Lothar I, Graf von Stade
(b. - 994)
HEINRICH [I] "der Kahle" von Stade, son of LOTHAR [II] Graf on Stade & his wife Swanehild --- (-11 May 976, bur Kloster Heeringen).
m firstly ([946]%29 JUDITH, daughter of --- [Konradiner] & his wif...
Ira Drukier
Biography Ira Drukier is an American hotelier and philanthropist. He co-owns BD Hotels, a hotel chain in New York City.
Early life
Ira Drukier grew up in Rego Park, a neighborhood of Queens in New Yo...
Saint Dode of Metz
(c.583 - c.611)
Many historians reject her existence. She is said to be daughter of Arnoaldus , and Oda , a Suevian. From Sewell Genealogy Site. Online ClothildeFemale, (about 586 - )Clothilde|b. a 586|p30536.htm|Arno...
Isabel de Clare, heiress of Pembroke
(c.1172 - 1220)
Isabel and WIlliam Marshall had 10 Children:William Normandy [1190]-Fawley, Buckinghamshire 6 Apr 1231, bur 15 Apr 1231 Temple Church, LondonMatilda ([before 1195]-1/7 Apr 1248)Richard (-Kilkenny Castl...
Héribert II, count of Vermandois
(c.880 - 943)
Heribert II de Vermandois, comte de Meaux, de Soissons et de VermandoisParents: Heribert I & his wife LiedgardisSpouse: Adèle de Neustrie, de France (daughter of Robert I King of France.)Children:1. Od...
Owain ap Cyllin
(c.65 - 142)
See Darrell Wolcott, , for untangling of these lines. (March 18, 22017, Anne Brannen, curator)Not a known child of Marius ap Gweirydd, King of Britain and Gladys are not known to occur in any source ea...
Marjorie Bruce, Princess of Scotland
(1296 - 1316)
MARJORIE BRUCE Note about imagery: Though many web sites present this as a portrait of Marjorie Bruce, it isn't. This is the princess from Jost Haller's "St. George Slaying the Dragon," from c. 1445...
Ivar Halfdansson, Opplendingejarl
(c.780 - 824)
concerns This Ivar is son of Halvdan 'Gamle' Sveidasson. He is NOT the son of Harald Eivindsson or Halvdan Eysteinsson.
This Ivar is the same as:
Ivar Halfdansson, Opplendingejarl
Ivar Halfda...
Margareta Jönsdotter Garp
(b. - c.1555)
Maavouti Henrik Henrikssonin vaimo. Dönsby, Karjaa.
Landsfogde Henrik Henrikssons hustru. Dönsby, Karis, Finland.
Land Bailiff Henrik Henriksson's wife. Dönsby, Karjaa, Finland.
Henrik Henrikss...
Raum "the Old" Norsson, King of Alfheim
(c.370 - c.450)
Raum er nevnt i " Hvordan Norge ble bosatt " fra Flateyarbok:"Raum, sønn av kong Nor, tok riket etter far sin. Han hadde Alfheim og et rike så vidt som elvene rant, der som de oppstod. Derfra falt Låge...
Judith of Flanders
(aft.1030 - 1094)
Judith van Vlaanderen, de Flandre, of Flanders. Daughter of Baudouin IV 'le Barbu' & Eleonor (his second wife) Married to: 1. Tostig Godwinsson 2. Welf
JUDITH de Flandre ([1033]-5 Mar 1094, bur ...
Marguerite de Ramerupt, Dame de Roucy
(1045 - c.1110)
MARGUERITE de Ramerupt de Roucy, daughter of Hilduin IV de Ramerupt, Comte [de Montdidier], Seigneur de Ramerupt, and Adelaide de RoucyGenealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "secundam filiam comitis ...
Heytir Gorsson, Sea King
brief biography Legendary Scandinavian king, known from a recital of ancestors in "Hversum Noregr Byggdist".
Gor hadde øyene, derfor ble han kalt "sjøkonge". Sønnene hans het Heite og Beite, de var og...
Sveidi Heytirsson, Sea King
content to clean up
"Hvorledes Norge ble bygget", .
