R' Samuel Katzenellenbogen
(c.1640 - 1758)
R' Samuel Katzenellenbogen was president of the Posen community, died in Krotoschin in 1708.He lies buried next to the famous R' Menachem Mendel, son of Meshullam Zalman Auerbach, who died in 1701.He m...
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
(1756 - 1791)
Piano Concerto No. 21 - Andante * Requiem * Turkish March * Eine Kleine Nachtmusik * The Marriage of Figaro * Sinfonia n° 40 K550
N Klasdotter Djäkn
(c.1411 - d.)
(Den i olika slaktböcker förekommande uppgiften, att en dotter, vid namn Cecilia hade varit gift med lagmannen i Finland Klas Fleming, styrkes ej av 1551 års släktredogörelse och är uppenbart oriktig.)...
George I, King of Great Britain and Ireland
(1660 - 1727)
George Ludwig of Brunswik-Lüneburg*By the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, Prince-Elector of Hanover, Duke of Brunswick==Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall ...
Alvar Aalto
(1898 - 1976)
Elämäkerta Hugo Alvar Henrik Aalto (3. helmikuuta 1898 Kuortane – 11. toukokuuta 1976 Helsinki) oli suomalainen arkkitehti, muotoilija ja akateemikko. Hän on 1950-luvun lopulta lähtien kansallisesti ja...
Eystein «Fret/Fjert» Halfdansson
(706 - 780)
concerns== Date of burial is 25 years before date of death. Further research is warranted.==brief biography==Konge i Romerike og Vestfold / King of Romerike and Vestfolddrowned at sea after being knock...
Immilla Schweinfurt, di Torino
(c.1020 - 1078)
- Schweinfurt (degli Arduinici), di Torino Auch bekannt als: Englisch (Voreinstellung): Emilia, Immula, Ermengarda, Irmgard * Geburtstag und -ort: etwa 1020 Turin, Piedmont, Italy (Italien) * Verstorbe...
(c.315 - d.)
There are many legends and stories of St. Patrick, but this is his story.
Patrick was born around 385 in Scotland, probably Kilpatrick. His parents were Calpurnius and Conchessa, who were Romans ...
Conrad I "the Elder", count of Auxerre
(c.805 - 866)
I "l'Ancien" was the count of several counties, most notably the Aargau and Auxerre, around Lake Constance, as well as Paris from 859 to 864. He was also the lay abbot of Saint-Germain in Auxerre.He wa...
Wilhelm Carl Grimm
(1786 - 1859)
Wilhelm Carl Grimm (also Karl; 24 February 1786 – 16 December 1859) was a German author, the younger of the Brothers Grimm.
He was born in Hanau, Hesse-Kassel and in 1803 he started studying law at th...
John Hamilton of Allanshaw
(1666 - d.)
Not a known father of John Hamilton
John Hamiltone (1666) Jon Hamilton (1687) John Hamilton of Allanshaw (1693) John Hamilton of Allanshaw (1695) John Hamilton (1700) Jo...
Betsy Machiko Hackman
(1961 - c.2025)
Seen as daughter of James Jenshin Arakawa
Gene Hackman, 95, and pianist wife Betsy Arakawa, 63, found dead at home with their dog. The Oscar-winning star of The French Connection, The Conversation, ...
Uchtred "the Bold", Earl of Northumbria
(971 - aft.1016)
Uhtred of Bamburgh (Uhtred the Bold ... sometimes spelled "Uchtred"; died ca. 1016), was ruler of Bamburgh and the Ealdorman [Earl] of Northumbria from 1006 to 1016.
Uchtred the Bold of Northumbria
Johan Henriksson Fleming
(c.1450 - 1517)
Asemies, kihlakunnantuomari Vehmaan kihlakunnassa. Väpnare, häradshövding i Vemo, Finland härad. 'Squire, judge in district Vehmaa court, Finland. Viitteet - Referenser - References Tor Carpelan: Ättar...
Adala of Bavaria
(c.960 - aft.1020)
Adala von Bayern * (um 960; † 7. September nach 1020) war Pfalzgräfin von Bayern sowie Gräfin im Chiemgau. Sie war die älteste Tochter von Pfalzgraf Hartwig I. und Wichburg von Bayern. Sie war mütterli...
Lothar II, von Stade
(b. - 929)
LOTHAR [I] von Stade, son of --- (-killed in battle near Ebstorf 2 Feb 880). Graf von Stade. The Gesta Francorum lists "Liutharium" as one of the twelve counts who were killed fighting the Danes in 880...
