Rabbi Elijah Solomon Horowitz-Winograd, of Lida
(1842 - 1878)
Rosenstein, Neil (2016). The Unbroken Chain, Vol III, page 43 - listed as "Elijah (Iliya/Eliya) Solomon Winograd
Yavnin, Samule (1882). Nachalat Olamim . Warsaw: Hebrewbooks.org. p. 95 (transcription...
Theodo II, duke of Bavaria
(c.625 - 716)
Theodo (about 625 – 11 December c. 716), also known as Theodo V and Theodo II , was the Duke of Bavaria from 670 or, more probably, 680 to his death. It is with Theodo that the well-sourced history...
Geoffrey Talbot, of Swanscombe
(c.1075 - 1130)
Lineage of the Talbot family from Le Sire Talebot 1066 to and including Peter Talbot of Dorchester, and Roger Talbot of Boston, Massachusetts by Talbot, Archie Lee, 1846- [from old catalog...
Friedrich Wilhelm von Sivers
(1748 - 1823)
Юлиус Готфрид Зигмунд (Julius Gottfried Siegmund) (1828-1909)
Портрет Фридриха Вильгельма Сиверса Wilhelm (1748–1823)
Холст, масло
Музей истории Риги и мореплавания
Фёдор Фёдорович Сиверс (Frie...
R' Naftali Zvi Horowitz, Admor Ropczyce
(1760 - 1827)
from Wikipedia Rabbi Naftali Tzvi Horowitz of Ropczyce (1760–1827) was born on the day that the Baal Shem Tov died, to Rabbi Menachem Mendel Rubin of Linsk. His mother Beila was the daughter of Rabbi Y...
Margaret Fleming
(c.1528 - 1586)
MARGARET FLEMING, COUNTESS OF ATHOLL Evidence from the National Records of Scotland 1
7 September 1579: Vicecomes respondebit pro £64 de relevio omnium et singularum TERRARUM ET BARONIE DE RETTRAY, c...
Agda Persdotter
(c.1530 - 1577)
Agda "Caritas" Persdotter=* AGDA PERSDOTTER or Agda i Porten, (d. after 1565), was a Swedish woman, main royal mistress of King Eric XIV of Sweden during his time as a Crown Prince and during the first...
Francois Joubert
(bef.1706 - c.1761)
Baptism 1706 says Elizabeth not Francois Pierre Joubert * Lamotte d'Aigues in die Franse provinsie, Provence c. 1664 † 30.6.1732 a. met die boot Berg China wat Rotterdam op 20.3.1688 verlaat en op 4.8....
Carl Anton Rachor
(1910 - 1975)
Bad Schwalbach hies bis 1927 Langenschwalbach
Mitgliedsnummer der NSDAP: 93952 Rachor, Carl
Rachor trat der NSDAP (Mitgliedsnummer 93.952) und der SS (Mitgliedsnummer 18.753) bei, in der er mit dem ...
Moses Skipper
(c.1720 - 1811)
We know that Moses ended up in Brunswick County because of his will, but do we have a source for his birthplace? I can find none. He may have been born in Cheroenhaka/Nottaway lands. Will of Moses Skip...
Johann Hansz Kotze
(1652 - 1712)
"B" generation established in accordance with research done by Scott H. Kotze (Hans Jurgen Kotze - Die verlore seun), and which was published in GENESIS Edition 39 of 31 Mei 2013, p13-16. Sources used ...
Allen Tate
(1899 - 1979)
John Orley Allen Tate (November 19, 1899 – February 9, 1979), known professionally as Allen Tate, was an American poet, essayist, social commentator, and Poet Laureate from 1943 to 1944.
Ansculf (Anscough) de Picquigny
(c.1014 - 1071)
Ansculf of Dudley held Newport [Pagnell] in 1086 in Buckinghamshire,. He was the Domesday tenant of lands in several counties in 1086. He held Dudley in 1086 in Worcestershire.See "My Lines" ( ) from C...
 Trudy Nisbet originally shared this on 06 Sep 2010 via Ancestry.com.
