Unknown artist, Salisbury Roll. Public Domain.
Richard Neville, 5th Earl of Salisbury
(1400 - 1460)
"Richard Neville, jure uxoris 5th Earl of Salisbury and 7th and 4th Baron Montacute, KG, PC (1400 – 31 December 1460) was a Yorkist leader during the early parts of the Wars of the Roses"==============...
Garsende de Sabran, comtesse de Forcalquier
(c.1181 - c.1257)
Garsenda or Garsende (II) de Sabran (c. 1180 – c. 1242) was the Countess of Provence as the wife of Alfonso II from 1193 and the Countess of Forcalquier in her own right from 1209. She brought Forcalqu...
Sverre I, King of Norway
(c.1152 - 1202)
Sigurdsson (1151 – 1202) var norsk konge i perioden 1177 – 1202. Ifølge sagaen var han født i Norge og vokste opp på Kirkjubøur på Færøyene.Moren Gunnhild var gift med Unas kammaker, som ble regnet for...
Adela, Countess of Blois
(1066 - 1135)
Adela of Normandy
Adèle d'Angleterre ou de Normandie ou de Blois (v. 1067[1],[2] – 8 mars 1137[2]), princesse anglaise, fut régente de la principauté de Blois-Chartres, et mère du roi Étienne d'Anglet...
Alice de France, Comtesse de Blois
(1151 - aft.1195)
ALIX de France (1150-11 Sep after 1195) . -------------------------- Alix de France (1150-1195) Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. de France (ou Adélaïde de France ou Aélis de Blois), née e...
Megingoz, Graf im Avalgau
(c.920 - aft.989)
See also Megingoz IV van Avalgau
MEGINGOZ (-after 29 Sep 989). "Otto…rex" granted property "predium quale Lantberto atque Megingozzo per Emichonem comitem" to the church of Mainz by charter dated 29...
Knut I Ericsson, King of Sweden
(1145 - 1196)
Knut Eriksson, död 1196, kung av Sverige ca 1167-1195, son till Erik den helige och drottning Kristina.Då fadern dräptes, flydde Knut troligen ur riket. Han återkom omkring 1167, dödade Karl Sverkersso...
Anastasia, princess of Halych
(1296 - 1365)
Aleksandr Mikhailovich of TverFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaFamilyAlexander was married ca. 1320 to Anastasia of Halych and had eight children:Fyodor of Tver (d. 1339)Lev (b. 1321)Mikhail II of ...
Boson d'Autun, Comte de Vienne, Dux de Provence
(c.841 - 887)
, son of Bivin (Bouvinus), died 11 Jan 887. Comte de Vienne, King of Provence. 1st wife unknown. Child Willa (m. Rudolf d'Auxerre and Hugues d'Arles). 2nd wife Ermengarde (dau of Louis II King of Italy...
Waldrada of Wormsgau
(832 - 869)
- . [WALDRADA (-9 Apr after 868). One manuscript of the Gesta Treverorum names "Waldradam sororem…Guntheri Coloniensis archiepiscopus" when recording her adulterous relationship with King Lothaire II[1...
Sir Richard Talbot, 4th Lord Talbot
(1250 - 1306)
Richard was the son of Gilbert Talbot[1]. The writ for the Inquisition of his father Gilbert 'Talebot' was dated 08 Sep, 2 Edward I (1274) and concerned lands in Gloucestershire and Herefordshire. Rich...
Christina von Sachsen, Landgräfin zu Hessen
(1505 - 1549)
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia: English Deutsch
Jakob (Jeppe) Kurki
(c.1400 - c.1456)
Kartanonomistaja. Laukko, Vesilahti, Ylä-Satakunta.
HUOM! Vain Jakob (eli Jeppe) Kurjen äidin alkuperä tunnetaan - hän oli Herman Svärdin nuorin tytär. Älä yhdistä uusiin häntä vanhempiin, ellei ole ...
Frances Elliot
(c.1612 - c.1658)
Anthony ELLIOTT was born BEF 1623 in England, and died bef 9 Jan 1665/66 in Lancaster Co., VA.He married#UNNAMED was born ABT 1623.#Frances Armistead daughter of William Armistead & Anne Ellis, d. 1685...