Evrard I, comte de Breteuil
(998 - c.1061)
William Forbes, Thane of Kinaldy, 1st of Pitsligo
(c.1385 - 1446)
Sir John Forbes ”with the black lip” (=”med den sorte læbe”). Født 13.. . Tilnavnet skal han have fået efter et mærke på hans ansigt. Opdraget af sin mor og p.g.a. sine bedrifter blev han efter sagnet ...
Francis E. Wright, III
(bef.1710 - bef.1767)
Not the same as Francis Wright, of King William County (son of John Wright, of Prince William County & Dorothy Wright )
Francis Wright
Birth before 1710 of Lancaster County, Virginia
Death Sep 7 ...
Haakon, Crown Prince of Norway
Skaugum, Asker, Akershus, Norge
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia * Johann the Younger # 4808 * Kongehuset In Norwegian_________________________________________________________________________________
Baldwin V, count of Flanders
(1012 - 1067)
Son of Baudouin 'le Barbu' and OgiveMarried to Adèle (Robert de France's daughter)Children:* Baudouin* Matilde* RobertLINKSLANDSBAUDOUIN, son of BAUDOUIN IV "le Barbu/Pulchrae Barbae" Count of Flanders...
Count Gerard van Wassenberg, IV
(1053 - 1129)
Medlands I van GelreUit Wikipedia, de vrije encyclopedieGa naar: navigatie, zoekenGerard IV / Ica 1060-1129Graaf van WassenbergPeriode 1085-1129Voorganger Diederik van Wassenberg
Eddie Skoller
(1944 - 2023)
Edward "Eddie" Ralf Skoller (født 4. juni 1944 i St. Louis, Missouri, USA, død 27. august 2023 på Rigshospitalet i København) var en dansk-amerikansk entertainer. Eddie Skoller havde en svenskfødt mor ...
Gilbert Fitz Richard de Clare, Lord of Clare, Tonbridge, and Cardigan
(c.1065 - 1114)
FitzRichard d. 1114/7 was son and eventual heir of Richard FitzGilbert of Clare and heiress Rohese Giffard. He succeeded to his father's possessions in England in 1091; his brother, Roger Fitz Richard,...
Louis VIII le Lion, roi de France
(1187 - 1226)
From Wikipedia, * Louis VIII of France Louis VIII the Lion King of the Franks and Count of Artois Reign 14 July 1223 – 8 November 1226 Coronation 6 August 1223, Reims Titles Count of Artois (1189–1226)...
 This work is in the public domain because it was published in the United States between 1925 and 1963 and although there may or may not have been a copyright notice, the copyright was not renewed. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Monroecirca1953.jpg
Marilyn Monroe
(1926 - 1962)
Marilyn Monroe (born Norma Jeane Mortenson ) was an American actor, model and singer. Famous for playing comedic "blonde bombshell" characters, she became one of the most popular sex symbols of the 195...
Gerold, count in Kraichgau and Anglachgau
(c.720 - 779)
Gerold, count in Kraichgau and Anglachgau==Thurgau was located south of Lake Constance. It is now the name of a canton in north-east Switzerland, but it is unclear whether this is co-extensive with the...
Edward 'the Exile', Ætheling of England
(1016 - 1057)
Edward the Exile (1016 – 19 April 1057), also called Edward Ætheling, was the son of King Edmund Ironside and of Ealdgyth. He spent most of his life in exile in the Kingdom of Hungary following the def...
 Photo by the Dutch Ministry of Defence. CC0 1.0. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Lancering_Invictus_Games_2020-7_(cropped).jpg
Harry, Duke of Sussex
Montecito, Santa Barbara County, California, United States
Prince Henry Charles Albert David of Wales Prince Henry of Wales (Henry Charles Albert David), commonly known as Prince Harry, is the younger son of King Charles III and the late Diana, Princess of Wal...
Matilda of Swabia
(c.989 - 1031)
Matilda of Swabia
MedLands, SWABIA
a) MATHILDE ([988]-20 Jul [1031/32]), bur Worms Cathedral). Thietmar refers to "Konrad" as son-in-law of Hermann Duke of Swabia, recording that they attacke...
