Amerikaans 'vergeten' Bombardement=∴ 1943 ∴ 31 maart ∴ 13:30 uur ∴ =Rotterdam-West ==∴ Delfthaven ∴ Zuid-Holland ∴ Nederland ∴=∴ =∴ Het 'Vergeten Bombardement' op Rotterdam-West vond plaats op 31 maart 1943 met wederom een groot aantal slachtoffers : 401 mensen kwamen om en 16.500 mensen raakten dakloos, de meesten bewoners van of voorbijgangers in de wijken Bospolder-Tussendijken - Spangen - Z...
Kuoppa-ahon taloprojekti Projekti aloitettu 6.11.2024 Projektiin liittyminen Valitse Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin Emoprojektit Kylä Savikumpu, Parikkala Paikkakunta Parikkala Suomi ja Karjala -projekti Savikummun talot 1 Alatalo 2 Mäkelä 3 Hannomäki 4 Opotta-aho
Col-legae~Coöperatores~Col-laboratores~Curatores : Welkom! Beeldhouwers in de familie . . . . . foto: ... VERKADE © zoeken-we-nog-op! . . . bronnen-informatie-documentatie-internet-verwijzingen Beelden in het Arboretum - Wageningen Museum Beelden aan Zee - Scheveningen Nederlandse Kring van Beeldhouwers Beeldentuin Kröller-Müller Museum - Otterlo doK Museum voor Nederlandse...
Lahorasin taloprojekti Projekti aloitettu 4.11.2024 Projektiin liittyminen Valitse Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin Emoprojektit Kylä Järvenpää, Parikkala Paikkakunta Parikkala Suomi ja Karjala -projekti Järvenpään talot 1 Tarvaspohja 2 Liuharanta 3 Riikolanmäki 4 Kalliorepo
Chartered by law in 1961, the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities acts as a national focal point for Israeli scholarship in both the natural sciences and the humanities. The Academy membership consists of 134 of Israel's most distinguished scientists and scholars, who, with the help of the Academy's staff and committees, monitor and promote Israeli intellectual excellence, advise the gove...
This project is a table of contents for all projects relating to this County of West Virginia. Please feel free to add profiles of anyone who was born, lived or died in this county. Wetzel County was formed in 1846 from part of Tyler County, Virginia. On June 20, 1863, at the height of the Civil War, Wetzel was one of fifty Virginia counties admitted to the Union as the state of West Virginia....
Sivusto on rakenteilla. Hiitolan Asilan kylän kyläprojekti Valitse Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Asilan kylä sijaitsi Laatokan rannalla juuri Kokkolanjoen (Hiitolanjoen) suulla ja oli Laatokan Karjalan kauneimpia kyliä. Luonto oli kaikin puolin rehevä ja kaunis, ja sen kauneutta tehostivat lehtojen lomista siint...
This sub-project aims to organize genealogical data on the richest Filipinos, according to Forbes Asia in 2015. Find more at the master project page, Families of the Philippines . Henry Sy - Diversified = $14.4B John Gokongwei Jr. - Diversified = $5.5B Andrew Tan - Diversified = $4.5B Lucio Tan - Diversified = $4.3B Enrique Razon - Ports and casinos = $4.1B George Ty - Banking =...
Image Right - Egyptian Avenue Highgate Cemetery. ===== Image by JohnArmagh - Own work, Public Domain, Wiki Commons Highgate Cemetery is one of the London cemeteries , situated at the Top of Highgate Hill in North London, is 37 acre and was built in 1839. It was originaly one of a hoop of 7 private burial grounds built when London expanded and the old "town burial grounds" could no longer cop...
=====Image above right - James Christie (1730–1803), founder of auction house Christie's. ===== Image above - St. James' Gardens prior to closure===== Attribution © Copyright The Carlisle Kid and licensed for reuse under Creative Commons Licence . Geograph =St. James' Gardens ==Burial Ground of St. James' ChapelThis project has been inspired by the BBC documentary Britain's Biggest Dig
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is about the Riau-Lingga Sultanate. For the history of Johor-Riau Sultanate prior to the partition, see Johor Sultanate. Riau-Lingga Sultanate Kesultanan Riau-Lingga کسلطانن رياوليڠݢ (Jawi) 1824–1911 Riau-Lingga Sultanate (Jawi: کسلطانن رياوليڠݢ, romanized: Kesultanan Riau-Lingga), also known as the Lingga-Riau Sultanate, Riau Sultanate or L...
