Sheffield Cemetery Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri, USA Note: Jewish American Cemetery Sheffield Cemetery is the the second oldest Jewish Cemetery in Kansas City, Missouri and was founded by Congregation Tifereth Israel in 1900. Ownership of the cemetery was transferred to Congregation Beth Israel Abraham Voliner in 1920 when Tifereth merged with several other smaller congregations t...
Valkiapään taloprojekti Projekti aloitettu 5.11.2024 Projektiin liittyminen Valitse Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin Emoprojektit Kylä Maironiemi, Parikkala/Saari Paikkakunta Parikkala Paikkakunta Saari Suomi ja Karjala -projekti Maironiemen talot 1 Poutanen 2 Valkiapää 3 Röksä
Kiilanmaan taloprojekti Projekti aloitettu 12.11.2024 Projektiin liittyminen Valitse Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin Kantatilan talot 12 A Koiralanniemi 12 B Poralinniemi 12 C Kiilanmaa 12 D Paksuniemi Peltola Emoprojektit Talo Poralinniemi, Kinnarniemi 12, Parikkala
The Most Esteemed Order of Loyalty to the Crown of Malaysia (Malay: Darjah Yang Mulia Setia Mahkota Malaysia) is a Malaysian federal award presented for meritorious service to the country and awarded by the sovereign. The order was instituted on 15 April 1966 and gazetted on 30 June 1966. The order has three ranks.
The Order of the Crown (Persian: نشان تاج, Nishan-i-Taj) was founded in 1913 (1332 AH) by Shah Ahmad Shah Qajar before his coronation as the highest dynastical and state order. Until 1926 it existed in two classes (with breast star and sash for both). The 1st class had a collar (neck chain with badge as a pendant) reserved for the Shahanshah and the Crown-Prince. The Order was preserved in Iran...
Kappa Sigma (ΚΣ), commonly known as Kappa Sig, is an American collegiate social fraternity founded at the University of Virginia in 1869. Kappa Sigma is one of the five largest international fraternities with currently 318 active chapters and colonies in North America. Its endowment fund, founded in 1919, has donated more than $5 million to undergrads since 1948. In 2012 alone, the Fraternity's...
Tämä on Lumijoen koottu luettelo: sodan veteraanit, sankarivainajat ja v. 1926 syntyneet 17-vuotta täyttäneet nostomiehet Kaikki paikkakunnalla asuneiden henkilöiden historiasta kiinnostuneet ovat tervetulleita liittymään projektiin yhteistyöntekijöiksi Projektiin voi liittää luettelossa esiintyvien henkilöiden profiileja, sekä valokuvia ja dokumentteja. Saksan jääkärit Vapaussotureita Ta...
Kings of Ancient Britannia This project will keep track of the kings of ancient Britain, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland beginning with the Roman invasion of Britain in 55 AD to 1066 AD at the coronation of Harold II and beginning of the Middle Ages. Naming Conventions We will use titles in the native language. Cadeyrn Fendigaid ap Gwrtheyrn did not speak English, so he was never once called "Ki...
Please add those who were born, lived or died in Bottineau County, North Dakota. Official Website The Territorial legislature identified Bottineau as one of the original counties of the territory. on January 4, 1873. Its organization was effected on July 17, 1884. It is named for Pierre Bottineau (c.1814-1895), a Métis pioneer, hunter, and trapper who became a successful land speculator. Ad...
Kaksosenmäen taloprojekti Projekti aloitettu 4.11.2024 Projektiin liittyminen Valitse Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin Emoprojektit Kylä Kesusmaa, Parikkala Paikkakunta Parikkala Paikkakunta Saari Suomi ja Karjala -projekti Kesusmaan talot 1 Matikkala 2 Kaivomäki 3 Hämäläisenmäki
The Hungarian Order of Merit (Hungarian: Magyar Érdemrend) is the fourth highest State Order of Hungary. Founded in 1991, the order is a revival of an original order founded in 1946 and abolished in 1949. Its origins, however, can be traced to the Order of Merit of the Kingdom of Hungary which existed from 1922 until 1946. In 2011 its official name changed from Order of Merit of the Republic o...
