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This project collects Geni profiles for characters in Þiðreks saga . Þiðreks saga af Bern ('the saga of Þiðrekr of Bern', also Þiðrekssaga , Þiðriks saga , Niflunga saga or Vilkina saga , with Anglicisations including Thidreksaga ) is an Old Norse chivalric saga centering the character it calls Þiðrekr af Bern, who originated as the historical king Theoderic the Great (454–526), but who attract...
La idea de este proyecto es recoger perfiles de panameños y extranjeros relacionados con Panamá, que han destacado en diversas áreas de la actividad humana. (Ciencias, política, periodismo, etcétera)
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from Stránce (Stranitz) in Bohemia, Czech Republic.
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Grombach (Baden-Württemberg), Germany. JewishGen-Grombach (Baden-Württemberg)
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Hüttenheim (Unterfranken/Bayern), Germany also known as Huettenheim, Hüttenheim in Bayern. JewishGen-Hüttenheim (Unterfranken/Bayern)