Many Bassetts in the United States can trace their ancestry to one of five early Bassett immigrants who arrived in New England during the seventeenth century. Little is known of the origins of these five early New England families. The immigrants were:# William Bassett of Plymouth, Massachusetts, who arrived on the Fortune in 1621# William Bassett of Lynn, Massachusetts, who arrived on the Abig...
Projekti aloitettu 14.6.2023. Valitse Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin Ahlaisten kylät Alakylä (Nederby) Anttoora (Antören, Antora) Pastuskeri (Bastuskär) Kellahti (Källfjerd) Lampaluoto (Lambalot) Lamppi (Lampis) Pirttijärvi
Forest Home Cemetery, Forest Park, Illinois or Forest Home Cemetery, Forest Park, Cook County, Illinois, USA: Find a Grave German Waldheim Cemetery , previously known as Waldheim Cemetery , was originally founded in 1873 as a non-religion-specific cemetery, where Freemasons , Romani, and German -speaking immigrants to Chicago could be buried without regard for religious affiliation. In 196...
Ondergang van de MAROS / HARUYOSHI MARU ‧ 1944 ‧ . . . . . bronnen ...aanvulling welkom! . . Nederlandse slachtoffers -——A-—— Willem Montanus Lodewijk ABELS ‧Semarang x-1944 28 okt ‧ Julius Erik ASPELING ‧ 1894-1944 ‧ -——B-—— BAKKER H. Semarang 20-9-1944 ‧ Cornelis Johannes van BENTHEM ‧ 1918-1944 ‧ BERG J.H. van den Deventer 7-10-1944 ‧ BERG W. van den ...
Häädemeeste valla aukodanikud Nimed 1998-2016 + 2021-2023 Ardalion / Ardo Keskküla - 2004 Elgi Aas - 2003 Enda Lorents - 2000 Enn Tasalain - 2023 Erast Endrikson - 2001 Evi Põrk - 2006 Helgi Lõhmus - 2008 Ilmar Einaste - 1998 (postuumselt) Karel Tölp - 2021 Leida Kallas - 1999 Leida Lillemäe - 2011 Maire Aunaste - 2005 Malle Alunurm - 2006 Marie Iir - 2009 Milvi Helberg - 1998 Peete...
We just started a Project about John Weeden We would love your help and contributions. Feel free to Join and Collaborate. We can use your help, the tree is large and important. John Weeden Gender: Male Birth: circa 1375 Chesham, Buckinghamshire, England Death: circa 1425 (42-58) Chesham, Buckinghamshire, England (after) Immediate Family: Father of Henry Weedon Descendents of John Weeden...
Address: Reserve Terrace, Lyttelton, Christchurch City, Canterbury, 8082 New Zealand Also known as Lyttelton Catholic Cemetery, Lyttelton Public Cemetery Lyttelton Catholic and public Cemetery also known as the Lyttelton Cemetery was opened in 1873. The cemetery is located on a steep hillside and is divided into three sections, Catholic, Services and public (from north to south). The grave...
The cemetery is located on the south side of County Road 500 about 100 feet west of its intersection with Township Road 581. The cemetery was established in 1840. The last burial occurred in 1908. The cemetery is located in Orange Township, Ashland County, Ohio, and is # 315 (Hopewell Cemetery) in "Ohio Cemeteries 1803-2003", compiled by the Ohio Genealogical Society. Find a Grave
Lakeview Cemetery is located in Buffalo, Wright County, Minnesota, and sits atop a rise, overlooking Buffalo Lake. It is one of two cemeteries in Wright County, named "Lakeview"--the other is in Silver Creek Township. Be certain you have the correct Lakeview Cemetery before entering information. On Hwy 25 as you head south through Buffalo. Established: 1894 Township/Range/Section: T120N / R25...
Buchanan Clan Image, right. Clan Arms Arms Or, a lion rampant Sable, armed and langued Gules, within a double tressure flory counterflory of the Second. Crest or Badge: A dexter hand coupee holding a ducal cap, or duke’s cornet, proper, with two laurel branches wreathed surrounding the crest, disposed orleways proper Gaelic Name: Cononach Motto: Clarior hinc honos or “Hencefo...