Emma of Altdorf
(c.810 - 876)
Emma of Altdorf From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Emma of Altdorf, also known as Hemma (808–31 January 876) was the wife of Louis the German, and Queen consort of Eastern Francia.
Her father w...
Bledrig ap Custennin, Duke Of Cornwall
(530 - 616)
ap Custennin (also known as Blederic, Bredrice, Peledric, Bletius, Bledrys, Bledrig, Bletricius or Bledericus) was a 6th and 7th century ruler of Dumnonia (now the English West Country). References Lif...
Ralph de Stafford, 1st Earl of Stafford
(1300 - 1372)
Primary Sources Proof of age for Ralph son and heir of Edmund de Stafford. Writ 10 May, 15 Edward II [1322]. William de Stafford, aged 60, says that the said Ralph, born at Amynton [alias Abyndon] by T...
(911 - bef.940)
This is Sprota de Senlis or de Bretagne: do not confuse with Sprote de Bourgogne, possible partner of Bernard 'the Dane'. This Sprota was partner of William Longsword, Count of Rouen and ruler of Norma...
Adelheid Gräfin von Leiningen, Burggräfin von Nürnberg
(c.1195 - 1259)
James John Thacker
(1838 - 1928)
Census : 1851 - 86 James Street, Devonport, Devonshire, England
Census : 1871 - James St, Devonport, Devon, England
James John Thacker and his wife Mary Ann Pearce Christopher came to Napier NZ on...
Corbett Clyde Reynolds
(1944 - 2002)
Corbett Clyde Reynolds
Albert Klabunde
(1862 - 1944)
Death24 Jan 1944 • Itoupava, Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Burial Cemitério Itoupava Rega l - Blumenau
Lord Alberic de Vere, II
(aft.1062 - c.1141)
CBF 26th ggf patriline
Alberic Aubrey II de Vere , son of Aubrey I de Vere (-1088) and Beatrice de Gand, was born circa 30 July 1062 at Hedingham, Essex, England. He served as Justiciar of England and...
Roman the Great, Prince of Novgorod, Rex Rusiae
(1153 - 1205)
: English , Polski , Русский Roman Mstislavich (Russian and Ukrainian: Роман Мстиславич ), also Roman Mstyslavych or Roman the Great , born sometime after 1160, died at Zawichost, October 14, 1205
Prof. Dr. Heinrich Hans* Liebermann
(1876 - 1938)
Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:
Liebermann, Hans geboren am 26. März 1876 wohnhaft in Berlin
Todesdatum/-ort: 11. September 1938 Freitod
Blessed Humbert III, count of Savoy
(1136 - 1189)
- (ENG draft, IT & FR better)
- III (1136, Avigliana, Piedmont – 4 March 1189, Chambéry, Savoy), surnamed the Blessed, was Count of Savoy from 1148 to 1188. His parents were Amadeus III of Savoy ...
Richard II, duke of Burgundy
(c.867 - 921)
Richard 'the Justicer' d'Autun, Duc de Bourgogne (d. 921)
RICHARD, son of comte BUVINUS [Bouvin] & his wife --- d'Arles (-[31 Aug or 1 or 29 Sep] 921, bur Abbaye de Sainte-Colombe de Sens, Yonne). ...
Malin Luopa
(c.1580 - aft.1638)
Malin, Jalasjärven (myöhemmin Kurikkaa) Luovan isäntänä 1620-1629 miehensä jälkeen. Pso Luukas Erkinpoika Ilmajoen Korven isäntä kymmenysveroluettelossa 1603-1604 ja Jalasjärven (myöhemmin Kurikkaa) Lu...
Ranulf de Gernon, 4th Earl of Chester
(1099 - 1153)
See Peter Bartrum, (September 24, 2018; Anne Brannen, curator) Ranulph de Gernon (1128-1153: Earl of Chester- changed sides in the Stephen/Matilda War)from ChesterWiki: pious early in his life, the los...
