Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Sts. Cyril & Methodius Catholic Cemetery, Shiner, Texas

    This cemetery is located on 306 South Avenue F, Shiner, Lavaca County, Texas. Find a Grave

  • Ganado Protestant Cemetery, Ganado, Texas

    This cemetery is commonly known as Ganado Cemetery, however, there is a second cemetery in the same city with a very similar name. If you are looking for an African American person, you are more likely to be looking for Ganado Community Cemetery. The caretaker is extremely helpful, and will look-up names, and give you the block, plot and grave locations. 361-771-3321. Make sure to thank them f...

  • Moravia Ascension Cemetery, Moravia, Texas

    Immigrants from northeastern Moravia (current Czech Republic) settled in the area presently known as Moravia, Texas. Moravia was founded by Jakub Hollub and his son-in-law Ignac (J.E.) Jalufka when they established a store in 1881. They named the community after their homeland of Moravia. A town quickly grew with a blacksmith shop, a gin, a school, store and more. SPJST Lodge No. 23 Nova Morava...

  • St. Mary's Catholic Church Cemetery, High Hill, Texas

    This cemetery, located in Fayette County, Texas, is located in the High Hill. community, north of Schulenburg - (north of I-10). It's also known as Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Cemetery . Find a Grave

  • Cameron County, Texas

    The county was founded in 1848 and is named for Captain Ewen Cameron, a soldier during the Texas Revolution and in the ill-fated Mier Expedition. During the later 19th century and through World War II, Fort Brown was a US Army outpost here, stimulating the development of the city of Brownsville. Cemeteries Cemeteries of Texas Links Wikipedia

  • Sacred Heart Cemetery, Hallettsville, Texas

    In Lavaca County, in Hallettsville city limit, Take Hwy 90 A (Fifth Street), turn south on South Texana Street to Church Street and then take a left and go approximately 145 feet. The cemetery is on the left about 45 feet off the roadway. Find a Grave

  • Chestnut Hill Memorial Park, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio

    The cemetery is located on the north side of Sackett Avenue just west of its intersection with 26th Street and Chestnut Boulevard. The cemetery is located in Springfield Township, Summit County, Ohio, and is # 11554 ( Hillside Memorial Park ) in "Ohio Cemeteries 1803-2003", compiled by the Ohio Genealogical Society. The cemetery is registered with the Ohio Division of Real Estate and Professi...

  • Kylä Opporansalmi, Oparinniemi, Oppama by, Hiitola

    Valitse Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Peter Pirjhoinen, Anders Pirjhoinen MK 1638-1638 Käkisalmen läänin ja Inkerin tilejä - 9646 Käkisalmen läänin maakirja 1638-1638, jakso 4, sivu 2: Tiurala ; Kansallisarkisto: / Viitattu 5.9.2024 Peder Pirhoinen, Anti Pirhoinen MK 1640-1640 ,Käkisalmen läänin ja Inkerin ti...

  • Pleasant Mound Cemetery, Dallas, Texas

    Not to be confused with Pleasant Mound Public Cemetery, located in the 8000 block of Scyene Road. Located 3400 S. Buckner Boulevard at the intersection of Buckner & Scyene Road. At the intersection of two well-traveled pioneer roads, now Buckner Blvd. and Scyene Rd., this cemetery serves as a reflection of the heritage of this area. Burials took place on the property as early as 1864, but the...

  • Hunt County, Texas

    Please add profiles for those who were born, lived or died in Hunt County, Texas. First settled in 1839, the county is named for Memucan Hunt, Jr., the first Republic of Texas Minister to the United States from 1837 to 1838 and the third Texas Secretary of the Navy from 1838 to 1839. Adjacent Counties Fannin County Delta County Hopkins County Rains County Collin County Kaufman Co...

  • Atwell, Attwell, Tuell, Tull, Twell Family

    Atwell Surname Meaning English: topographic name from Middle English atte welle (Old English at thǣre wielle) ‘by the spring or well’. Also: Attwell, Tuell, and Tull. Tuell is a shortened form of Twell, which is derived from Atwell. Source: Dictionary of American Family Names 2nd edition, 2022

  • Kurkijoen Torikat ja jälkipolvet

    Projekti aloitettu 20.11.2024. Sivusto on rakenteilla. Valitse Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin Kurkijoen suvut -projekti on koonti- eli listausprojekti suvuista. Liity ystävällisesti jokaiseen haluamaasi sukuprojektiin erikseen. Pääset sivustoille klikkaamalla sukunimeä. Kurkijoen suku- ja jälkeläisprojekteja...

