Elsbeth verch William
(1429 - 1478)
See Peter Bartrum, Stradling 2 (May 5, 2024; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 1, 2018; Anne Brannen, curator)
Elizabeth verch William
F, b. circa 1427
Elizabeth was born circa 1...
Åsa (Aasa) Eysteinsdotter
(708 - 739)
Åsa Eysteinsdotter var datter av Eystein Hardråde. Hun var gift med Halvdan Kvitbein og de to hadde sønnene Gudrød Halvdansson og Eystein Halvdansson. Åsas sønn Eystein ble gift med Hild Eiriksdotter o...
Máel Dúin mac Máele Fithrich, King Of Ailech
(c.625 - 681)
áel Dúin mac Máele Fithrich=Máel Dúin mac Máele Fithrich (died 681) was a King of Ailech and head of the Cenél nEógain branch of the northern Uí Néill. He was the son of Máel Fithrich mac Áedo (died 63...
Bonifácio José Tamm de Andrada
(1930 - 2021)
Bonifácio José Tamm de Andrada (Barbacena, 14 de maio de 1930) é um advogado, jornalista, cientista político, professor universitário e político brasileiro, filiado ao Partido da Social Democracia Bras...
Henry I, Duke of Bavaria
(aft.919 - 955)
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Germany (covering his birth family): 3. KINGS of GERMANY 918-1024, SAXON DYNASTY (LIUDOLFINGER)HEINRICH I 919-936, HEINRICH II 1002-1024HEINRICH, son ...
Kevin Bacon
New York, New York, United States
Kevin Bacon is an American actor and a subject of the the game / hypothesis of a theorem of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon . He is bigger in Hollywood than in Geni . After an electrifying performance in th...
Euphemia Elphinstone
(1509 - 1547)
EUPHEMIA ELPHINESTONE (aka EUFAMIAM ELPHINSTOUN)===Euphemia Elphinestone is the daughter of Alexander, Lord Elphinestone, and his wife Elizabeth Barlow. She was born on 11 May 1509. The Elphinestone Fa...
Pedro Baltasar Pacho Rodríguez, Conquistador de Nueva España
(aft.1490 - 1541)
Miriam Olga Isserles (Luria), Maharshal's daughter
(c.1530 - 1594)
According to one source ("Otzar Harabanim", p. 404 #19556) she was the daughter of R. Mordechai Yaffe (Halavush). R. Mordechai Yaffe is a famous 16th century rabbi and it doesn't make sence that he is ...
Lutgardis von Sulzbach, duchess of Lower Lorraine
(1109 - 1162)
Luitgarde von Sulzbach, Herzogin von Nieder-Lothringen1b. circa 1115, d. circa 1162Father Berenger II, Graf von Sulzbach b. circa 1080, d. 3 December 1125Mother Adelheid von Dießen b. circa 1084, d. 11...
Mahalalel .
(-3365 - -2470)
Genesis 5:12,15-17
Book of Jasher 2:16, 37.
Wikipedia: Mahalalel and מהללאל
Dui Tenga Uma mac Briuin
(aft.395 - 502)
He is traditionally known as the son of Brion mac Echdach, a legendary figure whose can be found here: ála-Érenn/6000000007424390065?through=6000000005013089190He appears to be an historical person, bu...
Heinrich I von Anhalt-Zerbst, Count of Anhalt
(c.1170 - 1252)
Heinrich I der Fette von Anhalt-Zerbst, Fürst zu Anhalt== Totally different maternal line given here: von Ballenstedt, son of BERNHARD von Ballenstedt Duke of Saxony, Graf von Aschersleben und Anhalt &...
Countess Agnes de Saint-Clair
(c.1054 - bef.1100)
Agnes de St. Clair
born 1054-58 St Clair-sur-Elle, Manche, Normandy, France died 1100 Devonshire, England
Parents: Walderne de St. Clair (b. 1015-1022, son of Mauger, who was son of Richard of Norma...
