Heikki Silvennoinen
(1954 - 2024)
Heikki Johannes Silvennoinen (27. huhtikuuta 1954 Sääminki – 18. joulukuuta 2024 Pälkäne) oli suomalainen näyttelijä, käsikirjoittaja, kitaristi, laulaja ja lauluntekijä.
Rockyhtye Tabula Rasassa 1972...
Maurice le Boteler
(c.1185 - 1237)
Boteler1M, #14644Father Ralph Boteler1Note* He was one of the justices of assize for Warwickshire and a commissioner for assessing and collecting the 14th part of all men's moveable goods. 13 and 15 H...
Vasilisa Maria of Moldavia Vasilisa Maria of Moldavia
(c.1394 - 1462)
Fulcois, Seigneur de Nogent-le-Rotrou. Comte de Mortagne
(965 - 1031)
Fulcois Perche =From Wikipedia (Translated from French) or Fulcuich was probably Count of Mortagne at the end of x th century . Certainties He is quoted as Count in a donation made to 1051 / 60 by Ro...
Olev Subbi
(1930 - 2013)
Olev Subbi (7. märts 1930 Tartu – 19. august 2013) oli eesti kunstnik.* Eestikeelne Vikipeedia * Eesti kommunismiohvrid 1940–1991 * *
Burkhard III, Burggraf von Magdeburg-Querfurt
(1136 - 1177)
from v4.2 Updated 15 June 2020BURCHARD [III] (-[1177/78]). ["Nobiles: Burchardus comes Magdeburgensis civitatis et Burchardus filius eius...” witnessed the charter dated 19 Jun 1155 under which Wichman...
 Soppakanuuna [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)]
Miitta Sorvali
Mariitta ”Miitta” Sisko Sorvali (o.s. Nortia, s. 10. helmikuuta 1956 Kitee) on suomalainen Jussi-palkittu näyttelijä, joka on esiintynyt erityisesti teatteri- ja televisiorooleissa.
Vuonna 2020 Sorval...
Custennin ap Cadwy, High King Of Britain
(525 - 589)
Heiman Gosschalk
(1866 - 1943)
Heiman Gosschalk* Netherlands, Civil Births, 1811-1915* Birth: Sep 14 1866 - Deventer, Overijssel, Netherlands* Parents: Samuel Gosschalk, Marianne SnatagerHeiman Gosschalk* Netherlands, Civil Marriage...
Marie Catherine Laveau, Voodoo Priestess
(c.1801 - c.1881)
American Folk Figure. Known to history and popular lore as a legendary “Voodoo Priestess”, the details of her life have proven to historians as elusive and ambiguous. In the nineteenth century, s...
Lothar II, von Stade
(b. - 929)
LOTHAR [I] von Stade, son of --- (-killed in battle near Ebstorf 2 Feb 880). Graf von Stade. The Gesta Francorum lists "Liutharium" as one of the twelve counts who were killed fighting the Danes in 880...
Gertrude of Saxony, Countess of Flanders
(c.1031 - 1113)
Gertrud of Saxony (Schweinfurt around 1030 - Veurne 4 Aug 1113, bur Veurne) Parents: Bernard (after 990-29 Jun 1059, bur Lüneburg St Michael) m [1020]%29 Eilika von Schweinfurt
x ([1050]) Floris I Cou...
Jacob Frederick Eisenhower
(1826 - 1906)
Profile picture for Jacob Eisenhower (1826-1906). Eisenhower Ancestral Home at 530 west main Streeet, Elizabethville. Built in 1854 by Jacob Frederick Eisenhower, grandfather of Dwight David eisenhower...
Rev. Christian Meyer Funk, Sr.
(1731 - 1811)
Rev. Christian Meyer Funk, Sr
Father: Henry \ Heinrich Funck \ Funk , Jr b: in Germany (the Palatinate) or Holland & Mother: Anna Christina Meyer b: ABT 1707 in what is now Montgomery Co, PA
FUNK, ...
Maila Nurmi
(1922 - 2008)
Birth Certificate
Maila Elizabeth Syrjäniemi , alias Maila Nurmi was a Finnish-American actress and television personality who created the campy 1950s character Vampira .
