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Teomim-Fraenkel Genealogy and Teomim-Fraenkel Family History Information

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  • R' Joshua Feiwel Teomim-Fraenkel, Dayan and Rabbinical Assessor in Chodziesen (Kolmar) (c.1782 - 1840)
    (Rabbi) Joshua Feiwel Teomim-Fraenkel, b. Lissa, c1782; d. at Chodziesen, Kolmar, Posen [Poland], 1840. He was a well-known Rabbi, Rabbinical Assessor, and Dayan at Chodziesen for many years. According...
  • Rabbi Moses Aharon Teomim-Fraenkel (b. - bef.1600)
    "Die Familie Teomim", by Leopold Lowenstein: "Moshe Aron Lamel Teomim Frankel in Prague, nicknamed Aron Munk, who died around the middle of the 16th century; his wife Rifka Stern was the daughter of Is...
  • Nechama Ashkenazi (Teomim) (c.1563 - 1601)
    384 harabbanit Nechama nkra Nachle bt Moshe Ahron Theomim 1601 [e%E2%80%99 Ahron Moses Aschkenasi Munk] 1913-1996- Eger Family Association- pg. 3 כתובות בית העלמין היהודי בפראג- page 294
  • Rivkah Teomim (Horowitz) (b. - 1572)
    Megillat Eivah which is written in Rashi script: “....from the mouth of a great man of the holy community of Krakau, one of the princes of Israel, wise in Torah and worldly? things? manhig and one of t...

About the Teomim-Fraenkel surname

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