Roricon, i comte du Maine
(b. - 839)
GAUSLIN , son of --- . He is named as father of Rorico in the charter dated 1 Mar 839, quoted below.
x ADELTRUDIS , daughter of ---. She is named as mother of Comte Rorico in the following charter...
Семён Иванович Зеленский
(1924 - 1980)
"Destroyed 15 Germans, beat off 4 attacks and occupied a trophy warehouse." "Country" found out why Zelensky's grandfather received the Order of the Red Star
Giuseppe Garibaldi
(1807 - 1882)
Joseph Marie Giuseppe Garibaldi,
Giuseppe Garibaldi , in English (July 4, 1807 – June 2, 1882) was an Italian military and political figure. In his twenties, he joined the Carbonari Italian patriot r...
Elseby Månsdotter till Viurila
(c.1447 - 1518)
Asemies Henrik Klasson Flemingin II vaimo, Vanhakartano, Arvassalon saari, Uusikirkko TL. Väpnare Henrik Klasson Flemings II hustru. Gamlagård på Arvassalo ö, Nykyrko, ÅL, Finland. 'Squire Henrik Klass...
Thomas Grey, 1st Marquess of Dorset, 1st Earl of Huntingdon
(1455 - 1501)
"Thomas Grey, 7th Baron Ferrers of Groby, 1st Earl of Huntingdon, and 1st Marquess of Dorset, KG (1451 – 20 September 1501), was an English nobleman, courtier and the eldest son of Elizabeth Woodville ...
Lady Mary Young, Lady "Clan Adair"
(c.1646 - 1746)
Not a known child of Rev. Patrick Adair
Reference: [object Object]] - [SmartCopy : Aug 29 2019, 1:32:49 UTC
Home Tree Family Research PRO Free Trial
2 inconsistencies found for Lady Mary Youn...
Benjamin Gordon Way
(1891 - 1980)
Berthold I, count palatine in Swabia
(c.838 - 896)
Berthold I aka Erchanger. His wife was probably a daughter of Etichonen Erchanger (the Younger) († 864), Count of Alsace, but some sources say she was Gisela of the East Franks (* 840, † 891). Source: ...
Bodil Lauridsdatter Lauridsdatter Green
(c.1544 - c.1590)
Bodil Lauridsdotter Green, af Sundsby =Bodil Lauridsdatter Green, af Sundsby* Född: cirka 1544 Sundsby, Valla, Tjörn, Bohuslän, Sverige * Död: cirka 1590 Olsnäs, Stenkyrka, Bohuslän * Dotter till Lauri...
Vasily Ivanovich Surikov
(1848 - 1916)
Vasily Ivanovich Surikov (24 January 1848 – 19 March 1916) was a Russian realist history painter. Many of his works have become familiar to the general public through their use as illustrations.
Gen. Peter Muhlenberg (Cont. Army), U.S. Senator
(1746 - 1807)
"Born in Trappe in 1746, General Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg was stationed as a minister in 1776, when the Revolutionary War began. After giving a powerful sermon about “duties to country” he joined in th...
Rabbi Yisrael Meir HaKohen (Chofetz Chaim)
(1838 - 1933)
HaRav Yisrael Meir (Kagan) Poupko (1838 - 1933) known popularly as The Chofetz Chaim was an influential Eastern European rabbi, Halakhist, posek, and ethicist whose works continue to be widely influent...
John Thomas Edgar Webber
(1878 - 1967)
Biography John Thomas Edgar Webber was born on April 15, 1878 in Mount Vernon, Jefferson County, Illinois, United States. His parents were John Richard Carter Webber and Mahalia Jane Webber (Boykin) . ...
James Cavanagh
(c.1780 - d.)
James Cavanagh, who could be classed as New Zealand's first recorded permanent European settler (following whalers and sealers who stayed only temporarily), was a convict who escaped from the Australia...
Anwerydd ap Onwedd
(c.80 - d.)
See Darrell Wolcott, "Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees," -- for help in untangling these lines. (May 18, 2016, Anne Brannen, curator)Please see Darrell Wolcott: Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediat...