The daughter of a Finni...
Björn Wahlroos
Salo, Finland
Björn Arne Christer Wahlroos (1952-) is the Chairman of the Board and a major stockholder in Nordea Bank , Sampo Group , and UPM-Kymmene . Because of his position of three major companies, he has been ...
James Monroe, 5th President of the USA
(1758 - 1831)
A Patriot of the American Revolution for VIRGINIA with the rank of LIEUTENANT COLONEL. DAR Ancestor #: A081100 "The day after Christmas in 1811, hundreds of Virginia’s most prominent citizens thronged ...
Andrew Jackson, 7th President of the USA
(1767 - 1845)
1. ANDREW JACKSON, JR., b. 15 Mar. 1767, Waxhaws, South Carolina—d. 8 Jun. 1845, Nashville, Davidson Co. Tennessee; m. Aug. 1791, Natchez, Mississippi (re-m. 17 Jan. 1794, Nashville), to Rachel Donelso...
Ranulf II de Poitiers, Comte de Poitou, Duc d'Aquitaine
(c.850 - aft.892)
RAMNULF [Rainulf] ([815]-killed in battle near Brissarthe Oct 866). He was installed as RAINULF I Comte de Poitou in [839]. >m ([845]%29 [ NN du Maine ] --- du Maine, daughter of RORICO [I] Comte du Ma...
Mary of Guelders, Queen consort of Scotland
(1433 - 1463)
Wikipedia links: Български , Deutsch , English , Español , Français , עברית , Italiano , 日本語 , Nederlands , Norsk (bokmål) , Português , Русский , Svenska
Maud of Gloucester (FitzRobert), Countess of Chester
(1120 - 1189)
of Gloucester, Countess of Chester (died 29 July 1190), also known as Maud FitzRobert, was an Anglo-Norman noblewoman, and the daughter of Robert, 1st Earl of Gloucester, an illegitimate son of King He...
Thorgils Sprakalägg
(c.970 - d.)
Thorgils Torgils
Earl of Wessex
Var son till Styrbjörn och Tyra
Att det står enbart Björn är fel och inte ok 3 historiker får dessa 2 till hans föräldrar.
Läs noga tydligen kan inte personer över...
Christian IX, king of Denmark
(1818 - 1906)
The first king of the Glücksburg branch, familie Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, on the danish throne.Valgsprog: Med Gud for ære og ret==Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Kings of Denmark * B...
Mikael Agricola
(c.1507 - 1557)
Olavi Agricola, född cirka 1507[1] i Torsby i Pernå socken i östra Nyland, död 9 april 1557 i Nykyrka socken nära Viborg, var reformator för Finland, biskop i Åbo stift (då halva Finland), rektor för Å...
Lady Margaret Drummond
(1475 - 1501)
Woody Johnson
New York, New York, United States
Robert Wood Johnson IV, nicknamed Woody Johnson, is the owner of the National Football League's New York Jets. He bought the Jets from the estate of Leon Hess in 2000. Johnson purchased the team for $6...
Eudes "Odo", comte d'Orléans
(c.780 - 834)
EUDES ([770/80]-killed in battle [Touraine] Jun 834). His birth date is estimated on the assumption that he was already mature when named for the first time in 810/11, but bearing in mind h...
Jāzeps Rancāns
(1886 - 1969)
Dzimšana. Kristības. Aizludzas dekanāts, Nautrēnu RK draudze, 1886/183.
Miršana. Jāzeps Pēteris Rancāns. Dzimšana 1886. gada 25. oktobris Latvija. Nāve 1969. gada 3. decembris (83 gadu vec...
Magdalena Johansdotter Lithovius
(c.1595 - 1664)
Magdalena Johantytär Limingius s. 1595, k. jälkeen 1644. Eli leskenä Oulussa 1653. - Puoliso Hannu Petterinpoika Houru s. 1591, k. Oulu noin 1644. Kauppias Oulussa, kirkonisäntä, porvari, Oulujoen nimi...
