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de Tunstall Genealogy and de Tunstall Family History Information

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  • Ales Tunstall (c.1338 - 1380)
    Ales married Sir William de Tunstall Knight, son of William de Tunstall and Unknown. (Sir William de Tunstall Knight was born about 1334 in Cantsfield, Thurland, Lancashire, England and died in 1387 in...
  • Alice Tunstall (c.1459 - d.)
    Neville, son of RALPH Neville Earl of Westmoreland & his second wife Joan Beaufort (1400-killed in battle Wakefield 30 Dec 1460, bur Bisham). A mid-15th century manuscript names "Johannam minorissam, R...
  • Alice Tunstall, of Thurland and Lancaster (c.1405 - 1490)
    Thomas PARR of Kendal (Sir Knight) Born: ABT 1411 Died: 1464 Notes: Attainted at Coventry, 38 Henry VI. Father: Sir John PARR of Kendal Mother: Agnes CROPHULL Married: Alice TUNSTALL (dau. of Sir Tho...
  • Ann Middleton (c.1540 - 1593)
    parents: 2nd daughter of Marmaduke TUNSTALL b: 1507 & Mary SCARGILL Sources# Foster's Visitation Pedigrees of Cumberland and Westmorland. "Middleton, of Middleton Hall - Part 2 (1615). page 89. Links*
  • Ann B. Tunstall (1858 - 1864)
    Ann B. Tunstall BIRTH 17 May 1858 Tennessee, USA DEATH 11 Mar 1864 (aged 5) Tennessee, USA BURIAL Dr. Henry Brooks Cemetery • Dixon Springs, Smith County, Tennessee, USA MEMORIAL ID 159961944 · View S...

About the de Tunstall surname

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