Colfax Cemetery Colfax, Placer County, California, USA In the 1850's, during the California Gold Rush years, small mining towns in the Sierras began informally setting aside "Boot Hills" for burials. One such was in Illinoistown which later became known as Colfax in the 1860's with the completion of the Central Pacific Railroad and a visit by Vice President Schuyler Colfax. Land for a cemetery...
Please add profiles for those who had intestinal obstruction or it contributed to their cause of death.== Intestinal obstruction is a blockage that keeps food or liquid from passing through your small intestine or large intestine (colon). Causes of intestinal obstruction may include fibrous bands of tissue (adhesions) in the abdomen that form after surgery, an inflamed intestine (Crohn's diseas...
Please add people who died of Peritonitis.== Peritonitis is an inflammation of the peritoneum , the thin tissue that lines the inner wall of the abdomen and covers most of the abdominal organs. It can result from any rupture (perforation) in your abdomen, or as a complication of other medical conditions. Peritonitis may be localized or generalized, and may result from bacterial or funal infecti...
The Medal of Honor was created during the American Civil War and is the highest military decoration presented by the United States government to a member of its armed forces. Recipients must have distinguished themselves at the risk of their own life above and beyond the call of duty in action against an enemy of the United States. Because of the nature of this medal, it is commonly presented p...
Greenwood Memorial Park was established in 1906 by Arizona Lodge #2 of the Free and Accepted Masons. In 1947, Memory Lawn Memorial Park was established as a separate cemetery to the west of the existing Greenwood. These two cemeteries were combined in 1989 which created the largest cemetery in Arizona. Still active, there are well over 100,000 souls interred at the combined facility. The cemet...
Forest Park Lawndale was founded on 49 acres of land along the banks of Brays Bayou in 1922. Five years later J. F. Eubank joined the company. Eubank began acquiring additional contiguous acreage and by 1941 the cemetery totaled 314 acres. In the same year the management introduced a “pre-need” sales program that allowed people to purchase their funeral and burial in advance of their deaths. Th...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Harrison County, Texas. Official Website History Settlement by immigrants from the United States (US) began during the 1830s in the territory of present-day Harrison County. In 1835, the Mexican authorities granted a dozen land grants to US immigrants. After the Texas Revolution, the Congress of the Texas Republic established Harr...
List of the King and the Queen Regnant of Tallo Kingdom List of rulers of Tallo: Karaeng Loe ri Sero’ , Tuniawanga ri Sero mid-15th century King Tunilabu ri Suriwa Karaeng Tunilabu ri Suriwa] (son) c. 1500 I-Mangayoangberang Karaeng Pasi’ , posthumously titled Karaeng Tunipasuru’ ri Tallo’] (son) ?-c. 1540/43 I-Mappatakakatana Daeng Padulu’ Karaeng Pattingalloang, posthumously titled ...
Resthaven Gardens Cemetery Brent, Escambia County, Florida: Note African American Cemetery. Find a Grave
Please add those who were born, lived or died in Chumuckla, Santa Rosa County, Florida, USA. Wikipedia
Brantley Cemetery, Santa Rosa County, Florida, USA: Find a Grave
This cemetery is located in Bottineau County. Saint Jerome's Cemetery, which is part of the Mohall Cemetery, is east of Mohall and is located in Renville County. Find a Grave
Cemetery is a historic cemetery in Charleston, South Carolina. It was dedicated in 1850; Charles Fraser delivered the dedication address. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places as a Historic District in 1978.Notable intermentsalso* TripAdvisor photos
Northern State University (NSU) is a public university in Aberdeen, South Dakota. NSU is governed by the South Dakota Board of Regents and offers 45 bachelor's degrees, 53 minors, six associate degrees, 16 pre-professional programs, 23 certificates and 10 graduate degrees.