John Lennon
(1940 - 1980)
Family Search
Wikipedia: John Lennon
John Lennon achieved worldwide fame in the 1960s as a singer, songwriter and guitarist in one of the most successful bands of all time - The Beatl...
Guterico Osóriz, Conde de Gallaeciae
(c.820 - d.)
OSORIO Gutiérrez, son of GUTIERRE --- & his wife Elvira --- . Conde. "…Pelagius comes, Froila comes, Lucidius comes, Erus Fredernandi, Ascarius, Petrus, Munio Muniz comes, Osorio comes, Gundesaluus com...
Joan Dransfield
(c.1325 - d.)
brief biography and family Joan Stainton, daughter of John Stainton and Joan de Wollay, was the heiress of her father.
Family John Dransfield, son of John Dransfield and Agnes Thornhill, was probably...
Judicaël Berenger de Rennes, comte de Rennes
(b. - c.970)
Alternately, son of daughter of Berenguer
son of Berenger
JUDICAËL [Juhael] (-[970]). Comte de Rennes. "Alanus dux Britonum" donated property to Landevenec by undated charter, dated to [940/50]...
Henry Plantagenet, 3rd Earl of Leicester and Lancaster
(c.1281 - 1345)
"Henry, 3rd Earl of Leicester and Lancaster (c. 1281 – 22 September 1345) was an English nobleman, one of the principals behind the deposition of Edward II of England."=================================...
Conrad I "the Elder", count of Auxerre
(c.805 - 866)
I "l'Ancien" was the count of several counties, most notably the Aargau and Auxerre, around Lake Constance, as well as Paris from 859 to 864. He was also the lay abbot of Saint-Germain in Auxerre.He wa...
 Photo by Flickr user greg2600. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Greg_and_Pamela_Anderson_(41961859304)_(cropped).jpg#mw-jump-to-license
Pamela Anderson
Pamela Denise Anderson (born July 1, 1967) is a Canadian American actress, model, producer, author, activist, and former showgirl, known for her roles on the television series Home Improvement, Baywatc...
Charibert, count of Laon
(bef.696 - 747)
Please provide supporting sources here for assertions like "could be Flore, King of Hungary" or "Hardrade", or listing exact dates when only approximate dates are documented in known sources. Thanks He...
Vladimir II Monomakh
(1053 - 1125)
VLADIMIR Vsevolodich (1053-19 May 1125). VLADIMIR "Monomach" Grand Prince of Kiev.
s/o VSEVOLOD I Iaroslavich Grand Prince of Kiev & [Maria or Irina] of Byzantium
x c 1070 GYTHA [Eadgyth]illegitimat...
Robert I, seigneur de Vitré
(b. - c.1090)
Please see: Medlands "Brittany: Nantes, Porhoet, Nantes" . – 12 Aug 2022 update.
added by marvin c 1/13/2011
~Annals and An...
James III, King of Scots
(1451 - 1488)
"James III (10 July 1451 – 11 June 1488) was King of Scots from 1460 to 1488. James was an unpopular and ineffective monarch owing to an unwillingness to administer justice fairly, a policy of pursuing...
Emperor Nicholas I of Russia
(1796 - 1855)
Y-DNA: R1b
The Peerage
Johan the Younger #813
Johann I van Pallandt (van der Horst)
(1510 - 1562)
Mangler källo
Berta of Bavaria, Abbess of Schwarzach-am-Main
(836 - 877)
Not the wife of Eberhard, Graf von Kleve
Berta of Bavaria
Daughter of Louis II, 'The German' and Emma of Altdorf
BERTA (died 26 Mar 877). "Ludowicus…rex" confirmed the grant of the abbey of Schw...
Margareta till Dalkarby
(c.1270 - aft.1330)
Andris af Bolstaholmin vaimo. Ahvenanmaa. Måns Byskallen vaimo. Ahvenanmaa. Andris af Bolstaholms hustru. Åland. Måns Byskalles hustru. Åland. 1330 Margareta i Dalkarby, med söner, försäljer mark i Sib...
Ulfhilde Thorasdottir
(c.927 - c.978)
Ulfhild (Gunhild) Thorasdottir
Daughter of Hallur Moshals Audunarsson and Thora Audunarsdottir Mosháls
Married: småkonge Gudbrand "Kula" Olavsson Breid, son of Olav Einarsson Breid and ...
