Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor
(1459 - 1519)
Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I of Austria (von Habsburg)
This is the German spelling of the name
Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reiches Maximilian I von Österreich (von Habsburg)
Maximilian b...
Osbert de Clinton, II
(bef.1154 - 1186)
: Osbert CLINTON 1 Sex: M Birth: 1122 in Kenilworth Castle, Warwickshire, , England Death: 1162 in Coleshill, Warwickshire, EnglandFather: Renebault TANKERVILLE b: 1096 in Le Havre, Seine Inferieure, N...
Arvo Valton
(1935 - 2024)
Arvo Valton (kodanikunimega Vallikivi ; 14. detsember 1935 Märjamaa – 26. juuli 2024) oli eesti proosa- ja näitekirjanik, luuletaja, stsenarist, tõlkija ning publitsist.
1938 - Märjamaa vald, ...
Katherine Wydeville, Duchess of Buckingham
(c.1458 - 1497)
Sometime before the coronation of Elizabeth in May 1465, Catherine was married with Henry Stafford, 2nd Duke of Buckingham; both were still children. A contemporary description of Elizabeth Woodville's...
Anna Henriksdotter, till Dönsby
(1501 - 1573)
Ramsay, Jully: Frälsesläkter i Finland intill stora ofreden. Dönsby-släkten. TAB. II.Anna Henriksdotter till Dönsby, gift med Hans Gregersson till Västerby och Tjusterby i Sjundeå socken, adlad 1564, s...
Edward Mortimer Morris Warburg
(1908 - 1992)
Edward Mortimer Morris Warburg (June 5, 1908 – September 1992) was an American philanthropist and patron of the arts from New York City. He taught Modern Art at Bryn Mawr College and he was vic...
Landrade of Hesbaye
(c.715 - d.)
Her ancestry is controversial. No original source names her her parents but there is a theory she might have been a daughter of Charles Martel.> Settipani quotes an Aquitaine necrology which lists "Wil...
(c.250 - aft.325)
Eutropia was the (second?) wife of Emperor Maximian, second mother-in-law of Emperor Constantius Chlorus, and also second mother-in-law of Constantius Chlorus’ son Emperor Constantine I. Her ancestry i...
Tim Kaine, Governor, U.S. Senator
2016 Democratic Nominee for Vice President (CNN) Hillary Clinton has chosen Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine to be her running mate, turning to a steady and seasoned hand in government to fill out the Democrati...
Edmund de Stafford, 1st Baron Stafford
(1272 - 1308)
Primary Sources Inquisitions Post Mortem for Edmund late Baron Stafford, Writ, 12 Aug. 2 Edw. II [1308]. His death date is not recorded. He died before 12 Aug. 1308 (date of writ). Ralph son of the sai...
Elisabeth Rehn
Helsingfors, Finland
Har varit försvarsminister och presidentkandidat i Finlandwas the first woman to become Minister of Defence in Finland. In 1994 she was a candidate in the presidential election.
Ada of Huntingdon, Heiress of Yardley
(c.1205 - bef.1242)
Ada of Huntingdon1,2,3,4,5,6* F, #6451, d. between 4 August 1241 and 30 June 1242*Father David, 9th Earl of Huntingdon2,3,7,5,6 b. 1152, d. 17 Jun 1219*Mother Maud of Chester3,7,6 b. 1171, d. 6 Jan 123...
Rorico, Bishop of Laon
(922 - 976)
Rorico de Laon (1)M, #104883Last Edited=31 Oct 2004 Rorico de Laon is the son of Charles III, Roi de France and Eadgifu (?). (1) Rorico de Laon held the office of Bishop of Laon.Forrás / Source:
Osbert de Clinton, I
(c.1126 - 1162)
Laurel Logan:from tudorplace.com.arThe family of Clinton is of Norman origin, and settled in England at the Conquest. They took their names from the lordship of Climpton, in Oxfordshire. Roger Climpton...
Machteld, countess of Holland
(c.1197 - 1267)
Machteld van BrabantUit Wikipedia, de vrije encyclopedie Machteld in Wikipedia NL Machteld van Brabant (±1200 - 1267), de dochter van hertog Hendrik I van Brabant, was getrouwd met graaf Floris IV. Toe...
