricola, Christiernus Simonis (1593–1662)
Christianus Simonis, Christiern / Krister Simonsson
S 1593. V tallimestari...
Elizabeth Basset(born Cordell)
(aft.1645 - c.1700)
John Baskett (c 1642 - 1686) married (1) ______ ______ in 1671, and (2) Elizabeth Cordwell in 1679.
Father of six children, three by each wife.
“His widow Elizabeth Guthrie (Baskett) marr...
Bernie Sanders, U.S. Senator
Bernard "Bernie" Sanders (born September 8, 1941) is an American politician and the junior United States senator from Vermont. He was a candidate for the Democratic nomination for President of the Unit...
Count Axel Oxenstierna, to Södermöre
(1583 - 1654)
Sir Robert Bruce of Airth, Kt
(1395 - 1449)
of Clackmannanref ILG*____________* 'Sir Robert Bruce1 *Father Sir Edward Bruce1* ' Sir Robert Bruce married Janet Livingstone, daughter of Sir Alexander Livingston, Lord Callendar, Justiciary and (Mis...
Albrecht I von Österreich, Roman-German King
(1255 - 1308)
Albrecht I. (HRR) aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie Wechseln zu: Navigation, Suche Albrecht I. von Habsburg König Albrecht schickt wegen seiner Kaiserkrönung einen Boten zu Papst Bonifatius, nicht...
Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
London, England, United Kingdom
Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson (born 19 June 1964) is a British politician, writer, and former journalist, who has served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Leader of the Conservative Part...
King Ivar "Vidfamne" Halfdansson
(c.612 - c.647)
Halvdansson 'Vidfamne' Ívarr inn víðfaðmi (Icelandic)== Basics ==* Father: Halfdan "Snälle" "The Valiant" Haraldsson (Sogubrot, Heimskringla, Hervarar Saga)* Mother: Moalda "Digri" (source unclear)* Wi...
National Library of Scotland
License: CC BY 4.0; http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
James Hamilton of Aikenhead
(b. - bef.1633)
JAMES HAMILTON OF AIKENHEAD Merchant in Glasgow; Burgess and Guild Brother of Glasgow: Sometime Provost of Glasgow James Hamilton of Aikenhead, here treated, is the son of James Hamilton of Torrance an...
Konstantin Nikolajewitsch Romanow
(1827 - 1892)
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Johann the Younger #1148 * Long bio * Wikipedia: English Deutsch
Vladislav II, King of Bohemia
(1456 - 1516)
Vladislaus II, also known as Vladislav,[1][2] Wladyslaw[3] or Wladislas[4] (Hungarian: II. Ulászló; 1 March 1456 – 13 March 1516), was King of Bohemia from 1471 to 1516 and King of Hungary and of Croat...
Bob Marley
(1945 - 1981)
Nesta Robert Marley, OM (6 February 1945 – 11 May 1981), more widely and commonly known as Bob Marley, was a Jamaican singer-songwriter and musician. He was the lead singer, songwriter and guitarist fo...
Pope Leo XIII
(1810 - 1903)
Sources=* Pope Leo XIII, Wikipedia Em 1888, o Papa Leão XIII, na encíclica In Plurimis, dirigida aos bispos do Brasil, pediu-lhes apoio para o Imperador D. Pedro II e a sua filha a princesa D. Isabel, ...
Ulrich Tanner
(1600 - d.)
Mariet (Maria) Jakobsdotter
(c.1480 - aft.1529)
Enligt Klercker-Mattonska Samlingen levde Mariet ännu 1529. Gillingstam 1967-69, s. 34Skellefteå ifsMariet Jacobsdotter. Född i Bure, Skellefteå lfs. Dottersonen Andreas Laurentii uppges ha kallat sig ...
Maud Peverell, Lady of Whitting
(1075 - 1178)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Welsh Origins of the Peverel Family; . (Steven Ferry, April 15, 2020.)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Other "Sir Roger of Powys"; . (Steven Ferry, July 3, 2020.)
Dr. Chaim Azriel Weizmann
(1874 - 1952)
Chaim Azriel Weizmann, Hebrew: חיים עזריאל ויצמן, (27 November 1874 – 9 November 1952) was a Zionist leader, President of the Zionist Organization, and the first President of the State of Israel. He w...
