The Joseph Family of Carriacou
'Genoodschap van Konsten en Wetenschappen' …tot Nut van 't Algemeen… ‧ sinds 1784 ‧ historie 1784 : oprichting te Edam door Jan NIEUWENHUIJZEN ‧ Monnickendam ‧ doopsgezinde predikant ‧ Martinus NIEUWENHUIJZEN ‧ Edam ‧ z'n oorspronkelijke woonhuis nu landelijke bureau 't Nut ‧ 1787 : vestiging in Amsterdam 1790 : 10 Augustus: eerste Algemene Vergadering in Lutherse Oude Kerk te ......
This cemetery is located on 800 Avenue C, Taft, San Patricio County, Texas. It's also known as Bellevue Cemetery and Lamas Memorial Park Cemetery . Find a Grave Texas Gravestones
This cemetery is located on FM155 & Farm-to-Market 2144, Weimar, Colorado County, Texas. Find a Grave Colorado County History - Cemeteries Billion Graves
This project is for those buried in Miller Creek Cemetery, Borden, Colorado County, Texas. Find a Grave
This cemetery is located on Mt. View Cemetery Road, Davenport, Lincoln County, Washington. Find a Grave Interment.net Billion Graves
Wikipedia Tahoma National Cemetery is a United States National Cemetery in the city of Kent, in King County, Washington. Find a Grave
In 1883, Lincoln County was created from a portion of Spokane County, and four days later a portion of its area was peeled off to create Douglas County. There have been no further alterations to its boundary since that time. Its 2,317 square miles make it #8 in size in the state. It is named for President Abraham Lincoln . Centuries ago, the area now covered by Lincoln County contained an east...
Please add to this project the profiles of those soldiers who were held as Prisoners of War or listed as Missing in Action during the Korean War.==Sources==* Korean War POW/MIA List - dpaa.mil * Korean War Casualty Databases - koreanwar.org
History Steel has become such an intricate part of our everyday life that it does not register in our conscious mind. To gain some perspective we would like to look at the history of the modern steel industry. Steel is an alloy composed of between 0.2 and 2.0 percent carbon, with the balance being iron.Before about 1860, steel was an expensive product, made in small quantities and used mostly f...
Vermont Jewish History "Vermont's Oldest Jewish Cemetery" 152 years ago, Jewish families moved to the Slate Valley from Germany, looking for a better life. A high school student hopes to preserve their burial ground.Who was the first Jew in Vermont? Jacob Rader Marcus "The careful historian soon comes to the unfailing rule that no Jew is ever the first Jew in any town: there is always one who h...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Henry County, Tennessee. Official Website An act of the General Assembly of the state of Tennessee which was passed on November 7, 1821. It is named for the Virginia orator and patriot Patrick Henry. Adjacent Counties Calloway County, Kentucky Stewart County Graves County, Kentucky Weakley County Benton County Carroll ...
Crawford County is a county located in the east-central portion of the U.S. state of Missouri. At the 2020 Census, the population was 23,056. Its county seat is Steelville. The county was organized in 1829 and is named after U.S. Senator William H. Crawford of Georgia. Cemeteries Cemeteries of Missouri Links Wikipedia
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Osage County, Kansas. Official Website The county was originally organized in 1855 as Weller County, and was renamed in 1859 after the Osage River that runs through it, which is itself named for the Osage Native American Tribe. Adjacent Counties Douglas County Franklin County Coffey County Lyon County Wabaunsee County ...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Otero County, Colorado. Official Website The county was established in 1889 and was named for Miguel Antonio Otero, a La Junta town founder. Adjacent Counties Crowley County Kiowa County Bent County Las Animas County Pueblo County Cities, Towns & Communities Cheraw Fowler La Junta (County Seat) La Junta Gard...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Jefferson County, Kansas. Official Website In 1855, Jefferson County was established, and was named for President Thomas Jefferson. Settlement of the county was slowed by events prior to and during the Civil War, but the present day unincorporated community of Thompsonville was the first established in 1851 by Mormon settlers who in...
Siia projekti soovime Genist kokku koguda tuntumaid Eesti arhitekte läbi kõigi ajajärkude.* Eesti arhitektide loend Vikipeedias Estonian architects
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Clark County, Ohio. Official Website The county was created on March 1, 1818, and was named for General George Rogers Clark, a hero of the American Revolution. Adjacent Counties Champaign County Madison County Greene County Montgomery County Miami County Cities, Townships, Villages & Communities Beatty | Bethel | Bri...
Rootsi Põhjatähe orden / Kungliga Nordstjärneorden / Order of the Polar Star Kavalerid Eestist siia
Rootsi Vasa orden - Kuninglik Vasa orden - Kungliga Vasaorden Kõikide klasside eestlastest kavalerid siia Klassid Komandöri suurrist I klassi komandöririst Komandöririst I klassi rüütlirist Rüütlirist Eestist pärit kavalerid Voldemar Kask Käbi Laretei (1972) Anton Starkopf (1934) Arnold Soom (1936)
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Davenport, Scott County, Iowa. Official Website Davenport was founded on May 14, 1836 by Antoine Le Claire and was named for his friend George Davenport, a former English sailor who served in the U.S. Army during the War of 1812, served as a supplier Fort Armstrong, worked as a fur trader with the American Fur Company, and was appoi...
Please add profiles for those who were born, lived or died in Scott County, Iowa. Official Website The first American settlement in the area now known as Scott County was Clark's Ferry or Clark's Landing (now Buffalo) in 1833. Other early towns included Davenport (now the county seat and largest city) and the town of Rockingham (which ceased to exist in 1847). The area was fully surveyed in 1...
Attempt to locate all family members and their descendants
Please add profiles for those who were born, lived or died in Butler County, Pennsylvania. Official Website Butler County was created on March 12, 1800, from part of Allegheny County and named in honor of General Richard Butler, a hero of the American Revolution. Some famous inventions and discoveries were made in Butler County. It was in Saxonburg that the designer of the Brooklyn Bridge, J...
Vana-Jaani talu keskne asukoht Kõinastu saarel viitab võimalusele, et tegemist on ühe esimese saarele rajatud (säilinud) talukohaga. Nimetus on tulnud ilmselt 1731-44 maarevisjonides koha peremeheks märgitud Vana Jaani järgi. Nimede järjepidevuse seisukohalt on huvitav tõik, et 1670.a vakuraamatus viidatud suurima talu peremees Kõinastu Peeter ja Vana Jaan võiksid olla asukoha kaudu vahetult s...