“Quezon's Game” , the film centers around Philippine President Manuel L. Quezon and his plan to shelter Jews in the Philippines who were fleeing from Nazi Germany during the World War II era. In 1938, Philippine President Manuel Quezon, future U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower, and several other notable figures set out to rescue Jewish refugees from the ghettos of Germany and Austria. What seem...
This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived or died in Cabusao, Camarines Sur, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal .
Waterschappen in Nederland===Zuid-Holland* Aalkeet-Binnenpolder * Aalkeet-Buitenpolder * De Aarlanden * Achterof en de Putte * Aderpolder * Akkerdijksche polder * Alpherpolder * Ambachtspolder* Babberspolder - Beekpolder * Bent- en Delf of Generale Polder * Benthuizerpolder * Berg en Daal * Bezuidenhoutsche Veenpolder * Bieslandse Bovenpolder * Binkhorstpolder * Binnenpolder (Voorschoten) * Bin...
Provinciale Staten van Noord-Holland ‧ 1840-1861 ——A—— Eduard Isaac ASSER ‧ 1809-1894 ‧ ╳ ‧ Cornelis AVIS ‧ 1804-1863 ‧ ╳ ——B—— Cornelis BACKER ‧ 1798-1864 ‧ Anthony BACKER ‧ 1788-1865 ‧ Cornelis BAKKER ‧ 1812-1870 ‧ Antony BRUGMANS ‧ 1799-1877 ‧ Jan BRUIJN ‧ 07-mei 1815-1888 25-nov ‧ Ernst Christiaan BUCHNER ‧ 1812-1882 ‧
This cemetery is located on 570 Rock Hill Road, Lexington, Henderson County, Tennessee. Find a Grave TN Gen Web Genealogy Trails
This cemetery is located on 2400 Harrell Road, Orlando, Orange County, Florida. Find a Grave Billion Graves
Stampede This is more of an umbrella project. You might want to make a project around a specific stampede event. If so, please mention it in this discussion: Cause of Death Projects needed??? A stampede is uncontrolled concerted running as an act of mass impulse among herd animals or a crowd of people in which the group collectively begins running, often in an attempt to escape a perceive...
This sub-project aims to organize genealogical data on the Muñoz Family of the Philippines. Profiles here are those of historical figures and public personalities, posted for education and research purposes, with information acquired compliant with the Philippine Data Privacy Act of 2012. See the instructions below on how to contribute. Find more surnames at the Philippine Portal . How to Con...
The sinking of the S.S. Corregidor, December 16-17, 1941 This project aims to organize genealogical data on the victims and survivors of the sinking of the SS Corregidor. On December 16-17, 1941 (around midnight, hence the event straddling two dates), the S.S. Corregidor, an inter-island steamship of the Compañia Maritima, hit a mine off Corregidor Island and sank, resulting in a tremendous ...
Lot Register Section 23 Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Block 5 Block 6 Block 7 Block 8
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in St. Mary Parish, Louisiana. Official Website The parish was created in 1811 and is located in the south-central region of the state. Adjacent Parishes Iberia Parish St. Martin Parish Assumption Parish Terrebonne Parish Cities, Towns & Communities Amelia Baldwin Bayou Vista Berwick Centerville Charenton Fl...
Hamburg to New York 8 May 1865 - 15 Jun 1865 Voyage Information Ship Name B.S. Kimball Vessel Type Ship Departure 8 May 1865 from Hamburg Arrival 15 Jun 1865 at New York Source Customs #506 (FHL #175,608); SMR, 1865 (FHL #025,696); SMR, 1865 (FHL #025,696); EECI (source abbreviations) Church Leader Anders W. Winberg
A small Jewish Community in the Tabor District of Southern Bohemia
This project seeks to collect representatives of all of the Jewish families from the town of Mladá Vožice (Jungwoschitz, Jung Woschitz) in Bohemia, Czech Republic. General Resources: JewishGen Locality Page for Mladá Vožice Photos of a handful of prominent Jews appear on p.222 of Hugo Gold's 1934 book, Die Juden und Judengemeinden Böhmens in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart . Census and Fa...
