Marchionne, ATESSA - Rachele Giuliani, Celiberti CARAMANICO - Olivieri CARUNCHHIO - Sansevero Potent, CASTEL FRENTANO - Ceroli FRANCAVILLA AL MARE - Febbo LANCIANO - Giancristofaro, Masciangelo MONTERODOMO - Mark Dantonio, ORTONA - Rocco Siffredi , Dragani , Venturini, Consalvi, Angelozzi S. VITO CHIETINO - De Sanctis Torricella Peligna - Dad John Fante, Troilo, Pescalacqua Altin...
BORMIO - Deborah Compagnoni. CAMPODOLCINO - Catherine Levi. CHIAVENNA - Tognoni MORBEGNO TOVO S. AGATA - Foppoli VAL FURVA - 17 july 2022
Place Name The name Termini was officially changed to Termini Imerese , 26 Mar 1863 (Il N. 1218 della Raccolta Ufficiale delle Leggi e dei Decreti del Regno Italia) ( Link ). Progenitors See the parent Sicily Project for an explanation and criteria of the progenitors list Baiona Baiona, Vincenzo Battaglia Battaglia, Giuseppe Battaglia, Maria Calderone Calderone, Saverio ...
The Lublin Ghetto was a World War II ghetto created by Nazi Germany in the city of Lublin in occupied Poland, on the Nazi-administered territory of the General Government. Its inhabitants were mostly Polish Jews, although a number of Roma were also present. The Lublin Ghetto, set up in March 1941, was one of the first Nazi-era ghettos in occupied Poland to be "liquidated". In November 1942 arou...
Tämä projekti on keskeneräinen!Voit aloittaa liittymällä projektiin yhteistyökumppaniksi, kohdasta Toiminnot > Liity yhteistyökumppaniksi. Kannattaa myös lähettää yhtestyökutsu projektissa olijolle yhdstämisten helpottamiseksi.==Ohkolan historiaa==Varhaisin merkintä Ohkolan kylästä on vuodelta 1548 papinvero- ja kymmenysluettelosta, luettelossa on 11 nimeä, maakirjan mukaan vuonna 1550 Ohkolass...
ACQUALAGNA - Enrico Mattei CAGLI - Celli FANO , Apecchio, Auditore, Barchi, Belforte all'Isauro, Borgo Pace, , Cantiano, Carpegna, Cartoceto, Colli al Metauro, , Fermignano, Fossombrone, Fratte Rosa, Frontino, Frontone, Gabicce Mare, Gradara, Isola del Piano, Lunano, Macerata Feltria, Mercatello sul Metauro, Mercatino Conca, Mombaroccio, Mondavio, Mondolfo, Monte Cerignone, Monte Grimano ...
British Radio and Television Personalities Please link the profiles of people who have either presented or hosted programs on British Radio or Television or were born in the United Kingdom and are radio or television personalities in other countries. A radio personality can be someone who introduces and discusses various genres of music, hosts a talk radio show that may take calls from listener...
Famous People Connected to Yorkshire Image right - Amy Johnson ===== Image Public Domain, Wiki Commons Those people of note with connections to the county are listed below. Some of these connections are a little tenuous - counties like to lay claim to people of renown! Please add information about people of renown connected to Yorkshire, England. If the person has a profile on Geni please add...
London 2012 Summer Olympic Games Athletics Events and Results:= This project will be adapted to work for Rio 2016! This is a sub-sub-project of the main London 2012 Summer Olympics Events and Results project, devoted to the Athletics events taking place. If there is a Geni profile for an athlete the link is Bold - links to external sources are not.===See also -===*]] London 2012 Summer Olymp...
-2012-06-14-07:40+GMT-jMu-UNDER CONSTRUCTION-===European Olympic Participants=Ireland ‧ 2012 ‧ Summer Olympics* === Irish OLYMPIANS * x-2012 Summer : ⓿ ‧ 0x ‧ ⓵ ‧ 8x - Silver 8x - Bronze 10x* x-2012 Winter : ⓿ ‧ 0x ‧ ⓵ ‧ 0x - Silver 0x - Bronze 0x* 2012 Summer Nominations & Selections : Good luck to all of you and come home safe, satisfied and healthy !==SPORTS & 2012 Nominations & Selections ...
The modern Olympics have been taking place since 1896 (Winter Olympics since 1924). This project is designed to identify the people who have had the incredible skill and perseverance to win a medal. Alpine Skiing (Winter): Kjetil André Aamodt (1971 - ) Paul Accola (1967) Émile Allais (1912 - 2012) Sébastien Amiez (1972 - ) Debbie Armstrong (1963 - ) Wolfgang Bartels (1940 - 2007)
Projekti aloitettu 17.1.2022. Tähän projektiin voi etsiä ja lisätä Muurlassa asuneiden henkilöiden profiileja. Toivotaan profiili liitettäväksi samalla Varsinais-Suomi ja Satakunta ja Suomi ja Karjala -projekteihin. Muurla on entinen Suomen kunta ja nykyään osa Saloa. Ennen kuntaliitosta Muurla oli osa Varsinais-Suomen maakuntaa ja Länsi-Suomen lääniä, aiemmin Turun ja Porin lääniä. Sen rajan...
Progenitors=See the parent Sicily Project for an explanation and criteria of the progenitors list Bagheria* Bagheria, Rosario Buffa, Antonino* Buffa, Antonino - son was born in PalermoCirrito* Cirrito, Maria - son was born in PalermoCosta* Costa, Salvatore - born in PalermoFarina* Farina, Giuseppa - son was born in PalermoGreco* Greco, Francesco - descendant was born in Brancaccio, a neighborho...
Fratello in the Metropolitan City of Messina in the Italian region Sicily, located about 110 kilometres (68 mi) east of Palermo and about 90 kilometres (56 mi) west of Messina. San Fratello borders the following municipalities: Acquedolci, Alcara li Fusi, Caronia, Cesarò, Militello Rosmarino, Sant'Agata di Militello.Its peak of population was in 1921, with 10,094. In the following decade, it lo...
Viitasaaren kyläprojektien tarkoitus on toimia työkaluna kaikille kiinnostuneille Viitasaaren pitäjän asukkaiden tietojen systemaattisessa tallentamisessa, tietojen tarkistamisessa ja lähdeaineiston lisäämisessä. Toivomus olisi, että projekti säilytettäisiin nimenomaan työkaluna eikä sitä kasvatettaisi massa-ajoilla.
Voldemar Panso nimeline auhind (Panso preemia) Ka siin: ja siin: Kõik laureaadid kogume siia...