The Finger Lakes are a group of eleven long, narrow, roughly north–south lakes located directly south of Lake Ontario in an area called the Finger Lakes region in New York State . This region straddles the northern and transitional edge of the Northern Allegheny Plateau, known as the Finger Lakes Uplands and Gorges ecoregion, and the Ontario Lowlands ecoregion of the Great Lakes Lowlands. Yet ...
This project is for those who are buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, Nyack, Rockland County, New York.The cemetery is located on Route 9W across from Nyack Hospital on 65 Acres with sweeping views of the Hudson River, it was established in 1848. The 25 headstones that predate the 1848 incorporation of Oak Hill are from Salisbury Point in South Nyack and were disintered because of flooding. The oldest...
Fishers, NY. — Seed Potato Capital of the World Fishers, Victor, Ontario County, Finger Lakes region, Upstate New York. Fishers is a hamlet in the northwest corner of the Town of Victor, Ontario County, New York, United States. It is a small suburb of Rochester. The community is south of the New York State Thruway (Interstate 90). The town of Victor was established in 1812. Named after war he...
Filip Lovric Vidov i Magarita Nunoš-Rovin Ivanova iz Marine Prezimena i nadimci: Biljaković Bogančić Carara Čabo (Chiabo) Gale Brkanović Pulje Cukela (doseljenik s Drvenika Velog) Dalle Bozze (obitelj koja potječe i paralelno stanuje u Trogiru) Deković Garcan (Garzan) Ercegović Gak Jurnić Letica Marotto (1772) Mrkas Poklad Sapa (Sopa) ...
This sub-project aims to organize genealogical data on the Salcedo Family of the Philippines. Profiles here are those of historical figures and public personalities, posted for education and research purposes, with information acquired compliant with the Philippine Data Privacy Act of 2012. See the instructions below on how to contribute. Find more surnames at the Philippine Portal . How to C...
This project is for those that were born, lived and died in Adams County, Illinois . Illinois with Counties, Cities, and Towns Project Official Website Adams County was formed in 1825 out of Pike County . Its name is in honor of the sixth President of the United States , John Quincy Adams . When it was created, Hancock County was temporarily attached to Adams until it could organize a count...
Sacramento (Spanish for 'sacrament') is the capital city of the U.S. state of California and the county seat of Sacramento County . Located at the confluence of the Sacramento and American Rivers in Northern California's Sacramento Valley, Sacramento's 2020 population of 524,943 makes it the fourth-most populous city in Northern California, sixth-most populous city in the state, and the ninth-m...
This project is for those that were born, lived or died in Pike County, Illinois. Pike County was formed in January 1821 out of Madison County. It was named in honor of Zebulon Pike, leader of the Pike Expedition in 1806 to map out the south and west portions of the Louisiana Purchase. Pike served at the Battle of Tippecanoe, and was killed in 1813 in the War of 1812. Prior to the coming of t...
Prior to contact with people of European descent, what is now Chambers County was inhabited by the Creek nation. Chambers County was established on December 18, 1832. Pat Garrett, the lawman famed for killing outlaw Billy the Kid, was born near the town of Cusseta in 1850. Joe Louis "The Brown Bomber", renowned heavyweight boxing champion, was born near LaFayette, on Buckalew Mountain, May 1...
Please add profiles for those who were born, lived or died in Marshall County, Tennessee. Official Website Marshall County was created in 1836. It was originally to be named Cannon County, but due to a clerical error at the time of formation, the names of Marshall and Cannon Counties, both formed in 1836, were accidentally swapped and never corrected. It was named after the American jurist, J...
This area was inhabited for thousands of years by varying cultures of indigenous peoples. The historic Cherokee and Choctaw lived here at the time of European encounter, with the Cherokee moving in after the American Revolutionary War and in response to pressures from northern areas. Their settlements in Alabama were known as the Lower Towns. People claiming descent from Cherokee who remained ...
