RAF Badge The Royal Air Force ==United Kingdom===== Images - Left, Royal Airforce emblem by Royal Air Force - Public Domain, Wikipedia ; Right - Royal Airforce Logo Fair use, Wikipedia The purpose of this project is to give a short history of the Royal Air Force and to gather together Geni profiles of people who have served in the service.Please link any RAF profiles to the project regardless...
“Robbery Related and Non-Social Fabric Murders” 1 April 1997 to 31 March 1998 There are 157 victims remembered in this project Suburban and other category Attacks - 57 Farm Attacks - 93 Victims that do not fit the strict definitions above - 7 1997 April Urban Attacks Farm Attacks Andries Marthinus Vermaas “Dries” (49) 06/04/1997 Greylingstad, MPL (shot in the face) FB link Rep...
Nederlandse Architecten . . . . . bronnen-informatie-documentatie-illustraties-etceteraaa ...aanvulling welkom! BNA = Branche-ver. Ned. Architecten-bureaus ➤ Koninklijke Maatschappij tot Bevordering der Bouwkunst Bond van Nederlandse Architecten BNA 1908-1911 : Karel Petrus Cornelis de BAZEL ‧ 1869-1923 ‧ 1917-1919 : Petrus Johannes HOUTZAGERS ‧ 1857-1944 ‧ 1940-1941 : ...
Tallinna Vabatahtliku Tuletõrjeühingu (VTÜ) kalmistu asub Tallinnas Rahumäe kalmistust põhjas. Tänapäevase haldusjaotuse järgi on kalmistu Tallinan linna Nõmme linnaosa haldusalal. Maa-ala tuletõrjeühingu kalmistu jaoks eraldati 10. juulil 1925, geodeet Aleksander Kivi koostatud plaan kinnitati linnavalitsuses 21. aprillil 1926. Kalmistu avati 1927. aastal. Kalmistut ümbritseb betoonpostidega...
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Nyzhniv, Ukraine also known as Niżniów, Nizhnov, Nizhnev, Nizhneve, Nizhnuv, Nizhnyuv. Gesher Galicia-Nyzhniv
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Staryy Mizun, Ukraine also known as Mizuń Stary, Staryĭ Mizun′, Stara Mizun'. Gesher Galicia-Staryy Mizun
Wikipedia California State University, Los Angeles ( Cal State LA ) is a public comprehensive university in the heart of Los Angeles, one of the 23 universities in the California State University (CSU) system. Cal State LA is located in the eastern region of Los Angeles, California, United States, in the University Hills district, facing the San Gabriel Mountains, at the center of Los Angeles m...
This sub-project aims to organize genealogical data on the Paterno Family of the Philippines. Profiles here are those of historical figures, scions of the gentry ( de buena familia ), revolutionary heroes, scholars, government officials, national athletes and other public personalities (celebrities) in various fields. Find more surnames at the master project page, Families of the Philippines . ...
This is an umbrella project for Digestive disorders. == ===Please do NOT add profiles to this project UNLESS there is no other disorder that seem to fit.===* If a project is needed for the Cause of Death portal & isn't listed, please see: Cause of Death Projects needed??? * If a project for the Medical portal & isn't listed, please see: Medical Portal project--Needs, questions, concerns & relat...
Korporatsioon Fraternitas Estica, Korp! Fraternitas Estica* Vikipeedia * Liikmeskond * Fraternitas Estica 100 * Korp. Fr. Estica Coetus 1937/1938 * Korp. Fr. Estica Coetus 1920/1921 * Korp. Fr. Estica Coetus 1918/1919 * Koduleht On vendadest üks lahkunud siit ilmast... *
The Hoover Institution (officially The Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace; abbreviated as Hoover) is an American public policy think tank and research institution that promotes personal and economic liberty, free enterprise, and limited government. While the institution is formally a unit of Stanford University, it maintains an independent board of overseers and relies on its own ...
The University of Southampton (abbreviated as Soton in post-nominal letters) is a public research university located in Southampton, England. Southampton is a founding member of the Russell Group of research-intensive universities in Britain. In the most recent Research Excellence Framework the university was ranked 8th for research intensity in the UK..The origins of the university date back t...