Maria Magdalena Margaretha Ferreira, SM
(1733 - 1815)
Ignatio Leopold Ferreira * Portugal c. 1696, skipbreukeling v.d. Britse skip Chandos wat op 16 Junie 1722 in Valsbaai sink, tree eers in diens v.d. VOC maar word burger in 1737 en boer op die plaas De ...
Småkonge Skoglar Toste
(c.909 - 975)
Skoglar Toste:==Viking leader from Vastergotland ==Project MedLands, Sweden Kings== KINGS of SWEDEN 1060-[1111] (FAMILY of STENKIL) Skoglar" TOSTE, son of ---. In Svithjod. Snorre records that Harald "...
Fulk II, Count of Anjou
(909 - 960)
II 'le Bon' Comte d'Anjou = LINKS LANDS FOULQUES d'Anjou, son of FOULQUES I "le Roux" Comte d'Anjou & his wife Roscille de "Loches" ([920]-11 Nov 958). The Gesta Consulum Andegavorum names "Fulco Rufus...
Pharamond, king of the Franks {Legendary}
(b. - bef.430)
Pharamond or Faramund (c. 370 - c. 427) is probably legendary rather than historical. Although he is often called the first king of the Salian Franks, he was first mentioned in the anonymous 8th centur...
Eero Järnefelt
(1863 - 1937)
Kirkollisasiaintoimituskunnan arkisto > Diarioimattomat saapuneet asiakirjat > Valtion matka-apurahoja saaneiden taiteilijoiden opiskelustaan esittämiä todistuksia 1875-1908 (Ec:6)
Appahuah Ladner, Choctaw
Lott - Fayard Indian School Foundational Family - started when the Old Cheraw group made it over to Indian Territory area of what is now Hancock Co up to Pike Co, MS at Ft Adams; but the foundations of...
Duncan Smith
(aft.1803 - 1855)
Duncan (1803-1855) was a son of Malcolm Smith and Isabella Maclennan. By 1820 his father's name is on the rental list for Buanish and by then the family were settled at 5 Buanish.
In 1826, when Buanis...
Sir John Arundell, VII, Kt.
(1421 - 1473)
Primary Sources Proof of age for John ArundellHe is the son and heir of John Arundell of Bideford, esquire and Margaret his wife, and the kin and heir of this John’s father, John Arundell, knight.The j...
Vigdís Finnbogadóttir
President of Iceland 1980-1996 - the first elected female head of state in the world.Wikipedia:
Marion Boyd
(1477 - bef.1559)
A lady is always referred to with her own familyname, not her married surname so this has been corrected even if Margaret Boyd was legally married to John Mure of Rowallan.
Martti Ahtisaari, 10th President of Finland
(1937 - 2023)
Suomen 10. Presidentti. Nobelin rauhanpalkinto 2008. '10th President of Finland. Nobel Peace Prize 2008. a Finnish politician, the tenth President of Finland (1994–2000), Nobel Peace Prize laureate and...
Ingibjörg Finnsdóttir
(c.1030 - c.1069)
Ingibiorg Finnsdottir (Standard Old Norse: Ingibjörg Finnsdóttir) was a daughter of Earl Finn Arnesson and Bergljot Halvdansdottir (Halfdansdottir), a niece of the Norwegian Kings Saint Olaf and Harald...
Edla av Vendia
(c.984 - c.1005)
Olof Skötkonung + Estrid (wife)1. Anund Jacob2. Ingegerd (married to Yaroslav the Wise)Olof Skötkonung + Edla (partner)3. Astrid4. Emund (Emund den Gamla / Emund the Old)A fifth child, Homfrid (married...
Richeza of Poland, Queen of Castile and León
(c.1140 - 1185)
Richeza of Poland (c. 1140 – June 16, 1185), was the daughter of King Wladislaus II the Exile of Poland, and Agnes of Babenberg. She accompanied her father into exile in 1146. Her name is also sp...
Sverre I, King of Norway
(c.1152 - 1202)
Sigurdsson (1151 – 1202) var norsk konge i perioden 1177 – 1202. Ifølge sagaen var han født i Norge og vokste opp på Kirkjubøur på Færøyene.Moren Gunnhild var gift med Unas kammaker, som ble regnet for...