Peerage of Ireland=The Peerage of Ireland consists of those titles of nobility created by the English monarchs in their capacity as Lord or King of Ireland, or later by monarchs of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The creation of such titles came to an end in the 19th century. The ranks of the Irish peerage are Duke, Marquess, Earl, Viscount and Baron. The Crown of the United Ki...
Please add profiles for those who were born, lived or died in Macon County, Illinois. Official Wesbite Macon County was formed on January 19, 1829 out of Shelby County. It was named for Nathaniel Macon, a Colonel in the Revolutionary War. Macon later served as senator from North Carolina until his resignation in 1828. In 1830, future US President Abraham Lincoln and his family moved to Macon ...
Belarus Belarus Project on ftDNA + GEDmatch Ancestor Projects (Surname, Geographical, Historical Roots) Brest Region Belarus, officially the Republic of Belarus, is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe. It is bordered by Russia to the east and northeast, Ukraine to the south, Poland to the west, and Lithuania and Latvia to the northwest. Belarus covers an area of 207,600 square kilometres...
Projekti aloitettu 18.8.2024. Teuvan Riipin kylän asukkaiden projekti. Valitset Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Teuvan kylät Horo , Kauppila , Kirkonkylä , Nori , Perälä , Riippi , Äystö , Luovankylä
Pärnassaare kalmistu on kalmistu Põltsamaa kihelkonnas Viljandimaal, tänapäevase haldusjaotuse järgi Rutikvere külas Järva vallas Järva maakonnas. Eestikeelne Vikipeedia Pärandkultuuri objekt: "Pärnasaare surnuaed" (325:KAV:001) Kristjan Waldmann . Põltsamaa kihelkonna minewikust ja mälestusmärkest. Tartu 1926 Harald Rebane . Väikekalmistud Põltsamaal ja lähikonnas. [I osa] "Vooremaa"...
Uudenmaan läänin jalkaväkirykmentti Henkikomppania: Ruotu 1 Vasarankylä Johan Durchman Gustaf Johan Schulman Arvid Gröndahl Benjam Edqvist Johan Olof Wimmercrantz Ruotu 2 Vasarankylä Hans Andersson Norring Wilhelm Savander Johan Stålt
This project is dedicated to the Jewish families who lived in Doudleby nad Orlicí (Daudleb an der Adler) in Bohemia, Czech Republic. See * JewishGen's Doudleby page * Doudleby , Document Source Doudleby nad Orlicí is a village in North-Eastern Bohemia, in the district of Rychnov nad Kněžnou. In the past Doudleby belonged to the district of Hradec Králové (in German: Königgratz). It is in the vi...
Ovaj projekt je dio projekta Hrvatsko Rodoslovlje - Dalmacija naselja Danilo: Danilo kod Šibenika / Croatian Genealogy – Dalmatia, of settlement Danilo: Danilo near SibenikDanilo je mjesto 10 km udaljeno od središta Šibenika.* , Hr Projekt obuhvaća osobe koje su rođene u selu Danilo .* Župne knjige župe Danilo Kraljice (1858.-1895.). from FamilySearch ==Povijest / History==Prva arheološka nalaz...
Google from time to time honor people or events with a customized version of their logo. This is a sub-project of Google Doodle Directory . There is a full list that can be searched and filtered at the Google Doodles Library . The goal of this sub-project is to list and tag all of those honored by Google in the year 2009. Profiles will be tagged to the parent project. Linked names have Geni Pro...
Kilde Buksnes Bygdebok av Ola Berg , Bind II, 2. Opplag. _____________________________________________________ Buksnes GÅRDSNR. 9 Ballstad og GÅRDSNR.10 Ballstadøy GÅRDSNR. 20 Bolle GÅRDSNR. 16 Buksnes GÅRDSNR. 31 Bø GÅRDSNR. 37 Farstad
Wikipedia ==Emory University=Emory University is a private research university in metropolitan Atlanta, located in the Druid Hills section of unincorporated DeKalb County, Georgia, United States. The university was founded as Emory College in 1836 in Oxford, Georgia by the Methodist Episcopal Church and was named in honor of Methodist bishop John Emory. In 1915, the college relocated to metropo...