Biskop Peder Winstrup
(1605 - 1679)
Peder Winstrup , Biskop
Bisop Peder Winstrup H3b7 (mtDNA) ; R1b-Z209>R1b1a1b1a1a2a1a1a1~-BY54766 (Y-DNA)
The coffin of Peder Winstrup, bishop in Lund Cathedral by Jin Zan
Sarah Ann Coleman
(1720 - bef.1793)
Records Robert Coleman is named in his father Thomas' Will dated 10 February 1748/9 in King and Queen County, Virginia.[1]
Robert Coleman performed Patriotic Service in Virginia in the American Revol...
Sigrid Aunsdotter, Queen of Denmark
(c.530 - c.593)
Hrolf krakes saga Men da han kommer inn der står Reginn foran ham, og ser ikke mye fredelig ut. Kongen snur da tilbake, og han brenner inne der sammen med mye folk. Sigrid, mor til brødrene Hroar og He...
Anna Peters
(1883 - 1963)
Guy II "le rouge" de Montlhéry, comte de Rochefort-en-Yvelines
(c.1037 - bef.1108)
Voir Wikipedia... Miles "le Grand" de MontlhéryMedieval Lands Database de MONTLHERYThe primary sources which confirm the parentage and marriages of the members of the following family have not yet been...
Nocher II, comte de Bar-Sur-Aube
(c.971 - 1019)
[II], son of NOCHER [I] Comte de Bar-sur-Aube & his wife Adelisa --- (-[1019/40]). The Acta Sanctorum commentary on the life of Saint-Simon de Valois, based on an undated manuscript of the abbey of Sai...
Wołk - Romundus of Lithuania, Grand Prince of Lithuania, Samogitia and Ruthenia 1267 – 1270
(c.1250 - 1279)
Wołk (Wid, Воўк, Видъ, Від, Romantas, Roman, Роман, Раман, Рамунт) - Grand Duke of Lithuania, Samogitia, and Ruthenia, baptized as Roman circa 1270. Grand Duke of Lithuania, Samogitia, and Ruthenia, wa...
Alice Neville, Baroness FitzHugh
(c.1430 - 1503)
Alice Neville== Lady Alice Neville (c. 1430 - after 22 November 1503), Baroness FitzHugh of Ravensworth, was the wife of Henry FitzHugh, 5th Baron FitzHugh.[2] She is best known for being the great-gra...
René de la Voye
(1628 - 1696)
Notes * Location info: Rouen, Normandie, France (birth), Notre-Dame-de-Québec (marriage), Château-Richer (death)* À cette époque, « Lavoie » se nommait « De La Voye ».* Calviniste.* Pionnier de la Nouv...
 Photo by Wikimedia Commons user Les Zg. CC BY-SA 4.0. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:David_Bowie_-_Zagreb.jpg
David Bowie
(1947 - 2016)
David Robert Jones (8 January 1947 – 10 January 2016), known professionally as David Bowie (/ˈboʊi/), was an English singer, songwriter and actor. He was a figure in popular music for over five decades...
Marco Polo
(1254 - 1324)
Venetian Merchant, Explorer, and Writer. He travelled through Asia along the Silk Road between 1271 and 1295. His travels are recorded in The Travels of Marco Polo (also known as Book of the Marvels of...
Tulsi Gabbard, U.S. Director of National Intelligence
Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician and member of the Democratic Party who has been the United States Representative for Hawaii's second congressional district since 2013. She...
William III de Braose, 4th Lord of Bramber
(aft.1145 - 1211)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Children of Lord Rhys; . (Steven Ferry, September 15, 2020.)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Maredudd Gethin ap Lord Rhys; . (Steven Ferry, September 17, 2020.)
No primar...
Simon I de Senlis, Earl of Huntingdon
(c.1046 - c.1111)
Simon I de Senlis (or Senliz), 1st Earl of Northampton and 2nd Earl of Huntingdon jure uxoris (died between 1111 (probably 1111 as this is when his castle at Northampton passed to the crown) and 1113) ...
