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der Lombarden Genealogy and der Lombarden Family History Information

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  • Regarde of Bavaria (c.700 - d.)
    As of 3 Feb 2019, Medlands does not list this person as Gotfrid's daughter. Regarde von Alemannien Fødselsdato: estimert mellom 656 og 706 Død: (Dato og beliggenhet ukjent) Umiddelbar Familie: ...
  • Aldeoch van de Lombarden (345 - 398)
    Not known son of Hildeoc, king of the Lombards or source & explanation PLZ! This profile itself is not historically knwon father-in-law of Marcomir I, King of the Franks at Cologne (whose supposed ...
  • Eberhardus von Lombarden (c.760 - 837)
  • Sigilinda von Lombarden (c.487 - d.)
    Silinga In the early 6th century, the Lombard king Wacho took Silinga as his third wife, who was said to be the daughter of the last king of the Heruls.[25] This has led some scholars to believe that S...

About the der Lombarden surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the der Lombarden surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the der Lombarden surname.

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