Mary Coldicutt
(1834 - 1894)
Residence : Broadway Chappel Street, Great* Residence : 1841 - St Margaret, Westminster, Middlesex, England, United Kingdom** Reference: FamilySearch Family Tree - SmartCopy : Mar 10 2025, 6:48:53 UTC ...
Eleonor I, reina de Navarra
(1425 - 1479)
Eleanor of NavarreFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaEleanor of Aragon (Spanish: Leonor) (1425-Tudela, 1479), Regent (1455-1479) and the queen regnant (1479) of Navarre.She was the third and youngest...
Agnes Bent
(1570 - 1639)
She died about June 1639 on ship "Jonathan" to America (Bent Family in America, Bent, 1900, pp. 11-13)She followed her son to America and died in May or June 1639, on board the ship 'Jonathan' just out...
Irwin Goodman
(1943 - 1991)
Irwin Goodman (oikealta nimeltään Antti Yrjö Hammarberg , 14. syyskuuta 1943 Hämeenlinna – 14. tammikuuta 1991 Hamina) oli suomalainen laulaja ja säveltäjä. Hänen tyylisuuntansa vaihteli puoliakustises...
Nancy Lincoln
(1784 - 1818)
[Living Lincoln]
Id just like to point out that Nancy Hanks was Thomas Lincoln's first cousin by marriage. her aunt mary Shipley married mordecia Lincoln and her mothe...
Elizabeth Roberts
(1798 - 1875)
Census : 1841 - Botallack, St Just, Cornwall, England** Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Oct 7 2021, 6:09:00 UTC
Louis I le Boiteux, duc de Bourbon
(1279 - 1342)
Louis was born in Clermont-en-Beauvaisis, the son of Robert, Count of Clermont, and a grandson of King Louis IX of France. Louis' mother was Beatrix of Burgundy, heiress of Bourbon and a granddaughter ...
Sir Henry "Harry" Stradling
(1423 - 1477)
See Peter Bartrum, Stradling 2 (May 5, 2024; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Peter Bartrum, Stradling 1 (May 4, 2024; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 1, 2018; Anne Brannen, curator)
Elizabeth Vaux
(1465 - bef.1508)
From thePeerage.com:
Elizabeth FitzHugh was the daughter of Henry FitzHugh, 5th Baron FitzHugh and Alice Neville. She married Sir William Parr, son of Sir Thomas Parr and Alice Tunstall. She died be...
Gautier Giffard I, Seigneur de Longueville
(c.1010 - 1084)
Gautier-Giffard 1er (Walter Giffard I), Seigneur de Longueville
Companion Of William The Conqueror At The Battle Of Hastings; contributed 60 ships towards the invasion of England in 1066. He ...
Bengt Jönsson Blåfield
(c.1440 - aft.1479)
Adelsvapen Bengt Jönsson. Väpnare. Borgare i Åbo . Adlad 1476-11-12 av riksföreståndaren Sten Sture. Han gav 1479 med sin hustrus samtycke Puotus gods i Nousis socken till Nädendals kloster mot ett ste...
Henry Percy, 3rd Earl of Northumberland
(bef.1421 - 1461)
HAS WRONG DAUGHTER ELEANOR LINKED, HER PAGE SAYS DAU. OF MAUD (HERBERT) & HENRY PERCY 4TH EARL)==Henry Percy, 3rd Earl of Northumberland== Henry Percy, 3rd Earl of Northumberland, (25 July 1421 – 29 Ma...
Arnulf III, count of Boulogne
(c.942 - 990)
NOTE: As of September 2022, Medlands does not support this profile belonging to presently linked parentage.
Arnulf III of Boulogne (- 990) was a son of Arnulf II, Count of B...
Ermengarde de Beaumont, Queen of Scotland
(c.1142 - 1233)
Ermengarde de BeaumontFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaErmengarde de Beaumont was Queen Consort of the Kingdom of Scotland.Ermengarde was born c. 1170 to Richard I, Viscount de Beaumont and his wif...
Joan, Countess of Kent
(1328 - 1385)
Joan, The Fair Maid of Kent, Countess of Kent, Princess of Wales, Baroness Woodstock and Baroness Wake of Liddell suo iure, Princess of Aquitaine, and Countess of Salisbury.