Gödeke Henriksson Fincke
(c.1390 - bef.1467)
Maanomistaja. Omisti Poikon ja Viljaisten tilat Rymättylässä. Jordägare. Ägde Poikko och Villiais i Rimito socken, Finland. 'Landowner. Owned Poikko and Viljainen in Rymättylä, Finland. Fincke- suku po...
Lothair II, king of Lotharingia
(c.835 - 869)
6. LOTHAIRE ([835]-Piacenza 8 Aug 869, bur Convent of San Antonio near Piacenza). Regino names "Hludowicum, Hlotharium et Carolum" as the three sons of Emperor Lothaire & his wife[32]. "Lot...
John Gordon, Lord Gordon
(c.1477 - 1517)
Kinloss Abbey is a Cistercian abbey at Kinloss in the county of Moray, Scotland. The abbey was founded in 1150 by King David I
The County of Moray or Morayshire, called Elginshire until 1919,
JOHN ...
Robert de Condet (Cundy), Lord of Thorngate
(c.1106 - 1141)
Robert de CONDET [Parents] 1, 2 was born 1106 in Wickhambreux, Kent, England. He died 10 Oct 1141 in South Carlton, Lincolnshire, England. Robert married Adeliza la MESCHIN on 1137 in South Carlton, Li...
Wichmann IV (V) van Hamaland, graaf van Gent en Hamaland
(c.925 - bef.983)
Wichmann V, Graaf van Hamaland= MEGINHARD , son of MEGINHARD & his wife Evesa --- [870/80]-[after 938]).
Roricon, i comte du Maine
(b. - 839)
GAUSLIN , son of --- . He is named as father of Rorico in the charter dated 1 Mar 839, quoted below.
x ADELTRUDIS , daughter of ---. She is named as mother of Comte Rorico in the following charter...
Sueva Orsini
(c.1365 - 1422)
b) SVEVA (-after 28 Jan 1398).
m (8 Dec 1381) FRANCESCO del Balzo Duca di Andria, son of BERTRAND de Baux Conte d'Andria e Montescaglioso & his second wife Marguerite d'Aulnay ([1329/30]-1422)...
Lembit Ulfsak
(1947 - 2017)
Lembit Ulfsak oli eesti näitleja ja lavastaja. Ta on laulnud ansamblis Amor Trio.
Lembit Ulfsak - эстонский актер и режиссер
Rabbi Shmuel Treves
(b. - aft.1450)
ר' שמואל טרייביטש, מגדולי רבני איטליה
Astrid Lindgren
(1907 - 2002)
Astrid Lindgren grew up in Näs, near Vimmerby, Småland and many of her books are based on her family and childhood memories and landscapes. However, Pippi Longstocking, one of her most famous books, wa...
Erik Andersson Cajanus
(c.1628 - c.1691)
Taulu 3.
Aikaisemmin Cajanus-sukuun liitetty Gyllenhjerta-suku (ks. Eric Castrén, Historisk och oeconomisk beskrifning öfwer Cajanaborgs-län (1754) s. 43 "och kallades förr Gyllen hjerta") näyttää ol...
Stefan Vojislav Grand Zupan of Duklja
(c.995 - 1052)
Vojislav of Duklja * Prince of Serbia[2] * Prince of Duklja / Prince of the Serbs[1] * Reign 1018–1043 * Predecessor Dragomir * Successor Mihailo I ===Issue===# Gojislav# Predimir# Mihailo# Saganek# Ra...
Yves de Creil, seigneur de Bellême
(c.940 - c.1005)
From MedlandsIVES de Creil (-1005 or after). [Guillaume of Jumièges records that Louis IV King of the West Franks, after the death of Richard´s father, marched on Rouen, was received by “Rodulphus et B...
Hildegard von Stade, duchess of Saxony
(c.960 - 1011)
Birth year 978 or 974 is unprobable when her husband was born around 950. She had children born before 980.Uncertain mother; maybe Judith, countess of the Wetterau, as suggested by the LDS 974-1011 3.e...
Waldonius, count of Saint-Clair
(c.1005 - 1057)
(4/18/2017) It is noted below that Walderne came to England with William the Conqueror. However, this is impossible as William the Conqueror invaded England in 1066, and Walderne, according to this aut...
Maria von Hohenstaufen
(1201 - 1235)
FYI: Prior to 3/19/19 Photo image is actually Adelheid van Bourgondië not Maria von Hohenstaufen Janet Milburn
Maria von Hohenstaufen is my 23rd great grandmother.
