Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

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  • University of Bristol

    The University of Bristol is a red brick Russell Group research university in Bristol, England. It received its royal charter in 1909, although it can trace its roots to a Merchant Venturers' school founded in 1595 and University College, Bristol, which had been in existence since 1876. Bristol is organised into six academic faculties composed of multiple schools and departments running over 2...

  • Oak Ridge Cemetery, Bristol, Indiana

    The Oak Ridge Cemetery, dating from 1871, is located on the east edge of the town off the left side of State Road 120, through an iron arch with the name set out in lettering across the top. It leads down a narrow blacktop road into a deep hollow edged between the railroad tracks and the Little Elkhart River. Roots Web Find a Grave Billion Graves

  • Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences

    Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USU) is a health science university of the U.S. federal government. The primary mission of the school is to prepare graduates for service to the U.S. at home and abroad in the medical corps as medical professionals, nurses, and physicians. The university consists of the F. Edward Hébert School of Medicine, a medical school, which includes a...

  • Glass Manufacturing

    This project contain important manufactorers who are involved in the production of glass articles General description from Wikipedia: ... ... üssner&pg=PA179&printsec=frontcover öhmens_Glasindustrie_und_Glashandel/yalneKgCveMC?hl=de&gbpv=1&dq=quolfinger+iglau&printsec=frontcover

  • Jewish Families from Szombathely, Vas, Hungary

    To participate, please do the following: Join the project. Build your family tree with everything you know about your family. Add the earliest ancestor with a Szombathely connection in each branch to the project. Please try to avoid creating duplicate records. If you encounter duplicates, request merges and invite the manager to join the project for the city in which the family resided....

  • Chazzanim

    A hazzan or chazzan (Hebrew: חַזָּן ḥazzān, plural ḥazzānim; Yiddish khazn; Ladino hassan) is a Jewish musician or precentor trained in the vocal arts who helps lead the congregation in songful prayer. In English, this prayer leader is often referred to as a cantor.

  • Hungarian Labor Service Battalions

    Labour service (Hungarian: munkaszolgálat) was required of Jewish men in Hungary during World War II after they were prohibited from serving in the regular armed forces by passage of the Hungarian anti-Jewish laws.==Forced labour==In Hungary, Jews comprised over eight percent of the population, and the government imposed an alternative to military service. Labour service was forced labour, perf...

  • Noarootsi (Hosby) vana kalmistu

    Olete teretulnud kõik need kes soovivad oma lähedased seoses selle rahupaigaga ära märkida ja projekti lisada. 'Projekt "Noarootsi (Hosby) vana kalmistu" koondab neid, kes on aegade jooksul seal oma rahu leidnud. * ] Kultuurimälestise Riikliku Registri registrikanne vt. registrist ka kaasnevaid fotosid.* Asukoht kaardil: Hosby vana kalmistu , Hosby küla, Noarootsi vald, Lääne maakond, Eesti* Li...

  • Geni research volunteers

    Welcome to the Geni research volunteers project Please feel free to apply to join this project, and/or follow the project. If you have research interests and abilities and like helping others on Geni, this is the project for you. The purpose of this project is to provide a central location for Geni users to list the areas of the world family tree where they have particular expertise, knowl...

  • UFOs

    An unidentified flying object (UFO) is any perceived aerial phenomenon that cannot be immediately identified or explained. On investigation, most UFOs are identified as known objects or atmospheric phenomena, while a small number remain unexplained. Scientists and skeptic organizations such as the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry have provided prosaic explanations for a large number of claimed ...

  • 1918 lnfluenza Pandemic

    This project is on History Link 1918 Influenza Pandemic Please DO NOT add profiles to this project but find the one suitable according to where they died. Because of the numbers involved this project is the umbrella project covering a series of sub-projects where GENi profiles of those affected by the influenza pandemic can be added according to where they were from and whether they surviv...

  • Pori ja Porin mlk -DNA

    Projekti aloitettu 23.9.2023. -rakenteilla Pori-DNA-projektiin halutaan kerätä Porissa asuneiden esivanhempien DNA tietoja. Pori-DNA-projektiin voi liittää profiilin, jossa on DNA-tiedot isälinjan Y-DNA äitilinjan mtDNA Serkkutesti (FF) eli ns. autosomaalitesti, kokonaisperimätesti. Genissä näkyy at-tunnus Autosomal DNA Knowledge share Geni-Projekti Y-DNA Geni Index -Geni projek...

  • POMPOLIT - The “Political Red Cross”

    The Zionists imprisoned by Soviet authorities were allowed to choose sentences of permanent departure to Palestine, where they helped build Jewish society, the backbone of left-wing parties, and the powerful trade union movement. The Bolshevik leadership was opposed in principle to the idea of creating a ‘Jewish national enclave’ in Palestine. However, the proposal to transport European Jews ...

  • Islamic University of Gaza

    The Islamic University of Gaza (Arabic: الجامعة الإسلامية بغزة), also known as IUG and IU Gaza, is an independent Palestinian university established in 1978 in Gaza City. It was the first higher education institution to be established in Gaza Strip. The university has eleven faculties capable of awarding BA, BSc, MA, MSc, MD, PhD, diplomas and higher diplomas, in addition to twenty research cen...

  • Prime Ministers of Italy

    The prime minister of Italy is the head of the Council of Ministers, which holds effective executive power in the Italian government. Wikipedia Prime Ministers of Italy Camillo Benso di Cavour (23 March 1861 - 6 June 1861) Bettino Ricasoli (12 June 1861 - 3 March 1862); (20 June 1866 - 10 April 1867) Urbano Pio Rattazzi (3 March - 8 December 1862); (10 April 1867 - 27 October 1867) ...

  • Aiken County, South Carolina

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Aiken County, South Carolina. Official Website Both Aiken County and its county seat of Aiken are named after William Aiken (1779–1831), the first president of the South Carolina Railroad Company. Aiken County was organized during the Reconstruction era in 1871. Prince Rivers, a freedman and state legislator from Edgefield County ,...

  • Williamsburg County, South Carolina

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Williamsburg County, South Carolina. Official Website From Williamsburg : Beginnings Williamsburg County, located in the southern tip of the Pee Dee, holds treasures of historical interest dating back to the early 1700’s. In 1730, Governor Robert Johnson proposed a "Township Plan," marking the beginning of Williamsbur...

  • Order of the Oak Crown

    The Order of the Oak Crown (French: Ordre de la Couronne de chêne, German: Eichenlaubkronenorden, Luxembourgish: Eechelaafkrounenuerden) is an order of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

  • Municipality of Säffle, Wermland, Sweden

    Säffle, Wermland, Sweden This is a regional project in Geni for the Municipality of Säffle , Sweden. Everybody who is interested in the history of the town or its residents is welcome to join the project. Once you have joined the project you can add profiles, photos, documents etc. of people who have resided here or who otherwise are related to the history of the town. You might also want to...

  • Talo Villasenkallio, Tarnala 1, Parikkala/Saari

    Villasenkallion taloprojekti Projekti aloitettu 7.11.2024 Projektiin liittyminen Valitse Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Emoprojektit Kylä Tarnala, Parikkala Paikkakunta Parikkala Paikkakunta Saari Suomi ja Karjala -projekti Tarnalan talot 1 Villasenkallio 2 Karsikkolahti

13651-13675 of 74861 projects