Axel Suolaxius
(1595 - 1646)
"Toinen 1500-luvun puolella syntynyt voisi olla Axel . Voudintilit 2557:17 (jpg18) mainitsee, että hän on Olof Dufvan sotilaspappi. Jo aiemmin Henrik Flemingin joukoissa on sotilaspappina herr Axel. Tä...
Bruce Mathers III (born October 17, 1972), known professionally as Eminem (/ˌɛmɪˈnɛm/; often stylized as EMINƎM ), is an American rapper, songwriter, record producer, record executive and actor. He is ...
Andrew Malcolm
(1803 - 1877)
I don't believe Andrew Malcolm was the father of John. Family legend has that Andrew married a widow and John's name was in fact Patton. John was born 1839 and Andrew and Margaret married in 1841.
 Oil on canvas by Jan Victors (1619 –1679) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Victors_Esau_and_the_mess_of_pottage.jpg
Patriarch Jacob / יעקב אבינו
(-1892 - -1744)
Profile image of Jacob (?)Esau Sells Jacob the Right of Seniority for a Bowl of Lentils 1653 Oil on canvas, 109 x 137 cm Muzeum £azienki Królewskie, Warsaw* Genesis 25:20-28 * Wikipedia: Jacob & יעקב ....
Boudicca, queen of the Iceni
(c.30 - c.62)
Boudica or Boudicca, also known as Boadicea and known in Welsh as Buddug (d. AD 60 or 61) was queen of the British Iceni tribe who led an uprising against the occupying forces of the Roman Empire.
Aatami Laurinpoika Heinonen
(1745 - d.)
Viitasaaren kastetuissa 2.11.1745 29.11.1745 Heinola Lars Heinonen Lisa Radikainen Adam Alkup. KA
Digitaaliarkisto: Viitasaaren seurakunta Syntyneiden ja kastettujen luettelot 1731-1773
Vihitty 20.6...
Sir Malcolm Fleming of Biggar & Cumbernauld
(c.1383 - 1440)
Malcolm Fleming was the son of Sir David Fleming and Isabel, heiress of Monycabon. He married Lady Elizabeth Stewart, 3rd dau. of Robert, Duke of Albany, Regent of Scotland, by her had issue * 1. Malco...
Cecilia Bowes-Lyon, Countess of Strathmore and Kinghorne
(1862 - 1938)
alternate order of names is: Nina Ceceilia
Grjötgard Gardsson, king of Nordmøre {Hversum Noreg byggdist}
From "Ættartolur", the genealogies appended to the Hversu Noregr byggdist in the Flatey Book:>" Sigarr was the father of Siggeir, who married Signy, the daughter of the king of the Volsungs. Sigarr was...
Jakob Andersson i Grubbe
(1500 - aft.1565)
Jakob Andersson i Johan Bures släktbok (CD) : Post 1136Jakob /Andersson/ Storbonde, Landsköpman, Nämndeman, Fogdef. i Grubbe+, Umeå sn, Västerbotten d. Efter 1565Född Grubbe+, Umeå sn, Västerbotten. F...
Friedrich I Buren, Pfalzgraf of Swabia von Diessen, Graf von Andechs
(970 - c.1027)
From Charles Cawley, Medieval Lands Database von DIESSENThe mention in the De Fundatoribus Monasterii Diessenses of the construction by "Razzo comes" in 954 of "cœnobium in honore Salvatoris omnium Wer...
Sarah Freeman
(1656 - 1742)
Brief Life History of Sarah Lumpkin Sarah Lumpkin Skiff was born on 12 October 1646, in Sandwich, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America. She married Edmond Freeman IV in 1681, in Sandwich, Barns...
Friedrich Both, SV/PROG 1
(bef.1653 - bef.1719)
YDNA of Friedich Both ? Is it known ? Must be as Theunis said not to be his natural son proven wtith YDNA PLEASE NOTE:
Although Cornelia Botha's baptism register records her father as Jan Cornelisz, th...