Thomas Endicott, Sr.
(1737 - 1831)
Biography Thomas Endicott, Sr. was born on March 27, 1737 in Mount Holly Township, Burlington, New Jersey, British Colonial America. His parents were Joseph Endicott, Jr. and Ann (Gillam) Endecott . He...
Artur Aariste ← Blumvelt
(1911 - 2011)
Sünd 05.03.1911 (VKJ) ja märge perenime muutmise kohta: EAA.1233.1.103
Pere Kurisool: EAA.1233.1.109
Eestist lahkunud: ERA.4942.4.1
II maailmasõda; DP laagrid; sünni/perekonna üksikasjad Arolsen ...
Franklin Pierce, 14th President of the United States
(1804 - 1869)
Franklin Pierce (November 23, 1804 – October 8, 1869) was an American politician and the fourteenth President of the United States, serving from 1853 to 1857. To date, he is the only president from New...
Alexander Wright
(b. - 1911)
Alexander Wright and Susannah Hale
Alexander Wright b 1832 Russell Co VA d 9 Jul 1911; Wise Co VA; s/o John Wright and Martha Patsy McLaughlin. Alexander Wright m. 19 Oct 1853 Russell Co VA t...
Caractacus Gweirdd ap Cunobelin, King of the Catuvellauni
(10 - c.60)
Arvirargus (or Arviragus) was a legendary, and possibly historical, British king of the 1st century AD. A shadowy historical Arviragus is known only from a cryptic reference in a satirical poem by Juve...
Adele Koll
(1890 - 1975)
Adele Pärtelpoeg (alates 1909 Adele Koll ; 1. august (vkj)/ 13. august 1890 Kuremaa vald, Palamuse kihelkond, Tartumaa – 8. juuli 1975 Mareeba, Queensland, Austraalia) oli Raja Teele prototüüp.
Bryachislav Izyaslavich of Polotsk
(c.997 - 1044)
Bryachislav Izyaslavich (Belarusian: Брачыслаў Ізяславіч, Russian: Брячислав Изяславич) (c. 997 – 1044) was the prince of Polotsk between 1001 and 1044. His name, possibly. He was son of Izyaslav Vladi...
Richard Born
"The Men Behind Some of New York’s Most Storied Hotels" (July 9, 2024) Hotelier partners Ira Drukier , Richard Born and Sean K. MacPherson . "Born and Drukier, the visionaries propelling B...
Ann Tats
(1872 - 1945)
Sünd Saaga EAA.1281.1.117:186?271,942,812,93,0
Halliste kalmistu Üldosa, 12, 15, 2-kohaline kirstuplats Anna Tats 1871 1973 HAUDI-s on valed aastaarvud
Abja valla perekonnaregister: Selles surnud 2...
Mark Read
(1813 - 1889)
1st Marriage 1842/12 Perth; Read, Mark, to Barnard, Ann.
Registered births to Mark Read and Ann Barnard, Perth:
1842 Charles Edward; 1844 Ellen Selina; 1846 Edmund William; 1849 Walter James;...
Dame Elizabeth Sinclair
(b. - bef.1689)
Without unequivocal evidence of relationship it cannot be regarded as being certain, but it is possible that Dame Elizabeth Sinclair, here treated, is the same person as Eliza...
Henry Jernigan, III
(c.1710 - aft.1781)
Henry Jernigan is the son of Henry Jernigan and Phoebe / Phebe Blackman. He is named in his father's 9 May 1736 Bertie County, North Carolina will, and was heir to an enslaved person named ...
Raoul (Rodolphe) I, comte de Sens
(c.802 - 866)
9. GRAFEN im LINZGAULinzgau was situated north of Lake Constance, and east of Hegau, in southern Württemberg. A. GRAFEN im LINZGAU, GRAFEN von ALTDORF (WELF)The Genealogia Welforum[820], the first gene...
John Hoyer Updike
(1932 - 2009)
John Hoyer Updike
For more information, see Wikipedia or The John Updike Society .
 Photo from https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1713161465587249&set=a.198751525692631
Alvin Garcia
Cebu City, Cebu, Central Visayas, Philippines
Alvin Biaño Garcia is a Filipino politician and lawyer who served twice as the Mayor of Cebu City from 1995 to 1998 and from 1998 to 2001. He served as the vice mayor of the said city from 1988 to 1995...