The Danzig Cross (German: Danziger Kreuz) was a Nazi decoration of the Free City of Danzig. The Cross was instituted on 31 August 1939 as a two grade decoration by Danzig Gauleiter Albert Forster. It was awarded to those, both in Danzig and in the wider Reich, who contributed to building up the Nazi Party in the Free City prior to its incorporation into Germany on 1 September 1939. By December...
Hall is a constituent college of the University of Cambridge, England. It is situated on the River Cam, nested between Clare College and Trinity College. It is the fifth-oldest college of the university, having been founded in 1350 by William Bateman, Bishop of Norwich. The college is often known informally as 'Tit Hall' by students within the university.The devastation caused by the Black Deat...
Rechtbanken van 1e aanleg sinds 1811 . . . . . bronnen documentatie informatie etc. ...aanvulling welkom! . . Cour de Cassation te Parijs Conseil des Prises te Parijs Keizerlijk Hof te Brussel Keizerlijk Hof te Den Haag . Rechtbanken van 1e Aanleg ▶︎ ALKMAAR ∙ 1811-1838 ∙ Cornelis van FOREEST, heer van Schoorl en Camp en van de Mijl ∙ 1756-1825 ∙ president Johannes...
The Mexican Order of the Aztec Eagle (Spanish: Orden Mexicana del Águila Azteca) forms part of the Mexican Honours System and is the highest Mexican order awarded to foreigners in the country.
Jewish communities in India : the path to Singapore=The Jewish Traders created a very strong community in a place that had absolutely no Jewish life at all. They were Judeo/Arabic speaking immigrants dressed in long exotic robes who traced their roots back to Baghdad. In 1608 Britain’s East India Company expanded into and founded its first successful trading company in Surat, north of Bombay on...
Asutav Kogu (23.04.1919 - 20.12.1920) Vt ka: Hetkel siinses nimekirjas 168 nime kes mingil hetkel olid Asutava Kogu liikmed. Osade allikate kohaselt peaks olema kokku 173 nime. Kes on puuduvad 5 isikut? Eesti Sotsiaaldemokraatiline Tööliste Partei (41 kohta) Mihkel Martna (1860-1934) Karl Ast (1886-1971) August Rei (1886-1963), Esimees (23.04.1919–20.12.1920)
Projektin tarkoituksena on merkitä ja koota nuijasotaan tavalla tai toisella osaa ottaneiden profiilit. The aim of this project is to tag persons in one way or another involved in the Cudgel War. - - Nuijasota käytiin vuosina 1596–1597 eli pian 25-vuotisen sodan jälkeen. Siinä iskivät yhteen Suomen talonpojat ja aateliset. Niinpä sotaa voidaan pitää sisällisotana, jolle vain vuoden 1918 ...
"So You're on a Coin?!"EN: People that were/are on coins for various countries, for all times.
Mormons: Liverpool to New York 20 Jun 1868 - 14 Aug 1868 Voyage Information Ship Name Emerald Isle aka Berendina Oriria Vessel Type Ship Departure 20 Jun 1868 from Liverpool Arrival 14 Aug 1868 at New York Source BMR, Book #1048, pp. 322-332,370 (FHL #025,692); Customs (FHL #175,654) (source abbreviations) Church Leader Hans Jensen Hals
Corps of Royal Engineers British Army Images - Left - by HQ SOinC(A) - HQ SOinC(A), CC0, Wiki Commons : Right by United Kingdom Government - Royal Engineers Cap Badge.jpg, Public Domain, Wiki Commons Including Royal Corps of Signals Please link profiles of those who served in the Corps of Royal Engineers and the Royal Corps of Signals to this project regardless of rank or nationality...
Tämä projekti on tarkoitettu kaikkien Valkjärven Vaalimon kylässä asuneiden henkilöiden profiileille.Tämä projekti on keskeneräinen ja sitä päivitetään koko ajan.Projekti perustettu 11.11.2019 / Mirja Mappes