Proekti aloitettu 22.8.2017.ParkanoIkaalisten emäseurakuntaan kuulunut kappeli, muodostettu saarnahuonekuntana ja toimi pitäjänapulaisen asuinpaikkana perustamisesta vuodesta 1800 lähtien. Myös ensimmäinen kirkko valmistui 1800. Kappeliksi 1841. Erotettu omaksi pitäjäksi vuonna 1860. Parkanosta erotettiin 1910 kylistä (Kankari, Kihniö ja Nerkoo ilman Hirvimäkeä sekä Linnan kylän Vahtilan ja Kos...
Eesti käsipall ehk eesti väravpallSiia projekti soovime Genist kokku koguda tuntumaid selle valdkonna sportlasi aga ka seostuvaid tegelasi (treenerid, ajakirjanikud, jms.) läbi kõigi ajajärkude.
Runonlaulajat, kanteleensoittajat, itkijät, tietäjät ja parantajat, tunnetut metsämiehet – Karjala ja rajaseutuTämä projekti kokoaa runonlauluun, äänellä itkemiseen, perinnemusiikkiin (lähinnä kantele) sekä tietäjäperinteeseen liittyviä henkilöitä ja tietoa Karjalan alueelta sekä rajaseudulta. Lisäksi projekti kokoaa tietoa tunnetuista metsämiehistä sekä ko. alueella runoja tallentaneista kerää...
The purpose of this project is to collect to one place notable graduates and teachers of Saint Petersburg Conservatory (Music Academy). If in your family tree you have persons that were faculty or pupils of Saint Petersburg Conservatory, Russia, please add them to this project. It would be great if within the profile description "About" there would be brief biography. Within opened profile pa...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in DuPage County, Illinois. Official Website DuPage County was formed on February 9, 1839 out of Cook County. The county took its name from the DuPage River, which was, in turn, named after a French fur trapper, DuPage. The county has a high socioeconomic profile and residents of Hinsdale, Naperville and Oak Brook include some of the...
A PLACE FOR ALL THINGS SHAKESPEARE Shakespeare's Times Interesting Early Shakespearean London Players & Theater Owners ~• many of whom were related Richard Burbage & his grand daughter Mary Saunderson, the wife of Thomas Betterton, employed by Sir William Davenant The Life and Times of Shakespeare See Levi Peter, The Life and Times of William Shakespeare : Macmillan, London, 1988, I...
Go is the oldest preserved mind game in the world. It was first introduced in Slovenia by the retired naval officer Ervin Fink in 1960. In 1961 the first go club was founded in Ljubljana and subsequently the game quickly spread in Slovenia and the rest of Yugoslavia. Ervin Fink (1894-1977) Lovro Rudolf Rihard Šturm (1938-2021) Private Andrej Šturm Borut Deisinger (1938-1983) Peter...
World War One: Armed Forces - Canada=The British declaration of war automatically brought Canada into the war, because of Canada's legal status as a British dominion which left foreign policy decisions in the hands of the UK parliament.Please link any GENi profiles of Canadian Servicemen to this project. From Canada: 418,035 served of a total 628,964 in arms.On August 5, 1914, the Governor Gene...
Evergreen Cemetery Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania, USA:
Grace Episcopal Church Cemetery Berryville, Clarke County, Virginia, USA:
Saint Thomas Episcopal Church Cemetery Croom, Prince George's County, Maryland, USA:
Nomini Plantation Cemetery Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA:
Universiteit Leiden Nederland ‧ INDEX ‧ Rector Magnificus ======alphabetical * See for alphabetical order the linked list with help of the register there. ======chronological * 1575-1576 : Peter TIARA ‧ x ‧ * 1576-1577 : Guilliaume FEUGUIÉRES ‧ x ‧ * 1577-1579 : Peter TIARA ‧ x ‧ * 1579-1581 : Justus LIPSIUS ‧ 1547-1606 ‧ * 1581-1582 : Cornelis de GROOT ‧ 1544/8-1610 ‧ * 1582-1583 : Gerard BONT...
Olete teretulnud kõik need kes soovivad oma lähedased seoses selle rahupaigaga ära märkida ja projekti lisada. Projekt "Kraavi kalmistu" koondab neid, kes on aegade jooksul seal oma rahu leidnud. Kraavi kalmistu on kalmistu Urvaste kihelkonnas Võrumaal, tänapäevase haldusjaotuse järgi Kraavi külas Antsla vallas Võru maakonnas. Otsing Haudi andmebaasist Projektiga liituda on võimali...
This project is a holding place for the various projects created involving 1776 and the American Revolutionary War.
Hörby, Scania, Sweden= This is a regional project in Geni for the municipality of Hörby , Sweden. Everybody who is interested in the history of the town or its residents is welcome to join the project. Once you have joined the project you can add profiles, photos, documents etc. of people who have resided here or who otherwise are related to the history of the town. This project is a part of a ...
Svalöv, Scania, Sweden= This is a regional project in Geni for the municipality of Svalöv , Sweden. Everybody who is interested in the history of the town or its residents is welcome to join the project. Once you have joined the project you can add profiles, photos, documents etc. of people who have resided here or who otherwise are related to the history of the town. This project is a part of ...
The project seeks to list representatives of the Jewish families from the Bohemian town of Golčův Jeníkov (Goltsch Jenikau or Golschjenikau) in the Czech Republic.Jews probably settled in Golcuv Jenikov at the end of the 16th century with documents indicating a synagogue in 1659 thatwas rebuilt in 1806 and 1870 and extant after World War II. Plague drove the Jews temporarily outside the town in...
Joutsan papisto on Geni-projekti, johon Itä-Hämeessä sijaitsevan Joutsan papisto on listattu Hiskissä olevan Joutsan pappisluettelon mukaan ===Joutsan seurakunta===Joutsan seurakunnan synty liittyy Hartolan itsenäistymiseen Sysmästä. Kuninkaan päätöksessä Hartolan kirkkoherrakunnan muodostamiseksi 1786 edellytettiin kahta kappalaista, joista toinen tuli väliaikaisesti Leivonmäkeen, jossa oli jo...
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from Kutná Hora in Bohemia, Czech Republic.Historie a popis Starší synagoga v Radnické ulici vznikla v roce 1881 úpravou hospodářské budovy nedaleko kostela sv. Jana Nepomuckého. Přestala být používána až po výstavbě synagogy nové a ve 40. letech 20. století zanikla.Tato nová synagoga byla vybudována v secesním slohu v roce 1902 dle proje...