Constantine VII, Byzantine Emperor
(905 - 959)
in Turkish: VII Porphyrogennetos or Porphyrogenitus, "the Purple-born" (Greek: Κωνσταντίνος Ζ΄ Πορφυρογέννητος, Kōnstantinos VII Porphyrogennētos), (September 2, 905 – November 9, 959) was the son of t...
Tostig Godwinson, Earl of Northumbria
(c.1025 - 1066)
Tostiq Godwinson= From WIkipedia: Tostig Godwinson (1026? – September 25, 1066) was an Anglo-Saxon earl of Northumbria and brother of King Harold II of England, the last crowned Anglo-Saxon King of Eng...
Japheth .
(-2445 - bef.-2000)
Genesis 5:32
Genesis 9:18-29 helps his brother, Shem, to respectfully covers their drunk father, Noah.
Genesis 10:2-5 Lists his descendants. They and are associated with the general region of Europ...
Hananiah ., 5th Exilarch
(b. - c.-440)
1 Chronicles 3:19.
Abarbanel – undated handwritten manuscript from the collection of the late Rabbi Shmuel Gorr, held by Chaim Freedman.
Reference was made to “Elef Margaliot” 1993, Meir Wunder.
Saint Ludmila of Bohemia
(aft.857 - 921)
BIOGRAPHY Ludmilla was born about 850, the daughter of Slawibov, prince of Psov (near Melnik in Bohemia). She married Borziwoy I, duke of Bohemia, the founder of the Bohemian dynasty of Premyslid. They...
Agnes of Antioch
(c.1154 - 1184)
Agnes de Châtillon was the daughter of Reynold de Châtillon. (1) She married Béla III Arpád, King of Hungary, son of Geisa II Arpád, King of Hungary and Euphrosine of Novgorod, in 1168. (1) She died in...
Boson "l'Ancien" d'Arles, comte de Turin, Valois & d'Italie
(c.800 - c.855)
We do not know his parents even if some make him the son of Théodebald Le-Vieux, lord of Burgundy of Antibes.
Founder of the Bosonid Dynasty.
Count of Burgundy (Bourgogne), Valois, Arles, Turin and I...
Nieves Lepp
Nieves LEPP on eesti laulja ja näitleja
Sir Robert de Beaumont, Knight, Earl of Leicester, Justiciar of England
(1104 - 1168)
Robert II de Beaumont, 2nd Earl of Leicester was born in 1104 at Leicester, Leicestershire, England. He was the son of Robert I de Beaumont-le-Roger, 1st Earl of Leicester and Isabel de Vermandois. 2nd...
R' Elisha Halberstam, Admir of Gorlice
(1859 - 1941)
Biographies of Rabbis Perished in the Holocaust ר' ברוך האלבערשטאם מרידניק וגארליץ זצ"ל וביתו אחריו Manny Getzler, who is 85 (2016), was in Siberia during WWII. He recalls the death of the Gorlitzer Re...
Sir Hugh le Despenser, 1st & Last Earl of Winchester
(1261 - 1326)
Hugh le Despenser, 1st Earl of Winchester Hugh le Despenser (1 March 1261 – 27 October 1326), sometimes referred to as "the Elder Despenser", was for a time the chief adviser to King Edward II of Engla...
Magnus VI Haakonsson, king of Norway
(1238 - 1280)
Tysk slektsinfo
Dansk slektsoppstilling
Store Norske Leksikon Magnus Lagabøte
Magnus 6 Lagabøte, født 1238, død 1280, født i Tønsberg, konge 1263–80, sønn av Håkon 4 Håkonsso...
Martha (Dandridge) Washington, 1st First Lady of the United States
(1731 - 1802)
Martha Washington, née Dandridge *1st First Lady of the United States*In office: April 30, 1789 – March 4, 1797*Born June 2, 1731(1731-06-02) Chestnut Grove, New Kent County, Virginia*Died May 22, 1802...
William de Soules, Butler of Scotland
(c.1280 - c.1320)
II de Soules (d. 1320 x 1321), Lord of Liddesdale and Butler of Scotland, was a Scottish Border noble during the Wars of Scottish Independence. William was the elder son of Nicholas II de Soules, Lord ...
