Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Order of Military Merit (Cuba)

    Among the multitude of Cuban order decorations and medals the Order of Military Merit has certainly its interesting side as not only a high quality decoration, but also interesting due to its possibility of being awarded for multiple purposes. Robert Werlich's book: "Orders and Decorations of all Nations: Ancient and Modern, Civil and Military", Washington, DC, 1965, does give a good descriptio...

  • Vroedschap van Rotterdam (1572-1795)

    The "Vroedschap" of Rotterdam=.De leden van het stadsbestuur van Rotterdam sinds de anti-Spaanse opstand (1572) tot het einde van de Republiek (1795)=====The members of the city council of Rotterdam since the Dutch revolt (1572) until the end of the Dutch Republic (1795)=====_____________________________________________________=====De lijst is niet volledig. Graag toevoegen in volgorde van coöp...

  • Recipients of the Charlemagne Prize

    Internationaler Karlspreis zu Aachen=Created in 1949, and first awarded in 1950, the Charlemagne Prize is one of the most prestigious prizes in Europe. It compensates public personalities for their contribution in the service of West European understanding and common endeavour, and in the service of humanity and world peace . The prize was conceived by citizens of the German city of Aachen . Na...

  • Order of Ouissam Alaouite

    The Order of Ouissam Alaouite (Arabic: الوسام العلوي الشريف) or the Sharifian Order of Al-Alaoui is a military decoration of Morocco which is bestowed by the King of Morocco upon those civilians and military officers who have displayed heroism in combat or have contributed meritorious service to the Moroccan state. The decoration was established on 11 January 1913 in replacement of the Order of...

  • Order of George I

    The Royal Order of George I (Greek: Βασιλικόν Τάγμα Γεωργίου Α') is a Greek order instituted by King Constantine I in 1915. Since the monarchy's abolition in 1973, it has been considered a dynastic order of the former Greek royal family.

  • Order of Abdon Calderón

    The Order of Abdón Calderón is an Ecuadorian decoration instituted in 1904 and awarded for extraordinary military service. It is named after Abdón Calderón, the revolutionary hero who died from injuries sustained on May 24, 1822 during the Battle of Pichincha.

  • Order of Boyacá

    The Order of Boyacá (Spanish: Orden de Boyacá) is the highest peacetime decoration of Colombia. The order is awarded for exceptional service to distinguished Colombian military officers and civilians as well as foreign citizens of friendly nations. Established in 1922, the Order of Boyacá traces its origin to a Cruz de Boyacá that was awarded to the generals who led their forces to victory in t...

  • Order of Military Merit (Brazil)

    The Order of Military Merit (Portuguese: Ordem do Mérito Militar) is an award of the Brazilian Army, established on 11 July 1934 by President Getúlio Vargas. The order is presented in five grades and recognizes distinguished service and exceptional contributions to Brazil by members the Brazilian Army and the armies of friendly nations.

  • Korporatsioon Sakala

    Korporatsioon Sakala, Korp! SakalaÜliõpilaskorporatsioon/Student fraternity Sakala: : in English: :

  • People Connected to Aberdeenshire

    People Connected to Aberdeenshire == Historic County of Scotland Image right - Aberdeenshire within Scotland in 1890See also >===== Aberdeenshire - Main Page >===== Aberdeenshire, Memorial Inscriptions, Cemeteries and Graveyards >===== Historic Buildings of Aberdeenshire >=====Aberdeenshire Genealogical Resources

  • Talo Tiaisenmäki, Saarenkylä 4, Parikkala/Saari

    Tiaisenmäen taloprojekti Projekti aloitettu 6.11.2024 Projektiin liittyminen Valitse Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Emoprojektit Kylä Saarenkylä, Parikkala Paikkakunta Parikkala Paikkakunta Saari Suomi ja Karjala -projekti Saarenkylän talot 1 Vaskivuori 2 Ollukka 3 Myllytila

  • Toleranční evangelický sbor v Krucemburku

    Farní sbor Českobratrské církve evangelické v Krucemburku je sborem Českobratrské církve evangelické v Krucemburku. Je jedním ze 9 sborů, které tvoří poličský seniorát. Původem jde o toleranční sbor augsburského vyznání (založen 1782).

  • Vroedschap van Alkmaar (1572-1795)

    The "Vroedschap" of Alkmaar . De leden van het stadsbestuur van Alkmaar sinds de anti-Spaanse opstand (1572) tot het einde van de Republiek (1795) The members of the city council of Alkmaar since the Dutch revolt (1572) until the end of the Dutch Republic (1795) ____________________________________________________ De lijst is niet volledig. Graag toevoegen in volgorde van coöptatie (List ...