 Philippine House of Representatives Member Representative Hon. Dante S. Garcia of La Union's 2nd (second) congressional district official portrait during the 19th Congress of the Philippines
Source: https://www.congress.gov.ph/house-members/view/?member=K036&name=Garcia%2C+Dante+S
Author: House of Representatives of the Philippines
This work is in the public domain in the Philippines and possibly other jurisdictions because it is a work created by an officer or employee of the Government of the Philippines or any of its subdivisions and instrumentalities, including government-owned and/or controlled corporations, as part of their regularly prescribed official duties; consequently, any work is ineligible for copyright under the terms of Part IV, Chapter I, Section 171.11 and Part IV, Chapter IV, Section 176 of Republic Act No. 8293 and Republic Act No. 10372, as amended, unless otherwise noted. However, in some instances, the use of this work in the Philippines or elsewhere may be regulated by this law or other laws.
Dante Garcia
Dante S. Garcia is a Filipino nurse and politician. He is currently serving as congressman of the second legislative district of La Union since 2022.
Certificate of candidacy (2025)
Mathilde of Aquitaine
(c.825 - d.)
MedLands == GERARD (-killed in battle Fontenoy 25 Jun 841). Comte d'Auvergne. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Ebroinus…Pictavensis episcopo Flateram…Reginardus comes, Gerardus itidem comes et gen...
Lionel of Antwerp, 1st Duke of Clarence
(1338 - 1368)
"Lionel of Antwerp, 1st Duke of Clarence, jure uxoris 4th Earl of Ulster and 5th Baron of Connaught, KG (29 November 1338 – 7 October 1368) was the third son, but the second son to survive infancy, of ...
Count Ricfried (Dodo) in de Betuwe
(c.870 - bef.925)
RICFRIED [Dodo] (-before 950). The Memorial of "Ricfridus hoc nomine Dodo vocatus…comes" names "presul Baldricus…preses Rodolphus…rector Yrimfredus pariterque comes Nevelongus" as his children and "Her...
Benno, count of Northeim
(c.990 - c.1047)
Bernhard (Benno) (c995 - 1047/48), Count of Northeim, and Count in Morungau (1013) and Rittegau (1015).
Simón Bolívar, El Libertador y 3er. Presidente de Venezuela
(1783 - 1830)
Padrino: Feliciano Palacio y Sojo.
Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar y Palacios Ponte-Andrade y Blanco, caudillo de la independencia hispanoamericana, fue e...
(c.-428 - c.-348)
Plato (English pronunciation: /ˈpleɪtoʊ/; Greek: Πλάτων, Plátōn, "broad"; 428/427 BCE – 348/347 BCE), was a Classical Greek philosopher, mathematician, writer of philosophical dialogues, and founder of...
 Photo by the U.S. Mission to the European Union. This work is in the public domain in the United States because it is a work prepared by an officer or employee of the United States Government as part of that person’s official duties. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jared_Kushner_June_2019.jpg
Jared Kushner
Washington, District of Columbia, District of Columbia, United States
Jared is President Trump's senior advisor.Jared is the principal owner of the real estate holding and development company Kushner Properties and the newspaper publishing company The New York Observer. ...
 Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections AWNS-19150624-38-02.
Lieut. Charles Watt
(1880 - 1915)
Lieutenant Charles Watt served for Aotearoa New Zealand during the South African War (Boer War) (1899-1902). During World War I (1914-1918) he served with the the 6th (Manawatū) Squadron. Charles was k...
Zbyslava of Kiev
(c.1087 - 1113)
Sviatopolk married firstly a Bohemian princess (Přemyslid dynasty), probably a daughter of Duke Spytihněv II. They had three children:
1. Zbyslava, married to king Boleslaw III of Poland on November 1...
Elizabeth (Elisiv) of Kiev
(c.1032 - 1070)
From the English Wikipedia page of Elisiv of Kiev: Yaroslavna of Kiev (in Norwegian: Ellisif or Elisabeth), (1025 - ca 1067), was a Rus' Princess of Kiev and a Norwegian queen, wife and queen consort o...
Arnoul de Guines, III Comte de Guines
(c.1233 - 1283)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Arnould III, Count of Guînes
Blason de la Maison de Guines.svg
Count of Guînes
Reign c.1222-1283
Predecessor Baldwin III, Count of Guînes
Successor Baldwin IV, Cou...
