Viitasaaren kyläprojektien tarkoitus on toimia työkaluna kaikille kiinnostuneille Viitasaaren pitäjän asukkaiden tietojen systemaattisessa tallentamisessa, tietojen tarkistamisessa ja lähdeaineiston lisäämisessä. Toivomus olisi, että projekti säilytettäisiin nimenomaan työkaluna eikä sitä kasvatettaisi massa-ajoilla.
Voldemar Panso nimeline auhind (Panso preemia) Ka siin: ja siin: Kõik laureaadid kogume siia...
Projekts, kurā vienkopus atzīmēt visas Fintmuižā (Aglonas pagasts) dzīvojošās personas, kuras ir uzskaitītas 1850./1858.gada dvēseļu revīzijās. 241.-246.kadrs par muižu
Artificial intelligence (AI) is intelligence—perceiving, synthesizing, and inferring information—demonstrated by machines, as opposed to intelligence displayed by non-human animals and humans. Example tasks in which this is done include speech recognition, computer vision, translation between (natural) languages, as well as other mappings of inputs. AI applications include advanced web search ...
Municipality of Karlskrona, Blekinge, Sweden= This is a regional project in Geni for the Municipality of Karlskrona , Sweden. Everybody interested in the history of the town or its residents is welcome to join the project. Once you have joined the project you can add profiles, photos, documents etc. of people who have resided here or who otherwise are related to the history of the town. This pr...
SUOMEN KAARTI 1812–1905 Projekti kokoaa yhteen Suomen kaartin sotilaat ja pitää etusivullaan luetteloa Turkin sodassa olleista. Liitä ensin itsesi projektiin. Liitä sitten ylläpitämäsi sotilaan profiili, jos arvelet hänen kuuluneen kaartiin. Jos et ole profiilin ylläpitäjä, voit kutsua profiilin projektiin. Kun varmistut Turkin sotaan osallistumisesta, voit tehdä linkin tällä sivulla ole...
We the peoples of the United Nations determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small… -- Preamble, United Nations Charter, 1945 The United Nation...
Return to Lands of Sweden Project Blekinge, Sweden Blekinge is one of the traditional provinces of Sweden, situated in the south of the country. It borders Småland, Scania and the Baltic Sea. It is the country's second-smallest province by area (only Öland is smaller), and the smallest province located on the mainland. The name "Blekinge" comes from the adjective bleke, which corresponds to...
Vintrosa socken i Närke ingick i Örebro härad, ingår sedan 1971 i Örebro kommun och motsvarar från 2016 Vintrosa distrikt.Socknens areal är 49,49 kvadratkilometer, varav 48,68 land. År 2000 fanns här 2 134 invånare. Tätorten och kyrkbyn Vintrosa med sockenkyrkan Vintrosa kyrka ligger i socknen.Administrativ historik Vintrosa socken har medeltida ursprung.Den 1 januari 1936 (enligt beslut den 16...
Korporatsioon Amicitia, Korp! Amicitia ajalugu * Vikipeedia artikkel * Korp! Amicitia 1924—1994 Universitas Tartuensis : Tartu Ülikooli ajaleht, nr. 35/36, 18 november 1994 lk 2 (loetelud)*
Bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchi (large and medium-sized airways) of the lungs. Symptoms include coughing up mucus, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest discomfort. Bronchitis is divided into two types: acute and chronic. Acute bronchitis is also known as a chest cold. Acute bronchitis usually has a cough that lasts around three weeks. In more than 90% of cases the cause is a viral...
Olete teretulnud kõik need kes soovivad oma lähedased seoses selle rahupaigaga ära märkida ja projekti lisada. Projekt "Pärnu-Jaagupi kalmistu" koondab neid, kes on aegade jooksul seal oma rahu leidnud. Kalmistu rajamisega alustati 1773 aastal.4.augustil 1774 aastal õnnistas selle sisse kohalik pastor Johann Christian Lisch Kultuurimälestise Riikliku Registri registrikanne vt. registr...
This project aims to honor noble ladies who contributed to the constitution, breadth and strengthening of their respective families, whether in the role of exemplary mothers - for the refined education offered to their children. In the field of politics, as leaders of large families who also played a prominent role as the leader of some regime, doctrine and principles, or in the economic contri...
Sköllersta socken i Närke ingick i Sköllersta härad, ingår sedan 1971 i Hallsbergs kommun i Örebro län och motsvarar från 2016 Sköllersta distrikt.Socknens areal är 103,75 kvadratkilometer, varav 102,39 land. År 2000 fanns här 3 612 invånare. Tätorten Pålsboda samt tätorten och kyrkbyn Sköllersta med sockenkyrkan Sköllersta kyrka ligger i socknen.Administrativ historikSköllersta socken har mede...
Tervetuloa projektin yhteistyökumppaniksi, jos olet kiinnostunut historiasta, joissa on kuollut ja loukkaantunut useampi henkilö. Pohjois-Pohjanmaan paikkakunnilla on tapahtunut onnettomuuksia, sotarikoksia, joissa on kuollut, loukkaantunut useampi henkilö. Voit tehdä ja lisätä puuttuvan profiilin projektiin, joka on ollut mukana, sotarikoksissa, onnettomuuksissa. Kuvat ja muut tiedot voit lis...
DIE AFRIKANER BROEDERBOND Die Afrikaner Broederbond was 'n geheime organisasie wat in 1918 gestig is deur H. J. KLOPPER, H. W. VAN DER MERWE, D. H. C. DU PLESSIS [ Daniel Hendrik Celliers du Plessis ] en Ds. Jozua NAUDÉ [ Jozua Francois Naudé ]. Dit het die Afrikaner se belange help bevorder. Vir meer inligting verwys na Vir detail oor die organisasie sien ook " The Super-Afrikaners. Inside ...
Tietävälä is an old village in Kirvu, Karelian Isthmus and mentioned in the land registers in 1557. At that time there were 25 houses in the village where large families lived in the Karelian style. Before the wars, the village had about five hundred inhabitants. Old Kirvun Tietävälä was unified and social activities were lively. Six evenings a week there were activities at the youth club and o...
BRUSNENGO - bALOCCA '''LESSONA''' Ailoche, Andorno Micca, Benna, Biella, Bioglio, Borriana, Brusnengo, Callabiana, Camandona, Camburzano, Campiglia Cervo, Candelo, Caprile, Casapinta, Castelletto Cervo, Cavaglià, Cerreto Castello, Cerrione, Coggiola, Cossato, Crevacuore, Crosa, Curino, Donato, Dorzano, Gaglianico, Gifflenga, Graglia, Magnano, Massazza, Masserano, Mezzana Mortigliengo, Miag...
This Project is dedicated as a Holocaust Master Project Index to the monstrous consortium of "The Final Solution death machine." > Please add cherished profiles to the relevant concentration camp and ghetto sub-projects and not to this Master Holocaust Projects Directory . If no appropriate project exists, we will help create one. Please contact curators Hatte Blejer , Pam Karp , Malka Mysels o...
The purpose of this project is to collect all of the profiles of displaced persons or Holocaust Survivors, who were residents of the Erlangen Displaced Persons Camp. This camp was located in Erlangen , Germany. cf: J Jüdische Euthanasie-Opfer der Heil- und Pflegeanstalt Erlangen by Wolfgang Appell (2016) (visit also: [ ]* Braun, Julius * 1897, Niederstetten, Main-Tauber-Kreis, Unterfranken* Coh...
My grandparents that immigrated to the USA