Ulrich Danner
(1639 - 1693)
Fernando Alvarez de Toledo y Enriquez, I señor de Villoria
(c.1460 - 1532)
- "Pleito de Concejo, justicia y regimiento de Villoria (Zamora): Hernando de Toledo, de Villoria (Zamora) Sobre Acusación del concejo de Villoria contra Hernando de Toledo, señor de Villoria por haber...
Madog ap Gruffydd Maelor, Lord Bromfield
(c.1160 - 1236)
See Peter Bartrum, (December 26, 2016; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Pedigree of the Ancient Lords of Ial; . (Steven Ferry, April 6, 2020.)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Ancest...
Larry Graham
Larry Graham Jr. (born August 14, 1946) is an American bass guitar player, both with the psychedelic soul/funk band Sly and the Family Stone, and as the founder and frontman of Graham Central Station. ...
Betzalel ben Chaim, [Maharal's father]
(c.1480 - c.1550)
All Maharal Geanealogy is detailed hereben Chaïm LOEW (LOEB) was born about 1480. Unlike his young brothers, stayed behind to help his father and did not pursue studies in Poland. Betzalel married the ...
Sir William de St. Leger
(c.1061 - 1120)
Lord of St Leger in Eu in Normandy, and Fairlight and Wertlignes in Sussex and Ulcombe in Kent. Succeeded his father in the lands gained at the Norman Conquest. But he also possessed whilst his father ...
John Spencer, 8th Earl Spencer
(1924 - 1992)
John "Johnnie" Spencer, 8th Earl Spencer, MVO, styled Viscount Althorp until 1975, was a British peer and the father of Diana, Princess of Wales.Lord Spencer was born Edward John Spencer, Viscount Alth...
Adolf II von Schauenburg, Graf von Schauenburg, Holstein und Stormarn
(c.1128 - 1164)
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia * Count of Holstein: Reign 1130–1137> Predecessor: Adolf I Successor: Henry of Badewide
Pedro 'el Cronista' López de Ayala, canciller mayor de Castilla y señor de Ayala
(1332 - 1407)
Pero López de Ayala From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Don Pero (or Pedro) López de Ayala (1332–1407) was a Castilian statesman, historian, poet, chronicler, chancellor, and courtier.Don Pero Lopez ...
Maximilian von Goldschmidt-Rothschild
(1843 - 1940)
"Maximilian von Goldschmidt-Rothschild (20 June 1843 – 18 February 1940) was a German banker and art collector. The son of Benedict Hayum Salomon Goldschmidt, he was the co-inheritor of the Goldschmidt...
Robert Plant
Lead singer of Led Zeppelin Robert Anthony Plant CBE (born 20 August 1948) is an English singer and songwriter. He was the lead singer and lyricist of the rock band Led Zeppelin from its founding in 19...
Walter de Houby
(1252 - 1349)
Robert "the Chamberlain" Bigod
(c.1015 - 1071)
Robert le Bigod was a poor Knight who gained the favour of William, Duke of Normandy, by informing him of the intended treachery of William Werlenc, Count of Mortain. Robert held the lands of Malitot, ...
Alice Montagu (Montacute), 5th Countess of Salisbury
(1406 - c.1462)
Alice Montacute, 5th Countess of Salisbury Alice Montacute (1407 – bef. 9 December 1462) was an English noblewoman and the suo jure 5th Countess of Salisbury, 6th Baroness Monthermer, and 7th and 4th B...
Lauren Bacall
(1924 - 2014)
Lauren Bacall was born Betty Joan Perske on September 16, 1924, in The Bronx, New York City. She was an American film and stage actress and model, known for her distinctive husky voice and sultry looks...
Geoffrey Atte Wode
(1297 - 1346)
Parents: SIR WILLIAM ATTE WODE and JULIANA.Assumed to be eldest son because of his connection with Hooley House as possessor of the estate. A Sergeant of Arms to the King.Peter Atte Wode was probably b...
Capt., Sir William atte Wode, Knt.
