Grizel Rattray
(bef.1502 - bef.1542)
Griselle Rettray (1517) Grizel Rattray of that ilk (1533) Grissilde Rettra (1537-38)
According to the late A. Francis Steuart, Grizel Rattray, here treated, is the daughter of Sir...
Arnulf I van Masaland
(951 - 993)
Arnulf, also known as Aernout or Arnold succeeded his father in 988 as Count in Frisia. He was born in 951 in Ghent and because of this he is also known as Arnulf of Ghent. Arnulf was the son of Dirk I...
Rosa Luxemburg
(1871 - 1919)
Rosa Luxemburg (Rosalia Luxemburg, Polish: Róża Luksemburg; 5 March 1871, Zamość, Vistula Land, Russia – 15 January 1919, Berlin, Germany) was a Marxist theorist, philosopher, economist and revolutiona...
Sir William de Harcourt
(c.1070 - aft.1149)
Oldest son and heir.William de Harcourt, Lord of Harcourt, Cailville, Beauficel, and Lord of the Manor of Stanton-under-Bardon, co. Leicester, was living in 1124, married Hue de Amboise. He arrayed him...
Sir Ernest Shackleton
(1874 - 1922)
Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton , CVO, OBE (15 February 1874 – 5 January 1922) was an Irish-born British explorer who was one of the principal figures of the period known as the Heroic Age of Antarct...
Mary Broderick
(c.1803 - bef.1839)
Born: Cir 1803, County Galway, Ireland UK [from Application for passage to Aust birth year=1803]
Marriage (1): Patrick Broderick in 1820 in County Galway, Ireland UK
Death- before 1839 in Ireland
Peter ll de Brus, Baron of Skelton
(c.1185 - 1241)
Sir Peter II de Brus, Baron Skelton1,2,3,4,5,6,7* M, #12988, b. before 1201, d. between 7 September 1240 and 7 September 1247*Father Peter I de Brus, Baron Skelton & Danby8 d. 12 Feb 1222*Mother Johann...
Lydia Koidula
(1843 - 1886)
Lydia Koidula (sünninimi Lydia Emilie Florentine Jannsen) oli eesti kirjanik, Johann Voldemar Jannseni tütar. Lydia Koidula was the pen name of Lydia Emilie Florentine Jannsen, an Estonian poet.
Reb Leibish - The Pshevorsker Rebbe - אדמו"ר מפשעווארסק שליט"א
Antwerp, Antwerp, Flanders, Belgium
Rabbi Leibish Leiser was born in the town of Peshborsk (then in Galicia, today in Poland) to Rabbi Yaakov Leizer , later the second Rebbe of Peshawarsk, and to Alta Bina , daughter of Rabbi Moshe Yitzh...
Margaret Hay
MARGARET HAY======Evidence from the Writs at Yester House=== 31 March 1491: Precept from the King receiving Alexander Borthwik, Master Adam Borthuik, Master Alexander Borthuik, William Hay, James Sincl...
John Read, Jr.
Brother of Deborah Franklin.Read lived in York, Pennsylvania, was a wagonmaster under General Braddock, and gave Franklin power of attorney in 1755. * Page 44 of More Colonial Women: 25 Pioneers of Ear...
Helena Guttormsdatter
(c.1167 - aft.1230)
Wikipedia DA
Helena Guttormsdatter, Efter Esbern Snares død, frille til Valdemar Sejr
Father: Guttorm Austmansson, jarl in Sweden
Mother: Undocumented...
Hrothgar Halfdansson, Scylding King of Roskilde Denmark
(c.527 - c.620)
Beowulf och Hleidargardur
Hroðgar, Hrothgar, Hróarr, Hroar, Roar, Roas or Ro was a legendary Danish king, living in the early 6th century.
A Danish king Hroðgar appears in the Anglo-Saxon epics ...
William Penn, Founder of Pennsylvania
(1644 - 1718)
Share some things about William Penn.....
William Penn (October 14, 1644 – July 30, 1718) was an English founder and "Absolute Proprietor" of the Province of Pennsylvania, the English N...
