There are already 22 users and 504 genealogy profiles with the Thunder surname on Geni. Explore Thunder genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Alma was a Lakota Sioux woman (possibly of the Blackfeet aka Niitsitapi tribe)
Alma was born c. 1867 to a white father named John Ramsey and an Indian mother named Owohenonpawin Ramsey (T...
Cetan Wakiyan, Chief Thunderhawk
"Though little is written about Chief Thunderhawk, it is known that as a young man, he was a companion of Sitting Bull, and a warrior of prominence. Since...
Cetan Wakiyan 'John' Thunder Hawk was a Lakota Sioux man (Hunkpapa tribe)
Thunder Hawk, Hunkpapa, 1872, by Alexander Gardner
Cetan Wakiyan, Chief Thunderhawk
Though little is written about Chief ...
Alot of my Thunder family are from a fishing village outside Dublin call Howth
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