(bef.1270 - c.1346)
Sir William Atte Wode (bef. 1270 – c. 1346) was Captain of the King's Guard at the Palace of Westminster under King Edward III of England.He was probably born sometime before 1300 in Coulsdon, Surrey, ...
Ruth Alaküla
Ruth Alaküla (sündinud 16. aprillil 1957 Tallinnas) on eesti teleajakirjanik.
 Czar Brodie released this work into the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/en:public_domain. This applies worldwide.
William Forbes, 7th Lord Forbes
(c.1513 - 1593)
William Forbes, 7th Lord Forbes
The son of John Forbes, 6th Lord Forbes and Christian Lundin.
He married Elizabeth Keith, daughter of Sir Gilbert Keith, on 19 December 1538.
He died in 1593...
Benigno Q. Aquino, Sr.
(1894 - 1947)
Benigno Aquino Sr. was a Filipino politician who served as Speaker of the Second Philippine Republic National Assembly from 1943 to 1944. More here: .
Desiderata of the Lombards
(745 - 777)
Desiderata / Geperga, 2nd partner & wife of Charlemagne After Himiltrude, Charlemagne's first wife was Desiderata, daughter of Desiderius, king of the Lombards; married in 770, annulled in 771.[ ] m fi...
Armand Julievich Hammer
(1898 - 1990)
Wikipedia: English , Русский Armand Hammer , May 21, 1898 – December 10, 1990.American business magnate, most closely associated with Occidental Petroleum, known as well for his art collection, his phi...
Eithriall, 11th High King of Ireland {Legendary}
(c.-1693 - -1650)
él 11th Monarch of Ireland died in 1650 B.C. in the battle of Soirrean, Leinster, Ireland, and was buried in Tinnahinch Barrony, Leinster, Ireland. Eithrial was the 11th Monarch; reigned 20 years; and ...
Ranald MacDonald, 1st Chief of Clan MacDonald
(c.1337 - c.1386)
RANALD MACDONALD (aka REGINALD OF THE ISLES) Clanranald: 1-2 Macdonald 367-68
Genealogical Accounts
The Macdonalds of Clanranald by Alexander Mackenzie, FSA. Scot (A. & W. Mackenzie, Inverness, MD...
Maoin I Oilbhuagach, High King of Ireland {Legendary}
(c.-1435 - -1350)
MóenFatherÀengus Olmuccaid Monarch of Ireland (-1409bc)Misc. Noteswas kept out of the Monarchy by Eadna, of the line of Heber Fionn. In his time silver shields were given as rewards for bravery to the ...
Isabel Maria de Alcântara Brasileira, duquesa de Goiás
(1824 - 1898)
Isabel Maria de Alcântara, Duchess of Goiás Nascimento: ou 24 de maio de 1824. Morte: ou 13 de novembro de 1898.* Reference: FamilySearch Family Tree - SmartCopy : Jul 10 2020, 22:08:51 UTC
Sir George Boleyn, 2nd Viscount Rochford
(1504 - 1536)
Claire Ridgway, author of many books on the Boleyns, including "The Fall of Anne Boleyn", talks about Anne Boleyn's parents, Thomas and Elizabeth, and discusses why she thinks the primary sources sugge...
Niels Bohr
(1885 - 1962)
Niels Bohr - Biographical Nobel Prize Organisation Niels Henrik David Bohr - in wikipedia Niels Bohr has been described as one of the most influential scientists of the 20th century.In 1922, Bohr was a...
John Stewart, 1st of Glenbuckie
(aft.1498 - 1550)
"Red Book of Scotland Volume 9" (Smi-You) Pages 216-218. ; ( Document attached ).
Heinrich Kassel
(1641 - 1716)
Heinrich Abraham Kassel
Son of Rev. Yelles "Julius" Kassel, II and Maria Elisabeth Gerolsheim
Birth: born around 1641 in Kriesham, Herzogtum Baden, Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation
Osbert Clinton, III
(c.1179 - bef.1223)
Osbert, the eldest son, who was denominated of Coleshill, in the ninth year of the reign of King John obtained a charter for a weekly market to be held there. He married Margaret, daughter of William d...