Adelaise d’Anjou (d’Amboise)
(c.855 - c.890)
the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Franksih Nobility (covering her birth family): . FAMILY of HUGUES [DUKE of BURGUNDY]1. HUGUES . m ---. The name of Hugues's wife is not known. Hugues & his...
Bertha, Margravine of Tuscany
(863 - 925)
- ) BERTA ([863]-8 Mar 925, bur Lucca, Santa Maria). "Hugo comes et marchio" names "patris mei Teutbaldi et matris meæ Berthe…" in a donation by charter dated 924[67]. "Berte" is also named as mother o...
Garnier Seigneur de Loches, de Villentrois & de la Haye
(aft.844 - c.929)
Ben M. Angel notes: There is no primary or secondary source backing given for Garnier having lived 844-929. Would welcome seeing some source or explanation for the dates other than it appearing on some...
William Kershaw
(1862 - 1920)
CAUTION - some internet trees might be incorrect
William was born about 1862, at Longton, Lancashire, England. William was born to Alice (nee Wilson) and Richard Kershaw.
The 1871 Census has William...
Dag Bratsberg Eilivsson
(c.1075 - 1135)
Dag Elivsson Bratsberg=* Son of Eiliv Ormsson Bratsberg and Ragnhild Dagsdatter * Dag Eilivsson was a Norwegian chief at Bratsberg in Gjerpen around 1100. He was married to Ragnhild, daughter of Skofte...
Sir, Vice Admiral Francis Drake
(1540 - 1596)
Alternate date: He his said to have died in January 1596, but his will is dated April 10, 1661.
His great nephew also named Sir Francis Drake died in 1661.
Sir Francis Drake, Vice Admi...
Lady Margaret Gascoigne
(c.1450 - 1486)
Margaret Percy== The Lady Margaret Gascoigne (née Percy) (born c. 1447) was an English noblewoman , the daughter of Henry Percy, 3rd Earl of Northumberland and Eleanor Poynings. She married Sir William...
Anne Pagenham
(c.1459 - 1510)
See Peter Bartrum, (August 12, 2022); Anne Brannen, curator)
1.[S11572] The Lineage and Ancestry of H.R.H. Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, by Gerald Paget, Vol. II, p. 247.
2.[S11572] The Lineag...
Lady Catherine Stafford
(c.1423 - 1479)
Individual Record FamilySearch™ Ancestral File v4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Catherine CHIDIOC (AFN: 95L0-B7) Pedigree *Sex: F Family Event(s)* Birth:...
Eleanor of Châtellerault, Duchess of Aquitaine
(1103 - 1130)
Aenor de Châtellerault From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaAénor of Châtellerault, duchess of Aquitaine (Châtellerault, Vienne, France, c. 1103, – March 1130 in Talmont) was the mother of Eleanor of A...
Robert de Vitré, III, Lord of Tillars
(c.1120 - 1173)
Robert III de Vitré married Emma de Dinan, daughter of Alan de Dinan, before 1158.
Also see "My Lines"
( )
from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA
( )www.wikipedia.com
1154 - 1173 Robert III (c. ...
Henry the Young King
(1155 - 1183)
Henry, known as the Young King (28 February 1155 – 11 June 1183) was the second of five sons of King Henry II of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine. He was junior King of England, Duke of Normandy, Count...
William de Beauchamp, IV, Lord of Elmley Castle
(c.1215 - 1268)
William de Beauchamp (d.1268)== William de Beauchamp (c1215–1268) was an English baron and hereditary sheriff. He was born and lived in Elmley Castle, Worcestershire the eldest son of Walter de Beaucha...
Mathilda von Merseburg, Äbtissen von Herford
(c.835 - c.915)
. --- (-before 908). The name of the husband of Mathilde is not known but, if the chronicler Widukind is to be believed, he was a descendant of Duke Widukind[43]. This appears corroborated by the trans...
Heinrich I Graf an der Pegnitz
(b. - aft.1043)
HEINRICH von Schweinfurt ([970/75]-18 Sep 1017, bur Schweinfurt). m (before 1003) GERBERGA [von Hammerstein], daughter of HERIBERT Pfalzgraf Graf im Kinziggau & his wife Imiza --- ([975/80]-after 1036)...
Étienne Henri 'Stephen' II, Comte de Blois et Champagne
(1045 - 1102)
Medilands Central France: Blois, Tours (29 Jan 2022) Chapter 1-B. Comte de Blos (943)-1218
ETIENNE [Henri] de Blois , son of THIBAUT III Comte de Blois & his [first/second wife Gersende du Maine/Gu...
