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Fly Genealogy and Fly Family History Information

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  • Alma Fly (1867 - 1923)
    Alma was a Lakota Sioux woman (possibly of the Blackfeet aka Niitsitapi tribe) Biography: Alma was born c. 1867 to a white father named John Ramsey and an Indian mother named Owohenonpawin Ramsey (T...
  • Anna Capps (c.1795 - 1868)
    Per the 1900 TN Census, Anna's daughter Ellen (Eleanor Penelope) reported her father & mother being born in North Carolina. That being true, Anna would have come to TN with her parents (Elisha and Eliz...
  • Dorothy Mary Fly (1705 - 1748)
  • Elisha Fly, Jr. (1767 - 1840)
    Flytown was located on the northern most section of Gibson County, Tennessee, a small area lying north of the Obion River's South Fork that will later be swapped to Weakley County for a portion of Weak...

About the Fly surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Fly surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Fly surname.

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