Orkney Saga
Random private tree:
I henhold til Orknøyingenes saga går Ragnvalds Mørejarls ætt langt tilbake: «Heite...
Jakob Andrisson
(c.1300 - c.1347)
Laamanni. Satakunta ja Varsinais-Suomi. Tapio Vähäkangas: Jeppe Kurjen esivanhemmat ja jälkeläiset Vanhin kirjallinen merkintä Jakob Andrissanpojasta löytyy tammikuulta 1331, jolloin hän ripusti Kokemä...
Kristina Jönsdotter Garp
(c.1380 - aft.1435)
Turun linnan voudin Klaus Lydekesson Djäknin vaimo. Kristina Jönsdotter . Nämnes 22.1 1435, såsom hustru till slottsfogden i Åbo, häradshövdingen i Masko hd i Norr Finland Klas Lydekason eller Klas Djä...
 Photo by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Public domain. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Garbo_in_Inspiration.jpg
Greta Garbo
(1905 - 1990)
Regarded as one of the greatest and most inscrutable movie stars ever produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and the Hollywood studio system, Swedish-American actress Greta Garbo appeared in only 27 American...
Cerdic, king of the West Saxons
(467 - 534)
Cerdic is cited in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle as a leader of the Anglo-Saxon settlement of Britain, being the founder and first king of Saxon Wessex, reigning from 519 to 534. Subsequent kings of Wessex...
Einudd ap Gwrddwfyn, King of Cernyw
(c.190 - d.)
See Darrell Wolcott, "Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees," -- for help in untangling these lines. (May 18, 2016, Anne Brannen, curator)Please see Darrell Wolcott: Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediat...
Emma, of Alemannia, Duchess of Swabia
(727 - 798)
Emma, of Alemannia, Duchess of Swabia==* Daughter of Hnabi, Duke of the Alemannians and Hereswintha of the Saxons F, #9786, d. 798==Married==* Imma (Emma) of Linzgau married Gerold I, Duke of Alamania,...
Ursula von der Leyen
Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen , née Albrecht (*1958) is a German politician and the President-elect of the European Commission ( Wikipedia biography ).Most of her ancestors were from the formerly sovere...
Olev Kasak
Veel elus ja läheneb usinalt 100-le!
GPU poolt arreteeritute nimekirjas:
Juuniküüditatute nimekirjas:
ENSV aegadel bussijuht Võru rajoonis
Bussijuht mainitud:
Joseph Stalin
(1878 - 1953)
იოსებ სტალინი, Иосиф Сталин, იოსებ ბესრიონის ძე სტალინი, Иосиф Виссарионович Сталин, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, Jossif Vissarionovitš Stalin, Ioseb Džugašvili, იოსებ ჯუღაშვილი, Ioseb Jughashvili, Ио...
Afonso I, "the Conqueror", king of Portugal
(aft.1106 - 1185)
Afonso I, "the Conqueror", king of Portugal
D. Afonso Henriques (por volta de 1106, 1109 ou 1111 – 6 de dezembro de 1185), cognominado de "Conquistador" e "Rei Fundador", foi o primeiro Rei de Por...
Richardis von Sponheim
(c.1060 - c.1151)
Richardis of Sponheim==* Daughter of Engelbert I von Sponheim, Margrave of Istria and Hedwig, Countess von Eppenstein, Duchess in Carinthia * Sponheim or Spanheim was a medieval German noble family, wh...
Bertha Broadfoot of Laon, Queen of the Franks
(c.720 - 783)
Info on Find a grave * From the English Wikipedia page on Bertrada of Laon Bertrada of Laon , also called Bertha Broadfoot (cf. latin: Regina pede aucae i.e. the queen with the goose-foot), (710/27 – J...
Eystein Ivarsson «the Noisy» Glumra
(c.810 - c.870)
Ivarsson 'the Noisy' Glumra, Jarl av Oppland og Hedmarkmå ha levd omkring ca. 830. Hans far skal ha vært Ivar Opplendingajarl, sønn til Halvdan (Håkon) Gamle og sønnesønn til Gor.Navnet er Eystein (Old...