Margaret de Beaumont
(c.1125 - c.1185)
de Beaumont "le Bossu" (1104-5 Apr 1168, bur [Sainte-Marie de Pré]). Twin with Waléran. He and his twin brother were brought up at the court of Henry I King of England[1733]. He succeeded his father in...
Jane Austen
(1775 - 1817)
From Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia
Jane Austen (16 December 1775 – 18 July 1817) was an English novelist whose works of romantic fiction set among the gentry earned her a place as one of the most ...
Margaret Stewart
(1450 - 1512)
en.wikipedia.org.... - the free encyclopedia
Princess Margaret Stewart of Scotland
Margaret Crichton
Sir James Crichton
House - House of Stewart Margaret Stewart, Princess of Scot...
John Lovell, 6th Lord Lovell
(c.1375 - 1414)
Primary Sources Inquisitions Post Mortem for John Lovell, knight, Writ 24 Oct. 1414.
mention: Maud his mother, John Lovell, knight, his father
He died 18 or 19 October 1414. William his son and heir...
Hans Christoffel Snijman, SV/PROG
(c.1645 - c.1668)
Hans Christoffel Snijman a. as soldaat v. Hartzburg, Duitsland voor 1665, na Robbeneiland verban, geen rekord gevind na 1668, het voorkind gehad by Catharina, vrygestelde kompanjieslavin, v. Paliacatta...
John Hutchinson
(1745 - 1797)
GEDCOM Source ===Ancestry Downloaded 15 Dec 2013 HAYDEN Family Tree.ged Source Media Type: Other === GEDCOM Source === Date of Import: 17 Dec 2013 === GEDCOM Source ===Ancestry Downloaded 15 Dec 2013 H...
Lyndon B. Johnson, 36th President of the United States
(1908 - 1973)
The thirty-sixth President of the United States (1963–1969) and thirty-seventh Vice President of the United States (1961–1963). A Democrat, Johnson succeeded to the presidency following the assassinati...
Romanos II, Byzantine Emperor
(929 - 963)
II or Romanus II (Greek: Ρωμανός Β΄, Rōmanos II) (938–15 March 963) was a Byzantine emperor. He succeeded his father Constantine VII in 959 at the age of twenty-one, and died suddenly in 963.=Life=Roma...
Theunis Botha
(bef.1686 - c.1746)
Frederich Both was his Step-father., not his biological father. His biological father was Ferdinandus Appel.
What is the ydna of F Both ?
Do we know ydna disprove J Cornelisz as father ?
Sharon Doub...
Pope John Paul I
(1912 - 1978)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Pope John Paul I (Latin: Ioannes Paulus PP. I, Italian: Giovanni Paolo I), born Albino Luciani (Italian pronunciation: [al%CB%88bino luˈtʃani]; 17 October 1912 – 2...
Maredudd ab Owain, King of Deheubarth
(c.950 - 999)
See Peter Bartrum, (May 27, 2018; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Royal Family of Powys - Powys Succession after 823; . (Steven Ferry, October 15, 2019.)
Please see Darrell Wol...
Sir Richard de Houghton, Knight
(c.1279 - 1341)
Sir Richard de Houghton , Knight was born 1275 in Hoghton, Chorley, Lancashire, England and died AFT 1345 in Lea Hall, Preston, Lancashire, EnglandParents: Adam de Hougton (1240-) and Aurelia (1254-) o...
Salomea of Berg
(aft.1093 - 1144)
Salomea z Bergu (niem. Salome von Berg) (ur. 1093/1101, zapewne ok. 1099, zm. 27 lipca 1144 w Łęczycy) – hrabianka niemiecka i księżna polska.Była córką Henryka, hrabiego Bergu, hrabstwa położonego w S...
Eremburge de Bricquebec
(c.930 - 1003)
comments==Date and place of birth have also been (erroneously?) reported to be 950 at an unspecified location.Date and place of death have also been (erroneously?) reported to be circa 955 at an unspec...
Janet Dunbar of March
(c.1380 - aft.1434)
Janet Dunbar===* F, #5209, d. after 1434* Last Edited=28 May 2008Janet Dunbar was the daughter of George Dunbar, 10th Earl of Dunbar.1 She married* firstly, Sir William Seton of Seton, son of Sir John ...