Some Ring families may be descended from members of Reewing people of Barbaria , believed to be the antecessors of modern Rahanweyne tribes of Somalia .
The latter form a side branch of the dynasty founded by Kamil Hasfi and his son Lo-Han , who may be identical with Hamilkar ( Han-Mil-Ka-Ar ) and his son Hannibal ,founder of Han dynasty of China under the name Liu Pang,called therefore Lluque Yupangui in Peru ,whose name has been pereserved as Lali-Bala in Aithiopian and also as Lu'ayy in Arabian genealogical tradition .
He ruled until 176 BC that corrspond to 370 of the Persian aera counted from about 546 BC, according to the events in Arabia related to the birth of modern Islam movement are described , to 1211 of the Spanish one now in use globally done so from 1387 BC ,on the base of that stories of the lands "discovered" by the Spanish and Portuguese ,that include the Americas and East Africa , are told ,in their view .
As Hamilkar was the likely grandson of Alexander son of Alexander of Makedonia ,Rahanweynes and all their relatives should belong to Inca race too .
See Somalia,Balkar,Kamil,Gelb,Blinker,Dinka,Scheiber,Nadler,Weil,Weiler,Geliebter,Magaziner,Sambor, Neumayer,Tulipan,Tavi,Linka,Goldsand,Alexander,Inca,Cifut,Al-Yamani,Al-Shemmari,Arsch,Barber,Béarn. Erbler,Bacsó,Fasi,Herein,Herédy,Dubovsky,Kulowski,Greif,Makarenko,Kaleva,Karelin and more !
Balázs Déri