Cunigunda, countess of Trèves & Ardennes
(c.895 - bef.940)
King Louis II & his second wife [ADELAIS, daughter of ADALHARD Comte Palatin [Angoulême] & his wife --- ([855/60]-18 Nov [901], bur Compiègne, église abbatiale Saint-Corneille).] had two children:
Bishop Paul Juusten
(1516 - 1575)
A kind request for all the descendants of Bishop Juusten, and others, who manage related profiles in Geni (and elsewhere). There is no solid evidence whatsoever in any decent source, which would s...
Mariote Campbell
(b. - 1537)
Her parents are "traditionally" seen as Colin Campbell, 1st Lord of Glenorchy and his 3rd wife, Margaret Stirling . However, the Red Book of Scotland shows this Mariota Campbell as daughter of the 3rd ...
Jöns Andersson Garp
(c.1350 - 1407)
Jöns Andersson Student at University of Rostock
P. E. Svinhufvud, 3rd President of Finland
(1861 - 1944)
Sääksmäki - Syntyneet 1849-1874 (TK397-398) Kuva 165, Födde och Döpre barn i Sääksmäki församling.
Pehr Evind Svinhufvud af Qvalstad III was the third President of Finland from 1931 to 1937.
Sigrid the Haughty
(c.955 - 1014)
Share something about Sigrid..........
In Norse sagas, Sigrid was listed among the most powerful Viking women. She was a pagan in blood refusing to get baptised no matter what. She was beautiful but s...
Catharina Östensdotter Sursill
(c.1562 - aft.1614)
Sursill oli kolmasti naimisissa1. pso tunnettiin nimellä Lauri Siniluoto. Hänelle on soviteltu myös sukunimeä Sinius asuinpaikan mukaan. Katariina jäi leskeksi ennen vuotta 1580. Tästä avioliitosta on ...
Michael Monroe
Turku, Finland
Matti Antero Kristian Fagerholm , best known by his stage name, Michael Monroe , is a Finnish rock musician and multi-instrumentalist who rose to fame as the vocalist for the glam punk band Hanoi Rocks...
Magnus Maximus, Western Roman Emperor
(c.340 - 388)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 6, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Constans I and His A.D. 343 Visit to Britain; . (Steven Ferry, April 5, 2017.)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: ...
William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke
(1146 - 1219)
"William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke (1146 or 1147 – 14 May 1219), also called William the Marshal (Norman French: Williame le Mareschal), was an Anglo-Norman soldier and statesman. He served five En...
Pyotr Petrovich Glebov
(1915 - 2000)
Pyotr Petrovich Glebov (14 April 1915 – 17 April 2000), was a Russian film actor from the aristocratic Glebov family, whose early generations are listed in the 17th-century Velvet Book.
In 1940, Glebo...
Edward IV of England
(1442 - 1483)
a short summary from Wikipedia:Edward IVKing of England(first time)Reign: 4 March 1461 – 3 October 1470 (9 years,182 days)Coronation: 28 June 1461Predecessor: Henry VISuccessor: Henry VIKing of England...
Uncilien, duke of the Alemannians
(c.568 - 613)
Duc d'Alémanie 587-607Uncelin d'Alémanie = Unzelinus d'AlsaceUncelen, Uncelin, or Uncilin (from Latin Uncelenus; died c. 613) was the Duke of Alemannia from 587 to 607. He was appointed to replace Leut...
Constantine I "the Great", Roman Emperor
(272 - 337)
Flavius Hannibalianus (* after 289; † before 337) was a son of the Roman emperor Constantius Chlorus and his second wife Theodora and thus a half-brother of Constantine the Great.
New !!: Anastasia ...
 Otto II von Berg, bishop of Freising (1145-1220)
Berengar II of Ivrea, king of Italy
(c.900 - 966)
son of ADALBERTO I Conte e Marchese d'Ivrea & his first wife Gisela di Friulia ([900]-in prison Bamberg 6 Jul 966, bur Regensburg).
x ( [930/31] ) WILLA d’Arles , daughter of BOSO...