Peder Juusten
(1470 - 1530)
Viipurin porvari Peder Juusten
Juustenin suku oli Ramsayn mukaan vanha rälssisuku Viipurin pitäjästä. Vanhin nimeltä tunnettu edustaja oli Viipurin porvari Peder Juusten. Hän omisti kivitalon luostari...
Mary of Scotland
(c.1084 - 1116)
King Duncan I & his wife, Sibylla of Northumbria, had:
[ 1031-killed in battle near Alnwick, Northumberland, 13 Nov 1093, buried Tynemouth, later transferred to Dunfermline Abbey, Fife,...
Nina Simone
(1933 - 2003)
Dr. Nina Simone was born 21 February 1933 in Tryon, North Carolina and died 21 April 2003 in Carry-le-Rouet, Bouches-du-Rhône, France . Her birth name was Eunice Kathleen Waymon and she was also known ...
Malcolm "Calum" MacLeod
(1866 - 1954)
Malcolm MacLeod was a crofter, fisherman, and compulsory officer (truancy officer), as well as the maternal grandfather of 45th United States President Donald J. Trump.A croft is a fenced or enclosed a...
Anne of Cleves
(1515 - bef.1557)
Anne of Cleves (1515-1557), Fourth Wife of Henry VIII-------------------------------Known for: safely divorcing from Henry and survivingAlso known as: Anna von Jülich-Kleve-Berg------------------------...
Robert de Vaux, of Treyermayne
(c.1030 - 1086)
The Norman Castle of Vaux or De Vallibus is mentioned by Orderic Vitalis: and then Terra di Vallibus continued in the possession of the family to which it gave their name until the time of King John. T...
Theodoric II "the Valiant", duke of Lorraine
(1044 - 1115)
alt names: Dirk van Saksen, Dietrich von Sachsen, Theodoric de Lorraine==Wikipedia===* English: Theodoric II, Duke of Lorraine ====*Nederlands: Diederik van Opper-Lotharingen ====*Deutsch: Dietrich II....
Gerhard von Bouzonville, graf von Metz
(c.985 - 1045)
Summary:Parents:*Father: Adalbert von Metz (d. 1037, bur. at the Abbaye Sainte-Croix de Bouzonville), Graf von Metz (1020s - 1037)*Mother: Judith, granddaughter of Wigerich III, Comte d'Ardenne, and si...
Nils Andersson Boije
(c.1490 - 1568)
äs)* Suomen käskynhaltija* Sotaeversti, Suomen käskynhaltija, Gennäsin Herra Pohjalla, mainitaan 1530 Raaseporin isäntänä, määrättiin 1537 pitämään aateliston kilvenkatselmusta sekä kruunun linnojen ta...
(c.784 - c.856)
Leuthard married Grimhilda with whom he had the following children:* Engeltrude of Fézensac, wife of Odo of Orléans, and mother of Ermentrude of Orléans who married future emperor Charles the Bald.* Ad...
Earl of Lade Håkon Grjotgardsson
(c.830 - c.917)
Håkon Grjotgardsson Ladejarl=Håkon Grjotgardsson Ladejarl (gammelnorsk: Hákon Grjótgarðsson) (døde ca.917) var jarl over Håløygaland og Namdal. Hans tilnavn var "den rike" (Hákon jarl hinn ríki).Han va...
Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor
(1050 - 1106)
[64 languages]
Henry IV (German: Heinrich IV ; 11 November 1050 – 7 August 1106) was Holy Roman Emperor from 1084 to 1105, King of Germany from 1054 to 1105, King of Italy and Burgundy from 1056 to...
 By Leonard Darwin - Woodall 1884, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=16959735
Charles Darwin
(1809 - 1882)
Charles Robert Darwin , FRS FRGS FLS FZS was an English naturalist, geologist and biologist, best known for his contributions to the science of evolution. He established that all species of life have d...
