Rootsi Mõõgaorden - Kungliga Svärdsorden Kõigi klasside eestlastest kavalerid siia
==The project " Trup Diaspora " is a genealogical project aimed to connect families known to be related, and, of family Trup.=====Nowadays the family exists under different names derived from Trup , such as Troop , Troup , Troupp , or Trupp , as well as under surnames people may have received via marriage or what-have-you. =====What is known (with some certainty) is:==i) The origins of the fami...
This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived or died in Apalit, Pampanga, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal . Wikipedia
Como o Título deste projeto indica, a família Teixeira original, está associada direta e inconfundivelmente as origens do Reino de Portugal, muito antes de o mesmo, se projetar como uma nação independente. Os vínculos familiares com senhorios que precederam o domínio do território onde a futura Nação independente viria aflorar, conduziram os membros desta linhagem a auxiliar reis e a receberem ...
Please add profiles for those who have or have died of Multiple Myeloma.=== Multiple myeloma is a cancer formed by malignant plasma cells . Normal plasma cells, a type of white blood cell, are found in the bone marrow and are an important part of the immune system. Multiple myeloma is a cancer of the plasma cells in the bone marrow , & is a form of bone marrow cancer. Plasma cells normally prod...
The president of Turkey, officially the president of the Republic of Türkiye, is the head of state and head of government of Turkey. The president directs the executive branch of the national government and is the commander-in-chief of the Turkish military. The president also heads the National Security Council. Wikipedia Presidents of Turkey Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (29 October 1923 - 10 N...
Tämä projekti on Jämsän Vitikkalan kylän kyläprojekti. Projektiin voidaan liittää Vitikkalan kylässä asuneita henkilöitä. Siihen voidaan perustaa myös taloprojekteja ja muita tarkentavia projekteja sekä lisätä valokuvia, tarinoita ja muuta sukututkimusta tukevaa aineistoa. Johdanto Vitikkalan kylään Vitikkalan kylässä oli vuonna 1539 kolme taloa, joista vain yksi sijaitsi vanhassa pääkylässä ...
Tämä projekti on Jämsän Ruotsulan kylän kyläprojekti. Projektiin voidaan liittää Ruotsulan kylässä asuneita henkilöitä. Siihen voidaan perustaa myös taloprojekteja ja muita tarkentavia projekteja sekä lisätä valokuvia, tarinoita ja muuta sukututkimusta tukevaa aineistoa. Johdanto Ruotsulan kylään Ruotsula on ilmeisesti alkujaan ollut kylä, jossa on vuonna 1539 ollut viisi taloa. Reilut sata v...
Brazil–Romania relations are the bilateral relations between Brazil and Romania. Both nations are members of the United Nations. History In the beginning of the 20th century, migrants from Romania (and specifically from the Romanian province of Bessarabia (modern-day Moldova)) immigrated to Brazil. Among the Romanians, many were ethnic Germans and Poles who resided in Romania at the time.[1] ...
Projekti aloitettu 22.8.2017.Pappisluettelo - KarkkuKirkkoherratHenricus (1530) Sigfridus (1553-57) Mathias Marthini (1557-88) Matthias Matthiæ (1586-1639) Henricus Arvidi (1641-60) Johannes Matthiæ Collinius (1661-71) Georgius Nicolai Pryss (1672-77) Henricus Collinus (1678-1707) Johannes Christophori Enckell (1707-40) Gabriel Wegelius (1740-46) Georg Hornborg (1750-75) Anders Asp (1776-93) Jo...
Alkuperäislähteissä Puustin tila: Pohjanmaan voutikuntien tilejä - 4929 Pohjois -Pohjanmaan voutikunnan maakirja ja tilikirja 1619-1619 , jakso 170, sivu 166: Tijonde Salo ; Kansallisarkisto: / Viitattu 18.9.2024 ( Madz Simonss. ) Pohjanmaan voutikuntien tilejä - 4935 Pohjois-Pohjanmaan voutikunnan maakirja ja tilikirja 1620-1620 , jakso 19, sivu 19: Salo ; Kansallisarkisto: / Viitattu 18.9.2...