Anders Andersson Burman
(c.1460 - 1502)
I Sturearkivet 1489, odaterad (troligen 1509) nämns Anders Bureman bland dem som "laagha mijnom herre vnder öghom i Wma sokn". [28] Förfader till ärkebiskop Petrus Kenicius. U.L. Skellefteå sn (1539-16...
Constantine X, Eastern Roman Emperor
(1006 - 1067)
X Doukas or Ducas (Greek: Κωνσταντίνος Ι΄ Δούκας, Kōnstantinos X Doukas), (1006 – May, 1067) was emperor of the Byzantine Empire from 1059 to 1067.Constantine Doukas was the son of Andronikos Doukas, a...
Sir William Gordon of Schivas & of Gight
(c.1466 - 1513)
from the third son, Sir William, ancestor of the Gordons of Gight, the mother of Lord Byron was descended.
William Gordon died on 9 September 1513 at Flodden Field, Northumberland, England, killed in ...
Hrollaug Ragnvaldsson Eyjafjörður, Íslands
(859 - 896)
Rollaug Ragnvaldsson (Hrollaugr Rǫgnvaldsson jarls) Hrollaugr Rǫgnvaldsson jarls Tilnavn / fordanskning: Rollaug Lokalitet: Skardsbrekke i Hornefjord, Bredebolsted i Fellshvervi, østl. Island Relatione...
Corath ab Eochaid Allmuir
(c.350 - d.)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 6, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Maxen Wledig and the Welsh Genealogies; . (Steven Ferry, February 10, 2020.)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Harle...
Eeva-Riitta Siitonen
Eva-Riitta Siitonen (o.s. Hautamäki, s. 31. toukokuuta 1940 Helsinki) on suomalainen kokoomusta edustava poliitikko. Hän toimi kansanedustajana 1983–1989, Uudenmaan läänin maaherrana 1990–1996, Helsing...
Henricus Johannis Ahlholm
(1595 - 1651)
Genos 1974, s. 60-92. Korjauksia Sursillin sukuun:
Henrik Ahlholm. Hans änka kallas vid Pyhäjoki ting 2-4.8.1671 Anna Andersdotter. Hon var alltså knappast dotter till Claus Groth. Vid Pyhäjoki ting 3...
Elisabeth Rehn
Helsingfors, Finland
Har varit försvarsminister och presidentkandidat i Finlandwas the first woman to become Minister of Defence in Finland. In 1994 she was a candidate in the presidential election.
Ragnall ua Ímair, King of Waterford, York and Dublin
(b. - 921)
Norse warrior chieftain and king in the Irish Sea area.* Father: Unknown, presumed son of Ivar king in Dublin, who may be Ivar the Boneless.* Mother: Unknown.* Wife: Unknown* Children: Unknown---------...
Rorico, Bishop of Laon
(922 - 976)
Rorico de Laon (1)M, #104883Last Edited=31 Oct 2004 Rorico de Laon is the son of Charles III, Roi de France and Eadgifu (?). (1) Rorico de Laon held the office of Bishop of Laon.Forrás / Source:
 Philippine House of Representatives Member Representative Hon. Dante S. Garcia of La Union's 2nd (second) congressional district official portrait during the 19th Congress of the Philippines
Source: https://www.congress.gov.ph/house-members/view/?member=K036&name=Garcia%2C+Dante+S
Author: House of Representatives of the Philippines
This work is in the public domain in the Philippines and possibly other jurisdictions because it is a work created by an officer or employee of the Government of the Philippines or any of its subdivisions and instrumentalities, including government-owned and/or controlled corporations, as part of their regularly prescribed official duties; consequently, any work is ineligible for copyright under the terms of Part IV, Chapter I, Section 171.11 and Part IV, Chapter IV, Section 176 of Republic Act No. 8293 and Republic Act No. 10372, as amended, unless otherwise noted. However, in some instances, the use of this work in the Philippines or elsewhere may be regulated by this law or other laws.