Blount County was created by the Alabama Territorial Legislature on February 6, 1818, formed from land ceded to the federal government by the Creek Nation on August 9, 1814. This county was named for Gov. Willie Blount of Tennessee, who provided assistance to settlers in Alabama during the Creek War. This county lies in the northeastern quadrant of the state, which is sometimes known as the min...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Madison County, Tennessee. Official Website Madison County was formed in 1821, and named for founding father and president, James Madison. The county was part of lands the United States purchased from the Chickasaw in 1818. After Congressional passage of the Indian Removal Act of 1830, most Chickasaw were forced out of the state and...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Henderson County, Tennessee. Official Website The county was founded in 1821 and named for Lt. Col. James Henderson, a soldier in the War of 1812. Adjacent Counties Carroll County Decatur County Hardin County Chester County Madison County Cities, Towns & Communities Cedar Grove Chesterfield Crucifer Darden ...
William Bradford is considered by historians to be one of the most influential of the Pilgrim settlers for his outstanding leadership, his desire to steadfastly hold to his religious and moral ideals and his determination to keep Plymouth a thriving and independent colony.he wrote: >" Being thus arrived in a good harbor and brought safe to land, they fell upon their knees and blessed the God of...
The parentage of President Abraham Lincoln's mother, Nancy Hanks Lincoln, has long been a genealogical puzzle. Let's give it a go at sorting out known facts from myths ... and while we're at it, documenting and correctly aligning the family trees of the Hanks and Hankins / Hawkins. Scope of Project starting with the profile here and seeing where it takes us ... Nancy Lincoln Overvie...
Gouverneurs van Makassar=..._____________________________________________________==Historisch perspectief (Historical Context) == (Under construction) ==Governors==**** 1694-1697 : Mattheus Schenkenberg ***** 1783 : B. Reike**
General (or full general to distinguish it from the lower general officer ranks) is the highest rank achievable by serving officers of the British Army. The rank can also be held by Royal Marines officers in tri-service posts, for example, Generals Sir Gordon Messenger and Gwyn Jenkins, former and current Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff. It ranks above lieutenant-general and, in the Army, is su...
In the United Kingdom, a deputy lieutenant is a Crown appointment and one of several deputies to the lord lieutenant of a lieutenancy area: an English ceremonial county, Welsh preserved county, Scottish lieutenancy area, or Northern Irish county borough or county. In formal style, the postnominal letters DL may be added: e.g. John Brown, CBE, DL. Should the subject have numerous more important...
Karhulan lasitehdas eli Karhulan Lasi Oy oli William Ruthin perustama, sittemmin A. Ahlström Osakeyhtiön omistukseen siirtynyt lasitehdas Karhulassa, Kotkassa.Tähän projektiin voi lisätä Karhulan lasitehtaalla työskennelleiden henkilöiden ja heidän perheenjäsentensä Geni-profiileja.=Historia=Tehdas valmistui 1888. Alussa pääpaino oli talouslasissa, jolloin tuotteita olivat muun muassa lampunlas...
This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived or died in Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal .
De Reddingmaatschappij KNRM, opgericht in 1824, viert in 2024 haar 200 jarig bestaan. Onafgebroken staan sinds het begin moedige kustbewoners klaar om 24/7 in actie te komen om mens en dier in nood hulp te bieden. Het ongesubsidieerde werk bestaat volledig giften, schenkingen en donaties. Doet u ook mee? In de loop der tijd zijn een aantal redders tijdens hun moedige poging om anderen het lev...
2024-jul-UNDER CONSTRUCTION De Reddingmaatschappij KNRM, opgericht in 1824, viert in 2024 haar 200 jarig bestaan. Onafgebroken staan sinds het begin moedige kustbewoners klaar om 24/7 in actie te komen om mens en dier in nood hulp te bieden. Het ongesubsidieerde werk bestaat volledig giften, schenkingen en donaties. Doet u ook mee? In de loop der tijd zijn een aantal redders tijdens hun moe...