Crioda, King of West Saxons
(493 - 541)
Crioda, king of West Saxons
Creoda of Wessex (b. c. 493) is a shadowy figure in early Wessex history, mentioned only in the regnal list in the preface of the Anglo-Saxon chronicle. There he is sta...
 Hans van Goebel. Queen's College, Cambridge. Public Domain.
Elizabeth Woodville, Queen Consort of England
(c.1437 - 1492)
a short summary from Wikipedia:Elizabeth Woodville, Queen consort of England Tenure: 1 May 1464 – 9 April 1483Coronation: 26 May 1465Spouse:Sir John Grey m. c. 1452; dec. 1461Edward IV of England m. 14...
Mårten Abrahamsson Djäkn
(c.1350 - aft.1423)
Äldre svenska frälsesläkter I:2, s. 122-126.
Satakunnan vouti, Suomi, Pohjanmaa, Finland
Olof III "the Treasurer", king of Sweden
(975 - c.1021)
Olof Skötkonung + Estrid (wife)
1. Anund Jacob
2. Ingegerd (married to Yaroslav the Wise)
Olof Skötkonung + Edla (partner)
3. Astrid
4. Emund (Emund den Gamla / Emund the Old)
A fifth child, Homfri...
Béla I, king of Hungary
(1016 - 1063)
ÉLA I 1060-1063, GÉZA I 1074-1077, LÁSZLÓ I 1077-1095BÉLA, son of VÁSZOLY [Vaz%C3%BAl] Prince of Hungary, Duke between March and Gran & his wife --- of the Bulgarians (1016-Kanisza creek Dec 1063, bur ...
Louis IV, king of West Francia
(920 - 954)
Louis IV, King of West Francia
Son of Charles III the Simple, king of the Franks and Eadgifu
Project MedLands, CAROLINGIANS LOUIS, son of CHARLES III "le Simple" King of the Franks & his second w...
Conan I 'le Tort’ de Rennes, duc de Bretagne
(c.940 - 992)
from FMG : Brittany, Dukes of Brittany: 970-1066 (Family of Comtes de Rennes)
CONAN de Rennes , son of JUDICAËL [Juhael] Comte de Rennes & his wife Gerberge --- (-killed in battle Conquereil 27 Jun ...
Judith of Brittany
(aft.982 - 1017)
of Brittany (982–1017) was the daughter of Conan I, Duke of Brittany and Ermengarde of Anjou , and the mother of Robert the Magnificent .She was the first wife of Richard the Good , Duke of Normandy, w...
Thomas Patton, Jr.
(1786 - 1856)
Thomas is the son of Margret Horine
 Photo by the Naval Photographic Center. Public domain. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:JimmyCarterPortrait_(cropped).jpg
Jimmy Carter, 39th President of the United States
(1924 - 2024)
Jimmy Carter was an American politician who served as the 39th president of the United States, serving from 1977 to 1981. A member of the Democratic Party, he served in the Georgia State Senate from 19...
Alain "Dapifer" fitz Flaald, Seneschal of Dol
(c.1024 - c.1093)
Alain "Dapifer " (c1024-after 1080), Seneschal of Dol. He is now known to have scion of the seneschals of Brittany, but he was traditionally thought to have been a son of Fleance MacAlpin , Thane of Lo...
Poppa of Bayeux
(c.872 - 930)
Berengar II, av Neustrien, greve av Bayeux och Rennes
Bayeux och Rennes och markgreve av Bretonmarschen från 886 till sin död ett decennium senare.
År 874 kastades Bretagnes interna politik i kaos när...
Jacob Andersson
(1456 - 1535)
Född i Bure, Skellefteå lfs. Bonde på Bureholmen, underlagman i Västerbotten (Johan Bure)Inte belagd som underlagman i samtida handlingar.Gift med Kälug, född i Grubb, Umeå lfs. "En mäkta däjelig menni...
Mary of Scotland, Countess of Angus
(c.1380 - 1457)
PRINCESS MARY STEWART======Marriage=== Princess Mary Stewart married Sir James Kennedy of Dunure. NRS: GD25/1/28 ===Evidence from the National Records of Scotland=== 27 January 1405: Charter by King Ro...
