Projekti aloitettu 18.6.2022. -Kehitteillä Tähän projektiin kerätään Ikaalisten Läykkälän Palomäen talonhaltijoita ja asukkaita Maanmittaushallituksen paikkatieto Valitset Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Läykkälä Kylät Talonhaltijat ja asukkaat Ikaalisten talonhaltijaluettelo Lasse Iso-Iivari Palomäki...
Projekti aloitettu 4.2.2022 Valitset Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Maanmittauslaitoksen paikkatieto Läykkälä Läykkälä Kylät Talonhaltijat ja asukkaat Lahdenpohjan neljännes
KOJETIN (Czech Kojetín; Ger. Kojetein; Heb. גויט״ן ,גוט״ן), town in central Moravia, Czech Republic. Jews apparently lived in Kojetin from the 13th century, but their first documented mention dates from 1566, when 52 families lived in the Judengasse. The consecration of a cemetery is recorded in 1574. The synagogue, then seating 300, was renovated in 1614 (and restored again in 1718). In 1657 o...
Wallingford Grove (1666-1861)
The Sassoon family, known as "Rothschilds of the East" due to the immense wealth they accumulated in finance and trade, is a family of Baghdadi Jewish descent. Originally based in Baghdad, Iraq, they later moved to Bombay, India, and then spread to China, England, and other countries. It is said that the family descended from one of the court families of the Iberian Peninsula in the 12th centur...
Moord op 21 Stadswachten ∙ 15 mrt 1942 ∙ Tiga Roenggoe - Sumatra . . . . . de STADSWACHTEN . ——B Willem Frederik van den BERG ∙ 1897-1942 ∙ Frederik BREEN ∙ 1898-1942 ∙ —— Emile Paul Joseph DUSON ∙ 1904-1942 ∙ —— Cornelis EIKENS ∙ 1902-1942 ∙ Anton Jacob van EMBDEN ∙ 1914-1942 ∙ —— Adam Sutherland FRASER ∙ 1909-1942 ∙ —— Gerrit van GERREVINK ∙ 1916-1942 ∙
Departed London? 15/12/1882 and arrived in Lyttelton 23/03/1883. The voyage lasted 98 days under captain Llewellyn Davies. Passenger list found on FamilySearch.
Nederlands ereveld ANCOL ‧ Jakarta bronnen ‧ documentatie ‧ informatie OGS: ereveld ANCOL ...aanvulling welkom! herbegrafenis geexecuteerden TASNAN Op zaterdag 15 okt 1949 vond op het Ereveld der geëxecuteerden ANTJOL te Batavia de herbegrafenis plaats van de oorlogs-slachtoffers, die in Juni 1943 te Tasnan door de Japanners werden geëxecuteerd en waaronder zich de hier genoemde le...
Saint John's Episcopal Churchyard Richmond, Richmond City, Virginia, USA St. John's Episcopal Church is the oldest church in Richmond, built by Col. Richard Randolph in 1741 and gives the name to Richmond's oldest neighborhood, Church Hill. It was the site of two important conventions in the period leading to the American Revolutionary War, and is most famous as the location where Patrick H...
Burgemeesters in Noord-Brabant ‧ Nederland Peter Johannes Josephus Maria MANGELMANS ‧ 1940-2015 ‧ Burgemeester BEST, OUDENBOSCH, SOEST, VEGHEL & WOERDEN © foto : year & auteur onbekend ‧ bron: google-search ⚑ : 'foute' burgemeester ▶ AALBURG 1973-1978 : Willem Frederik van DIJK ‧ 10mei 1913-1993 dec27 ‧ 1978-1993 : Cornelis Gerrit BOENDER ‧ 1928-2009 ‧ 1993-2002 : Frans MOSTERT ...
Wikipedia Vincennes University (VU) is a public university in Vincennes, Indiana, in the United States. Founded in 1801 as Jefferson Academy, VU is the oldest public institution of higher learning in the Northwest Territory and in Indiana. Since 1889, VU has been a two-year university, although baccalaureate degrees in seven select areas are available. Unlike most other two-year higher-educat...