Eliyahu, "Gaon of Vilna". GRA
(1720 - 1797)
The Vilna Gaon had no surname, nor did his ancestors, brothers, sons. It was certainly NOT KREMER. That was used only by his great-great grandfather Moshe Kremer as a discription of his occupation, mea...
Sir Henry Percy, 2nd Earl of Northumberland
(1393 - 1455)
Henry Percy, 2nd Earl of Northumberland== Henry Percy, 2nd Earl of Northumberland (3 February 1393[a] – 22 May 1455) was an English nobleman and military commander in the lead up to the Wars of the Ros...
 Photo by Warner Bros. Public domain. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Paul_Newman_1954.JPG
Paul Newman
(1925 - 2008)
Paul Newman was an American actor, film director, race car driver, philanthropist, and entrepreneur. He was the recipient of numerous awards, including an Academy Award, a BAFTA Award, three Golden Glo...
Dag "the Wise", King of Uppsala
(c.380 - c.440)
Dag den vise (isl. Dagr hinn spaki) eller Dagr Spaka, svensk sagokung. Enligt Heimskringla var han av Ynglingaätten och kung av Svitjod. Han var son till Dyggve och sades kunna förstå fågelsång. Därför...
Margareta Tuvesdotter
(1461 - bef.1532)
Jakob (son av Bengt, Tab. 1), till Näset i Borgå socken. Levde 1530. Gift med Margareta Tuvesdotter i hennes 1:a gifte (gift 2:o med frälsemannen Engelbrekt Larsson till Isnäs), död före 1532-03-...
Gudbrand "Kula" Olavsson
(c.923 - 970)
Gudbrand Olavsson «Kula» Also known as Gudbrandi Culu
Son of Olav Einarsson Breid and Gudbjørg (Jari) Ufeigsdotter Breid
Born ca. 923 ) from Opplandene.
He is remembered as he was the father of...
Gisela of Friuli
(c.876 - aft.913)
Alberto Giacometti
(1901 - 1966)
Alberto Giacometti (Borgonovo di Stampa, 10 ottobre 1901 – Coira, 11 gennaio 1966) è stato uno scultore, pittore e incisore svizzero[1] di lingua italiana.
William V, duke of Aquitaine
(c.969 - 1030)
GUILLAUME V "le Grand" Duke of Aquitaine, GUILLAUME III Comte de Poitou
Son of Guillaume 'Fier-à-Bras' de Poitiers, IV duc d'Aquitaine et II comte de Poitou and Emma of Blois
William the Great (Fre...
Charles IX, king of Sweden
(1550 - 1611)
Biografisk leksikon
Adelsvapen slekten Vasa
Wikipedia: English Swedish
Translated by Google: Duke Karl made three long journeys to Germany and Switzerland during the sec...
Urraca I, reina de Castilla y León
(1080 - 1126)
?, hacia 1079 - Saldaña, Palencia, 1126) Reina de Castilla y León (1109-1126). Es una de las personalidades más polémicas de la Edad Media hispana, pues su reinado coincidió con una de las épocas más t...
Rainier de Lorraine
(820 - 890)
Richard Talbot, II
(c.1122 - 1174)
The History of the County of Dublin by John D'Alton (Dublin, 1838, pp. 191-2):In 1174 Richard de Talbot, having accompanied Henry the Second to Ireland, obtained a grant of Malahide, part of which, Mal...
Roger Clifford, Lord of Kingsbury
(c.1215 - 1286)
The birthdate given for this man in the following sources (c. 1231) is clearly not correct, since his wife's birthdate is given c 1215 and his son 1243. I've adjusted his to align with his wife's until...
Admor Chaim Halberstam, [Divrei Chaim, of Sanz]
(1797 - 1876)
Wikipedia: Chaim Halberstam and חיים הלברשטאם .
Halberstam Dynasty chart .
Jewish Dynasties .
Hebrew Article in Dor-Dea about Rabbi Chaim.