Peder Hermansson Svärd
(bef.1360 - c.1400)
(Leif Tennare) "Relativt lite finns dokumenterat om Finlands förste riddare, Nils Olofsson till Suontaka. Som Anthoni skrev i sin bok [1], ”Om Nils Olofssons härstamning veta vi intet”. Han har ändå an...
Basina II of the Thüringians
(435 - 470)
Basina (Basine, Basina II), was queen of Thuringia in the middle of the fifth century. She left her husband king Bisinus (Basinus I) and went to Roman Gaul. She herself took the initiative to ask for t...
Bertha of the Obertenghi, of Milan of Luni
(c.997 - bef.1040)
Probably the same as her sister Bertha, queen of Italy
There are 2 distinct pages also on wikipedia, which however report the probability, which we also find on her father's Wiki :
Julius Caesar, Roman Dictator
(-100 - -44)
Ides of March * Assassination of Julius Caesar Gaius Julius Caesar ( July 100 BC – 15 March 44 BC ) Wikipedia Gaius Julius Caesar , one of the most influential political and military leaders in history...
Margaret Douglas, Countess of Atholl
(1430 - 1474)
Detached as partner of Sir Andrew Leslie, 3rd Baron of Balquhain
John Stewart, 1st Earl of Atholl (c. 1440 – 19 September 1512), also known as Sir John Stewart of Balveny, was a Scottish nobleman a...
Halfdan "Gamle" Sveidasson
content to clean up Halfdan 'Gamle' Sveidasson, born 0758, died 0834, is mentioned in the Orkney saga:
"Heiti, Gorr’s son, was father of Sveiði the sea-king, the father of Halfdan the old, the father ...
 Czar Brodie released this work into the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/en:public_domain. This applies worldwide.
John Forbes, 6th Lord Forbes
(bef.1475 - 1547)
Logie Nelson
(c.1909 - 1942)
The Pima Maze
Logie was a Pima (aka Akimel O'odham) man. Logie was part of the Pima community which became part of the Gila River Indian Community, he lived in the Blackwater District
Hugues, Comte de Tours
(b. - 837)
HUGUES (-20 Oct 837, bur Monza). Thegan refers to the wife of Emperor Lothar as "filiam Hugi comitis, qui erat de stirpe cuiusdam ducis nomine Etih" and in the following paragraph names her "Irmingarda...
Frederick I King of Denmark and Norway
(1471 - 1533)
Alt Birth Date: 9/3/1471Alt Death Date: 4/10/1533King of Denmark and Norway, the Wends and the Goths, Duke of Schleswig, Holstein, Stormarn and Dithmarschen, Count of Oldenburg and Delmenhorst.==Links:...
Margareta Klasdotter Horn
(c.1475 - 1520)
Äldre svenska frälsesläkter I:2, s. 148-153.
Henrik Henriksson till Dönsby
(b. - bef.1562)
Maavouti. Dönsby, Karjaa. Landsfogde. Dönsby, Karis, Finland. 'Land Bailiff. Dönsby, Karjaa, Finland. Henrik Henriksson, Dönsbyn herra; ehkä se "Henrik-kirjuri", joka mainitaan Turun linnassa 1507; 151...
 Painting by Rembrandt Peale, from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Official_Presidential_portrait_of_Thomas_Jefferson_(by_Rembrandt_Peale,_1800).jpg
This file is a work of an employee of the Executive Office of the President of the United States, taken or made as part of that person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, it is in the public domain.
Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the United States of America
(1743 - 1826)
A Patriot of the American Revolution for Virginia and Signer of the Declaration of Independence.
Thomas Jefferson (April 13 [O.S. April 2] 1743 – July 4, 1826) was an American Founding Father who was...
Elizabeth de Burgh, Queen of Scots
(c.1289 - 1327)
Elizabeth de Burgh (c. 1289 – 27 October 1327) was the second wife and the only queen consort of King Robert I of Scotland.==Life==She was born in Dunfermline, Fife in Scotland, the daughter of the pow...