Elisabeth ...
(c.1597 - aft.1665)
Evidence needed to support as daughter of Ritter Johann Philipp Boos von Waldeck zu Montfort
Elisabeth, wife of Diederich Pies from Mannebach, was born about 1597 and died after 7th of May 1665 (men...
Valdemar the Great, King of Denmark
(1131 - 1182)
Valdemar the Great, King of Denmark Product MedLands, Denmark Kings VALDEMAR Knudsen, son of KNUT "Lavard" Duke of South Jutland/Sønderjylland [Schleswig] and King of the Obotriten & his wif...
Olev Annus
Olev Annus (sündinud 26. aprillil 1951 Kohtla-Järvel) on endine Eesti ja Soome kulturist (atleetvõimleja), maailmameister.
Princess Ingegerd Knutsdotter of Denmark
(1083 - 1127)
Ingegerd Knudsdotter of Denmark==* Daughter of Knut IV Svendssen and Adele av Flandern Svendssen ==Marriage==* Married: INGEGERD of Denmark, daughter of KNUD II "den Hellige" King of Denmark & his wife...
Margareta Klasdotter Horn
(c.1475 - 1520)
Äldre svenska frälsesläkter I:2, s. 148-153.
Tamara Kreutzer-Beck {Steinberg} {Bakaleinikova}
(1895 - 1970)
Tamara Beck (Kussikova; 1898? Moskva? – 7. VI 1972? Buenos Aires), Vene keiserlike teatrite baleriin. Tallinnas tegutsenud (1922-1939) rahvusvaheliselt tuntud tantsutrupi juht. Ballerina of the Russian...
Robert "the Strong", Margrave of Neustria
(aft.815 - c.866)
He is commonly called a son of Robert III , count in the Wormsgau, but the relationship is conjectural.
Robert 'le Fort' unknown origin, unknown wife.
Sources and Resources
The Found...
Gerold, count in Kraichgau and Anglachgau
(c.720 - 779)
Gerold, count in Kraichgau and Anglachgau==Thurgau was located south of Lake Constance. It is now the name of a canton in north-east Switzerland, but it is unclear whether this is co-extensive with the...
Bob Dylan (Zimmerman)
Bob Dylan (born Robert Allen Zimmerman ; Hebrew name: Shabtai Zisel ; May 24, 1941) is an American singer-songwriter, artist and writer, and Nobel laureate. He has been influential in popular music and...
Magnus Bengtsson Minnesköld (Folkungaätten)
(1150 - 1208)
Magnus Bengtsson Minnesköld (Folkungaätten)
2nd Son of Earl Bengt Folkesson Snivel (Folkunga) and Sigrid Björnsdotter Lakman
The Swedish Biographical Dictionary (SBL), and the Swedish Diplomatarium...
Eudos ab Euddolen
(c.5 - c.54)
See Darrell Wolcott, "Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees," -- for help in untangling these lines. (May 18, 2016, Anne Brannen, curator)Please see Darrell Wolcott: Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediat...
 Photo by the Dutch Ministry of Defence. CC0 1.0. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Lancering_Invictus_Games_2020-7_(cropped).jpg
Harry, Duke of Sussex
Montecito, Santa Barbara County, California, United States
Prince Henry Charles Albert David of Wales Prince Henry of Wales (Henry Charles Albert David), commonly known as Prince Harry, is the younger son of King Charles III and the late Diana, Princess of Wal...
Jörn Donner
(1933 - 2020)
Jörn Donner (1933-2020) was a Finnish writer, film director, actor, producer, politician and founder of the Finnish Film Archive. His mother tongue was Finnish Swedish.Jörn Donner lived and worked long...
Te Whiti
(1832 - 1907)
Te Whiti-o-Rongomai III was a descendant of both Awa-nui-a-rangi, the founder of Te Ati Awa of Taranaki, and Tahu-ao-ariki. More directly, he was descended from Te Rangi-apiti-rua, paramount chief of T...