Hugh le Bigod, 1st Earl of Norfolk
(1095 - c.1176)
of EnglandHugh Bigod, 1st Earl of Norfolk (1095 - 1177) was born in Belvoir Castle, Leicestershire, England.He was the second son of Roger Bigod (also known as Roger Bigot) (d. 1107), Sheriff of Norfol...
Agda Persdotter
(c.1530 - 1577)
Agda "Caritas" Persdotter=* AGDA PERSDOTTER or Agda i Porten, (d. after 1565), was a Swedish woman, main royal mistress of King Eric XIV of Sweden during his time as a Crown Prince and during the first...
Anne of Bohemia and Hungary
(1503 - 1547)
mtDNA haplogroup H (16111T, 16357C, 263G, 315.1C)
The Peerage
Find A Grave
Álöf Ragnarsdóttir
(c.790 - c.850)
Landnámabókkafli Hunda-Steinar hét jarl á Englandi; hann átti Álöfu, dóttur Ragnars loðbrókar. Þeirra börn voru þau Björn, faðir Auðunar skökuls, og Eiríkur, faðir Sigurðar bjóðaskalla, og Ísgerður, er...
Alexander Hamilton, 1st Secretary of the United States Treasury
(aft.1755 - 1804)
DAR Ancestor #: A050054
Find A Grave Memorial
Alexander Hamilton (January 11, 1755 or 1757 – July 12, 1804) was the first United States Secretary of...
Margrethe I, Queen of Denmark, Norway and Sweden
(1353 - 1412)
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Kings of Denmark * Burial In Danish* Danmarkshistorien In Danish* Queen of Denmark Reign 1375–1412> Predecessor: Olaf II Successor: Eric VII
Albrecht I, Duke of Saxony-Wittenberg
(c.1175 - 1260)
Albrecht I, Duke of Saxony-Wittenberg
Son of Count Bernard of Anhalt, Duke of Saxony and Judyta Mieszkówna
Duke Albrecht I of Saxony , the German Albrecht , born in 1175 / 1180 , died 8 november 12...
Paul Stanley
Harvey Eisen (born January 20, 1952), better known by his stage name Paul Stanley, is an American hard rock guitarist, actor, and singer, who is one of the two lead vocalists for the rock band Kiss. He...
Saint Stephen, 1st King of Hungary
(c.969 - 1038)
ISTVÁN I 997-1038 VAJK , son of GÉZA Prince of Hungary & his [first wife Sarolt of Transylvania] (Esztergom [967/75]-Buda 15 Aug 1038, bur Székesfehérvár). The Gesta Hungarorum records the birth in 967...
Judith of Brittany
(aft.982 - 1017)
of Brittany (982–1017) was the daughter of Conan I, Duke of Brittany and Ermengarde of Anjou , and the mother of Robert the Magnificent .She was the first wife of Richard the Good , Duke of Normandy, w...
Ebles II Manzer, duc d'Aquitaine
(876 - 935)
Ebles did NOT marry Eldgifa, an English princess [if anyone has proof to the contrary, please post.] Eble Mancer, Comte de Poitou, Duc d'AquitaineMarried:1. Aremburgis (Erembourge), no children2. Emili...
David II, king of Scots
(1324 - 1371)
Early Life
David II was the elder and only surviving son of Robert I of Scotland and his second wife, Elizabeth de Burgh. He was born on 5 March 1324 at Dunfermline Palace, Fife. His moth...
Crioda, King of West Saxons
(493 - 541)
Crioda, king of West Saxons
Creoda of Wessex (b. c. 493) is a shadowy figure in early Wessex history, mentioned only in the regnal list in the preface of the Anglo-Saxon chronicle. There he is sta...
Ingvar "the Tall" Eysteinsson, King of Sweden
(c.616 - c.683)
This Ingvar is the same as Ingvar "the Tall" Eysteinsson, King of Sweden .
brief biography Konge i Uppsala (Sverige)
Uppsala Konge
Småkung i Svealand
King in Sweden
King Sverige vv. ...