Coellyn ap Caradog
(c.35 - d.)
See Darrell Wolcott, "Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees," -- for help in untangling these lines. (May 18, 2016, Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Beli Mawr and Llyr Lledi...
Anssi Kukkonen
Anssi Kukkonen (s. 30. huhtikuuta 1934 Jääski) on suomalainen toimittaja.Opiskeltuaan ylioppilasmerkonomiksi Kukkonen aloitti toimittajanuransa vuonna 1955 Helsingin Sanomissa, mistä siirtyi Ilta-Sanom...
Charles of France, Count of Valois
(1270 - 1325)
Charles de Valois
Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.
Charles de Valois (12 mars 1270 - 16 décembre 1325), fils du roi Philippe le Hardi et d'Isabelle d'Aragon.
Empereur titulaire...
Railinde Ripondo, of Como
(950 - 999)
Dalla moglie Railenda (Rylenda), figlia del conte Riprando e vedova di Sigifredo, conte di Seprio, Oberto ebbe i seguenti figli:
[ITA, bulgaro, portoghese, russo]
Railenda , vedova d'un S...
Rev. Yelles "Julius" Kassel, II
(bef.1618 - 1681)
Rev. Yelles "Julius" Kasel Kastl Von Gerolshein, II
Son of Reverend Yelles "Julius" Cassel, I
Birth: before January 01, 1618 in Alzey-Worms, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Maria Elisab...
Ealhmund, Under King Of Kent
(c.745 - 839)
EALHMUND, son of [EAFA & his wife ---] (-after 784, maybe after 801). The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle records that "rex Ealhmundus" was "in Cantia rex" in...
Arnulf I the Great, count of Flanders
(889 - 965)
Parents: Baldwin II & Ælftryth
1. (uncertain, unknown first wife)
Child: Hildegard
2. Adela de Vermandois
1. Luitgard
2. Baldwin III
3. Egbert
4. Elstr...
Cavalry Captain Peter Udnie
(c.1590 - 1656)
neljä sivua /four page udnie:
Peter Udnij Inkerinmaan ritarikunta siellä olis tietoja ainakin tämän mukaan
 Photographer unknown. http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/photos/1357064113p8/657359.jpgia No known copyright issues
Henry Sinclair, 1st Earl of Orkney
(c.1345 - c.1400)
HENRY ST. CLAIR, on the death of Malise, Earl of Stratherne, Orkney, and Caithness, before 1358, became one of the competitors for the earldom of Orkney through his moth...
Eric IX Jedvardsson "Saint Erik" King of Sweden
(aft.1120 - 1160)
Eric IX of Sweden * Researchers open royal coffin ofKing Eric IX ruled Sweden between 1155 - 1160 -
Mary of Scotland, Countess of Angus
(c.1380 - 1457)
PRINCESS MARY STEWART======Marriage=== Princess Mary Stewart married Sir James Kennedy of Dunure. NRS: GD25/1/28 ===Evidence from the National Records of Scotland=== 27 January 1405: Charter by King Ro...
Valdemar II "The Victorious", King of Denmark
(1170 - 1241)
King Valdemar "The Victorious" Valdemarson of Denmark Jelling, II=* Son of Valdemar the Great, King of Denmark and Sophia of Minsk * Valdemar Sejr ( Valdemar 2. ( May / June 1170 in Ribe - March 28, 12...
Rhodri the Great, king of the Britons
(c.820 - 878)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 6, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Pedigree of "Ednowain Bendew II"; , [#28] as emended 10/27/17. (Steven Ferry, October 29, 2017.)
Please see Da...
Gradlon Mawr 'The Great' ap Cynan, King of Brittany
(c.300 - bef.400)
Gradlon Mawr, King of Brittany ['Mawr' mean 'The Great' and this can be written Gradlon Mawr OR Gradlon The Great ]
Gradlon was known as Gradlon the Great in Brittany, but was mostly called Urban outs...