Isabella I the Catholic, Queen of Castile
(1451 - 1504)
King Juan II .. m secondly (Madrigalejo [15] Aug 1447) Infanta dona ISABEL de Portugal, daughter of Infante dom JOÃO de Portugal Duque de Beja & his wife dona Isabel de Bragança ([1428]-Arevalo 15 Aug ...
Rabbi David HaLevi Segal, "Turei Zahavf" (TuZ/TaZ)
(1586 - 1667)
David haLevi Segal , the famous author of Turei Zahav (TaZ/TuZ) דוד הלוי סגל David HaLevi Segal, דוד הלוי סגל ,wrote a commentary on Joseph Caro's Shulchan Aruch (Yoreh De'ah), which he published in Lu...
Olav III, King of Norway
(c.1050 - 1093)
Olav Haraldsson, III Olaf III (Old Norse: Óláfr Haraldsson, Norwegian: Olav Haraldsson; c. 1050 – 22 September 1093), known as Olaf Kyrre (Old Norse: kyrri, English: Peaceful), was king of Norway from ...
 Photo by Wikimedia Commons user Rocbeyonce. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Beyonce_-_The_Formation_World_Tour,_at_Wembley_Stadium_in_London,_England.jpg
New York, New York County, New York, United States
Beyonce's father is African-American, and her mother is of Creole descent (French, African and Native American). Beyonce's maternal grandparents were French-speaking Louisiana Creoles, and Beyonce's na...
Bouin of Vienne, count & lay abbot of Gorze
(c.810 - aft.863)
Bivin de Gorze or Bivin de Vienne (c810–863/69) was a Frank from the Bosonid family. He was Count of Ardennes, Count and Lay Abbot of Gorze (855/56-863), and perhaps Count of Metz (842-864). His ancest...
Isabella de Mortimer, Countess of Arundel
(1248 - bef.1292)
Reference: WikiTree Genealogy - SmartCopy : Oct 1 2016, 4:55:25 UTC
Cunigunda, countess of Trèves & Ardennes
(c.895 - bef.940)
King Louis II & his second wife [ADELAIS, daughter of ADALHARD Comte Palatin [Angoulême] & his wife --- ([855/60]-18 Nov [901], bur Compiègne, église abbatiale Saint-Corneille).] had two children:
Gudrød Halvdansson «the Hunter» Veidekonge
(780 - 821)
ød the Hunter (Old Norse: Guðrǫðr veiðikonungr, Norwegian: Gudrød Veidekonge) was a semi-legendary king in south-east Norway, during the early Viking Age. He is mentioned in the skaldic poem Ynglingata...
Edward 'the Fishmonger' Hilton
(bef.1596 - bef.1671)
Edward Hilton Not the son of Mark Roger Hilton {Fictional}
ORIGIN: London
REMOVES: Exeter by 1639
RETURN TRIPS: To England in 1629 and return...
(c.622 - 688)
of Wessex was a member of the House of Wessex (see House of Wessex family tree). Although a member of the direct male line from Cynric to Egbert, Ceolwald was never king. His birth and death dates are ...
Ealdgyth, of Northumbria
(c.1015 - c.1086)
Ealdgyth or Ælfgifu of Northumbria Daughter of Uchtred Earl of Northumbria & his third wife Ælfgifu of England (1016 or before-).Married Maldred MacCrinan of ScotlandChildren:1. Gospatric2. Maldredand ...
Charles I, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland
(1600 - 1649)
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia: English Français Norsk * King of England and Ireland: Reign 27 March 1625 – 30 January 1649 Coronation 2 February 1626
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services
Francis Kennedy, Jr. , (born January 17, 1954) is an American radio host, activist, and attorney specializing in environmental law. He is the son of Robert Francis "Bobby" Kennedy, Sr., the former Unit...
Walter van Gent, lord of Folkingham (aka Walter de Lindsey)
(c.1080 - 1138)
Fm fmgMedlands 4. WALTER (-1139). The Stemma fundatoris of Bardney Abbey names “Giselbrictum et Walterum” as children of ”Gislebrictus de Gaunt” & his wife[968]. ”Walterus de Gant, filius et hæres Gisi...
Taidhg Mac Gilla Patraic
(980 - aft.1027)
Tadg mac Gillai PátraicFather Gilla Pátraic mac Donnchada, tigherna Osraighe1 d. 997 Mother Echrad ingen Carrlusa Uí Áeda Odba1 Tadg mac Gillai Pátraic was the son of Gilla Pátraic mac Donnchada, tighe...