Turlough O'Brien, High King of Ireland
(c.1009 - 1086)
[ ]
TORDELBACH, son of DOMNALL of Munster & his wife --- ([1008/09]-Cenn Coradh 14 Jul 1086). The Annals of Inisfallen record that "the son of Domnall son of Brian” killed “Ua Donnocáin king of Ara” ...
Warin II, count in Thurgau and Lobdegau
(c.725 - c.790)
Warin II, count in Thurgau and Lobdegau==* Son of Ruthard der Ältere van Alemannien, de Altere and Odilia (Haildis) Von Elsass Welfen, von Elsass * Warin († May 20, 774 [1] ) was a Frankish nobleman wh...
Pierre Rousseau, SV/PROG
(1666 - 1719)
Pierre Rousseau (c1666 Mer, France -1719)
xAnne Rétif 1671 -1710
Anna Roùsseaù < 8 Jul 1691 - 28 Feb 1753
Maria Rousseau c 1694
Magdalena Rousseau 26 Feb 1695
Elizabet Rousseau <14 Oct 1696...
Arnulf II the Young, count of Flanders
(961 - 987)
Main sources
More info
Moses Skipper
(c.1720 - 1811)
We know that Moses ended up in Brunswick County because of his will, but do we have a source for his birthplace? I can find none. He may have been born in Cheroenhaka/Nottaway lands. Will of Moses Skip...
Jaan Pilvet
(1906 - 1942)
Jaan Pilvet oli näitleja ja laulja (bariton)
JAAN PILVET sü 29.04.1906 UKJ su 24.01.1949
29.04.1906 UKJ = 16.04.1906 VKJ
Nime eestistamine Piller -> Pilvet
- Taotlus (29.04....
Gyrid Olafsdotter, Danish queen consort
(c.932 - d.)
Gyrid Olavsdotter was a Swedish woman who according to tradition was of royal blood. Her father was Olav Bjørnsson , brother of Erik Victorious as he was samkonge with before he died. She was the siste...
Alan fitzFlaald, Sheriff of Shropshire
(1078 - aft.1121)
(born c 1078, died in 1114)
Alan fitz Flaad From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Born Unknown
Probably Dol-de-Bretagne
Died Unknown
Nationality Breton
Esa-Pekka Salonen
Esa-Pekka Salonen KBE (pronounced [%CB%88es%C9%91%CB%8Cpek%CB%90%C9%91 ˈsɑlonen] ⓘ; born 30 June 1958) is a Finnish conductor and composer. He is the music director of the San Francisco Symphon...
Augusts Voss
(1919 - 1994)
Augusts Voss (Russian: Август Эдуардович Восс; 30 October 1919, Saltykovo – 10 February 1994, Moscow) was a Soviet politician of Latvian origin and party functionary. Before World War II he worked as a...
Sophia Queen Consort to Denmark and Norway
(1498 - 1568)
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia As a matrilineal relative of Barbara of Celje and ultimately of Nicholas II of Russia, she and all her female-line descendants are members of mitochondrial h...
William Bradford, Governor of Plymouth Colony
(bef.1589 - 1657)
William Bradford
Birth: on or before 19 March 1589/90 - Austerfield, Yorkshire, England
Christened: 19 March 1589/90 - St. Helen's Chapel, Austerfield, Yorkshire, England
Parents: William Bradfor...
Adele of Vermandois
(bef.910 - 960)
nl.wikipedia.org - Aleidis van Vermandois.... ;
Adela (Adèle, Alix) de Vermandois,
wife of Arnoul the Great (the Old)
Spouse: Arnulf I 'den Grôotn' van Vloandern (Arnoul 'le Grand' de Flandre)
Henry Plantagenet, 3rd Earl of Leicester and Lancaster
(c.1281 - 1345)
"Henry, 3rd Earl of Leicester and Lancaster (c. 1281 – 22 September 1345) was an English nobleman, one of the principals behind the deposition of Edward II of England."=================================...
 Unknown artist. National Portrait Gallery. Public Domain.