Edgar I "The Peaceful", King of the English
(943 - 975)
Links:==* The Peerage * Wikipedia * Medlands * King of the English: Reign 1 October 959 – 8 July 975> Predecessor: Eadwig "The Fair" Successor: Edward the Martyr
Catherine, Princess of Wales
HRH Catherine, Princess of Wales, Duchess of Cornwall and Cambridge, GCVO ( Catherine Elizabeth "Kate"; née Middleton ; born 9 January 1982),is a member of the British royal family. Her husband, Prince...
John Adams, 2nd President of the USA
(1735 - 1826)
Please note: He passed away July 4, 1826 at the age of 90 Middle name was Edmund in some records.
Eino Leino
(1878 - 1926)
Suomalainen kirjailija ja lehtimies.
Finländsk författare och journalist.
Finnish Author and Journalist.
Paltamo (nykyisin osa Kajaania), Hämeenlinna, Helsinki ja Tuusula.
Ingmar Bergman
(1918 - 2007)
Ingmar Bergman ==Sources==* Wikipedia, English * Wikipedia, svenska * Karin inte Bergmans biologiska moder Enligt födelseboken för Akademiska sjukhuset i Uppsala är modern Karin Åkerblom:
Adalbert II, count of Ballenstedt.
(b. - c.1076)
Adalbert II, count of Ballenstedt.
Son of Esiko, count of Ballenstedt and Matilda of Swabia
Adalbert II of Ballenstedt (c. 1030 – 1076/1083), an early member of the House of Ascania, was Graf (coun...
Poppa of Bayeux
(c.872 - 930)
Berengar II, av Neustrien, greve av Bayeux och Rennes
Bayeux och Rennes och markgreve av Bretonmarschen från 886 till sin död ett decennium senare.
År 874 kastades Bretagnes interna politik i kaos när...
Heinrich Kassel
(1641 - 1716)
Heinrich Abraham Kassel
Son of Rev. Yelles "Julius" Kassel, II and Maria Elisabeth Gerolsheim
Birth: born around 1641 in Kriesham, Herzogtum Baden, Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation
Wichburg de Verdun von Bayern, Pfalzgräfin von Bayern
(c.935 - c.980)
Wichburg Of, daughter of Eberhard of Bavaria and Unknown, was born 955 in France. She got married about 960 in Aribone, Swabia with Hartwig I of Bavaria . Wichburg von Bayern (auch Wigburg) († nach 980...
Conrad III, King of Germany
(1093 - 1152)
von Büren=== FRIEDRICH von Büren , son of FRIEDRICH von Büren & his wife Hildegard --- ([1050]-1105 before 21 Jul, bur Lorsch Monastery). *m (betrothed Regensburg 24 Mar 1079, 1089) as her first husban...
Clovis I the Great, King of the Franks
(c.465 - 511)
Clovis I (Chlodwig) Mérovingiens=>1. CHILDERICH (-Tournai [481/82], bur Tournai). > m ([464]%29 as her second husband, BASINA , formerly wife of BASINUS King of Thuringia, daughter of -. King Childeric...
Bishop Magnus Olofsson Tavast
(1357 - 1452)
Suomen piispa. Turku.
Finlands biskop. Åbo, Finland.
Finlands bishop. Turku, Finland.
Magnus II Tavast (suomennettuna Maunu) (n. 1357–9. maaliskuuta 1452 Mynämäki) oli Suomen keskiajan huomatta...
Baldwin IV the Bearded, count of Flanders
(980 - 1035)
Baudouin IV 'le Barbu' de Flandre Boudewyn IV, met den Board (980 - 30 meie 1035), was groaf van Vloandern van 988 tout an zyn dôod.
Matilda of Ringelheim
(c.896 - 968)
- : Theoderic (d. 8 November 917, possible second great grandson of Duke Widukind)*Mother: 2 possibilities**1. Reinhild, daughter of Gotfrid the Dane and Gisela [Carolingian] (from the Europäische Stam...
Henry I "The Fowler", king of Germany
(876 - 936)
King of Germany (formally King of East Francia) Reign 24. May 919 – 2. July 936 Coronation none
Predecessor: Conrad I Successor: Otto I
Duke of Saxony Reign 30. Novem...