Alfred Kantor
(1923 - 2003)
Alfred Kantor was a Czech-born Holocaust survivor, artist and author of The Book of Alfred Kantor. His work depicted daily life in the Nazi concentration camps.
Sir Adam Lord, de Molyneux, Lord of Sefton
(1185 - 1247)
Adam de Molyneux was the son of Sir Richard de Molins, Lord of Sefton, Speke and Little Crosby, and wife Edith. He married Letitia de Brinley. He succeeded to the title of Lord of Sefton at his father'...
Kaðlin's mother
(c.862 - d.)
According to The Royal Genealogies Website (ROYAL92.GED), online ( . Hereinafter cited as Royal Genealogies Website). Kathlin is indeed the daughter of Poppa. There she is named as Kaithlin de Normandi...
Ingrid Ylva Sunesdotter
(1180 - c.1252)
Ingrid Ylva Sunesdotter Högättad kvinna. Magnus Bengtsson Minneskölds II maka. Bjälbo, Östergötland, Sverige.
Noblewoman. Magnus Bengtsson Minnesköld's 2nd wife. Bjälbo, Östergötland, Sweden.
Fulk Bourchier, 10th Lord FitzWarin
(1445 - 1479)
Fulk Bourchier, 10th Baron FitzWarin (25 October 1445 – 18 September 1479) was the son and heir of William Bourchier, 9th Baron FitzWarin (1407-1470) and the father of John Bourchier, 1st Earl of Bath....
William George, Sr.
(1760 - aft.1830)
William George was born Oct. 18, 1760, in Virginia and died some time after 1830 in Cooper Co. Missouri. He married Molly Mercer Dec. 2, 1782. The couple had 7 children. Or so the story goes, anyway. B...
Elizabeth Stewart, Princess of Scots
(c.1350 - 1389)
(daughter of John Stewart, King Robert III of Scots)Sir Princess Elizabeth Stewart, a daughter of King Robert II of Scots (1371 - 1390).----------------------------------------------Lady ELIZABETH Stew...
Kaj Henry Österberg
(1943 - 2019)
Harrasti sukututkimusta ja viimeisinä vuosinaan keskittyi erityisesti Uudenmaan sukuihin. Neuvoi, opasti ja toimi yhteistyössä muiden sukujaan tutkivien kanssa.
Itse käytti profiilissaan Media-välilehd...
Matts Larsson Granberg
(c.1550 - aft.1614)
Mattias fru hette Catharina Östendotter Sursill som redovisas på annan plats i släktkrönikan som hustru till Henricus Laurenti Lithovius. G. S. 2343siis kuka ? " Mathias Erikinpoika saattoi olla lähtöi...
John Tenney, Sr.
(1567 - 1644)
John Tenney BIRTH Apr 1567 Great Limber, West Lindsey District, Lincolnshire, England DEATH Oct 1644 (aged 77) Riby, West Lindsey District, Lincolnshire, England BURIAL St Edmund's Church Riby, West L...
Isolda de Meudre
(c.1182 - c.1246)
lsolda Bardolf Midlands
ISOLDA (-after 1 Jul 1225). There are contrary indications concerning the parentage of Isolda. “Jord Foliot Isold de Gray et Rad Paynel” swore homage for the lands of “Robti ...
Col. Adonijah Strong
(1743 - 1813)
A Patriot of the American Revolution for CONNECTICUT with the rank of LIEUTENANT.
DAR Ancestor # A111446
Adonijah's birth and death information are available at
Vital statistics:
Birth: J...
Leah Bunim Meisels
(c.1570 - d.)
Osbert II de Condet, Lord Wickhambreux
(c.1082 - 1129)
Osbert de CONDET 1, 2 was born 1080 in Wickhambreux, Kent, England. He died 1129 in Wickhambreux, Kent, England. Osbert married Adelaide de CHESNEY on 1103 in Wickhambreux, Kent, England.
Adelaide de ...