 Source: https://www.myheritage.com/research/record-40001-7092237/john-d-yates-sr-in-familysearch-family-tree
Thomas Yates
(c.1752 - 1834)
DAR Ancestor # A129451
Pension Number: S*W7335
Service Source: S*W7335
Service Descrip...
King of the gods and ruler of Mount Olympus; god of the sky and thunder. Youngest child of the Titans Cronus and Rhea. Symbols include the thunderbolt, eagle, oak tree, scepter and scales. Brother and ...
Knud IV "the Holy" Svendson, King of Danmark
(c.1042 - 1086)
Fyens.dk * Ing.dk * Den Store Danske * Danishnet * Archive.org
Max von Sydow
(1929 - 2020)
von Sydow vɒn ˈsiːdoʊ; Swedish: fɔn ˈsyːdɔv; born Carl Adolf von Sydow; 10 April 1929) is a Swedish actor who became a French citizen in 2002. He has appeared in many European and American films with v...
Baron Nikolai Robert (Roman) Maximilian von Ungern-Sternberg
(1885 - 1921)
"They cannot understand as yet that we are not fighting a political party but a sect of murderers of all contemporary spiritual culture. Why do the Italians execute the ‘Black Hand’ gang? Why are the A...
Eystein «Fret/Fjert» Halfdansson
(706 - 780)
concerns== Date of burial is 25 years before date of death. Further research is warranted.==brief biography==Konge i Romerike og Vestfold / King of Romerike and Vestfolddrowned at sea after being knock...
Kaiser Wilhelm II of Prussia
(1859 - 1941)
Friedrich Wilhelm Viktor Albert prinz von Preußen (27 January 1859 – 4 June 1941) was the last German Emperor and King of Prussia*Emperor of Germany and King of Prussia on 15 June 1888 *Abdicated as Ge...
Rabbi Moses ben Israel Isserles, "RaMA"
(c.1530 - 1572)
Moses ben Israel Isserles (or Moshe Isserlis) (February 22, 1530 / Adar I 25, 5290 – May 11, 1572 / Iyar 18, 5332), was an eminent Polish Ashkenazic rabbi, talmudist, and posek, an inline commentary on...
Władysław II Jagiełło
(aft.1352 - 1434)
Book 1 ended with Saint Hedwig (Jadwiga) Queen of Poland, who died without a heir. This
Book 2 begins with her husband,
Jogaila Wladyslaw II Jagiello King of Poland,
and continues with his descen...
 Photo by the United States Congress. Public domain. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Senator_Vance_official_portrait._118th_Congress.jpg
JD Vance, 50th Vice President of the United States
Grove City, Franklin County, Ohio, United States
J.D. Vance is an American politician and lawyer serving as the junior United States senator from Ohio since 2023. A member of the Republican Party, he was announced and nominated as Donald Trump's runn...
Constantius I Chlorus, Roman Emperor
(c.250 - 306)
"Required to put aside Helena and to marry Theodora , the daughter of Maximian .4 Upon the retirement of Diocletian and Maximian on 1 May 305 Constantius succeeded to the rank of Augustus. 5"
Flann Sinna mac Mael Sechnall, High King of Ireland
(c.847 - 916)
Sinna, High King of Ireland (1) M, #150118, d. 916Last Edited=9 Jul 2005 Flann Sinna, High King of Ireland was the son of Máel Sechnaill I, High King of Ireland. (1) He died in 916. (1) Flann Sinna, Hi...
MaHaRaL of Prague - המהר״ל מפראג
(c.1525 - 1609)
Traditional genealogy revised according to modern scholarship as set forth in A. Putik and D. Polakovic (2009) 'Judah Loew ben Bezalel, Called Maharal * A study on his genealogy and biography', in P. D...
Louis II, 'The German', King of the East Franks
(c.805 - 876)
- LOUIS ([806]-Frankfurt-am-Main 28 Aug 876, bur Kloster Lorsch). Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names (in order) "Hlutharius, Pippinus, Hludowicus" as sons of Emperor Ludwig I and his wife Ermeng...