Casimir I "the Restorer", Duke of Poland
(1016 - 1058)
I Karol Odnowiciel (ur. 25 lipca 1016, zm. 28 listopada 1058[1] w Poznaniu) – książę z dynastii Piastów , władca Polski w latach 1034-1058 (z przerwami), syn Mieszka II i Rychezy. Po śmierci ojca, w 10...
Rabbi Joseph HaLevi
This profile has been disconnected from Rabbi Benvenisti ben Yossef Ha'Levi .
We the management of Geni.com appreciate the tremendous religious and cultural significance of the alleged connection betw...
Niels Jensen Rosenkrantz, til Hevringholm og Tange
(c.1352 - aft.1424)
Niels Jensen Rosenkrantz[1] 1352 - 1424Fødsel ca. 1352 Køn Mand Død 1424 Far Jens Nielsen Rosenkrantz, f. ca. 1320, d. eft. 1377 Mor Margrethe Timmesdatter Familie 1 Anne Ottesdatter Bild Børn >...
Ednyfed ap Anwn Dynod
(c.330 - d.)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 6, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Royal Family of Gwynedd - Elidyr Mwynfawr Contests Rhun ap Maelgwn for Gwynedd; . (Steven Ferry, December 2...
Mael Muire mac Donnchad, Mormaer of Atholl
(1035 - 1128)
Máel Muire of Atholl was Mormaer of Atholl at the beginning of the 12th century, until sometime perhaps in the 1130s. According to the Orkneyinga Saga, Máel Muire was a son of king Donnchad I and a you...
Driva Snaersdotter Snødatter
(c.280 - c.360)
Mythology.Driva norr. Drífa Snæsdóttir, datter av Snø den gamle og søster til Torre.Kilder: or Vanlande was a Swedish king at Uppsala of the House of Yngling in Norse mythology. He was the son of Sveig...
Susan French
(bef.1584 - 1658)
Susan Riddlesdale1
F, #70818, b. 20 April 1584, d. August 1658
Father John Riddlesdale1 b. 26 Sep 1557, d. 4 Jun 1629
Mother Dorcas1 b. c 1560
Susan Riddlesdale was christened on 20 April 1584 ...
John de Balliol I, 5th Baron of Bywell
(bef.1208 - 1268)
John de Balliol (Baliol)
From Wikipedia
(died 25 October 1268) was a leading figure of Scottish and Anglo-Norman life of his time. Balliol College, in Oxford, is named after him.
He was ...
'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Musa al-Bekir, valí de al-Andalus
(c.680 - 717)
Abd al-Aziz ibn Musa ibn Nusair (en árabe, عبد العزيز بن موسى) fue el primer valí de Al-Ándalus, gobernando entre los años 714 al 716. Residió en Ishbiliya (Sevilla).
Era hijo del Musa ibn Nusair, qui...
Abraham Senneor
(1412 - 1493)
The Senior Coronel & Saraiva Family Segovia Castilla y Leon Spain, c. 1386 - See Complete Family Tree and BiographyTogether with I saac Abravanel, wrote the letter of objection to Isabella and Ferdinan...
Hugh de Lacy, Lord of Meath, 4th Baron Lacy
(1125 - 1185)
Hugh de Lacy, Lord of Meath de Lacy, Tiarna na Mí de Lacy (lord de Meath)=-----= Retrieved 15 March 2015 HUGH de Lacy , son of GILBERT de Lacy & his wife --- (-killed 25 Jul 1185). A manuscript which n...
Arvo Putmaker
(1921 - 2006)
Hüvasti, hea sõber Arvo!
Sina, seal pilve peal! Meenutagem neid aegu, kui te kolmekesi – Järveri Lemps, su noorem vend Ülo ja sina ise – jooksite, veinipunased suure W-tähega dressid seljas, mööda Õie...