Joan, Countess of Kent ...
Helewise de Glanville, Lady of Middleham
(1148 - 1194)
Robert TAILBOYSBorn: ABT 1158Died: ABT 1185Father: Ralph TAILBOYSMother: Agatha BRUCEMarried: Helewise GLANVILLEChildren:1. Ranulf TAILBOYS Helewise, mar. Robert fitz Ralph (d. 1184-5), lord of Middleh...
King Gudraud "the old", of Hedmark
Gudrød den gamle' av Hedmark Han var sønn til kong Sølve. Gudrødskone er ukjent, de hadde datteren Hild"Raum den gamle fikk senere Hild, datter til Gudrød den gamle, sønn til kong Sølve, som først rydd...
Marie de Champagne
(1174 - 1204)
Baldwin I of ConstantinopleFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaIn 1186, the younger Baldwin married Marie of Champagne, daughter of count Henry I of Champagne. The chronicler Gislebert describes Baldw...
 Unknown artist Via National Library of Scotland https://digital.nls.uk/histories-of-scottish-families/archive/95281... Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Archibald Douglas, 5th Earl of Douglas
(c.1390 - 1439)
[ ] M, #108096, b. 1390, d. 26 June 1439 Archibald Douglas, 5th Earl of Douglas was born in 1390.1 He was the son of Archibald Douglas, 4th Earl of Douglas and Margaret Stewart, Lady of Galloway .2 He ...
Thomas Patton, Jr.
(1786 - 1856)
Thomas is the son of Margret Horine
Władysław II the Exile, High Duke of Poland
(1105 - 1159)
ładysław II Wygnaniec (ur. 1105, zm. 30 maja 1159) – książę zwierzchni polski , krakowski , sandomierski , wschodniej Wielkopolski , kujawski , śląski i zwierzchni pomorski w latach 1138-1146.
Sir Hugh le Despenser of Ryhall
(1223 - 1265)
Hugh le Despencer, 1st Baron le Despencer (1223 – 4 August 1265) was an important ally of Simon de Montfort during the reign of Henry III. He served briefly as Justiciar of England in 1260 and as Const...
Maria Josepha Luise Philippine Elisabeth Pia Angelika Margarete von Sachsen, Erzherzogin von Österreich
(1867 - 1944)
Full nameGerman: Maria Josepha Luise Philippine Elisabeth Pia Angelika MargareteArchduchess and Princess Maria Josepha of Austria; Princess Maria Josepha of Hungary, Bohemia, and Tuscany==Links:==* The...
Magnus VI Haakonsson, king of Norway
(1238 - 1280)
Tysk slektsinfo
Dansk slektsoppstilling
Store Norske Leksikon Magnus Lagabøte
Magnus 6 Lagabøte, født 1238, død 1280, født i Tønsberg, konge 1263–80, sønn av Håkon 4 Håkonsso...
Sanna Marin
Sanna Mirella Marin (Finnish pronunciation: [ ˈsɑnːɑ ˈmirelːɑ ˈmɑriːn ]; born 16 November 1985) is a Finnish former politician who served as prime minister of Finland from 2019 to 2023 and as the leade...
Adard de Loches
(830 - 864)
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy: ADALHARD . m ---. The name of Adalhard's wife is not known. Adalhard & his wife had two children: 1. Garnier (married Tescenda)2. Adalhard (became a Bishop)T...
Christian X, King of Denmark and Iceland
(1870 - 1947)
Name/title: Christian Carl Frederik Albert Alexander Vilhelm of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, Prince(Prins) of Danmark*King(Konge) Christian X of Denmark and Iceland 15. maj 1912 - 20. apri...
Maximilian IV (I) Joseph von der Pfalz-Zweibrücken, König zu Bayern
(1756 - 1825)
Golden Fleece - Knights: Austrian Branch === Links: * The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia: English Deutsch * Johann the Younger #626 * Elector of Bavaria Reign 1 April 1795 – 26 December 1805
Alfred Carl Böhm
(1874 - 1942)
Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:
Boehm, Alfred
geboren am 04. Dezember 1874
in Breslau/Schlesien
wohnhaft in Breslau
ab Breslau
30. August 1942, Theresienstadt, Gh...
Elizabeth Joan Grau
Elizabeth (Trump) Grau is an older sister of Donald Trump. In 1989, she married film producer James Grau. She worked as an administrative assistant for Chase Manhattan Bank before retiring to Florida. ...