Please add profiles of people who were born, lived or died in (or were notable for their ties to) Fort Greene, Brooklyn. Fort Greene is a neighborhood in the northwestern part of the New York City borough of Brooklyn. The neighborhood is bounded by Flushing Avenue and the Brooklyn Navy Yard to the north, Flatbush Avenue Extension and Downtown Brooklyn to the west, Atlantic Avenue and Prospect...
The Domain Road Cemetery is believed to be the first European-style cemetery established in the Whakatāne township. The first recorded burial here was in 1899, however, it is known to be older than that. The cemetery is officially closed and plots are no longer for sale. The cemetery contains the official war graves of 2 men who served in the New Zealand forces during the First World War.
Poralinniemen taloprojekti Projekti aloitettu 12.11.2024 Projektiin liittyminen Valitse Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin Kantatilan talot 12 A Koiralanniemi 12 B Poralinniemi 12 C Kiilanmaa 12 D Paksuniemi Peltola Emoprojektit Talo Poralinniemi, Kinnarniemi 12, Parikkala
State University (ISU) is a public university located in Terre Haute, Indiana, United States. It is an independent public university founded in 1865 that offers over 100 majors. The university has a broad range of graduate offerings in a number of fields. Indiana State is classified by the a Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education as a Doctoral/Research University.
Simolannotkon taloprojekti Projekti aloitettu 6.11.2024 Projektiin liittyminen Valitse Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin Emoprojektit Kylä Oravaniemi, Parikkala Paikkakunta Parikkala Suomi ja Karjala -projekti Oravaniemen talot 1 Vaaherkumpu 2 Suutarimäki 3 Simolannotko
This project uses an ahnentafel of Teresa of Portugal compiled by Todd Farmerie in 1997 to identify and cut the fake lines in her ancestry. == Background ==When Todd Farmerie published this chart he said, "Following the discussion of the ancestry of Teresa Alfonso, daughter of Alfonso VI of Leon, I went back to my resources, and have compiled the following account of her ancestry. With one exce...
Komarovo Cemetery @ FindAGrave
Ironically, there is a group of Jews who were born in Jerusalem and alter moved to Europe, then perished in the holocaust.This project will collect their names.List of Jerusalem Jews' perished in the holocaust:
Evangelický reformovaný (h.v.) sbor vznikl ve Veselí v roce 1782. V prostoru současného hřbitova se první evangelické bohoslužby konaly na Trojiční neděli 1782. Toleranční kostel byl dokončen v roce 1783. Od počátku měla zdejší stavba vstup na kratší straně, narozdíl od jiných tolerančních modliteben. Roku 1815, za faráře (1810-1831) Gedeona Šlachty (?-1831), byla přistavěna druhá kruchta.V roc...
South Africa - Towns and Cities Q-S See main page South Africa - Towns and Cities, MAIN PAGE A-C * D-G * H-K * L-P * Q-S * T-Z Getting Involved Add the profiles of the founders of places in South Africa to the project. If the person is on Geni please add the link to their profile, and make this a bold entry. If the person is not on Geni add a link to an external source but do not make the lin...
NLD: Politiek ‧ Bestuur ‧ Rechtspraak BURGEMEESTERS in Gelderland ‧ Nederland ‧ Voor Nederlandse burgemeesters van andere provincie zoekt u in Burgemeesters IN • Groningen nl. • Friesland • t Drenthe • Overijssel • FLEVOLAND nl. • Gelderland • Utrecht • Noord-Holland • Zuid-Holland • Zeeland • Noord-Brabant • Limburg •
NLD : Politiek ‧ Bestuur ‧ Rechtspraak SCHULTE's ‧ MAIRE's ‧ BURGEMEESTERS in Drenthe Naar Nederlandse burgemeesters in andere provincies zoekt u via Burgemeesters IN • Groningen • Friedsland • Drenthe • Overijssel • FLEVOLAND nl. • Gelderland • Utrecht • Noord-Holland • Zuid-Holland • Zeeland • Noord-Brabant • Limburg
Please add profiles for those who were born, lived or died in Dubuque County, Iowa. Official Website Dubuque County is named for French trader Julien Dubuque, the first European settler of Iowa, and an early lead mining pioneer in what is now Dubuque County. Dubuque was French Canadian, and had (by most accounts) a friendly relationship with the local Fox tribe of Native Americans. He and oth...