Sir William Keith, Great Marischal of Scotland
(c.1315 - bef.1413)
William Keith
Parents: Edward Keith, Isobel de Synton of Sinton
Married: Margaret Fraser
Died between 13 May 1407 and 2 June 1413 (2)
married Margaret Fraser, daughter of John Fraser of Tou...
Lucrezia Borgia, duchessa di Ferrara, Modena e Reggio
(1480 - 1519)
Lucrezia BORGIA (April 18, 1480-1519 June 24) was the daughter of Rodrigo BORGIA, the powerful Renaissance Valencian who later became Pope Alexander VI, and Vannozza dei CATTANEI. Her brothers inclu...
Amy Winehouse
(1983 - 2011)
Amy Jade Winehouse (14 September 1983 – 23 July 2011) was an English singer-songwriter known for her powerful contralto vocals and her eclectic mix of musical genres including R&B, soul and jazz.
Maria Benedita de Castro, baronesa de Sorocaba
(1792 - 1857)
Teve com o imperador um filho, Rodrigo Delfim Pereira, que foi registrado como filho de Delfim Pereira, mas reconhecido por D. Pedro I já em Portugal, ainda que não de forma oficial.Como esposa de Boav...
Gyda Svendsdatter af Danmark
(c.980 - 1000)
Gyda Sveinsdotter, av Danmark==* Daughter of Svend Tveskägg (Forkbeard) Haraldsson and a Frille==Spouse==* Married: Eirik Håkonsson (ca 963-1023)==Children:==* Håkon Eiriksson, ==Project MedLands==King...
Íñigo (Enneco) Arista de Pamplona, 1st King of Pamplona
(790 - 851)
Share some things about...........
Íñigo (pronounced en- yay -go ) Íñigo Íñiguez, Enneco Enneconis (en latín) o Eneko Aritza (en euskera) (c. 770 — 851) primer rey de Pamplona entre los años 810/820 ...
Diego Pérez Sarmiento de Villamayor y Haro, adelantado mayor de Castilla
(c.1315 - 1363)
Diego Pérez Sarmiento - Wikipedia españolaDiego Pérez Sarmiento de Villamayor y Haro, Señor de las casas de Sarmiento Villamayor y Bureva, Adelantado Mayor de Castilla y Canciller Mayor de la Orden de ...
Joseph Leland Heywood
(1815 - 1910)
Biographical Summary 1:== Joseph Leland Heywood (1815 - 1910) was a man with a great deal of experience in the (LDS)Church and had a personal acquaintance with the Prophet Joseph Smith. He was born in ...
Rebbetzin Gitla Fajga Katz-Wartski, hy"d
(1897 - 1942)
husband: Hakadosh Rabbi Chaim Lazer wartski (hachoen) ztk"l hy"d,the son of haZadik haNistar Rabbi Benjamin Menachem(benaz)Wartski (Hachoen)ztk"l Which was one of the36 righteous and direct descendat t...
Sigurd I Magnusson "the Crusader" Jorsalfare, King of Norway
(c.1090 - 1130)
Sigurd I Magnusson
Son of Magnus Barefoot, King of Norway and Tora NN
Sigurd I Magnusson (1089[1] – 26 March 1130), also known as Sigurd the Crusader (Old Norse: Sigurðr Jórsalafari, Norwegian: Sig...
Thierry I, count of Autun
(b. - bef.804)
Do not confuse him with Makhir , the Jewish Prince, or with Théodéric IV of Austrasia,King of the Franks (?-737) or Aymeri de Narbonne, the fictional father of the fictional counterpart of Thierry's so...
Heinrich I, Graf von Oldenburg zu Wildeshausen
(1125 - 1167)
Wikipedia in German
Sir Knight & Count Heinrich I whose full name and title was: Heinrich I, Graf Von Oldenburg-Wildeshausen, Ammerland und Rietberg, Vogt Von Rastede was slai...
Beatriz de Castela, rainha consorte de Portugal
(1242 - 1303)
Beatriz de Gusmão e Castela, Rainha de PortugalOrigem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre. rainha não deve ser confundida com a homónima Beatriz de Castela (II) (1293 - 1359), filha do seu meio-irmão Sanc...