Amadeus, Comte de Oscheret von Ivrea von Langres von Dijon, Conde Borgoña Italia
(c.790 - c.867)
- , son of --- (-after 827). He owned land as vassal of the abbey of Saint-Bénigne, and land at Lecey as vassal of the bishop of Langres. m ---. The identity of the wife of Amedée is not known. Amedée ...
Robert FitzHarold de Ewyas, I
(1088 - 1147)
Robert FitzHarold de Ewyas=* Son of Harold de Ewyas I, Lord of Ewyas and Maud d'Avranche b. circa 1088, d. after 1147Robert I FitzHarold, Lord of Ewyas Harold|b. c 1088\nd. a 1147|p367.htm#i6987|Harold...
D. Pedro I do Brasil e IV de Portugal
(1798 - 1834)
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia Pedro I do Brasil e IV de Portugal , cujo nome completo era Pedro de Alcântara Francisco António João Carlos Xavier de Paula Miguel Rafael Joaquim José Gonza...
Robert II de Ewyas, Baron of Ewyas Harold
(c.1125 - c.1195)
Robert II de Ewyas, Baron of Ewyas Harold=* Son of Robert FitzHarold de Ewyas and Sybilla NN b. circa 1125, d. 1198Robert II, Lord of Ewyas Harold|b. c 1125\nd. 1198|p381.htm#i6915|Robert I FitzHarold,...
Lambert I, marchese and duke of Spoleto
(b. - 836)
- /!\[ENG]/!\- , son of WIDO Comte et Marquis de Nantes & his wife --- (-Ticino 30 Dec 836). The primary source which confirms the parentage of Lambert has not yet been identified. He succeeded as Coun...
Sybil de Neufmarché
(1096 - 1143)
Sybil de Neufmarché was sole heiress of Bernard de Newmarch.
Sybil was our ancestor through three distinct descent lines--through her daughter Bertha, through her daughter Lucia, and through her daugh...
Robert Fossard
(c.1138 - 1194)
Patrick James Kennedy, II
(c.1770 - c.1835)
N.N. Hay, Heiress of Locherworth
(1362 - bef.1390)
Daughter of Sir Thomas Hay of Lochorwart ===Family the Peerage.com has no name for the wife or wives of Sir William Borthwick, 1st of Borthwick.His children #Margaret Borthwick+2 married 1) William Abe...
William MacLeod
(c.1803 - 1869)
Biography William MacLeod was born about 1803 at Back, Parish of Stornoway, Ross-shire, Scotland, and died 12 November 1869 in Vatisker, Parish of Stornoway, Ross-shire, Scotland. He was the son of Ken...
Hannu Laurinpoika Osara
(c.1560 - c.1601)
Ratsutilallinen, Satakunnan jalkaväen vänrikki. Osara, Hämeenkyrö. Rusthållare. Osara, fänrik vid Satakunda infanteri. Tavastkyro, Finland. 'Maintaining Farmer, Second Lieutenant with Satakunta Infantr...
Henry the Young King
(1155 - 1183)
Henry, known as the Young King (28 February 1155 – 11 June 1183) was the second of five sons of King Henry II of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine. He was junior King of England, Duke of Normandy, Count...
Mary Washington
(1708 - 1789)
A Patriot of the American Revolution for VIRGINIA. DAR Ancestor #: A121971
Mary Ball was the mother of President George Washington. The father of our country.
Mary Ball Washington
Mary Ball Was...
Margaret de Arundell
(c.1379 - 1424)
Primary SourcesLicence to celebrate Divine Service in Domestick Chapels or Oratories, granted to - Sir John Greynevyll, knt., Margaret his wife, and Joan their daughter (22 May, 1400) Source: The regis...