Sir William Peverell, the Elder, of Nottingham
(c.1050 - 1113)
Families of Mixed Origin
The Tudor Dynasty
The Mysterious Peverel Family
The Malpas Family (Cheshire)
The Herbert Family
The Welsh Walcot Family
The Shropshire Walcot Family
Friedrich, I Kurfürst von Brandenburg
(1371 - 1440)
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia: English Deutsch * Burgrave of Nuremberg as Frederick VI Reign 1397–1427 with John III (1397–1420)
Matilda of Scotland
(1079 - 1118)
EADGYTH (1079-1 Jun 1118).
Orderic Vitalis records that their mother sent Eadgyth and her sister Mary to be brought up by their maternal aunt Christina, nun at Romsey Abbey[330].
 After François Clouet. Palace of Versailles. Public Domain.
Henry II de Valois-Angoulême, king of France
(1519 - 1559)
Henry II of France Henry II (French: Henri II) (31 March 1519 – 10 July 1559) was a monarch of the House of Valois who ruled as King of France from 31 March 1547 until his death in 1559.[1] The second ...
Mary I of England
(1516 - 1558)
Mary I (18 February 1516 – 17 November 1558) was Queen of England and Ireland from July 1553 until her death. She was the eldest daughter of Henry VIII and only surviving child of Catherine of Aragon. ...
John MacDonald, Lord of the Isles
(1326 - 1387)
ANGUS Macdonald , son of ANGUS Lord of the Isles & his wife --- (-Finlaggan Castle, Isla 1330). He succeeded his brother as Lord of the Isles. He fought for Robert Bruce at the battle of Bannockburn in...
Lambert I, count of Louvain
(c.950 - 1015)
from Medlands ( 7 Sep 2022 ) Brabant & Louvain
LAMBERT [I], son of REGINAR [III] Comte de Hainaut & his wife Adela [von Dachsburg] ([950-killed in battle Florennes 12 Sep 1015). The Annales Hanoniæ n...
Olavi Virta
(1915 - 1972)
Olavi Virta (originally to 1926 Oskari Olavi Ilmén) (27 February 1915, in Sysmä, Finland – 14 July 1972, in Tampere, Finland) was a Finnish singer, acclaimed as the king of Finnish tango.[1] Between 19...
Jeanne I, Queen of Navarre
(1273 - 1305)
Joan I de Navarre, also known as Joanna or Joan of Navarre (c. 14 January 1271 – April 4, 1305), Queen regnant of Navarre and Queen consort of France, was the daughter of king Henry I of Navarre and Bl...
Adam Sandler
Meir G. Gover 06/2017: see: Academia Y Chromosome NGS test conducted on Adam Sandler's patronymic line indicates @ close to 100% certainty, that Adam Sandler is member in the Levite Haplogroup. His Lev...
Otto II, duke of Bavaria
(c.1015 - 1083)
Otto von Northeim (c1020 - 11 January 1083), Count of Northeim, Count in Rittegau, Vogt of Cowey, and Duke of Bavaria (1061-1070). He was made Duke of Bavaria by the Empress Agnes, but removed in 1070 ...
Stanislaus II August Poniatowski, King of Poland
(1732 - 1798)
The last king of Poland. Stanisław August Poniatowski on Wikipedia in English Stanisław II August Poniatowski (born Count Stanisław Antoni Poniatowski; 17 January 1732 – 12 February 1798) was the last ...
Günther Il, count of Käfernburg-Schwarzburg und Hallermund
(1160 - 1197)
Günther II Graf von Schwarzburg Stifter der Linie Kevernburg.* Wikipedia Stammliste von Schwarzberg: B3. Günther ll. (lll.)Nach dem tod seines Vaters trat er gemeinsam mit seinem Bruder Heinrich l das ...
Bruce Springsteen
New Jersey, United States
In his long, successful career, Bruce Springsteen has balanced many roles, including rock star, folk singer, song-writer, cultural icon, and social activist, as well as family man. An award-winning sin...
Henry V, king of England
(1387 - 1422)
PLEASE READ THIS COMMENT REGARDING HIS BIRTH DATE;"Henry was born in the tower above the gatehouse of Monmouth Castle and for that reason called Henry of Monmouth, son of Henry of Bolingbroke, later He...