Bertha of Swabia
(b. - aft.966)
Bertha of Swabia (c. 907 – after January 2, 966) was Queen consort of Burgundy. She was the daughter of Burchard II, Duke of Swabia and his wife Regelinda.
In 922, she was married to Rudolph I...
Thurstan le Goz, viscount of Avranches
(989 - aft.1041)
Medilands (24 Mar 2022) Normandy Nobility: Avranches, Bayeux, Cotentin
ANSFRID , son of --- . His name and that of his son suggest that this family was of Viking origin, wh...
Jeanne de Valois, Comtesse de Hainault
(c.1289 - bef.1342)
Joan of Valois (c. 1294 Longpont, Aisne, France – 7 March 1342, Fontenelle, Yonne, France). Jeanne de Valois, (née en 1294 - morte le 7 mars 1352), princesse de sang royal, fille de Charles de Franc...
Simon Nilsson
(b. - 1605)
Simon Nilsson , var 1593 stallmästare hos Hartvig Henriksson till Voltis. Fänrik under Hans Perssons fana. Skeppshövidsman över hertig Carls »krutskepp» 1599 under Viborgs belägring. Knekthövidsman öve...
Afonso de Portugal, senhor de Portalegre
(1263 - 1312)
D. Afonso de Portugal (8 de fevereiro de 1263 - Lisboa, 2 de novembro de 1312)[1] foi um infante português, intitulado Senhor de Portalegre, Castelo de Vide, Arronches, Marvão e Lourinhã[2].BiografiaPr...
Margrethe von Pape, Friherreinde af Løvendal
(c.1620 - 1684)
Margrethe Pape , Friherreinde af Løvendal var datter af Nicolaus von Pape, hoffmester for det adelige frøkenkloster i Itzehoe (3 røde hjerter i gull) og hans hustru Anna.Før sit ægteskab med dronning S...
Te Keepa Te Rangihiwinui
(1824 - 1898)
"Te Keepa Te Rangihiwinui NZC (died 15 April 1898) was a Māori military commander and noted ally of the government forces during the New Zealand Wars. First known as Te Rangihiwinui, he was later known...
Ferdinand Magellan, Navigator
(1480 - 1521)
Ferdinand Magellan (Portuguese: Fernão de Magalhães; Spanish: Fernando de Magallanes; c. 1480 – April 27, 1521) was a Portuguese explorer. He was born in Sabrosa, in northern Portugal, and served King ...
Magnus I Olavsson «the Good» den Gode
(c.1024 - 1047)
Magnus Olavsson «the Good» den Gode Magnus 1 den gode, ca. 1024–1047. Konge i Norge 1035 - 1047. Konge i Danmark fra 1042 - 1047. Sønn av Olav den hellige og Alvhild. Døde under et krigstog mot Svend E...
Sir Nicholas Carew, KG, Master of the Horse
(c.1496 - 1540)
"Carew was beheaded on Tower Hill on 8 Mar. 1539, where according to Hall;
he made a godly confession, both of his folly and superstitious faith, giving God most hearty thanks that ever he came in the ...
Ulrich Danner
(1670 - c.1700)
Robert "Riach" de Atholia
(c.1400 - c.1460)
He succeeded to the lands of Struan apparently as heir-male to his uncle, Thomas Duncanson, the previous possessor, which he resigned to the Crown "apud castrum de Blar in Atholia" and for which he the...
Folke "Filbyter"
(c.1010 - c.1100)
Folke "Filbyter" from
Folke Filbyter is the popularized name of the pagan progenitor of the House of Bjelbo clan. Since Folke is said to have been the great-great-grandfather of Birger Brosa, he woul...
Count Jan de Witte
(1781 - 1840)
Иван Осипович де Витт , właśc. Jan de Witte – rosyjski generał kawalerii, warszawski gubernator wojenny od 1831, hrabia. Wikipedia PL === GEDCOM Note ===Гражданский муж в 1821 - 1836 годах.Граф Ива́н О...