Enguerrand I, "Isembart" comte de Ponthieu
(aft.970 - 1046)
Medlands (30 Mar 2023) "Northern France: Amiens, Montreuil, Ponthieu"
" ENGUERRAND (-1045, bur Saint-Riquier). The Chronique de Saint Riquier names "Angelran" as son of Hugues, commenting that he c...
Ida, king of Bernicia
(c.515 - c.560)
Bede's Ecclesiastical History ==In the year 547, Ida began to reign; he was the founder of the royal family of the Northumbrians, and he reigned twelve years.== Anglo-Saxon Chronicle ==A.D. 547. This y...
Katri Helena Kalaoja
Katri Helenalla ei ollut lasta Turusen kanssa. Katri oli naimisissa Timo Veikko Kalaojan kanssa,s. 21.5.1946, k. 6.6.1988 Keuruu Heillä oli lapset: Hanna s. 1974, Juha s. 1976 k. 2009 ja Maija s. 1977....
Mathilde von Sachsen
(c.920 - d.)
Eleanor Neville, Countess of Northumberland
(1397 - 1472)
Eleanor Percy, Countess of Northumberland== Lady Eleanor Neville (c. 1397 – 1472)[1] was the second daughter of Ralph de Neville, 1st Earl of Westmorland (died 1425), by his second wife, Joan Beaufort,...
Richard Power, 1st Earl of Tyrone
(1630 - 1690)
Bela IV, king of Hungary and Croatia
(aft.1205 - 1270)
ÉLA IV 1235-1270, BÉLA V 1304-1308BÉLA, son of ANDRÁS II King of Hungary & his first wife Gertrud von Andechs-Merano (Nov 1206-Margaret Island, near Buda 2/3 May 1270, bur Esztergom). The Chronicon Dub...
Gerhard I, count Wassenberg
(c.980 - c.1042)
van Gerard I van WASSENBERGI.1 Graaf Gerard I van WASSENBERG (Flamens), geboren ca. 985, overleden na 1033, waarschijnlijk 1021 door keizer Hendrik II met Wassenberg beleend, zijn broer Rutger I wordt ...
Maredudd ab Owain, King of Deheubarth
(c.950 - 999)
See Peter Bartrum, (May 27, 2018; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Royal Family of Powys - Powys Succession after 823; . (Steven Ferry, October 15, 2019.)
Please see Darrell Wol...
Pope John Paul I
(1912 - 1978)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Pope John Paul I (Latin: Ioannes Paulus PP. I, Italian: Giovanni Paolo I), born Albino Luciani (Italian pronunciation: [al%CB%88bino luˈtʃani]; 17 October 1912 – 2...
Ludwig I. von Liegnitz
(c.1317 - c.1398)
Ludwik I brzeski (Sprawiedliwy, Roztropny, Prawy) – książę namysłowski (1338-1342) i legnicki (1342-1345 z bratem Wacławem I, 1345-1346 w wyniku podziału w Legnicy), w latach 1346-1348/1349 bez przydzi...
Hrothgar Halfdansson, Scylding King of Roskilde Denmark
(c.527 - c.620)
Beowulf och Hleidargardur
Hroðgar, Hrothgar, Hróarr, Hroar, Roar, Roas or Ro was a legendary Danish king, living in the early 6th century.
A Danish king Hroðgar appears in the Anglo-Saxon epics ...
Haakon VII, King of Norway
(1872 - 1957)
Haakon VII of Norway= Haakon VII , born Christian Frederik Carl Georg Valdemar Axel , known as Prince Carl of Denmark until 1905, was a Danish prince who became the first king of Norway after the 1905 ...
Enguerrand de Ponthieu, II, Comte de Ponthieu, Comte de Montreuil, Sire d'Aumale
(1030 - 1053)
concerns== Stirnet's "Ponthieu1" page does not mention this Enguerrand.==brief biography==Count of PonthieuCount of MontreuilLord of Aumalejure uxoris Lord of Aumale from about the time of his marriage...
Kongsønn Bjørn Haraldsen Ironside
(1100 - 1134)
örn Ironside Haraldsson was one of Harald Kesja's 15 sons. Björn married Katarina Ingesdotter the daughter of King Inge I of Sweden. Björn was the father of Christina Bjornsdatter, a Swedish queen. Bjø...