Judith von Öhningen
(c.950 - 1033)
ID: I28961# Name: Von Dagsburg# Surname: Von Dagsburg# Prefix: Mrs.# Sex: F# Birth: ABT 0940 in of Dabo, Moselle, France# Ancestral File #: HRK6-82# _UID: E5CA7592EDBDD611BF694445535400009F36 1# Change...
Cynan ap Eudaf Hen
(c.265 - d.)
See Peter Bartrum, See Peter Bartrum, (February 7, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator) (February 7, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Royal Family of Gwynedd - Maelgwn Gwynedd, The...
Vilho (Vasili) Suonmaa
(1935 - 2004)
Rakennusarkkitehti. Joensuu.Syntyisin: Jehkilä, Suojärvi. Nimenmuutos 10.6.1947: Vasili Surma > Vilho Suonmaa. Syntymä / Birth / Рождение: Vasili Surma syntyi Suojärven Jehkilässä 24.04.1935. Avioliitt...
Isabel de Vipont
(c.1233 - 1274)
Isabel Fitz John was born in Shere, Surrey, England to John Fitz Geoffrey, Lord Kirtling, Justicar of England and Isabel Bigod. Her five siblings were: Richard FitzJohn of Shere (died 1297, married Emm...
John Sydenham of Brympton
(c.1458 - 1542)
John Sydenham, Esq., Sheriff of Somersetshire & Dorsetshire1,2,3* M, #90629, b. circa 1468, d. 6 December 1542*Father Walter Sydenham, Esq.4,5 b. c 1445, d. 17 Apr 1469*Mother Margaret Harcourt4,5 b. c...
Jöns Fordell (Pohjanmaan haara)
(1450 - 1520)
Aggressive and Violent Peasant Elites in the Nordic Countries, C. 1500-1700
Domenico Nino Ravasini
(1900 - 1980)
Domenico Nino Ravasini, conosciuto come Nino Ravasini (Como, 10 agosto 1900 – Milano, 12 settembre 1980), è stato un compositore italiano.
Leelo Tungal
Leelo Tungal (sündinud 22. juunil 1947 Tallinnas) on eesti kirjanik, luuletaja, prosaist, libretist ja tõlkija. Ta kuulub kassetipõlvkonda, tema esikkogu "Kummaliselt kiivitajad kurtsid" ilmus neljanda...
Hugh "the Fat" O'Neill, King of Ulster & Tyrone
(aft.1316 - c.1364)
Aodh (or Hugh) Reamhar ("Fat Hugh") was King of Cineal Eoghain from 1345 until his death in 1364. He was succeeded at his death as King by his son (and my 18th great-grandfather), Niall Mor O'Neill. Ao...
Hrollaug Ragnvaldsson Eyjafjörður, Íslands
(859 - 896)
Rollaug Ragnvaldsson (Hrollaugr Rǫgnvaldsson jarls) Hrollaugr Rǫgnvaldsson jarls Tilnavn / fordanskning: Rollaug Lokalitet: Skardsbrekke i Hornefjord, Bredebolsted i Fellshvervi, østl. Island Relatione...
 Licensed under the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/en:Creative_Commons https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/de/deed.en By Thomas Froese, www.tfoto.eu, CC BY 3.0 de, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=15440079license.
Jacob de Villiers, SV/PROG
(c.1661 - 1735)
Jacob also French name.
No source with name Jacques
A letter from the Chamber of Delft, dated 16 December 1688, stated: With this ship we have again permitted the following French Refugees to sail to ...
Qianlong Emperor of Qing China 清乾隆帝
(1711 - 1799)
Hung-li 弘曆 (H. 長春居士, 信天主人, 古稀天子, 十全老人), Sept. 25, 1711–1799, Feb. 7, was the fourth emperor of the Ch'ing dynasty, who ruled under the reign-title Ch'ien-lung 乾隆 (1736-1796). As the fourth son of Emper...
Adela of Nordgau
(929 - 961)
From (dead link)
Weis and van de Pas list her as Adele/Adela (d 961), the daughter of Lambet, Count of Louvain. Langston lists her as Adele of Dagsbourg, origin unknown. Cawley lists her as Adela (d 9...