Margareta Ingesdotter Fredkulla
(c.1080 - c.1129)
Fredkulla==*Fredkulla meaning peacegirl, her marriage to king Magnus of Norway was arranged in order to ensure peace with Norway.*Born Princess of Sweden*By marriage 1101 to King Magnus III, Queen Cons...
Lars Mattsson Teit
(c.1500 - 1571)
Rälssimies, huovilippueen päällikkö. Tetom, Pernaja.
Frälseman, hövitsman. Tetom, Pernå, Finland.
Nobility member, Captain. Tetom, Pernaja, Finland.
Lars Mattsson Teit . Frälseman i Tetom 1555....
Maxentius, Western Roman Emperor
(c.279 - 312)
Maximus' life The popular life of Magnus Maximus (known as Macsen Wledig in Welsh, Prince Macsen, or 'Imperator') says he was the son of a Romano-Briton named Lolelinus (Welsh 'Llywelyn'), who had trav...
Robert de Bruce, 6th Lord of Annandale
(c.1243 - 1304)
ROBERT [VI] de Brus (Jul 1243-c 4 Apr 1304, bur Abbey of Holm Cultram)1295 as Lord of Annandale
s/o ROBERT [V] & Isabel de Clare
x (Turnberry Castle 1271) MARGARET Ctss of Carrick suo iure, widow of ...
Torf de Harcourt
(aft.914 - bef.1003)
links==* (membership required to view without interruption)* (membership required to view without interruption)==content to clean up== Torf "the Rich" Harcourt de Pont-Audemer * Born: 928, Normandy, Fr...
Abdullah II, King of Jordan
Amman, Jordan
Abdullah II of Jordan - Wikipedia.* King Abdullah II Official Website. Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein (Arabic: الملك عبد الله الثاني بن الحسين , al-Malik ʿAbdullāh aṯ-ṯānī bin al-Ḥusayn; born 30 January 1...
Robert de Nevers, seigneur de Crâon et de Sablé
(c.1026 - 1098)
Wikipedia:Translated from French language if a smooth translation can be found please remove this. Janet Milburn 12/17:
Robert le Bourguignon became lord of Sablé by his alliance with the unique ...
 Otto II von Berg, bishop of Freising (1145-1220)
Berengar II of Ivrea, king of Italy
(c.900 - 966)
son of ADALBERTO I Conte e Marchese d'Ivrea & his first wife Gisela di Friulia ([900]-in prison Bamberg 6 Jul 966, bur Regensburg).
x ( [930/31] ) WILLA d’Arles , daughter of BOSO...
Hedwig of Nordgau
(937 - 992)
Hedwig van Nordgau (922 - 993) was de dochter van graaf Eberhard IV van de Nordgau en Luitgard van Lotharingen. Zij trouwde rond 950 haar oom (broer van haar moeder) Siegfried van Luxemburg, de...
Aron Aaron Mordke Kosmiński
(1865 - 1919)
Kozminski* England & Wales, Death Index, 1837-2005* Death date: Jan-Feb-Mar 1919* Death place: Watford, Hertfordshire, England* Birth date: Circa 1865
 Photo by Flickr user chrisweger. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Madonna_Rebel_Heart_Tour_2015_-_Stockholm_(23051472299)_(cropped).jpg
Note: Named "Madonna Louise Ciccone" after her mother. Adopted "Veronica" as her confirmation name.
Madonna is an American singer-songwriter and actor. She is considered one of the most influential f...
Gospatrick ll mac Gospatrick, Earl of Dunbar
(c.1062 - 1138)
Gospatric, who in one place calls himself Earl, and certainly held the rank and place of Earl or ruler of Lothian, does not appear on record until after 1100, the year of the accession of King Henry I....
Judith of Flanders
(aft.1030 - 1094)
Judith van Vlaanderen, de Flandre, of Flanders. Daughter of Baudouin IV 'le Barbu' & Eleonor (his second wife) Married to: 1. Tostig Godwinsson 2. Welf
JUDITH de Flandre ([1033]-5 Mar 1094, bur ...