 Photo by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Angelina_Jolie_2_June_2014_(cropped).jpg#mw-jump-to-license
Angelina Jolie
New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Angelina Jolie is an American actor, filmmaker, and humanitarian. The recipient of numerous accolades, including an Academy Award and three Golden Globe Awards, she has been named Hollywood's highest-p...
Elizabeth (Kortright) Monroe, 5th First Lady of the United States
(1768 - 1830)
Elizabeth Kortright Monroe (June 30, 1768 – September 23, 1830) was First Lady of the United States from 1817 to 1825, as the wife of James Monroe, fifth President of the United States, who held t...
Håkon III, king of Norway
(1182 - 1204)
Håkon III Sverresen was born circa 1180. He died in 1204.-Ifølge Ifølge Lars Bernaas Nordang, døde han 3 September 1202. Håkon III Sverresson åkon III of Norway åkon 3 Sverresson
Reginald Uba ← Suuban
(1911 - 1972)
Reginald Uba (kuni 1936 Suuban või harvemini Suban ; 13. juuli (vkj)/ 26. juuli 1911 Kohtla vald, Jõhvi kihelkond, Virumaa – 15. august 1972 Tallinn) oli eesti kergejõustiklane (keskmaajooksja).
Evi Porkveli / Mihkelson
(1925 - 2009)
EVI PORKVELI 16.04.1925-03.05.2009
Sünd ja perekonnanime muutmine Saaga EAA.3144.1.139:144?170,1922,3103,187,0
Personaalraamat XIV. A-K; EAA.3144.1.146; 1910-1940 Saaga EAA.3144.1.146:241?352,21...
Metta Gödekesdotter Fincke
(c.1370 - c.1442)
Henrik Fincken vaimo. Henrik Finckes hustru. 'Henrik Fincke's wife. Fincke- suku polveutuu äidin puolelta eräästä Finckestä, joka mainitaan Suomessa 1370-1385. Drotsi Bo Jonssonin (Grip) palvelija sai ...
Nicolae Iorga
(1871 - 1940)
Nicolae Iorga[alt 1][a] (17 June 1871 – 27 November 1940) was a Romanian politician who held top posts, including prime minister and president of the Senate. He was also a historian, literary critic,...
Petter Anker Stordalen
Petter Stordalen er en norsk investor, hotelleier og eiendomsutvikler.Han er sønn av tidligere norgesmester i bryting Knut Anker Stordalen, og vokste opp i Porsgrunn. Faren vokste opp på gården Stordal...
Filpus Ivarsson
(c.1420 - c.1472)
Linnaläänin päällikkö Kastelholmin linnassa. Kastelholm, Ahvenanmaa. Hövitsman på Kastelholm slott, Kastelholm, Åland, Finland. 'Captain at Kastelholm Castle. Kastelholm, Ahvenanmaa, Finland. Filpus Iv...
Peder Hansson Kylling
(1818 - 1882)
Peder var den eldste sønnen til Lisbeth og Hans. Peder døde 16. september 1882 i Øverdalen og var således den den eneste av barna av denne huslyden som vart att i dalen.Kilder: Ragnhilds Ætt av Odd Mer...
William Forbes of Monymusk
(c.1545 - c.1619)
Mathilde de Boulogne
(c.500 - 580)
Ingeborg Olufsdotter Vereide
(c.1564 - c.1650)
mtDNA: U5a1a1g
James Stewart, 5th High Steward of Scotland
(aft.1243 - 1309)
JAMES STEWART Hereditary Steward of Scotland Find A Grave Memorial# 151529631
James, 5th High Steward of Scotland James Stewart (born say 1260 - died 16 July 1309) was the 5th hereditary High Steward...
Gabriel Nilsson Hauge
(bef.1570 - bef.1645)
14.02.22 - endra foreldre frå Vereide til Hauge. Det er kona hans som er av vereids-slekta; signert Aase Sæther
• Skjøte, Bef 1644 - Ytre Hauge, bnr. 5, Jørnbruket, Gloppen prestegjeld, Sogn og Fjorda...