James Cottrell
(1835 - 1919)
Husband of Sophia Jane Cottrell (Kennedy).
Jeanne Trahan
(1629 - c.1699)
1671 Acadie Census - shown to be 40 years old which estimates her birth to be 1631.
Matriarch of Bourgeois family in America, 1636 Came with father, mother and 1 sibling aboard ship...
Skelfi Halfdansson
(c.480 - 579)
Skelfi Konge på Voss Han var sønn av Halvdan den gamle og kona Almveig Hans kone er ukjent, De hadde sønnen Skjold Skelfi var konge på Voss. Hans sønn var Skjøld, far til Eirek, far til Alrek, far til ...
John de Cherleton, 2nd Baron of Cherleton
(c.1307 - bef.1360)
Primary Sources13 April 1319 Kirkham
Licence for John de Cherleton and Hawisia, his wife , to grant to Master Thomas de Cherleton, king's clerk, their reversions in two parts of the manor of Grenehall...
Maud de Mortimer
(c.1286 - 1312)
'Maud de Mortimer1,2,3,4,5
'F, #11063, b. circa 1286, d. 17 September 1312
Father Sir Edmund Mortimer, 1st Lord Mortimer2,3,4,5 b. c 1252, d. 17 Jul 1304
Mother Margaret de Fiennes2,3,4,5 b. c 12...
Olav I Tryggvason, King of Norway
(c.963 - 1000)
Tryggvesson, King of Norway (1) M, #42895, b. 968, d. 999Last Edited=13 Jul 2005 Olav Tryggvesson, King of Norway was born in 968. He was the son of Tryggve Olavsson, King in Vigen and Romerike and Ast...
Mereddon verch Cadwr
(c.895 - d.)
See Peter Bartrum, (May 31, 2018; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Peter Bartrum, (May 27, 2018; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Enigmatic Elystan Glodrydd; . (Steven Ferry, August 1...
Pascweten de Rennes
(c.882 - 936)
Count Pascweten de Rennus de Bayeau==* Pascweten (Paskwitan) de Rennes* Parents: Alain & his wife Oreguen==LINKS==* LANDS==PASCWETHEN 874-876, ALAIN I 876-907Two brothers, parents not known:1. PASCWETH...
Offa the gentle, King of the Angles
(335 - 406)
Offa of Angel , also Uffo or Uffe, was the (possibly mythical) 4th-great-grandfather of Creoda of Mercia, and was reputed to be a great-grandson of Odin. Whether historical or mythical, Offa was the so...
Waltheof of Allerdale
(c.1068 - 1138)
Waltheof MacGospatrick, a benefactor of the church of York. Married Sigrid of AllerdaleFrom Gospatrick had two illegitimate children by an unknown mistress or mistresses:6. WALTHEOF . Simeon of Durham ...
James Stewart, 1st of Graemsay
(c.1560 - c.1629)
JAMES STEWART OF GRAEMSAY=== James Stewart of Graemsay is the bastard son of Robert Stewart, Earl of Orkney and Lord of Shetland. The County Families of the Shetland Islands His mother is said to be Ja...
 Vernon Monaghan. Via Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Mure_(writer)#/media/File:Rowallan_(Old)_Castle_-_geograph.org.uk_-_1356966.jpg Creative Commons 2.0
Sir Archibald Mure of Rowallan
(c.1231 - c.1297)
-- Mure, Lord Rowallen (Mure), 1231 - 1298 Archibald Mure, Lord Rowallen (Mure) was born in 1231, in Rowallan Castle, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland, to Gilchrist (Gilcrest Mure of Rowallan Lord of Row...
Sten Sture "The Elder", Regent of Sweden
(c.1440 - 1503)
Sten Sture the Elder was a Swedish statesman and regent of Sweden 1470–1497 and 1501–1503. As the leader of the victorious Swedish separatist forces against the royal unionist forces during the Battle ...
Mafalda de Saboia, rainha consorte de Portugal
(c.1125 - 1157)
Mafalda de Saboia, rainha consorte de Portugal=* Daughter of Amadeus III, count of Savoy "the crusader" and Adelaide* Mafalda of Savoy ( Savoie , c. 1125 [ 1 ] - Coimbra , 3 of December of 1157 , [ 2 ]...