Margaret Beaufort
(1443 - 1509)
"Margaret Beaufort (Br [%CB%88b%C9%9B%CA%8Af%C9%A8t]), Countess of Richmond and Derby (31 May 1443 or 1441 – 29 June 1509) was the mother of King Henry VII and paternal grandmother of King Henry VIII o...
Diet Eman
(1920 - 2019)
The Reckoning : Remembering the Dutch Resistance
 From https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Vasily_Perov_-_%D0%9F%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%82_%D0%A4.%D0%9C.%D0%94%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B5%D0%B2%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%BE_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
(1821 - 1881)
Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky (/ˌdɒstəˈjɛfski, ˌdʌs-/; Russian: Фёдор Михайлович Достоевский; IPA: ˈfʲɵdər mʲɪˈxajləvʲɪtɕ dəstɐˈjɛfskʲɪj; 11 November 1821 – 9 February 1881), sometimes transliterated...
Eliyahu, "Gaon of Vilna". GRA
(1720 - 1797)
The Vilna Gaon had no surname, nor did his ancestors, brothers, sons. It was certainly NOT KREMER. That was used only by his great-great grandfather Moshe Kremer as a discription of his occupation, mea...
James I the Conqueror, King of Aragon
(1208 - 1276)
Jaimea I de Aragón el Conquistador (catalán/valenciano: Jaume el Conqueridor, aragonés: Chaime lo Conqueridor, occitano: Jacme lo Conquistaire) Montpellier, 2 de febrero de 1208 + Alcira, 27 de julio ...
Walter Fitzalan Stewart, 3rd High Steward of Scotland
(b. - 1246)
WALTER SON OF ALAN Third Hereditary Steward of Scotland
Walterus filius Alani, domini Regis Scotie senescallus (1207 x 1214) Valterus filius Alani, dapifer Regis Scotie (1208 x 1216) Waltero filio Al...
Eudaf Hen ab Einudd
(c.230 - d.)
See Peter Bartrum, See Peter Bartrum, (February 7, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator) (February 7, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees; . ...
Gerhard II, count of Guelders
(c.1086 - 1131)
Gerhard II von Wassenberg, graaf van Gelre
Son of Count Gerard von Wassenberg, IV and Clémence de Poitou de Bouzonville
Gerard II (also known as Gerard V. of Wassenberg ) (ca 1090 - October 16, 113...
Saint Leopold III, Margrave of Austria
(c.1073 - 1136)
Saint Leopold III (German: Luitpold, 1073 – 15 November 1136), known as Leopold the Good, was the Margrave of Austria from 1095 to his death in 1136. He was a member of the House of Babenberg. He w...
Adelinde of Spoleto
(c.729 - aft.787)
Adelindis von Buchau==* Meg Keith wrote on 5/16/2016: re her birth place of Argenburg, North Rhine Westphalia, PreußenUnfortunately Argenburg is one of those place names which appear only in family his...
Mathilde de Luxembourg
(c.1068 - c.1110)
MATHILDE de Luxembourg (-after 1070). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "comitem Guilelmum de Luscelenburg…et Ermensendem…et Mathildem" as children of "Conrado comiti de Luscelenburch" ...
Hugues X le Brun de Lusignan, comte de la Marche
(c.1185 - 1249)
Note 1: Medlands enumerate him different than this Geni profile does.
Note 2. Please refrain from copy-and-pasting Medlands' content into Geni Overviews. Instead , please read Medlands' v...
Faith Deliverance Stout
(1679 - 1733)
Faith, twin of Hope. These twins were born in a blockhouse during an Indian raid. After the attack, Faith's name was changed to Deliverance.
Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Jun 25 ...
Hon. John Quincy Adams, 6th President of the United States
(1767 - 1848)
John Quincy Adams was the Sixth President 1825-1829 ⢠Son of John Adams 2nd PresidentBorn: July 11, 1767 in Braintree, Massachusetts. Died: February 23, 1848, after collapsing on the floor of the Hou...
Sir George Hamilton of Donalong
(1607 - 1681)
SIR GEORGE HAMILTON OF DONALONG Baronet Governor of Nenagh Castle,1649-51 Baronet of Donalong
Biography From Darryl Lundy's Peerage
Hon. Sir George Hamilton, 1st Bt. was born circa 1607.2 He was t...
