Heavenly Rest Cemetery
Sailed Plymouth 1 July 1875 - arrived Timaru 23 September 1875 and onto Lyttelton 26 September 1875Passenger List:
Kartlägger de boende i Åsätra i Österåker
This project hopes to dispel the mystery behind Frederick Pace of Wales, who came to this country with his wife, Elizabeth, and their five children, William, John, Dillie, Anna and Dempsey. There is a lot of speculation as to whom Frederick was...an exposed Tory traitor or just a man and his family coming to the new world.Two camps exist on this topic, there's the family bible and word of mouth...
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the village of Strančice in Prague-East District in the Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic.
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Oman Paide kutselise teatri kohta fotosid ja infot. Huvilistel pöörduda aadressile merike.valme@mail.ee