Wikipedia Universitas Muslim Indonesia (UMI) adalah sebuah Universitas Swasta di Kota Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan. Universitas ini didirikan pada tanggal 23 Juni 1954 dan ditinjau dari segi usia, UMI merupakan perguruan tinggi tertua dan merupakan perguruan tinggi swasta terbesar di kawasan timur Indonesia. UMI juga merupakan satu-satunya perguruan tinggi swasta yang terakreditasi institusi A ...
Joentaka on yksi Lopen kunnan kylistä. Joentakana oli 1500 -luvulla talot Konkkala, Pirttilä, Eskola, Kittilä, Heikkilä, Mattila ja Kiera. Isojako Lopella useimmissa kylissä alkoi 1780-luvulla (Suomea koskevat isojakoasetukset annettiin vuosina 1762 ja 1775). Isonjaon alkaessa taloja olivat Konkkala-Peltola, Eskola, Kiera, Heikkilä, Mattila, Pirttilä, Kittilä ja Mäkelä. Uudistaloja perustetti...
Tämä projekti on Viipurin kaupungin, aiemmin Viipurin maalaiskunnan ja Viipurin Pitäjän Pappilan (Papinsaari (Albrechtsö) ja Pappilanniemi) kyläprojekti. Perustettu 8.11.2019 / Toni NäppiPohjoispuolella kaupungin itäinen puoli , itäpuolella Hevossaari , Huhtiala sekä Kangasranta , eteläpuolella Nuora ja länsipuolella kaupungin saaria ja vastarannalla Maalaiskunnan Kärki .
Warsaw was built on the banks of the Vistula River. The city has been capital of various reorganizations of Poland's territory since the 16th century, when Zygmunt III, commemorated in the famous Zymunt Column, moved the capital of Poland from Krakow. The history of Warsaw spans over 1400 years. In that time, the city evolved from a cluster of villages to the capital of a major European power,...
D. O. M. Liber Status Animarum Anno Domini 1700 die prima mensis mai (1) [Marinov-Milas | Grego] In Villa Bosiline in edibus Mathei Marinov et Nicolai fratribus habitant Mattheus qm. Nicolai filius annorum 55 Nicolaus frater Mathei et qm. Nicolai filius annorum 53 Anna uxor Mathei, filia N. Omassich ex villa Zirone, annorum 38 Catharina filia Mathei et Anne annorum 14 Ellena filia Mathei ...
This project is to identify Walloons and their descendants who emigrated to North America. The heartland of Walloon culture are the Meuse and Sambre river valleys, Charleroi, Dinant, Namur (the regional capital), Huy, Verviers, and Liège. Walloons in Antiquity According to the region's official website, after Julius Caesar conquered Gaul, its inhabitants became the Gallo-Romans and were cal...
The Kavli Prize was established in 2005 through a joint venture between The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters , the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research , and The Kavli Foundation . Awarded for: outstanding contributions in Astrophysics, Nanoscience, and Neuroscience First awarded: 2008 Reward(s): A gold medal, a scroll, and a monetary award of US$1,000,000 Number of laureates: 2...
The Kyoto Prize is an international award to honor those who have contributed significantly to the scientific, cultural, and spiritual betterment of mankind. The Prize is presented annually in each of the following three categories: Advanced Technology, Basic Sciences, and Arts and Philosophy. Laureates shall in principle be individuals (one person per category). However, in special cases a s...
Order of the Cross of Liberty The Order of the Cross of Liberty (Finnish: Vapaudenristin ritarikunta ; Swedish: Frihetskorsets orden ) is one of three official state orders in Finland, along with the Order of the White Rose of Finland and the Order of the Lion of Finland .. Organisation The President of Finland is the Grand Master of the Order of the White Rose of Finland and of the Order ...
This project is to connect with folks with ancestors who lived in Sárospatak. My grandfather's family came from there. I will be posting links and photos that I have found. =Links= Visit to Budapest Holocaust Memorial in 2013 Photos and stories from my visit with my wife, granddaughter and cousin. Includes photos of the Páva Street Synagogue. Sárospatak in 1977 My dear friends (and distant co...
The Viceroyalty of Peru (Spanish: Virreinato del Perú) was a Spanish colonial administrative district, created in 1542, that originally contained most of Spanish-ruled South America, governed from the capital of Lima. The Viceroyalty of Peru was one of the two Spanish Viceroyalties in the Americas from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries.However, the Spanish did not resist the Portuguese ...