Frédéric II, duke of Upper Lorraine
(1162 - 1213)
Frederick II, Duke of LorraineFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaFrederick II (died October 10, 1213) was the duke of Lorraine from 1206 to his death, son of Frederick I and Ludmilla, daughter of Mie...
Brig. Gen. Edmund Winston Pettus, CSA
(1821 - 1907)
Edmund Winston Pettus was an American lawyer, soldier, and legislator. He served as a Confederate general during the American Civil War, during which he was captured three times, as well as a U.S. Sena...
Sarah George
(1666 - 1734)
Evidence needed to support parents of Thomas Elmore, Sr., of New Kent County & Rebecca Elmore
Sarah's parents are unknown. She first married Thomas Elliot and second to Robert George.
Dalmace II, vicomte de Brioude
(b. - 990)
Geoffrey FitzPiers, Earl of Essex
(c.1162 - 1213)
NOTE: Son of Piers de Lutegareshale and Matilda (Maud) He was NOT the son of a "de Mandeville"--he inherited that title by marriage to Beatrice de Say. Geoffrey /FitzPeter/,Geoffrey Fitz /Piers/GEOFFRE...
Susan Rogers
(1824 - 1890)
New South Wales and Tasmania, Australia Convict Musters, 1806-1849
Name Susan Mullan
Arrival Date 1843
Vessel East London
Province Tasmania
Title Ledger Returns S - Z
Year(s) 1846
Place of Conviction ...
Prince Louis of Battenberg
(1854 - 1921)
of the Fleet Louis Alexander Mountbatten , 1st Marquess of Milford Haven, GCB, GCVO, KCMG, PC (24 May 1854 – 11 September 1921), formerly Prince Louis Alexander of Battenberg, was a minor German prince...
Kong/King Vikar Alreksson av Agder
(618 - 670)
Vikar Haraldsson (Alreksson) var en legendekonge fra Norge. Forskjellige sagn har forskjellige aner for denne figuren.* Vikar var sønn av Harald eller Alrek * Han var gift med Signe ? De hadde sønnen V...
Dubchoblaig of the Uí Cheinnselaig Dubchoblaig Kinsella of Leinster
(c.1030 - c.1066)
Dubchoblaig of Leinster of the Uí Cheinnselaig (Kinsella) * 1030–1088* BIRTH ABT. 1030 • Kingdom of Leinster, Ireland* DEATH 1088 • Killaloe, Clare, Kingdom of Munster, Ireland OF KINSELLA The Uí Ceinn...
Leah Rachel (or Chana) Isserles, (Besht 2nd wife)
(c.1700 - 1750)
Baal Shem Tov Family Tree According to some sources, Israel ben Eliezer, the Ba’al Shem Tov (1698-1760), first married at about age 18; his wife died soon thereafter.>> Around 1720, he married Chanah (...
José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva, o Embaixador
(1871 - 1954)
José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva, o embaixador, (Barbacena, 29 de setembro de 1871 — Rio de Janeiro, 24 de fevereiro de 1954) foi um diplomata, professor, jurista e político brasileiro.==Biografia====...
Aleksander Maastik ← Martenson
(1897 - 1987)
sünd: vanemad Aleksander Martenson ja Marie Pauline
MARTENSON: I pihtkonna VI personaalraamat. Peamiselt ...; TLA.1359.2.48; 1925-1939
MARTENSON / MAASTIK: II pihtkonna III personaalraamat. Aastate...
Edward Loftus
(1500 - 1541)
Not the husband of Alice Radcliffe
Edward Loftus, of Swineshead, County York, England, whose sons settled in Ireland in the sixteenth century, where they obtained extensive grants of forfeited land ...
Sir William Parr, 1st Baron Parr of Kendal
(c.1434 - 1484)
Sir William Parr
From Wikipedia:
Sir William Parr (1434 – c. 1483) was English courtier and soldier. He was the eldest son of Sir Thomas Parr (1405-1464) and his wife Alice (who was the daughter o...
Col. Thomas Pettus
(bef.1599 - c.1663)
Thomas Pettus
Born Feb 1599 in Norwich, Norfolk, England
Death Date seen as 10/20/1663 in Littleton, James City County, Virginia Colony
Son of Thomas Pettus and Cicely King
Husband of Elizabeth...