  • Chicago Bears (NFL)

    The Chicago Bears are a professional American football team in Chicago, Illinois. They are members of the North Division of the National Football Conference (NFC) in the National Football League (NFL). The Bears have won nine NFL Championships and one Super Bowl and hold the NFL record for the most enshrinees in the Pro Football Hall of Fame and the most retired jersey numbers. The Bears have a...

  • Jewish families connected to the town of Kladruby in Rokycany, Plzen Region

    Kladruby is a town in the Czech Republic, in the region of Rokycany, Plzeň. This project refers to the Kladruby in Rokycany area, not the Kladruby in the Tachov region. There are several towns in the Plzen region with the name Kladruby. One in county Tachov (near the town Stříbro) and the second in neighborhood of Hřešihlavy in county Rokycany. The distance between Hřešihlavy and Kladruby/Ro...

  • Västanfors socken, Västmanland

    Västanfors socken i Västmanland, med en mindre del i Dalarna, ingick i Gamla Norbergs bergslag, ombildades 1944 till Fagersta stad och området ingår sedan 1971 i Fagersta kommun och motsvarar från 2016 Västanfors distrikt.Socknens areal var 168,01 kvadratkilometer, varav 153,00 land. (Fagersta stad) Tätorten Fagersta med kyrkbyn Västanfors och sockenkyrkan Västanfors kyrka ligger i socknen.Admi...

  • Friesland in verzet 40-45

    Dit genealogisch onderzoeksproject verzamelt de genealogische en historische gegevens van de mensen die actief betrokken zijn geweest bij het verzet in de provincie Friesland ten tijde van de Tweede Wereldoorlog. In de legenda onderaan de pagina treft u de geraadpleegde bronnen. Een goed startpunt voor verder onderzoek zou het Neerlandsch Verzetsmonument kunnen zijn voor de nodige extra bron...

  • Monroe County, Michigan

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Monroe County, Michigan. Official Website Before the county's formation, the primary settlement was Frenchtown, which was settled in as early as 1784 along the banks of the River Raisin. The small plot of land was given to the early French settlers by the Potawatomi Native Americans, and the area was claimed for New France. The sett...

  • Otsego County, New York

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Otsego County, New York. Official Website Otsego County was officially established on February 16, 1791. The name Otsego is from a Mohawk or Oneida word meaning "place of the rock." Adjacent Counties Herkimer County Montgomery County Schoharie County Delaware County Chenango County Madison County Oneida County

  • Jewish Families from Šumperk (Mährisch Schönberg), Czech Republic

    This project seeks to list representatives of all of the Jewish families from the town of Šumperk (Mährisch Schönberg) in the Olomouc Region of the Czech Republic.

  • Helsingin yliopiston Observatorion Carte du Ciel -hanke

    A large-scale survey of the starry sky agreed at the Paris Conference in 1887, in which the entire sky was photographed on photographic plates up to magnitude 11. 18 observatories around the world participated in the project, among them the University of Helsinki Observatory under direction of Anders Donner. A specially designed telescope with a field of view of 2×2 degrees was purchased for t...

  • Missouri State Guard (CSA), US Civil War

    The Missouri State Guard (MSG) was a state militia organized in the state of Missouri during the early days of the American Civil War. While not initially a formal part of the Confederate States Army, the State Guard fought alongside Confederate troops and, at times, under regular Confederate officers.==Background and formation==The Missouri State Legislature passed the "Military Bill" on May 1...

  • Gray / Grey Family

    Gray Surname Meaning English Scottish and Irish (especially Eastern Ulster; of Norman origin): habitational name from Graye in Calvados France named from the Gallo-Roman personal name Graec(i)us meaning ‘Greek’ + the locative suffix -acum. This is probably the chief source of the surname in Britain. English: nickname for someone with gray hair or a gray beard from Middle English grey (Old Eng...

  • USS Sims DD-409

    This Geni Project is meant to memorialize the United States Navy men who perished at sea during the World War II Battle of the Coral Sea while serving on the destroyer USS Sims. Survivors may also be added to the project. USS Sims, Commanding Officer Lt.Cdr. Willford Milton Hyman, USN, was sunk by Japanese aircraft during the Battle of the Coral Sea in position 15º10'S, 158º05'E, there were o...

12151-12175 of 74810 projects