Diarmait Derg mac Fergus Cerbaill O'Néill, High King of Ireland
(c.486 - 565)
Diarmait mac Cerbaill (Fergus Cerrbél) fra dynastiet Uí Néill Konge av Uisnech, konge av Tara, overkonge av Irland fra 545 til 565 * Diarmait er sønn av Fergus Cerbaill mac Conall Cremthainne Niall Noi...
Ericus Falck
(c.1510 - 1570)
Erik (Ericus) Falck (Falk), född 1510, död 1570, var en svensk biskop. Falck var son till Anna Eriksdotter. Hans morbror fogden Benkt Eriksson blev avrättad vid Stockholms blodbad.
Falck var stud...
Guttorm Àsulfsson à Rein
(c.1120 - c.1183)
Lendmann Guttorm Åsolvsson, paa Rein
Guttorm, was the son of Åsulv Skulesson på Rein og Tora * Skoftesdotter.
Guttorm lived at Rein and seems to have lived very long. He was probably the head of Sk...
Tadhg mac Briain
(989 - c.1023)
________________________ Tadc mac Briain From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to search Tadc mac Briain (died 1023) was the son of Brian Boru and Echrad, daughter of Carlus mac ...
Ulf Thorgilsson, Jarl of Denmark
(c.993 - 1027)
Ulf Torgilsson, Ulf Jarl. Jarl av Danmark
f. ca 993 Han var sønn av Torgil Sprakling
ca 1015 Ulf var gift med Estrid Sveindsdatter av Danmark Datter av Svend Tveskjegg og Sigrid Storråde De hadde b...
Jean Louis Fontenot
(1686 - 1755)
LOUIS FONTENOT, DIT COLIN:Baptism: 18 December 1686, St. Jean de Montierneuf at Poitiers, FranceHe was the progenitor of all Fontenot's in the countryEmigration: 1764, He was the first Fontenot to arri...
Świętosława «Gunhilda» Piast
(c.970 - c.1015)
Świętosława «Gunhilda» Mieszkówna of Poland (Księżniczka polska)=B.Brox: Don't mix her with Sigrid/Sigríð Storråda/the Haughty as several Wikipedia and other sources does. Świętosława (967-1014), known...
George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States
Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, United States
George W. Bush July 6, 1946 New Haven, CT, USA
Parents: George H. W. Bush June 12, 1924 and Barbara (Pierce) Bush June 9, 1925
Wife: Laura Welch November 4, 1946
Helmuth Johann Ludwig von Moltke
(1848 - 1916)
Johann Ludwig von Moltke (German pronunciation: [%CB%88h%C9%9Blmu%CB%90t fɔn ˈmɔltkə]; 23 May 1848, Biendorf – 18 June 1916), also known as Moltke the Younger, was a nephew of Field Marshal Count Moltk...
Olavi Virta
(1915 - 1972)
Olavi Virta (originally to 1926 Oskari Olavi Ilmén) (27 February 1915, in Sysmä, Finland – 14 July 1972, in Tampere, Finland) was a Finnish singer, acclaimed as the king of Finnish tango.[1] Between 19...
Antti Tuomaanpoika Rannanjärvi
(1828 - 1882)
RANNANJÄRVI, Antti, talollinen, puukkojunkkari, syntynyt Ylihärmässä huhtikuun 4. päivänä 1828 kuollut siellä elokuun 12. päivänä 1882. Vanhemmat: talollinen Tuomas Tuomaanpoika Rannanjärvi ja Mar...
Richard "Strongbow" de Clare, 2nd Earl of Pembroke
(c.1125 - 1176)
"Richard de Clare, 2nd Earl of Pembroke (of the first creation), Lord of Leinster, Justiciar of Ireland (1130 – 20 April 1176). Like his father, he was also commonly known by his nickname Strongbow (Fr...
This zite is not ok and needs to be fixed.
Stamtavlan ger Cerdics far som Elesa, som har identifierats av några forskare med romano-briten Elasius, "regionens chef", träffad av Germanus av Auxerre....
Akseli Gallen-Kallela
(1865 - 1931)
Akseli Gallen-Kallela kuuluu Suomen merkittävimpiin kuvataiteilijoihin. Ennen kaikkea hän oli suomalaiskansallisen taiteen uranuurtaja ja tärkein kehittäjä; kansallisromantiikaksi kutsuttu visuaalinen ...