Caradoc de la Boussac
(b. - 1070)
' Name: Caradoc de la Boussac ' • Birth: 1035 in Boussac near Dol, Ille-et-Vilaine, Bretagne, France • Death: 1070 (35) Ile de Vilaine, Bretagne, (Britney), France • Origin: Breton Descent • Occupation...
Hedwige de France, comtesse de Mons
(c.969 - c.1013)
HUGUES , son of HUGUES “le Grand” Duc des Francs & his third wife Hedwig of Germany ([940]-villa "Les Juifs", near Prasville, Eure-et-Loire 24 Oct 996, bur église de l'Abbaye royale de Saint-Denis). Th...
Svyatoslav Igorevich Belza
(1942 - 2014)
Святосла́в И́горевич Бэ́лза (26 апреля 1942, Челябинск, СССР — 3 июня 2014, Мюнхен, Германия) — российский музыковед, литературовед, музыкальный и литературный критик, публицист, телеведущий, музыкальн...
Margaret of Scotland, Dauphine de France
(c.1424 - 1445)
Princess of Scotland
By Marriage Queen Consort of France
Without issue
Biography In 1435 she was betrothed to the future Louis XI, King of France. In 1436 an English flotilla, sent to interc...
Lughaidh Sriabh-n Dearg mac Findemna, Rí na h'Éireann {Legendary}
(-34 - -8)
98th king of Ireland's Lughaidh Sriabh nDearg 34 B.C. Son of Breas-Nar-Lothar, son of Eochaidh Feidhleach (93). He entered into an alliance with the King of Denmark, whose daughter, Dearborguill, he ob...
Sir John Grey, 7th Lord Ferrers of Groby
(c.1432 - 1461)
Sir John Grey, of Groby, Leicestershire (c. 1432[1] – 17 February 1461) was a Lancastrian knight, the first husband of Elizabeth Woodville who later married King Edward IV of England, and great-great-g...
Manuel Angelos
(1040 - c.1085)
The Angelos family==One Manolis Angelos from Philadelphia , had issue:*A1. Konstantinos Angelos, admiral of Sicily, *ca 1085, +after VII.1166; m.ca 1120 Theodora Komnene (*5.1.1096/97)** ...*A2. Nikola...
Tadhg mac Briain
(989 - c.1023)
________________________ Tadc mac Briain From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to search Tadc mac Briain (died 1023) was the son of Brian Boru and Echrad, daughter of Carlus mac ...
Ranald MacDonald, 1st Chief of Clan MacDonald
(c.1337 - c.1386)
RANALD MACDONALD (aka REGINALD OF THE ISLES) Clanranald: 1-2 Macdonald 367-68
Genealogical Accounts
The Macdonalds of Clanranald by Alexander Mackenzie, FSA. Scot (A. & W. Mackenzie, Inverness, MD...
Sara Lidman
(1923 - 2004)
Sara Lidman, född 30 december 1923 i Missenträsk, Jörns församling, Västerbotten, död 17 juni 2004 i Umeå, var en svensk författare.Sara Lidman har sedan 1953 skrivit nitton romaner, som genomgående pr...
Adam Friedrich von Knorring, a. Kaltenborn
(1713 - 1761)
VI.1 ex II. 2. Gustav* Reinhold * 1738 + 1804 not in Geni
Ermingarde Carolingian
(830 - d.)
Jean I, duc de Bourbon
(1381 - 1434)
John of Bourbon (1381–1434) was Duke of Bourbon, from 1410 to his death and Duke of Auvergne since 1416. He was the eldest son of Louis II and Anne of Auvergne.[1] Through his mother, John inherited th...
García Galíndez de Salcedo, V señor de Ayala
(c.1096 - c.1160)
Garcia Galindez De Salzedoborn Abt 1096 Of Ayala, New Castile, Spainfather:*Galindo Velasquez De Ayalaborn Abt 1064 Of New Castile, Spainmother:*Maria De Salzedoborn Abt 1068 Of New Castile, Spainmarri...
Leod, 1st Chief of Clan MacLeod
Biography== Leòd , the progenitor of the MacLeods, was 1st Lord of the Lewes, 1st Chief of Clan MacLeod, and founder of the MacLeod family of the Lewes and Raasay.Traditionally, Leòd was said to have b...