 Photo from the Official Directory of the House of Representatives (1923): https://www.google.com/books/edition/Directorio_oficial_de_la_C%C3%A1mara_de_Repr/8hItAQAAMAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=%22rafael%20villanueva%20segundo%20distrito%22&pg=PA44-IA1&printsec=frontcover
Original file: https://ibb.co/jkccJBc7 or https://imgbox.com/NfOTZ4oo or https://pixhost.to/show/851/575100474_rafael-simon-villanueva-y-torres.jpg
Wikimedia Commons: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Rafael_Sim%C3%B3n_Villanueva_y_Torres.jpg
This work is in the public domain in the Philippines and possibly other jurisdictions because it is a work created by an officer or employee of the Government of the Philippines or any of its subdivisions and instrumentalities, including government-owned and/or controlled corporations, as part of their regularly prescribed official duties; consequently, any work is ineligible for copyright under the terms of Part IV, Chapter I, Section 171.11 and Part IV, Chapter IV, Section 176 of Republic Act No. 8293 and Republic Act No. 10372, as amended, unless otherwise noted. However, in some instances, the use of this work in the Philippines or elsewhere may be regulated by this law or other laws.
Rafael Villanueva
(1882 - aft.1939)
Rafael Villanueva was a Filipino politician. He represented the second district of Batangas at the House of Representatives of the Philippines from June 6, 1922 to June 2, 1925.
Official Directory of...
Telpwyl ap Urban
(c.250 - d.)
See Darrell Wolcott, "Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees," -- for help in untangling these lines. (May 18, 2016, Anne Brannen, curator)Please see Darrell Wolcott: Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediat...
Friedrich Georg Graf von Berg
(1845 - 1938)
Berg, Friedrich* Georg Magnus v., seit 1856 Gf. (1845-1938) 0000000035348956 [isni.org, viaf.org], ♂, Landwirt Genealogie V.: Gustav v. B. M.: Charlotte Katharina Elisabeth, geb. Gfn. v. Sievers
Perttu Sarja
(1685 - 1740)
Lähteet==# Pohjanmaan läänin tilejä - Henkikirjat 1742-1742 (9343), jakso 195, sivu 192: Pidisjerfwiby, № 9; Kansallisarkisto: / Viitattu 13.6.2021# Pohjanmaan läänin tilejä - Henkikirjat 1745-1745 (93...
Erik Eriksen Sjællandsfar
(bef.1339 - aft.1380)
Angiveligt uægte søn af Erik Menved og ukend mor.
Antagelig uægte søn af kong Erik Menved. [2]
1326 nævnes Erik Sjællandsfar; han overlod da ærkebispen Hammershus. På et eller andet tidspunkt tilpante...
Sancha Nunes de Chacim
(c.1240 - d.)
"O segundo casamento foi com Sancha Nunes de Chacim, filha de Nuno Martins de Chacim e de sua segunda esposa, Teresa Nunes Queixada, de quem teve oito filhas:
Branca Lourenço de Valadares, casou depoi...
Rusticus Flavius
(bef.335 - 423)
Mika Kristian Myllylä
(1969 - 2011)
Myllylä, Mika: ”Riisuttu mestari” Kustantaja: Tammi, painovuosi: 2001, 318 sivua
Joseph Endicott
(1761 - 1827)
"Joseph Endecott (1763-1827) was born in Mt. Holly, New Jersey and traveled with the family to homes in Virginia, North Carolina, and Kentucky. He married Nancy Faubion in 1786 prior to the family move...
Princess Olga Romanova
Princess Olga Andreevna Romanoff (born 8 April 1950) is a Russian princess and descendant of the House of Romanov.Princess Olga is the youngest child of Prince Andrei Alexandrovich of Russia and the on...
Rikdag I, count in the Harzgau
(c.815 - 873)
William de Chesney, Lord of Caenby & Glentham
(c.1067 - 1086)
William de CHESNEY [Parents] 1, 2 was born 1067 in Glentham, Lincolnshire, England.He had the following children: F i Adelaide de CHESNEY was born 1087.Sources: 1Weis, Frederick Lewis, Ancestral Ro...