Gwrtheyrn ap Rhydeyrn
(c.185 - d.)
See Darrell Wolcott, "Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees," -- for help in untangling these lines. (May 18, 2016, Anne Brannen, curator)Please see Darrell Wolcott: Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediat...
Caetano Vicente de Almeida Junior, Barão de Mucuri
(1811 - 1890)
Caetano Vicente de Almeida Júnior, primeiro e único barão de Mucuri (Belmonte, 15 de setembro de 1811 — Niterói, 14 de abril de 1890), foi um magistrado brasileiro.Casou-se com Ana Maria de Sampaio e d...
Capt., Sir William atte Wode, Knt.
(bef.1270 - c.1346)
Sir William Atte Wode (bef. 1270 – c. 1346) was Captain of the King's Guard at the Palace of Westminster under King Edward III of England.He was probably born sometime before 1300 in Coulsdon, Surrey, ...
Lucie de La Marche
(b. - aft.1090)
John Ross
(1729 - 1800)
DAR Patriot A098448 Patriotic Service Pennsylvania* Reference: Find A Grave Memorial - SmartCopy : Aug 9 2019, 3:56:19 UTC
Biography From
John Ross born Tain, Ross and Cromarty, Scotland, 29th Jan...
Mahaut de Crequy, I
(c.891 - 930)
Since August 2007, this profile remains primary-source insupportable as either the wife of Adelolf or the mother of Arnulf II:
"m ---. The name of Adalolf's wife is not known. Comte Adalolf & his wif...
 Plate 11 - 7 Sutherland http://www.archive.org/stream/heraldryofmurray00john#page/4/mode/2up
Freskin de Moravia of Duffus
(c.1169 - c.1222)
feudal lord of Duffus===Burke's Peerage entry-FRESKIN, allegedly of Flemish origins, granted large estates by DAVID I, including Strabrock, W Lothian, and Duffus, Moray; confirmed in these by roy chart...
Miriam Jones
(1707 - 1743)
Geoffrey Atte Wode
(1297 - 1346)
Parents: SIR WILLIAM ATTE WODE and JULIANA.Assumed to be eldest son because of his connection with Hooley House as possessor of the estate. A Sergeant of Arms to the King.Peter Atte Wode was probably b...
Hans Johansson Rainio
(c.1570 - d.)
Ratsutilallinen, nimismies. Ratsumies, ryttare 1604.Hans Johansson /Jönsson Rainio, Rainion isäntä 1597-1610.Puoliso Beata k.1624 Karkku. ===Sastamala Karkku Rainio=== pitäjän Rainiossa asunut varakas ...
Christopher Helme, Sr.
(bef.1603 - 1650)
Comments at retrieved 13 May 2023
Disputed Associations In a previous version of this profile, Christopher Helme was reported the son of William Helme and his third wife, Priscilla Wentworth. This as...
Richard de Comyn, Justiciar of Lothian, Lord of Tyndale
(c.1115 - c.1179)
Richard Comyn (d. c 1179) was a Scottish noble, the nephew of William Comyn.[1]
Richard was probably born between 1115 and 1123. In 1144, William Comyn gave him Northallerton Castle, which he had bu...
Finn Håreksson av Tjøtta
(c.1020 - d.)
Finn Håreksson av Tjøtta
Son of Hårek fra Tjøtta and Ragnhild Arnesdatter av Giske
Chapter 3. DESCENDANTS of FIN SKJALGE Project MedLands Norway Nobility
FIN Skjalge, son of --- .
married GU...
Betzalel ben Chaim, [Maharal's father]
(c.1480 - c.1550)
All Maharal Geanealogy is detailed hereben Chaïm LOEW (LOEB) was born about 1480. Unlike his young brothers, stayed behind to help his father and did not pursue studies in Poland. Betzalel married the ...
(c.859 - 898)
Æthelhelm or Æþelhelm (c. 859–923) was the younger son of Æthelred of Wessex (Æþelræd).
Both he and his brother were too young to inherit the throne in 871 and it passed to their uncle King Alfred the...