Robert "the Strong", Margrave of Neustria
(aft.815 - c.866)
He is commonly called a son of Robert III , count in the Wormsgau, but the relationship is conjectural.
Robert 'le Fort' unknown origin, unknown wife.
Sources and Resources
The Found...
Charles Bourbon-Parma
(1927 - 1977)
Richard III, King of England
(1452 - 1485)
latest news about Richard skeleton found beneath a Leicester car park has been confirmed as that of English king Richard III.Richard III dig: DNA confirms bones are king's: III dig: University to relea...
Ralph Neville, 1st Earl of Westmorland, 4th Baron Neville de Raby
(1364 - 1425)
a possible birth date is 15 September 1363=================================="Ralph de Neville, 1st Earl of Westmorland, 4th Baron Neville de Raby, Earl Marshal, KG, PC (c. 1364 – 21 October 1425), was ...
 Photo by Northern Ireland Office. CC BY 2.0. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Meghan_Markle_-_2018_(cropped).jpg
Meghan, Duchess of Sussex
Montecito, Santa Barbara County, California, United States
Rachel Meghan Markle is an American actress and humanitarian campaigner. She helped children in India have supply to clean filtered water.Markle was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. She grad...
Robert de Bruce, 6th Lord of Annandale
(c.1243 - 1304)
ROBERT [VI] de Brus (Jul 1243-c 4 Apr 1304, bur Abbey of Holm Cultram)1295 as Lord of Annandale
s/o ROBERT [V] & Isabel de Clare
x (Turnberry Castle 1271) MARGARET Ctss of Carrick suo iure, widow of ...
Rothard von Metz
(bef.745 - bef.800)
ROTHARD [Chrothard] (-after 9 Dec 771). Settipani names Rothard as son of Hardrad[653] but does not cite the primary source on which this is based. Graf. With estates in Alsace and Lorraine, ...
George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States
Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, United States
George W. Bush July 6, 1946 New Haven, CT, USA
Parents: George H. W. Bush June 12, 1924 and Barbara (Pierce) Bush June 9, 1925
Wife: Laura Welch November 4, 1946
Henry IX the black, duke of Bavaria
(c.1074 - 1126)
Welfe der jüngeren schwäbischen Linie
H. „der Schwarze“ (der Beiname erst Ende 13. Jahrhundert belegt, ungewiß, ob wegen seiner Haarfarbe oder wegen der schwarzen Trac...
Adèle of Normandy
(c.897 - 962)
Gerloc Adela Hrólfsdóttir de Normandie (c.897 - 962) was the daughter of Gange-Hrolfr 'Rollo' & Poppa De Valois.
Her original name was Geirlaug or Gerloc, but she was baptised in Rouen as Adela ...
Janet ‘Jean’ Stewart, Countess of Huntly
(c.1461 - 1510)
Born: 1461, 1468 or 1481
She [Margaret Douglas] had no children by the Earls of Douglas, but two daughters by the Earl of Atholl. These were Janet, wife of Alexander Gordon, 3rd Earl of Huntly and El...
Fulk V, King of Jerusalem
(aft.1089 - 1143)
- V "le Jeune" de Anjou = Early member of Knights Templar Knight Templar, King of Jerusalem 1131 - 1142/3 9th Count of Anjou 1109 - 1129b 1089 to 1092 d 13 Nov 1142/3, Plains of Acre, Holy Land (died f...
Elli von Rheinhausen, Graf im Leinegau
(915 - 965)
, EARLY NOBILITY v3.1 Updated 24 April 2015Chapter 2. FRANCONIAN NOBILITYA. 9th and 10th CENTURIES28. ELLI (-after 12 Apr 965) . "Otto…imperator augustus" granted property "Rorbach…in pago Hassonum in ...
Pierre Joubert, a1SV/PROG
(1663 - 1732)
No valid source for marriage to Isabeau Richarde Franschhoek, the town, has a more recent history, only being proclaimed as such in 1881.
Birth Date 1664
Death Date 30/6/1732
First Name Pierre ...
Carlo di Borbone-Due Sicilie, duca di Castro
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