Hierdie is hoofsaaklik om die Voortrekkers te bespreek. This is mainly to discuss the Voortrekkers of South Africa. See Afrikaans version under the English. ===OORSIG===The Voortrekkers (Afrikaans and Dutch for pioneers, literally "those who trek ahead", "fore-trekkers") were emigrants during the 1830s and 1840s who left the Cape Colony (British at the time, but founded by the Dutch) moving int...
The Paul-Lazarus-Foundation in Wiesbaden has a database about Jewish families of Wiesbaden with about 16.000 entries and 3.000 family trees and a lot of pictures and documents. The Foundation is planning to publish several books about the Jewish families of Wiesbaden. The database will be online within 1 or 2 years. Data in the Commemoration Leaflets are just the tip of the iceberg. There will ...
Liburnia (En) (Hr) (Sr) is in the North-Eastern Adriatic region and has a considerable geographic and historical significance with regards to Croatian Ethnogenesis . The region has over time been referred to using a variety of different names, the scope and meaning of which changed over time and according to the writer, so one finds the same area has been referred to as Liburnia , the Croatian...
All singers we remember from our childhood Dinah Washington Enrico CARUSO 1873-1921 Etta James Eleanora Fagan --Billie Holiday Sir Noël Peirce Coward
Lähteitä: Jyväskykän kaupungin historia 1837-1965
This sub-project aims to organize genealogical data on international and local beauty pageant participants and winners who are Filipino or have Filipino ancestry. The study was also expanded to include Filipino fashion and commercial models, fashion designers and other icons of beauty. Find more at the master project page, Families of the Philippines . Image: Ms. Teresita Torralba Sanchez, th...
This cemetery is located on 5905 West 4th Avenue, Hutchinson, Reno County, Kansas. It's also known as Penwell-Gabel Memorial Park Cemetery . Find a Grave KS Travel.org
Wikipedia =______________The Battle of Spotsylvania Court House, sometimes more simply referred to as the Battle of Spotsylvania (or the 19th-century spelling Spottsylvania), was the second major battle in Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's 1864 Overland Campaign of the American Civil War. Following the bloody but inconclusive Battle of the Wilderness, Grant's army disengaged from Confederate General ...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Smith County, Texas. Official Website The first known inhabitants of the area now known as Smith County were the Caddo Indians, who were recorded here until 1819. That year, a band of Cherokees, led by The Bowl (also known as Chief Bowles), migrated from Georgia and settled in what are now Smith and Rusk Counties. The Treaty of Bowl...
The Global Engagement Center (GEC) is an agency within the Bureau of Global Public Affairs at the United States Department of State. Established in 2016, its mission is to lead U.S. government efforts to "recognize, understand, expose, and counter foreign state and non-state propaganda and disinformation efforts aimed at undermining or influencing the policies, security, or stability of the Uni...
Korpilahden kunnanvaltuusto kokoontui ensimmäisen kerran 2.1.1919. Korpilahti liittyi Jyväskylään 1.1.2009. Tähän projektiin on tarkoitus kerätä vuosina 1919-2009 Korpilahdella kunnanvaltuutettuna toimineiden henkilöiden profiilit. Keskisuomalainen, 14.12.1918, nro 290, s. 4 Kansalliskirjaston digitaaliset aineistot Keskisuomalainen, 11.12.1920, nro 284, s. 4 Kansalliskirjaston digitaal...
Lid van een VROEDSCHAP DOEL van de pagina: linken van profielen waarvoor nog geen specifieke Vroedschaps-pagina bestaat. zodat die kennis niet verloren gaat in de grote Geni-database. voorwaarden voor benoeming Benoeming voor het leven Lidmaatschap van de Gereformeerde kerk Bezit van een huis VOOR 1811 . . Vroedschap van ALKMAAR ‧ 1572-1795 Verzoek profielen aan project-pagina...
Olete teretulnud kõik need kes soovivad oma lähedased seoses selle rahupaigaga ära märkida ja projekti lisada. Projekt "Pärnu vana kalmistu" koondab neid, kes on aegade jooksul seal oma rahu leidnud. Pärnu vana kalmistu on kandnud nimesid: Pärnu apostliku õigeusu koguduse kalmistu ; Pärnu Alevi I kalmistu ; Pärnu Riia I kalmistu Kultuurimälestise Riikliku Registri registrikanne v...