Philip II of Spain
(1527 - 1598)
Felipe II von Habsburg, Rey de España1
b. 21 May 1527, d. 13 September 1598
King Philip II of Spain
Felipe II von Habsburg, Rey de España was born on 21 May 1527 at Valladolid,...
Sancho IV el Bravo, rey de Castilla y León
(1258 - 1295)
Infante don SANCHO de Castilla y León, son of ALFONSO X "el Sabio" King of Castile and León & his wife Infante doña Violante de Aragón (Valladolid 12 May 1258-Toledo 25 Apr 1295, bur Toledo, Cat...
Tapio Rautavaara
(1915 - 1979)
Kaj Tapio Rautavaara was a Finnish athlete, singer (bass-baritone) and film actor.===Early years=== Tapio Rautavaara was born in the municipality of Pirkkala (now Nokia), a suburb of Tampere. Just thre...
Lazarus Stewart, Sr.
(1683 - 1744)
Origins Lazarus Stewart Sr. by his Ydna R-FT74278 is now found in the Sheriff of Bute Stewart FtDNA Project. He is found among several groups all with descent from Sir John Stewart, Sheriff of Bute and...
King Aun "The Aged" Jörundsson, of Uppsala
(c.509 - c.590)
Ane, On, One, Auchun or Aun the Old (Audhun, the same name as the A-S name Edwin) was the son of Jorund and one of the Swedish kings of the House of Yngling, the ancestors of Norway's first king, Haral...
Håkon IV, king of Norway
(1204 - 1263)
(complete English text at bottom)* = English =King Håkon IV of Norway lived from 1204 to 16 December 1263. He is also referred to as Haakon or Haco or Haquinus, or Håkon the Old. Born into a Norway tor...
Stephen I, King of England
(c.1097 - 1154)
Medilands "England, Kings" (29 Oct 2021) Chapter 2 "Kings of England 1135-1154 (BLOIS)
ETIENNE de Blois , son of ETIENNE Comte de Blois & his wife Adela of England (Blois [1096/97] – Dover 25 Oct 115...
John Stout
(c.1680 - c.1750)
All Lineages of Members of the National Society of Sons and Daughters of the Pilgrims, Vol. II results for Richard Stout
 Photo by Gage Skidmore. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Scarlett_Johansson_by_Gage_Skidmore_2_(cropped,_2).jpg
Scarlett Johansson
Scarlett Ingrid Johansson (/dʒoʊˈhænsən/; born November 22, 1984) is an American actress and singer. Johansson is the world's highest-paid actress, has made multiple appearances in the Forbes Celebr...
Wilibalda of the Alemannians
(c.500 - d.)
George Douglas, 1st Earl of Angus
(bef.1378 - aft.1402)
George Douglas , 1st Earl of Angus (born 1378 or before died after 14 September 1402) - was a Scottish nobleman and peer. He was born at Tantallon Castle, East Lothian, Scotland. He was the natural-ill...
Nina Simone
(1933 - 2003)
Dr. Nina Simone was born 21 February 1933 in Tryon, North Carolina and died 21 April 2003 in Carry-le-Rouet, Bouches-du-Rhône, France . Her birth name was Eunice Kathleen Waymon and she was also known ...
Henry Gaines
(1731 - 1796)
A carpenter by trade, got hurt while working on Johnnie Knight's bridge on the Saluda River, SC, and died from the effects of the wounds. His great-grandson, Reubin Gaines, said that he had always been...
Holger Drachmann
(1846 - 1908)
1846 Født og døbt i Holmens sogn
1908 Død på Brünniches Klinik i Hornbæk
Kilde: Wikipedia
Holger Henrik Herholdt Drachmann (9. oktober 1846 - 14. januar 1908) var en dansk di...