Margrethe I, Queen of Denmark, Norway and Sweden
(1353 - 1412)
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Kings of Denmark * Burial In Danish* Danmarkshistorien In Danish* Queen of Denmark Reign 1375–1412> Predecessor: Olaf II Successor: Eric VII
 Halga seducing his own daughter Yrsa, by Jenny Nyström (1895).Published in "Ekermann, A. (1895). Från Nordens forntid : Fornnordiska sagor bearb. på svenska / Med orig. teckn:r af Jenny Nyström-Stoopendaal. Stockholm, P. A. Norstedt.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halga#/media/File:Helgi_and_Yrsa.jpg
Hailaga Halfdansson, {Legendary}
(bef.500 - 565)
, Helgi, Helghe or Helgo was a legendary Danish king living in the early 6th century.Scholars generally agree that he appears in both Anglo-Saxon (Beowulf) and Scandinavian tradition (Norse sagas and D...
(1945 - 1988)
Wikipedia: English
Harris Glenn Milstead AKA Divine was born October 19, 1945. and died March 7, 1988.
Better known by his stage name Divine, he was an American actor, singer, and drag queen. Cl...
Sir Alan Stewart of Darnley, Kt.
(c.1394 - 1439)
SIR ALAN STEWART OF DARNLEY Sir Alan Stewart of Darnley, here treated, is the son of John Stewart of Darnley. NRS: GD220/2/1/46
Evidence from the National Records of Scotland 1
4 August 1437: Lett...
Gustaf VI Adolf, Kung av Sverige (King of Sweden)
(1882 - 1973)
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Find a Grave * Wikipedia: English Svenska * Johannt he Younger #2829 + #2989
Heinrich III "der Erlauchte", Markgraf von Meißen, Landgraf von Thüringen
(c.1215 - 1288)
Links:==* Wikipedia * Genealogics
José Ignacio de Márquez y Barreto, 3er Presidente de Nueva Granada 1837- 1841
(1793 - 1880)
José Ignacio de Márquez Barreto (Ramiriquí, Boyacá, 7 de septiembre de 1793 - Bogotá, 21 de marzo de 1880) fue un político colombiano, presidente de la República entre 1837 y 1841.Hijo de José Gregorio...
Otto von Bismarck, Reichskanzler (Chancellor of the German Empire)
(1815 - 1898)
Otto von Bismarck ;
Otto Eduard Leopold, Prince of Bismarck, Duke of Lauenburg (1 April 1815 – 30 July 1898), simply known as Otto von Bismarck, was a German statesman who unified numerous German sta...
Joan - Plantagenet, Lady Snowdon
(c.1188 - 1237)
Joan, Princess of Wales and Lady of Snowdon, (c. 1188 – February 2, 1237) was the wife of Llywelyn the Great, Prince of Wales and Gwynedd and effective ruler of most of Wales.
Joan (Joanna) was an ill...
Crioda, King of West Saxons
(493 - 541)
Crioda, king of West Saxons
Creoda of Wessex (b. c. 493) is a shadowy figure in early Wessex history, mentioned only in the regnal list in the preface of the Anglo-Saxon chronicle. There he is sta...
Maldred mac Crínán, Earl of Dunbar
(c.1015 - c.1045)
Maldred, Lord of Allerdale, Earl of Dunbar, Lord of Cumbria, b. 1004-1015, d. 1045-1060second son, Maldred of Allerdale, held the title of Lord of Cumbria. It is said that from him, the Earls of Dunbar...
Mary of Guise, Queen Consort of Scotland
(1515 - 1560)
Mary of Guise, Queen consort of Scots; Consort in Scotland 4 August 1534 - 9 June 153718 May 1538 – 14 December 1542 Coronation 22 February 1540 Spouse Louis II, Duke of LonguevilleJames V of Scotland ...
Sophia of Hungary
(aft.1044 - 1095)
([1045/50]-18 Jun 1095, bur Lüneburg St Michaelis).=SOPHIA ([1045/50]-18 Jun 1095, bur Lüneburg St Michaelis). The Annalista Saxo names "sororem Ladizlai regis Ungarie Sophiam" as wife of Ulrich, and i...