Dante Garcia
Dante S. Garcia is a Filipino nurse and politician. He is currently serving as congressman of the second legislative district of La Union since 2022.
Certificate of candidacy (2025)
Sir Laurence Grant, 2nd of Stratherrick
(c.1230 - c.1275)
He appears as a witness, along with Robert le Grant,- in an Agreement between Archibald, Bishop of Moray and Sir John Byset, 20th September, 1258. "Testibus...dominis Laurentio et Roberto dictis Grant,...
Ilyaas Ibn Mudhir
Titles: Kabir al-Qawm (Chief of the Folk) & Sayyid al-'Ashirah (Master of the Clan) * Along with his Brother, 'Ailaan bin Imaam Mudhir , was referred to as as-Sarihan , the Candid Ones , of the Line of...
Sir John Grey, 7th Lord Ferrers of Groby
(c.1432 - 1461)
Sir John Grey, of Groby, Leicestershire (c. 1432[1] – 17 February 1461) was a Lancastrian knight, the first husband of Elizabeth Woodville who later married King Edward IV of England, and great-great-g...
Iivo Henrik Niskanen
Kuopio, Finland
Iivo Henrik Niskanen (s. 12. tammikuuta 1992 Oulu) on suomalainen maastohiihtäjä, joka edustaa seuratasolla Vuokatti Ski Teamia. Niskanen on kaksinkertainen olympiavoittaja. Hän voitti parisprintin oly...
Nancy Jane Casey
(1615 - 1713)
Elizabeth Stewart
(c.1517 - 1567)
'Lady Elizabeth Stewart1
F, #231579
Last Edited=22 Oct 2010
Consanguinity Index=0.47%
'Lady Elizabeth Stewart is the daughter of John Stewart, 2nd Earl of Atholl and Lady Janet Campbell.1 She...
King Stjepan I Ostoja Tvrtković
(1380 - 1422)
Stjepan Ostoja (umro 1418) je bio kralj Bosne u dva navrata. Na prijestolje je prvi put došao uz pomoć velikog vojvode bosanskog Hrvoja Vukčića Hrvatinića, da bi ga isti uz pomoć vojvode Sandalja Hrani...
Gautrek "the mild", king of Gotland
(605 - 639)
den milde (Gautsson) (Gautrek hinn milda)In English: Gautrek the Mild Gautreks saga (Gautrek's Saga) is a Scandinavian legendary saga put to text towards the end of the 13th century which survives only...
William d'Aubigny, Lord of Belvoir
(1086 - 1155)
Guillaume (William) "Brito" d'Aubigny or William de Albini Brito =Son of Main d'Aubigny , seigneur de Saint-Aubin-d'Aubigné (Ille-et-Vilaine) and Adelaide de Bohun . Husband of Cecily (Cicely) Bigod, H...
Ricchard de Arras, of the Salian Franks
(aft.467 - 509)
Vilho (Vasili) Suonmaa
(1935 - 2004)
Rakennusarkkitehti. Joensuu.Syntyisin: Jehkilä, Suojärvi. Nimenmuutos 10.6.1947: Vasili Surma > Vilho Suonmaa. Syntymä / Birth / Рождение: Vasili Surma syntyi Suojärven Jehkilässä 24.04.1935. Avioliitt...
Olof Olofsson (Hourula), (Hourulan haara)
(c.1540 - c.1602)
Hoffréns haplogroup: I1-M253>DF29>Y11210>A14407Hourulan isäntä ja Pyhäjoen nimismies, osti Pyhäjoen kartanon k. 1600-l alussa.Owner of Hourula, and Chief Constable of Pyhäjoki. Acquired Pyhäjoki manor ...
Albrecht Friedrich von Brandenburg
(1672 - 1731)
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia * Johann the Younger #183 === GEDCOM Note === == Biography == This biography was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import. VanBranden burg Schwedt-1 was created by ...
Domenico Nino Ravasini
(1900 - 1980)
Domenico Nino Ravasini, conosciuto come Nino Ravasini (Como, 10 agosto 1900 – Milano, 12 settembre 1980), è stato un compositore italiano.