The Soesan family is a Jewish family, of which the geographical roots are very obscure. The oldest ancestor, David Schuschan (1660?-1724), who settled in Amsterdam, is said to have come from the city of Shush in Persia (= the biblical/historical Susa). However, these claims lack sources to support them. The Persian origin story seems even more unlikely, when considering the fact that there is a...
The Wilhelm Ernst War Cross (German: Wilhelm-Ernst-Kriegskreuz) was a military decoration of the Grand Duchy of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach. Established by William Ernest, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach on 10 June 1915, it was awarded to recognize military valor during World War I. Individuals awarded the Wilhelm Ernst War Cross had to be recipients of the Iron Cross, 1st class, and were members o...
Tribes portal The Tribes portal is designed to be the 'umbrella' international project for all things about tribes around World, history of tribes, and etc related to the historical tribes. En | Hr | It | Hu | Es | Ru | Ar | Fr | Pt | Nl | De
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Tysmenytsya, Ukraine, also known as Tysmenitsa, Tyśmienica, Tismenits, Tismenitz, Tizmenitza. Gesher Galicia - Tysmenytsya
Nizhny Novgorod (Russian: Нижний Новгород, IPA: [%CB%88n%CA%B2i%CA%90n%CA%B2%C9%AAj ˈnovɡərət]), colloquially shortened to Nizhny, formerly known as Gorky (Горький) (1932–1990), is the administrative centre of Nizhny Novgorod Oblast and the Volga Federal District. The city is located at the confluence of the Oka and the Volga rivers in Central Russia, with a population of over 1.2 million resid...
Highland Memory Gardens Dublin, Pulaski County, Virginia, USA
Ashdale Cemetery Tuskegee, Macon County, Alabama, USA Note: African-American Cemetery
The project is dedicated to the memory of 300 years of a Jewish community of Stanisławów and its 50,000 members (of the county) that were brutally annihilated by the Nazis and their local Polish and Ukrainian collaborators in the Holocaust, in WW2. This project seeks to collect all Jewish families from the town of Ivano-Frankivsk (Stanyslaviv, Stanislau, or Stanisławów), Ukraine.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>...
Purpose: to identify and collect individuals connected to the Jewish Town of Kolinec/Kolinc/Kollinetz near KlatovyKolinec is a market town (městys) in Klatovy District in the Plzeň Region of the Czech Republic.The town covers an area of 48.7 square kilometres (18.8 sq mi), and has a population of 1,431 (as at 2 October 2006).Kolinec lies approximately 16 kilometres (10 mi) south-east of Klatovy...
The Jewish Przemysl Forum * Przemyśl * Przemysl Memorial Book Jewish Gen==PRZEMYSLCity of Galicia; once the capital of Red Russia. While Przemysl is referred toby the Russian chronicler Nestor in the year 981, no mention of Jews in the city occurs until 1437 ("Akta Grodzkie," xiii., No. 682), and even then they are found there only sporadically, as in the other cities of Red Russia, with the ex...
Amerikaans 'vergeten' Bombardement ∴ 21 feb 1944 ∴ Coevorden . . . . . bronnen ∙ documentatie ∙ informatie ...aanvulling welkom! omstandigheden tekst volgt z.s.m. 34 Amerikaanse bommenwerpers, piloten daarvan te vinden? weersomstigheden maakten excuus aardappelmeel-fabriek strokartonfabriek HOLLANDIA : leverancier houtjes aan DUITSCHE houtgas-generatoren met benzinet...
Amerikaans 'vergeten' Bombardement=∴ 1943 ∴ 31 maart ∴ 13:30 uur ∴ =Rotterdam-West ==∴ Delfthaven ∴ Zuid-Holland ∴ Nederland ∴=∴ =∴ Het 'Vergeten Bombardement' op Rotterdam-West vond plaats op 31 maart 1943 met wederom een groot aantal slachtoffers : 401 mensen kwamen om en 16.500 mensen raakten dakloos, de meesten bewoners van of voorbijgangers in de wijken Bospolder-Tussendijken - Spangen - Z...