Muirchertach mac Muiredaig - King of Ailech
(c.466 - 534)
Muirchertach I, High King of Ireland (1) M, #150053, d. 534Last Edited=9 Jul 2005 Muirchertach I, High King of Ireland was the son of Muiredach (?). (1) He died in 534. (1) Muirchertach I, High King of...
Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II, Pharaoh of Egypt
(-182 - -116)
VIII Euergetes II (Greek: Πτολεμαῖος Εὐεργέτης, Ptolemaĩos Euergétēs) (c. 182 BC – June 26, 116 BC), nicknamed Φύσκων, Phúskōn, Physcon ("Sausage", "Potbelly" or "Bladder") for his obesity, was a king ...
Afallach ap Beli, {Fictional, “Urien and Modron”}
He was the Celtic god of the underworld, son of Nodens, the god of healing. He was said to rule Ynis Afallon, the Celtic paradise, where he lived with his daughter Modron and her nine sisters. His name...
Marko Reikop
Marko Reikop (sündinud 19. juunil 1969 ) on eesti tele- ja raadioajakirjanik.
Eleanor de Neville, Baroness Lumley
(c.1365 - aft.1441)
Eleanor Neville1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
F, #16739, b. circa 1365, d. after 16 July 1447
Father Sir John de Neville, 3rd Baron Neville, Ambassador to France, Admiral of the Fleet Northwards, Lt. of Aquitai...
John Wesley White, Sr.
(1736 - 1781)
John Wesley “I” White
Birth 1736 Washington County, Virginia, USA
Death 1781 (aged 44–45) Washington County, Virginia, USA
William White 1718–1766
Sarah Pugh White 1715–1781
Earl Gospatric
(c.1045 - 1075)
Earl Gospatric fitz Arkill
Son of Arkil Morel and Sigrida
His mother was Sigfrida, daughter of the Yorkshire thane Kilvert son of Ligulf. Gospatric fitz Arkill married a daughter of Dolfin son of...
Maria de Montgomery de Carew
(c.1110 - 1150)
Sir Edward Burton of Longnor
(aft.1442 - 1524)
Edward Burton of Longnor, Shropshire, died 1524
It is presumed that Edward Burton was the son of Robert Burton.[1][2][3][4]
Wife or wives called Joyce - uncertain as to their parents.
Máel Fithrich mac Aedo Uaridnaig
(560 - 630)
áel Fithrich macAedo Uaridnaig O'Néill=== Máel Fithrich MacAedo Uaridnaig O'néill*, King of Ailech ==*died 0630*children:* Máel Dúin macMáel Fithrich O'Néill died 0681 Lived in Ailreach, but did not be...
Beatrice Castellan de Gand
(1040 - 1100)
Walter de Cornwall
(c.1245 - 1313)
Walter de Cornwall (-1313). Richard the Earl of Cornwall had three sons, and two daughters with his concubine Joan de ValletortWalter de Cornwall received a grant of the royal manor of Brannel, Cornwal...
Marie de Châtillon sur Marne
(c.1345 - bef.1415)
'Marie de Chatillon1,2,3 * 'F, d. between 7 May 1412 and 25 October 1415*Father Sir Gaucher de Chatillon, Seigneur de Rozoy & Clancey, Vidame de Laonnois1,2 d. bt 23 Aug 1350 - 11 Dec 1355*Mother Marie...
James Alexander
(1726 - 1791)
JAMES ALEXANDER was born Abt. 1726, and died 1791 in Kishacoquillas Valley, Armagh Township, Mifflin County. He married ROSANNAH REED Abt. 1762 near Chambersburg, daughter of ROBERT REED and SARAH OSCE...
Meurig ap Dyfnwallon, King of Ceredigion
(800 - 871)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 5, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Darrell Wolcott, "Llewelyn ap Hoedliw" -- -- for the untangling of these lines. (April 25, 2016; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Dar...
Janet Keith of Syntoun
(c.1342 - 1413)
Married with Alexander Stewart of Darnley, not with Alexander Stewart, Earl of Buchan ROBERT ERSKINE; s. and h. of Sir Thomas E. of that ilk [i.e. Erskine, on the Clyde] (d. between Martinmas [11 Nov.]...