Gloyw Gwallt Hir ap Rhuddfedd
(c.280 - d.)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 6, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Darrell Wolcott, "Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees," -- for help in untangling these lines. (May 18, 2016, Anne Brannen, ...
Ragenold (Renaud) I de Rheims 1st conde palatin, Comte de Roucy and de Rheims
(c.931 - 967)
LANDS Two brothers, parents not known. 1. RAGENOLD [Renaud] (circa 931-10 May 967, bur Abbaye de Saint-Rémy). A Viking, he may have been installed originally as military chief at Reims after Artaud was...
Joseph Stout, Jr.
(aft.1720 - bef.1770)
From Meigs County, Ohio, Genealogy Trails: Stout, *son of Col. Joseph and Ruth (Horner) Stout, was born at Hopewell, New Jersey sometime in the 1720s. *He lived all of his life at Hopewell, but with sh...
Juana De Mendoza y Ayala, La Ricahembra
(1360 - 1431)
Una hija de Pedro González de Mendoza y Aldonza de Ayala, se llamó Juana Mendoza y era conocida como la Rica Hembra, pues a pesar de tener otros once hermanos sus padres la mejoraron a ella. Se casó co...
Ranulph I de Bayeux, Vicomte du Bessin
(1017 - 1047)
(-killed in battle Val-es-Dunes 1047) son of Anschitil. Guillaume II Duke of Normandy donated "nostras insulas Serc et Aurrene, propter medietatem Grenere" to the abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel, supported ...
 Photo by Eneas De Troya. CC BY 2.0. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sheinbaum_Abril_2024.jpg
Claudia Sheinbaum - Presidente de México
Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo is a Mexican politician, scientist, and academic who is serving as the 66th president of Mexico since October 2024, the first female and Jewish person to be elected to the posit...
Agnès d'Évreux, Comtesse d'Evreux
(1030 - 1116)
Agnès was the daughter of Richard d'Evreux and Godechilde (widow of Roger "de Conches" de Tosny), so she was raised as a younger sister of the de Tosny children. She married Simon I de Montfort, Seigne...
Urb mac Áeda, King of Brycheiniog
(c.310 - c.407)
It is possible that Urb mac Áeda existed;
his supposed father, however, was legendary; his profile can be found here: Aed Brosc (The Expulsion of the Déisi)
Born cca 280. ??? 380???
Eric Khaled Saade
Eric Khaled Saade (Arabic: إريك خالد سعادة; born 29 October 1990) is a Swedish singer-songwriter. He spent two years with the boy band What's Up!, leaving the band in February 2009 to pursue a solo ...
Joosep Kristenbrun
(1839 - 1917)
Käsmu purjelaevastiku grand old man Joosep Kristenbrun sündis 7. veebruaril, 1839.a. Käsmus kõige suurem laevaomanik ümbruskonnas. Laevade ehitaja, Käsmu merekooli asutajaid ja hoolekandekomitee kaua-a...
Ivo FitzForne of Greystoke
(c.1080 - c.1156)
The only mention of Ivo FitzForne of Greystoke in the Medieval Lands Database is a reference to the marriage of his daughter Alice to Edgar, son of Gospatrick of Northumberland. This also provides his ...
Randver Rádbardsson, {Mythical King of Sweden and Denmark}
(670 - 730)
Father: Radbart of Gardarike
Mother: Aud the Deep-minded
Wife: Inghild, daugher of an unnamed Swedish king
Sigurd Ring, king in Denmark
Sources Followed sou...
Isabella de Mortimer, Countess of Arundel
(1248 - bef.1292)
Reference: WikiTree Genealogy - SmartCopy : Oct 1 2016, 4:55:25 UTC
Alice Cooke
(1478 - 1517)
Origins At the time of her marriage to William Cope, Jane Spencer was the widow of William Saunders (died c.1493), by whom she had four daughters,#Anne,#Isabel,#Joyce and#Alice.[10]===References * Will...
Charles de France, duc de Basse-Lotharingie
(953 - 991)
CHARLES (Laon summer 953-in prison Orléans 12 Jun 991, bur 1001 Maastricht, St Servatius)
Twin of Henri
s/o LOUIS IV "d'Outremer" King of the Franks & Gerberga of Germany
x ADELAIS de Troyes d/o ROBE...