Jack Black
Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, United States
Thomas Jacob "Jack" Black (born August 28, 1969)[1] is an American actor, producer, comedian, voice artist, writer, and musician. His acting career has been extensive, starring primarily in comedy film...
William Geary, Jr.
(1853 - 1923)
Duke Edward Augustus Hannover, Prince, Duke of Kent and Strathearn
(1767 - 1820)
"The Prince Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathearn (Edward Augustus; 2 November 1767 – 23 January 1820) was a member of the British Royal Family, the fourth son of King George III and the father of Queen ...
Leofric III, earl of Mercia
(c.968 - bef.1057)
Leofric (b 968, d 31 Aug or 30 Sep 1057) Earl of MerciaParents: Leofwine & his wife Spouse: "Lady Godiva" Godgifu Child: Ælfgar of MerciaLINKS LANDSLEOFRIC, son of LEOFWINE Ealdorman of the Hwicce in M...
Mary Herbert, Countess of Pembroke
(1443 - c.1481)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 1, 2018; Anne Brannen, curator) Wydeville was born circa 1443.2 She was the daughter of Richard Wydevill, 1st Earl Rivers and Jacquetta de Luxembourg.2 She married William ...
Lt. General James Howe
(1704 - 1790)
Vykintas, duke of Samogitia
(c.1190 - c.1253)
Vykintas (m. prieš 1253 m.) – XIII amžiaus žemaičių kunigaikštis.Pirmą kartą minimas 1219 m. kaip sutarties su Volynės kunigaikščiais dalyvis. Spėjama, kad jis galėjo vadovauti žemaičiams 1236 m. Šiaul...
Count Ridoredh de Bretagne, Comte de Nantes et Vannes
(830 - 857)
His son Alain is not in this site with MAKES the ancestors wrong from Alain
This needs to be corrected
Pasquitan, Pascweten, or Paskwezhen (died 876) was the Count of Vannes and a claimant to th...
Judicaël Berenger de Rennes, comte de Rennes
(b. - c.970)
Alternately, son of daughter of Berenguer
son of Berenger
JUDICAËL [Juhael] (-[970]). Comte de Rennes. "Alanus dux Britonum" donated property to Landevenec by undated charter, dated to [940/50]...
Sir William Clopton, Lord of Castlynes
(1445 - 1530)
Listed as Sir Knight William Clopton.*________________* 'Sir William Clopton, Burgess for Maldon1,2,3,4 * 'M, #58946, b. circa 1458, d. 20 February 1531*Father John Clopton, Esq.1,4 b. c 1423, d. c 149...
Ela de Herdeburgh
(c.1286 - c.1343)
(search for "Ela (dau of Roger de Herdeburgh)"; membership required in order to view without interruption)
content to clean up Children by her second marriage to William le Boteler:
Georgina Đuka Tesla
(1822 - 1892)
Georgina “Djuka” Tesla (née Mandic) was born in 1822 in Tomingaj, Gracac as the fourth (out of eight) child of Serbian Orthodox priest father Nikola (1800–1863) and mother Sofija (née Budisavljevic). G...
Janet ‘Jean’ Hamilton
(1517 - 1574)
LADY JANET HAMILTON (aka JONETE HAMMYLTOUN or JOHANNE HAMMILTOUN)======Evidence from the National Records of Scotland=== 1 26 November 1526: Charter under the Great Seal of Scotland made in favour of A...
Margery Hayward
(1611 - 1676)
Margery Knight
February 1610–18 July 1676
Brief Life History of Margery
When Margery Knight was born in February 1610, in Stepney, Middlesex, England, United Kingdom, her father, William K...
Edward “Ned” Kelly, {Bushranger}
(1854 - 1880)
A brief history of Ned Kelly and the Kelly GangEdward 'Ned' Kelly was the first-born son of an Irish Catholic couple. His father was an ex-convict and mother a migrant. He was born in June 1855 and was...
