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de Grendon Genealogy and de Grendon Family History Information

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  • Alesia de Grendon (c.1239 - aft.1291)
    Alesia de GRENDON (Robert de GRENDON & Shenstone, Sir4, Robert de GRENDON3, Richard de GRENDON2, Roger de GRENDON1) was born ABT 1239 in Grendon, Atherstone, Warwickshire, England, and died AFT 1291. =...
  • Alice de Grendon (c.1268 - d.)
    Alice de GRENDON (Robert de GRENDON & Shenstone, Sir4, Robert de GRENDON3, Richard de GRENDON2, Roger de GRENDON1) was born ABT 1268 in Grendon, Atherstone, Warwickshire, England. ===Family From marrie...
  • Edward Grendon l, Ancient Planter (b. - 1628)
    George Sandys, who served as Jamestown's inaugural resident treasurer from 1621-25, sold his 400 northside acres in James City to Edward Grendon in the 1620s. When Grendon passed away in 1628, he left ...
  • Elizabeth Grendon / Stegge (1600 - 1665)
    No evidence for maiden name seen of “De Pershall” or of “Read.” Thomas Grendon, Sr was a London merchant who often lived in Virginia. He married Elizabeth Stegge, widow of Col. Thomas Stegge, Puritan ...
  • Elizabeth Grendon (b. - bef.1678)
    The children of Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Grendon died 1678, were Thomas and Hannah. of the Will of Thomas Grendon, of Dukes Place, Citizen & Draper of London, dated December 15, 1678:>‘To Mr. John Har...

About the de Grendon surname

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