
Olete teretulnud kõik need kes soovivad oma lähedased seoses selle rahupaigaga ära märkida ja projekti lisada. 'Projekt "Siivertsi kalmistu" koondab neid, kes on aegade jooksul seal oma rahu leidnud. * ]
Riksdagen 1527, även kallad Västerås riksdag hölls i Västerås 16–18 juni 1527 och är känd som "reformationsriksdagen", eller genom riksdagens beslut Västerås recess, då Gustav Vasa berövade kyrkan dess makt och banden med kyrkan i Rom klipptes av.
Tervetuloa Sievi, papit ja muut kirkon työntekijät projektiin! Luettelon nimiin lisätään linkki henkilön Geni-profiiliin ja sitä kautta sukupuuhun. Muita Sievin projekteja: Paikkakunta Sievi, Pohjois-Pohjanmaa Siirtolaiset paikkakunnalta Sievi Sievin rautatieläiset Pappisluettelo - Sievi Kirkkoherrat 1868–1873 Karl Henrik Elfving 1874–1879 August Johan Frosterus 1880–1901...
De RUYTER-medaille ‧ sinds 1907 Begin 1907 geeft koningin Wilhelmina de wens te kennen dat, ter gelegenheid van de herdenking van de driehonderdste verjaardag van Michiel Adriaenszoon de Ruyter, een ereteken zal worden ingesteld ten behoeve van schippers, stuurlieden en verdere bemanning van koopvaardijschepen, die zich door verdienstelijke daden voor de scheepvaart hebben onderscheiden. . . . ...
Novo-Diveevo Russian Orthodox Cemetery Also known as Russian Orthodox Convent Cemetery location: Nanuet, Rockland County, New York, USA Wiki Category:Burials at Novo-Diveevo Russian Cemetery Find a Grave
Bronzen Kruis 🪖 Landmacht . . . . . bronnen - documentatie informatie ...aanvulling welkom! . . Onderstaande militairen verdedigden Nederland in mei 1940. De eersten kregen op 16 juli 1940 een Bronzen Kruis, de laatsten op 5 december 1952. . Achterberg J.F. van den BROEK ∙ ∙ KB 7-2-1948/15 K.J. CROUWEL ∙ ∙ KB 7-2-1948/15 B.H. KRUSE ∙ x ∙ KB 12-9-1947/70 H. van LIESHO...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Sandusky County, Ohio. Official Website The county was formed on February 12, 1820, from portions of Huron County. The name is derived from the Wyandot word meaning "water" (Wyandot: saandustee). The Sandusky River runs diagonally northeast through the county to its mouth on Sandusky Bay. The bay opens into Lake Erie. Adjacent Cou...
Wikipedia: The Act of the Re-Establishment of the State of Lithuania or Act of March 11 (Lithuanian: Aktas dėl Lietuvos nepriklausomos valstybės atstatymo) was an independence declaration by Lithuania adopted on March 11, 1990, signed by all members of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Lithuania led by Sąjūdis. The act emphasized restoration and legal continuity of the interwar-period Lith...
Kuvista löytyy hautakuvat joihin ei ole löytynyt polkua Genipuuhun. Kuva Facebook sivuilta Suomen kirkkoja ja hautausmaita. Kuvaaja Eija Paukamainen. Haudat Aalto Vilhem Gabrielsson Aalto 8.6.1869 Vilhelmiina Aalto poika Ragnar Aalto pojan vaimo Martta Elina Aalto Bordi Maria 15.3.1905 Matti Matfei Ivanov Bordi 16.10.1913 Klaudia Ivanova Bordi
Perustettu 2018 Kesken, muokkauksia pikkihiljaa Paikkakuntaprojekti Miehikkälä Paikkakuntaprojekti (ennen 1887) Virolahti Miehikkälän kunnan: Muurola kyläprojekti , joka kuului ennen vuotta 1887 Virolahden kuntaan. Projektin tarkoituksena on kerätä yhteen Muurolan kylässä syntyneiden, kuolleiden tai asuneiden henkilöiden Geni-profiileja ja rakentaa yhteistä sukupuuta. Projektiin liittym...
The governor of Oriental Mindoro is the local chief executive and head of the Provincial Government of Oriental Mindoro in the Philippines. Governors of Oriental Mindoro Conrado Morente (December 30, 1947 - December 30, 1951) Francisco S. Infantado (December 30, 1951 - December 30, 1959) Luciano Joson (December 30, 1959 - December 30, 1961) Rodolfo Arce Ignacio (December 30, 1961 - De...
