This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived or died in Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal .
De Reddingmaatschappij KNRM, opgericht in 1824, viert in 2024 haar 200 jarig bestaan. Onafgebroken staan sinds het begin moedige kustbewoners klaar om 24/7 in actie te komen om mens en dier in nood hulp te bieden. Het ongesubsidieerde werk bestaat volledig giften, schenkingen en donaties. Doet u ook mee? In de loop der tijd zijn een aantal redders tijdens hun moedige poging om anderen het lev...
2024-jul-UNDER CONSTRUCTION De Reddingmaatschappij KNRM, opgericht in 1824, viert in 2024 haar 200 jarig bestaan. Onafgebroken staan sinds het begin moedige kustbewoners klaar om 24/7 in actie te komen om mens en dier in nood hulp te bieden. Het ongesubsidieerde werk bestaat volledig giften, schenkingen en donaties. Doet u ook mee? In de loop der tijd zijn een aantal redders tijdens hun moe...
Hoge Raad der Nederlanden ‧ since 1838 De Hoge Raad der Nederlanden is de hoogste rechter in Nederland op het gebied van civiel recht, strafrecht en belastingrecht. Hij is dat ook voor Aruba, Curaçao, Sint Maarten en Bonaire, Saba en Sint Eustatius. De Hoge Raad is geen derde instantie maar cassatierechter. Dat betekent dat de Hoge Raad beoordeelt of de feitenrechter het recht goed heeft uitgel...
B. M. van Beuren age 55 in 1816 lived on Elm Street, Ward 8 Manhattan > not: Col. Beekman M. van Beuren , for the Col. Lived on Pearl St. in 1819 and was a customs officer (living alone, and only 50 years old) Edward V. Buren (sic) age 26 in 1819 lived at 41 Greenwich St in 1819 page 6; a few pages later is Samuel who is added to this project
Ripon College is a private liberal arts college in Ripon, Wisconsin. As of fall 2018, the college enrolled around 800 students, the majority of whom lived on campus. Students came from 14 nations and 33 states, 53% were female, and nearly 70% of students were Wisconsin residents. Ripon College was founded in 1851, although its first class of students did not enroll until 1853. It was first kno...
Ashland University is a mid-sized, private, non-profit university in Ashland, Ohio, United States. The university consists of a 135-acre (55 ha) main campus and several off-campus centers throughout central and northern Ohio. It was founded in 1878 and is affiliated with the Brethren Church. Judeo-Christian values are the foundation of the educational and social environment of the university.To...
Ovaj projekt je dio projekta Hrvatsko Rodoslovlje - Dalmacija - Goriš kod Konjevrata / Croatian Genealogy – Dalmatia, of Goris near Konjevrate Goriš, Hr | Hu | Sl Lokacija / Location: Goriš Ovaj projekt tj. potprojekt se odnosi na / This subproject is a related to Šibenik / Sibenik Goriš je naselje u sastavu Grada Šibenika, u Šibensko-kninskoj županiji. Nalazi se oko 12 kilometara sjeveroistočn...
Osobe iz župe Šibenski Varoš za koje vjerojatno postoji unos u MKV, ali još nije pronađen.
"By the 1656 survey, which was the earliest plan of the city, the streets, as the ordinance recites, had been" set off and laid out with stakes." There were at that time, according to O'Callaghan, but 120 houses within the city (Hist. of N. Neth., II: 540), whereas, on the Castello Plan, of four years later, about 300 are shown; and on the De Sille List of the same year there are 307 within the...
Setting the Stage "At its peak, only about 9,000 people lived in New Netherland, leaving it vulnerable to attack from the English, who fought three wars against the Dutch, their main commercial rivals, between 1652 and 1674 and who vastly outnumbered them in the New World. The breaking point came in March 1664, when English King Charles II awarded the colony’s land to his brother, the Duke of Y...
The oldest graves appear to have births from the late 1700's, and the earlies deaths from the early 1800's. Someone has taken excellent care of this cemetery. It is located 8 miles west of I-65 off the Arkadelphia exit in Cullman County. Find a Grave Interment.net Billion Graves
This cemetery is located on 812 9th Street, SW, Cullman, Cullman County, Alabama. It's also known as Cullman Public Cemetery and Protestant Cemetery . Find a Grave USGW Archives
This cemetery is located on 179 Draytonville Road, Draytonville, Gaffney, Cherokee County, South Carolina. Find a Grave
Please add those buried in this cemetery. Find a Grave
The Bowman Cemetery is located in the southwest corner of Brown County, Illinois, only a few rods from the Adams County line and about a mile from the Pike County line in Section 30, Buckhorn Township. In 1958, it was reached thru a field from the south. The east-west public road about a city block north of it is closed. It is on a crest of the north slope of a hill that overlooks Ferguson Vall...
This cemetery is located on 45198 Beckham Road, Aline, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma. It's also known as Boiling Spring Cemetery and Gulick Cemetery . OK Cemeteries Find a Grave
This cemetery is located on 1253 US-281, Hoisington, Barton County, Kansas. Find a Grave Billion Graves
This cemetery is located on 2700 Riverside Boulevard, Sacramento, Sacramento County, California Find a Grave
Jones Cemetery is located within the city limits of Jones, Oklahoma at the intersection of East Wilshire Blvd and North Hiwassee Road. The cemetery was originally the Albright family cemetery with the earliest burial in the year 1889. In 1907, the year that Oklahoma became a state, the family donated the cemetery to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF) and they maintain control of the pr...
This cemetery is located on 500 Memorial Drive, Perry, Noble County, Oklahoma. Find a Grave OK Cemeteries
Please add those buried in this cemetery. Find a Grave NC Cemetery Census
Siia projekti soovime Genist kokku koguda tuntumaid Eesti kalandusega (nii kalapüük kui kalakasvatus) seostuvaid isikuid läbi kõigi ajajärkude.
An Alderman or Councillor is a member of a municipal assembly or council in many jurisdictions founded upon English law. The term may be titular, denoting a high-ranking member of a borough or county council, a council member chosen by the elected members themselves rather than by popular vote, or a council member elected by voters. noun historical a co-opted member of an English county or boro...
Court of Aldermen==* Type: Committee of the City of London Corporation Term limits: None* History: Founded Time immemorial Preceded by Court of Hustings* Leadership: Lord Mayor Alan Yarrow, Independent, Since 2014* Structure: Seats 25 aldermen Independent 25 / 25* Meeting place: Aldermens Court Room, Guildhall The Court of Aldermen is an elected body forming part of the City of London Corporat...