Thomas Rogers
(1815 - 1876)
Thomas Rogers was tried at the Central Criminal Court (The Old Bailey) and convicted of stealing a cloak valued at 15 shillings. He was transported to Tasmania for 14 years and he left the U.K on the 1...
Lothar I, von Walbeck
(b. - 929)
LOTHAR [I] von Walbeck, son of --- (-killed in battle near Lenzen an der Elbe 5 Sep 929). Thietmar records the death of two of his great grandfathers "both named Liuthar" at the battle of Lenzen 5 Sep[...
Anne Guildford
(c.1454 - 1499)
Anne Pimpe1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9* F, #39598, b. circa 1454*Father John Pimpe1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 b. c 1430*Mother Isabella Pashley b. c 1427* Anne Pimpe was born circa 1454 at of Nettlestead, Kent, England. Sh...
Frédéric Chopin
(1810 - 1849)
Ballade in G Minor (Horowitz) , * Revolution Etude Op.10 No.12 (Encore, Kissin) , * Nocturne No. 2 (Op. 9) (Yundi Li) , *[ [ Piano Concerto No. 1 in E minor, Op. 11], * Military Polonaise, Opus 40 #1 (...
Anarawd ap Rhodri Mawr
(c.850 - 916)
See Peter Bartrum, (May 27, 2018; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Bartrum's "Pedigrees of the Welsh Tribal Patriarchs" #14 Mam Tudor Trefor; . (Steven Ferry, September 20, 2019.)
Prof. Thomas Gold
(1920 - 2004)
published in the Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society December, 2004: Thomas "Tommy" Gold died of heart disease at Cayuga Medical Center, Ithaca NY on 22 June 2004 at the age of 84. He will be...
William Grimshaw
(1823 - 1860)
He was an apprenticed as a slater to a well respected tradesman. He was arrested for stealing 2 silver watches and sent to Kikdale Prison to await his trial. He pleaded not guilty to the charge and was...
Euphemia Reidheugh
(1488 - d.)
Walter Stewart married Euphemia Reideugh (aka "Ruddock"), daughter of James Reideugh of Cultobraggan,[1] comptroller of the household of King James IV.
"Red Book of Scotland Volume ...
Michael Francis Middleton
Middleton Family History-
Michael Francis Middleton (born 23 June 1949) is a British businessman.
He is the father of Catherine, Princess of Wales, Philippa Matthews and James Middleton.
Born in Le...
Peder Paulsen Balke, Eidsvollsmann
(1779 - 1840)
Peder Paulsen Balke Fra Wikipedia : Peder Paulsen Balke (født 4. mai 1779, død 6. september 1840) var en norsk soldat, bonde og eidsvollmann fra Østre Toten.
Balke var dragon i Sønnenfjeldske drago...
Leo Goldschmidt
(1883 - 1946)
1936 Flucht nach Palästina
Nachman Fellman
(1876 - 1954)
אנציקלופדית תדהר
Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Jun 14 2021, 10:55:17 UTC
John Sullivant
(c.1705 - 1750)
John Sullivant was born ABT 1700 in Princess Anne County, VA, and died ABT 1750 in Twitty's Creek, Lunenburg County, VA. He was the son of 2. Owen Sullivan and 3. Ruth Pleasants ?. He married Hester Un...
Dr. Franz Amshel Kafka
(1883 - 1924)
Franz Kafka ; ( 3 July 1883 – 3 June 1924) was a German-language novelist, one of the most influential of the 20th century, whose works came to be regarded after his death as one of the major achieveme...
Johanna Catharina Kirsten
(c.1728 - 1781)
Rabbi Shabtai (Sheftil) Halevi Horowitz
(b. - 1555)
Shabbatei bn Jesai’ haLevi Horwitz, rosh v’manhig v’dajan, bn haStadlan chatano Akiba b’Ofen 1555
Seventh-born and youngest son of Yeshayahu haLevi - the first Horowitz
כתובות בית העלמין היהודי בפר...
Sir John Hurst, II
(1460 - 1530)