Luitgarde of Treves
(c.910 - 986)
Wichburg of Bavaria (also Wigburg ) († after 980) from the family of Luitpoldinger was the daughter of Duke Eberhard of Bavaria († 940) and his wife Liutgart of Lorraine-Verdun , da...
Doris Grozdanovičová
(1926 - 2019)
Maria von Hohenstaufen
(1201 - 1235)
FYI: Prior to 3/19/19 Photo image is actually Adelheid van Bourgondië not Maria von Hohenstaufen Janet Milburn
Maria von Hohenstaufen is my 23rd great grandmother.
Peter Hess, Jr.
(1782 - 1869)
Updated from Find A Grave Memorial via brother Jeremiah Hess, Sr by SmartCopy : Apr 1 2015, 18:57:16 UTC Hess Jr.
BIRTH 8 Aug 1782
Monongalia County, West Virginia, USA
Herod the Great, de-facto King of Judea
(-73 - -4)
(pretty neat!)==Herod "the Great" or Herod "the Impious"==King Herod was known to the Romans as "the Great", but in the eyes of the people over whom he ruled he was always known as "the Impious", despi...
Ludwig I. von Liegnitz
(c.1317 - c.1398)
Ludwik I brzeski (Sprawiedliwy, Roztropny, Prawy) – książę namysłowski (1338-1342) i legnicki (1342-1345 z bratem Wacławem I, 1345-1346 w wyniku podziału w Legnicy), w latach 1346-1348/1349 bez przydzi...
Hildegard of Ferrette
(c.876 - c.940)
Not a known child of unsourced Matfrède III, comte de Metz & Luitfriede d'Auxerre
Hildegard of Ferrette
AKA Hildegard of Alsace, Hildegarde de Ferrette
- (876 - abt. 940)
Daughter of [father unknow...
Ermessenda D' Ampurias, Comtesse de Carcassone
(c.812 - 908)
Esposa de Sunifredo de UrgelWife of Sunifred of Urgel
Rabbi Nathan of Paris, [RIBaN father]
(1040 - d.)
Feiga Horodenker, [the Prophetess]
(c.1755 - 1801)
Feigi, Reb. Nachman of Breslov's mother, was born in Medzeboz to her parents, R. Yechiel Ashkenazi and Adil, the Baal Shem Tov's daughter.Feigi married R. Simcha in 1763. This match had been agreed upo...
Rbzn. Udel Ashkenazi, dau. Baal Shem Tov
(c.1720 - c.1787)
אדל אשכנזי (קרי: אוֹדֶל או אִידְל; ה'ת"ף – ה'תקמ"ז)[1], הייתה בתו של הבעל שם טוב, אבי תנועת החסידות. מעט ידוע בוודאות על קורות חייה, אך היא הפכה לדמות חשובה באגדות החסידים.בשבחי הבעש"ט מסופר כי לפני פט...
Eberhard III, count in Nordgau
(c.860 - aft.898)
Ancestry unknown but he often claimed as a son of Eberhard II , count in Nordgau
He appears as a villian in the Life of Deicolus , which says he repudiated his wife Adelinda, mingled with whores, ...
Gt. Grandfather of the Baal Shem Tov, Grandchild of Eliezer's Isserl's
(c.1603 - d.)
General Richard Coffyn
(1040 - 1115)
Sir Jean Ricardus Chauvin.
B. 1026 - Chateau Courtian, Fallaise France
D.1115 - Alwington Manor, Alwington, Devon, England
General of the army of William the Conqueror.
After the battle of Hastings,...
Flaald, seneschal of Dol
(c.1005 - c.1064)
For his ancestors see the following website: (Note: This is not a primary source.) Flaald, Herediary Steward of Dol "Flaald or Fleald; living 1080; active on the Welsh border c1101. [Burke's Peerage] F...
Godfrey I the Bearded, count of Louvain
(1074 - 1139)
GODEFROI de Louvain, son of HENRI [II] Comte de Louvain & his wife Adela [Adelheid] in der Betuwe (-25 Jan 1139, bur Afflighem Abbey). The Chronicon Affligemense names "Heinrico et Godefrido" as the ...