The Capulong family is composed of the descendants and sympathizers of Lakandula and Dionisio Capulong. This project is created to reorganize the genealogy of the Capulong family of the Philippines. Collaborators are highly encouraged to do more research on the history of the family.
(This portal is associated with the Portaal voor Nederlandstaligen , the portal for Dutch speaking Geni users).This is the access point for the belgium Geni user community =Tracing ancestors in Belgium=Access to sources in Flanders==General AdvicePlease follow the official records as much as possible.* Civic Registries. Under Napoleonic rule, government administration of birth, marriages and de...
Phenomenologists are experts in the study of structures of consciousness as experienced from the first-person point of view. Early phenomenology refers to the early phase of the phenomenological movement, from the 1890s until the Second World War. The figures associated with the early phenomenology are Edmund Husserl and his followers and students, particularly the members of the Göttingen and ...
Tunnettujen suomalaisten haploryhmiä on otettu listaan henkilöiden Geni-profiileista. Tunnetuista suomalaisista on osa mukana julkisilla FTDNA:n sivustoilla FTDNA Discover Haplogroup Reports > Notable Connections, joista henkilöiden halporyhmiä on otettu listaan valitsemalla haluttu henkilö ja kohdasta Timeline > Connection´s Haplogroup. Esimerkiksi (Genin profiili) Paavo Nurmi , + Y-DNA ...
BALMORAL CAMP Camp Details Type:white / black Location:Transvaal Date closed:27/09/1902 Unique ID:154 A Short History Balmoral camp was established relatively late, on 25 July 1901, coming into use a week later – a remarkably short time in which to set up a camp. It was created to take the overflow from the Middelburg and Belfast camps and was divided into the districts from which most of the...
This project is a table of contents for all projects relating to this County of West Virginia. Please feel free to add profiles of anyone who was born, lived or died in this county. Webster County was formed from parts of Nicholas, Braxton, and Randolph counties in Virginia through the approval of an act of the Virginia General Assembly during its 1859-1860 session. Movement toward the formati...
Kaiapoi Public Cemetery opened in 1884. Lots were drawn to allot the sections for each denomination. Located on the corner of Adderley Terrace and Island Road, Kaiapoi. Source: Gravestone Inscriptions
===== Badges above from left 72nd Foot (Duke of Albany's Own Highlanders; 78th Foot (Highlanders) (Ross-shire Buffs); The Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-shire Buffs, The Duke of Albany's). Images courtesy of British Military Badges and Military Badges Collection
Country: Belgium* Locality: West-Vlaanderen* Identified Casualties: 9877==Location Information==Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery is located 12 Kms west of Ieper town centre, on the Boescheepseweg, a road leading from the N308 connecting Ieper to Poperinge. From Ieper town centre the Poperingseweg (N308) is reached via the Elverdingestraat, then over two small roundabouts in the J. Capronstraat. T...
=====Images - Left - A sentry at ease, Black Watch (Royal Highlanders), 1892. by Harry Payne - Anne S. K. Brown Military Collection, Public Domain, Wiki Commons : Badges from left - 42nd Royal Highland Regiment of Foot (Black Watch) (Courtesy Military Badge Collection ) ; 73rd Foot (Perthshire); Black Watch King's Crown (Courtesy of Military Badge Collection ) ;
Verzetsherdenkingskruis : L t/m N Dit project is in hoofdlijnen gebaseerd op informatie uit het in 1985 uitgegeven Gedenkboek Verzetsherdenkingskruis, waarin opgenomen het register van dragers van het Verzetsherdenkingskruis / Nationaal Comité Verzetsherdenkingskruis. De data uit het gedenkboek zijn op basis van genealogische gegevens aangevuld en waar nodig verbeterd. Bovendien zijn namen toe...
Sogneprester i Lund prestegjeld før reformasjonen Sven Tolleivson - nevnt 1409 - 1427 sira Botolv - nevnt 1461 da han ble angrepet og ranet av Øystein Askildsen. Øystein måtte avstå storparten av Hompland til bispestolen i Stavanger som straff. Etter reformasjonen overtok Kronen Hompland og eide det fram til 1665 Torolv Reidarson - nevnt 1465 Jon Esgeirson - nevnt 1490 Sogneprester ...