Sophia of Hungary
(aft.1044 - 1095)
([1045/50]-18 Jun 1095, bur Lüneburg St Michaelis).=SOPHIA ([1045/50]-18 Jun 1095, bur Lüneburg St Michaelis). The Annalista Saxo names "sororem Ladizlai regis Ungarie Sophiam" as wife of Ulrich, and i...
Halfdan "the Mild", king of Romerike and Vestfold
(bef.735 - 802)
TEMP NOTE: I found that some profiles of Halfdan Sveidasson are also marked as "Milde", so I promoted his father's name to a more visible place, and moved "Milde" to the suffix field - Alvestrand.He is...
Herbert, count of Kinziggau
(c.940 - 992)
HERIBERT (-992). Thietmar names "Conradus Suevorum ductor…eiusdem frater Heribertus comes" when recording their deaths[323]. The fact that the two brothers must have also been brothers of Udo and Judit...
Oskar Gustavson
(1889 - 1945)
Oskar Gustavson (02./14. veebruar 1889 Kogula vald, Saaremaa – 1945 Tallinn) oli Eesti poliitik ja ajakirjanik.
Eesti biograafiline andmebaas ISIK
Sünniaeg 1889-02-14 Sünnikoht Kogula v. ...
Maude 'Athelida' de Ingelrica
(c.1033 - 1083)
Ingelrica (Maud) is said to be the mother of William Peverel. Peverel of Hatfield, Essex . m INGELRICA, daughter of INGELRIC & his wife --- (-[1100]). She is said to have been the mistress of William I...
Rev. Peter Thomas Hull, Sr.
(1681 - 1770)
Biography Peter Thomas HULL. Born 3 May 1681 in Rhineland, Germany. Died 15 Jul 1770 in Rhineland, Germany.
He married Anastasia Maria VON EBMARK. Born 9 Sep 1690 in Rhineland, Germany. Died 23 Mar 17...
Ettore Gotti Tedeschi
Gotti Tedeschi (born 3 March 1945 in Pontenure) is an Italian economist and banker, and ex-President of the Institute for Works of Religion, also known as the Vatican Bank (from 2009 to 2012).Biography...
N.N. Mårtensdotter Djäkn
(b. - aft.1442)
Äldre svenska frälsesläkter 1:3 s. 227-234. Familie Hakon Christiernsen Frille, til Løncho, d. ca. 1439 Børn + 1. Karin (Carin) Håkansdotter Frille, d. eft. 1472, Turku (Åbo), Finland
Johan Didrichsson Tuuri
(c.1590 - 1672)
Isä Didrik Persson
Äiti Brita
"Miettiessäni Juhon ikää silloin käräjillä 1672 ajattelen hänen olevan noin 80. Hän olisi silloin syntynyt ennen nuijasotaa ehkä vuosien 1592 -1595 välillä. Liisa Rajal...
Magnus Klasson Fleming
(c.1400 - aft.1450)
Asemies. Vilnäsin herra Villnäsn kappeliseurakunnassa.
Väpnare. till Villnäs i Villnäs kapellförsamling.
OBS! Nils Kurki och Cecilia Filipsdotter i sitt äktenskap ej överlevdes av ättlingar. Ma...
Klaus ja Bengt Lydekesson Djäknin alkuperästä ja vanhemmista on esitetty monenlaisia teorioita. Luotettavin ajantasainen tieto löytyy Äldre Svenska Frälsesläkter -julkaisusta ( sivu 2 ), jonka mukaan K...
Gisela of Alsace
(c.840 - 895)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaEmma of Altdorf, also known as Hemma (808–31 January 876) was the wife of Louis the German, and Queen consort of Eastern Francia. Her father was Welf, Count of Alto...
Martti Ahtisaari, 10th President of Finland
(1937 - 2023)
Suomen 10. Presidentti. Nobelin rauhanpalkinto 2008. '10th President of Finland. Nobel Peace Prize 2008. a Finnish politician, the tenth President of Finland (1994–2000), Nobel Peace Prize laureate and...
(680 - 718)
Ingild==* of Wessex (672-718 was a member of the House of Wessex. He was Wessex, England. Although a member of the direct male line from Cynric to Egbert, Ingild was never king due to usurpations by ju...