Robert Coleman
(c.1710 - bef.1793)
A Patriot of the American Revolution for VIRGINIA. DAR Ancestor # A203840
ROBERT COLEMAN of Spotsylvania & Culpeper Cos.
b. 1710
d. Will dtd. 5 or 25 Sep 1793, admitted to probate 16 Dec 179...
Sir Roger Clifford, Kt.
(1244 - 1282)
Roger de Clifford was born circa 1243 at Clifford Castle, Herefordshire, England.2 He was the son of Roger de Clifford and Hawise Botterell.2 He married Isabel de Vipont, daughter of Robert de Vipont a...
Albert, Comte de Namur
(950 - 1011)
EN Albert I, Count of Namur
FR Albert Ier de Namur
NL Albert I van Namen
DE Albert I. Namur
MedLands ALBERT I Comte de Namur (-shortly before 1011)
s/o ROBERT [I] Cte de Namur
Henry Sinclair, 2nd Earl of Orkney
(c.1375 - 1420)
Henry Sinclair, 2nd Earl of Orkney (c. 1375 – 1422) was a Norwegian nobleman and Pantler of Scotland.[1]
He was son of Henry Sinclair, 1st Earl of Orkney by his wife Jean, daughter of John Halyburton ...
Casimir IV Jagiellon, King of Poland
(1427 - 1492)
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia: English Polska * Grand Duke of Lithuania: Reign 29 June 1440 – 7 June 1492 Coronation 29 June 1440 in Vilnius Cathedral > Predecessor: Sigismund Kęstutait...
Sancho Garcés, 1er. Rey de Pamplona
(865 - 925)
Sancho Garcés I (Basque: Antso Ia. Gartzez; c. 860 – 10 December 925),[1] also known as Sancho I, was king of Pamplona from 905 until 925. He was the son of García Jiménez and was the first king of P...
Anna Porphyrogenita
(963 - 1011)
Do not confuse with Anna Porhyrogenita , daughter of Basil I, nicknamed "the Macedonian" (811 – 29 August 886), who was Byzantine emperor from 867 to 886.
Anna Porphyrogeneta, daughter of Empero...
Alexandra Feodorovna (Charlotte of Prussia), Empress consort of All the Russias
(1798 - 1860)
Name/title: Princess Frederica Louise Charlotte Wilhelmina of Prussia*By Marriage: Alexandra/Александра Feodorovna/Фёдоровна Empress consort of All the Russias/императрица Российской империи==Links:==*...
Jochi, Khan of the Ulus of Jochi
(c.1181 - 1227)
Mongol king maker
Jochi /Djuchi Khan was the eldest son of Genghis Khan, second child in the family - he had one older sister Fudjin-Beghi.
************* Jochi Khan (Mongolian: Зүчи, Züchi, Crimea...
Bernard Plantapilosa, Count of Toulouse
(841 - bef.886)
Bernard II Plantevelue Comte d'Auvergne 1
Alias: Bernard Comte d'Autun
Born: 22 MAR 840/41 in Uzes, Languedoc, France 2
Died: 886 in Autun, Saone-et-Loire, Bourgogne, France 1
Father: Bernar...
Herman II, duke of Swabia
(960 - 1003)
(-2/3 May 1003). * The Annales Einsidlenses record the death in 997 of "Chuonradus dux" and the succession of "Herimannus filius eius in ducatum"[123]. The Annalista Saxo (apparently incorrectly) recor...
Hugh de Mortimer
(c.1090 - c.1142)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Shropshire Walcot Family - Chart X: Mortimer Family; . (Steven Ferry, May 6 , 2020.)www.celtic-casimir.comHugh DE MORTIMER Lord of Wigmore Born: Abt 1100, Wigmore, Here...
Nicketti Hughes, Person of legend
(c.1625 - aft.1720)
According to a story first published in 1895 Trader Hughes was the first permanent White settler in Amherst County, Virginia. He and his Indian wife Nicketti established a trading post on the north sid...