Eleanor Giffard
(c.1275 - c.1324)
Eleanore Giffard1
b. 1275, d. before 23 January 1323/24
Father John, Lord Giffard of Brimsfield2,1 b. 19 January 1241, d. 29 May 1299
Mother Maud de Clifford2 b. circa 1234, d. after December 1...
Henricus Petri Lyra
(c.1618 - c.1662)
Pieksamäen kappalainen vuodesta 1644, vt. kirkkoherrana vuodesta 1652 alkaen, vakituisena vuodesta 1655 alkaen.
Kapellan i Pieksämäki 1644-56 och kyrkoherde 1656-64
2.1 Henricus Petri Ly...
Hugh de Venables, 10th Baron of Kinderton
(c.1298 - 1368)
Sir Hugh de Venables the younger, of Kinderton, a minor in 4 Edw II (1310/11), heir to his brother William, and died 41 Edw 3 (1367/8)
- George Ormerod's The History of County Palatine and City of Che...
Ferreol of Rome
(c.350 - c.380)
His name and relationships are conjectural. David Hughes, an unreliable source, says he was the son of Flavius Theodosiolus . The given name Ferreolous might point to a connection with two 3rd century ...
(1475 - 1564)
Michelangelo= Wikipedia || EN || IT || DE || ES || HE || NO
Sir William Gascoigne, XIII, of Gawthorpe
(1430 - c.1463)
brief biography and family Lord of Gawthorpe (apparently the abandoned Gawthorpe Hall near Harewood House )
(membership required in order to view without interruption)
content to clean ...
Philippa de Beauchamp Countess of Stafford
(1334 - 1386)
Rhigeneu ap Rhain, Brenin Brycheiniog
(c.490 - c.540)
See Peter Bartum, (February 8, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott : The Royal Family of Gwynedd - Meirion Meirionydd, "Grandson" of Cunedda; . (Steven Ferry, November 22, 2019.)
 Robert - a portrait tribute to my 5th Cousin | by James Cunningham
Robert Cunningham, 2nd Earl of Glencairn Lord Kilmaurs
(1451 - 1490)
Robert Cunningham, 2nd Lord of Kilmaurs1,2* M, #39757, d. circa 1490*Father Alexander Cunningham, 1st Earl of Glencairn1 b. a 1425, d. 11 Jun 1488*Mother Margaret Hepburn2* Robert Cunningham, 2nd Lord ...
William Cunningham, 6th Earl of Glencairn Lord Kilmaurs, Chief of Clan Cunningham
(c.1532 - 1580)
WILLIAM CUNNINGHAM Earl of Glencairn=== William Cunningham, Ear of Glencairn. On 24 August 1549 he had a charter from his father to himself and his wife of certain lands in the earldom of Glencairn. He...
Rabbi Yoel ben Shmuel Sirkis, "The Bach"
(1561 - 1640)
Rabbi Joel ben Samuel Sirkis (Hebrew: רבי יואל בן שמואל סירקיש; born 1561 - March 4, 1640) also known as the Bach (an abbreviation of his magnum opus BA yit CH adash), was a prominent Jewish posek and ...
Ezra J. Carter
(1898 - 1975)
Husband of “Mother Maybelle Carter”.
Reference: Find A Grave Memorial - SmartCopy : Jan 4 2019, 4:47:16 UTC
Kevin Bacon
New York, New York, United States
Kevin Bacon is an American actor and a subject of the the game / hypothesis of a theorem of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon . He is bigger in Hollywood than in Geni . After an electrifying performance in th...
Akaris FitzBardolf, of Ravensworth
(c.1085 - c.1161)
notes==Date of birth might specifically be 1080.Date of death might specifically be 1161.==comments==Gender has also been reported to be female(!).Surname has also been reported to be:* Fitz Bardolf * ...
Herod the Great, de-facto King of Judea
(-73 - -4)
(pretty neat!)==Herod "the Great" or Herod "the Impious"==King Herod was known to the Romans as "the Great", but in the eyes of the people over whom he ruled he was always known as "the Impious", despi...