  • Kylä Verla, Iitti

    Projekti aloitettu 24.6.2024. Verlan kylän asukkaiden projekti. Valitset Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Verla, Paikkatieto, Maanmittauslaitos

  • Vroedschap van Leiden (1572-1795)

    The "Vroedschap" of Leiden=.De leden van het stadsbestuur van Leiden sinds de anti-Spaanse opstand (1572) tot het einde van de Republiek (1795)=====The members of the city council of Leiden since the Dutch revolt (1572) until the end of the Dutch Republic (1795)=====_________________________________________________________________=====De lijst is niet volledig. Graag toevoegen in volgorde van c...

  • Vroedschap van Gouda (1559-1795)

    The "Vroedschap" of Gouda=.De leden van het stadsbestuur van Gouda sinds de anti-Spaanse opstand (1572) tot het einde van de Republiek (1795)=====The members of the city council of Gouda since the Dutch revolt (1572) until the end of the Dutch Republic (1795)=====_________________________________________________________________=====De lijst is niet volledig. Graag toevoegen in volgorde van coöp...

  • Vroedschap van Haarlem (1572-1795)

    The "Vroedschap" of Haarlem=.De leden van het stadsbestuur van Haarlem sinds de anti-Spaanse opstand (1572) tot het einde van de Republiek (1795)=====The members of the city council of Haarlem since the Dutch revolt (1572) until the end of the Dutch Republic (1795)=====____________________________________________________=====De lijst is niet volledig. Graag toevoegen in volgorde van coöptatie (...

  • Vroedschap van Utrecht (1618-1795)

    The "Vroedschap" of Utrecht=.De leden van het stadsbestuur van Utrecht sinds de anti-Spaanse opstand (1572) tot het einde van de Republiek (1795)=====The members of the city council of Utrecht since the Dutch revolt (1572) until the end of the Dutch Republic (1795)=====____________________________________________________=====De lijst is niet volledig. Graag toevoegen in volgorde van coöptatie (...

  • Kylä Lemmakkala, Hämeenkyrö

    Projekti aloitettu 5.2.2022. Valitset Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Maanmittaushallituksen paikkatieto Lemmakkala Hämeenkyrön kylät Haukijärvi I Heinijärvi I Herttuala I Hiironen I Hirvola I Ilottula I Jumesniemi I Järvenkylä I Kalkunmäki I Kierikkala I Kostula I Kuotila I Kyröspohja I Laitila I Lemmakkal...

  • Campbell Families of Jamaica

    Facebook group . Campbell's of Argyll who's profiles posted here are for research purpose only. Presently I have no proof they are related to the Campbell's who were in Jamaica. I do know that the Campbell families in Jamaica were from Argyll. Before settling in Jamaica, some were in Barbados. After leaving Jamaica some settled in England and the USA The ones posted here will be used for refere...

  • Toleranční evangelický sbor v Rovečném a Prosetíně

    Po vydání tolerančního patentu císaře Josefa II. v říjnu 1781 se k víře praotců a pramatek v jejich tolerované podobě (tedy reformované) přihlásili mnozí. Dříve než v Rovečném vznikly sbory v nedalekých obcích ­ Veselí a Prosetíně. Evangelíci v Rovečném se tak přifařili k prosetínskému sboru. V roce 1784 si postavili toleranční modlitebnu. Po menším nedorozumění s prosetínskými (příznačně o „ob...

  • Burgemeesters van ALKMAAR ‧ Noord-Holland

    Burgemeesters van ALKMAAR ‧ Noord-Holland ‧ NLD . . . . . chronologisch onbekend : Gerard Barendszn. KLOEK ‧ Alkmaar sep 1703-1760 feb-29 ‧ 1429 : Adam Claesz.~Jan Pieterszn. ‧ x ‧ –––– 1516 : Pieter Claesz. PALING ‧ x-1546 ‧ 1533 : Pieter Claesz. PALING ‧ x-1546 ‧ 1535 : Jorden van FOREEST ‧ 1494-1559 ‧ 1537 : Jorden van FOREEST ‧ 1494-1559 ‧ 1540 : Jorden van FOREEST ...

  • Burgemeesters van HAARLEM ‧ Noord-Holland

    Burgemeesters van HAARLEM ‧ Noord-Holland . . . . . . chronologisch 1420-1457 : Herpert van FOREEST ‧ c.1397-1459 ‧ x-1457: Nicolaas van YPEREN ‧ x-1457 ‧ : Quirijn Dirkszn. TALESIUS ‧ ‧ –––– 1550-1555 : Willem Harmensz RAMP ‧ ‧ : Pieter van ADRICHEM van DORP 1560 : Claes van der LAEN ‧ x-1584 ‧ beleg van Haarlem ‧ 1560-1572 : Geen gegevens 1572-1573 : Claes van der LAE...

13501-13525 of 74860 projects