Rothildis di Spoleto
(c.832 - aft.884)
LAMBERT , son of WIDO Comte et Marquis de Nantes & his wife --- (-Ticino 30 Dec 836). The primary source which confirms the parentage of Lambert has not yet been identified. He succeeded as Count of th...
Siorna Saoghalach, High King of Ireland {Legendary}
(c.-1200 - c.-1030)
He was 34th High King of Ireland. He obtained the nickname "Saoghalach" on account of his extraordinary long life; slain at Aillin, by Rotheachta, of the Line of Heber Fionn, who usurped the Monarchy, ...
Rothechtaid Rigderg mac Maoin, {Legendary, Annals of the Four Masters}
(-1415 - -1375)
Rotheachtach King of IrelandDeath1357 BC, Battle of Rath CroghanFatherMóenMisc. Noteswas the 22nd Monarch; slain, B.C. 1357, by Sedne (or Seadhna), of the Line of Ir. Part III, Chapter IV of Irish Pedi...
Blessed Humbert III, count of Savoy
(1136 - 1189)
- (ENG draft, IT & FR better)
- III (1136, Avigliana, Piedmont – 4 March 1189, Chambéry, Savoy), surnamed the Blessed, was Count of Savoy from 1148 to 1188. His parents were Amadeus III of Savoy ...
 Signature taken from one of his letters: http://pares.mcu.es/ParesBusquedas20/catalogo/show/420897 (p. 1)
Alonso de Abella Fuertes
(1657 - c.1714)
Biography Order of Alcántara * Baptismal certificate
Raoul Gustaf Wallenberg
(1912 - 1952)
Raoul Wallenberg (August 4, 1912 – July 17, 1947?) was a Swedish humanitarian who worked in Budapest, Hungary, during World War II to rescue Jews from the Holocaust. Between July and December 1944, he ...
Tom Holland
Thomas Stanley Holland (born 1 June 1996) is an English actor and dancer. He is best known for starring as Peter Parker / Spider-Man in the superhero films Captain America: Civil War (2016) and Spider-...
Edmund of Woodstock, 1st Earl of Kent
(1301 - 1330)
"Edmund of Woodstock, 1st Earl of Kent (5 August 1301 – 19 March 1330) was the son of Edward I of England, and a younger half-brother of Edward II. Edward I had intended to make substantial grants of l...
N.N. verch Maredudd
(c.785 - d.)
See Darrell Wolcott -- -- "The Legendary Kingdom of Seisyllwg" -- for untangling of these lines. (April 25, 2016; Anne Brannen, curator)Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Legendary Kingdom of Seisyllwg; ....
Lothair IV, roi de France
(c.941 - 986)
And in French: Lothair (French: Lothaire; Latin: Lothārius; 941 – 986), sometimes called Lothair IV,[1] was the Carolingian king of West Francia (10 September 954 – 1 March 986), son of Louis IV ...
Thomas Brugge, 5th Baron Chandos
(c.1427 - 1493)
Primary Sources Inquisitions Post Mortem for Thomas Bruggis, esq. Writ 31 Jan., 8 Hen, VII [1393].
He died the last day but one of January last [30 Jan. 1493]. Giles Bruggis, aged 30 and more, is his ...
* Elyakim Ben Aharon Tzarfati
(aft.935 - d.)
Family tree (in Hebrew): Eliyakim haGaon Jewage משפחת רש״י
Skjold Skelfisson
(c.516 - c.544)
Walter of Gloucester
(1065 - 1129)
Not the father of Agnes FitzWalter
Walter was Sheriff of Gloucester in 1095.
Biography Wikipedia contributors, "Walter of Gloucester," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 28 Feb. 2024 (accessed Apr...
Elizabeth Harrison
(c.1677 - 1734)
Birth: 1677 Death: Dec. 30, 1734 "Under this marble rests the Body of Mrs. Elizabeth Harrison Relict of Benjamin Harrison of Berkeley and second Daughter of Col Lewis Burwell of Gloster county. She Dep...