Heino Eller
(1887 - 1970)
Sünd (vkj. 23.2.1887 Heinrich) Saaga EAA.3148.1.57:36?1283,1269,986,295,0
Heino Eller (7. märts 1887 Tartu – 16. juuni 1970 Tallinn) oli eesti helilooja ja pedagoog. Ta oli Eesti sümfoonilise ja kam...
Sven Mårtensson Bucht
(c.1575 - c.1623)
Majoitusmestari. Ryhtä, Tammela. Syntyperä ei tiedossa. Kvartermästare. Ryhtä, Tammela. Ursprung okänd. HUOM! Sven Mårtensson Buchtin syntyperä ei ole tiedossa. OBS! Sven Mårtensson Buchts ursrpung är ...
Adela of Flanders
(aft.1064 - 1115)
- the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy Medlands Project page on Flanders and Hainaut: de Flandre, son of BAUDOUIN V "le Pieux/Insulanus" Count of Flanders & his wife Adela de France ([1035]-13 Oct 109...
Augusta Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein
(1858 - 1921)
Augusta Viktoria af Slesvig-Holsten-Sønderborg-Augustenborg (Augusta Viktoria Friederike Luise Feodora Jenny) (22. oktober 1858 – 11. april 1921) var den sidste kejserinde af Tyskland.Den 27. februar 1...
Lt. Col. Anthony Elliott
(bef.1623 - bef.1666)
Anthony Elliott is a Qualifying Ancestor of the Jamestowne Society.
Anthony ELLIOTT was born BEF 1623 in England, and died bef 9 Jan 1665/66 in Lancaster Co., VA.
He married
UNNAMED was born ABT...
 House of Alsace-Flanders Counts of Flanders
Judith, countess of Flanders
(844 - aft.870)
CHARLES II “le Chauve
s/o Emperor LOUIS I "le Pieux" & Judith [Welf]
x (Quierzy, Aisne 13 Dec 842, separated 867) ERMENTRUDIS (d/o EUDES Comte [ d’Orléans ] & Engeltrudis ) (27 Sep [830]-Saint-Denis ...
Constance d'Arles, Queen consort of the Franks
(c.974 - 1032)
"Constance d'Arles - also known as Constance de Provence [ .. ] fille de Guillaume Ier (c.950-†993) comte d’Arles, et Adélaïde d'Anjou (†1026)"
Adélaïde la Blanche d'Anjou, Reine consort d'Aquitaine
(c.946 - 1026)
Adélaïde 'Blanche' d'Anjou :
Parents: Foulques II d'Anjou and Gerberge
1. Etienne de Brioude
2. Raymond IV, Comte de Toulouse
3. Louis, Roi d'Aquitaine
4. Guillaume 'le Libérateur...
Ronald W. Reagan, 40th President of the USA
(1911 - 2004)
The image above is Ronald Reagan's official White House portrait. It is the image he liked. Please leave it a there. Thank you. Walter G. Ashworth, cousin.
40th President of the United States. H...
Pepin of Landen
(aft.575 - 640)
Regarding his NN father: named as Carloman in the Chronicle of Fredegar See: na
"The Chronicle of Fredegar is a fascinating document, but internal evidence and comparison to surviving sources shows i...
Richard FitzAlan, 4th Earl of Arundel (Second Creation)
(1346 - 1397)
"Richard FitzAlan, 11th Earl of Arundel and 10th Earl of Surrey (1346 – 21 September 1397) was an English medieval nobleman and military commander."=====================================================...
St Eberhard, margrave & duke of Friuli
(c.815 - 867)
of Friuli Eberhard (c. 815 – 16 December 867) was the Frankish Duke of Friuli from 846. His name is alternatively spelled Everard, Evrard, Erhard, or Eberard; in Latinized fashion, Everardus, Eberardus...
Saint Patrick of Ireland
(aft.367 - 461)
St. Patrick of Ireland Saint Patrick (Latin: Sanctus Patricius, Irish: Naomh Pádraig), born in Kilpatrick near Dumbarton in Scotland c. 387 – died at Saul, Downpatrick, Ireland 17 March 460/1. He was a...
 Photo by Régine Mahaux. Public domain. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Melania_Trump%E2%80%99s_Official_White_House_Portrait_(2025)_(much_further_cropped).jpg
Melania Trump, First Lady of the United States
Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Melania Trump is a Slovenian and American former model who has been the first lady of the United States since 2025 as the wife of Donald Trump, the 45th and 47th president of the United States. She pre...
Johannes Henrici Limingius
(c.1563 - c.1634)
Oulun ensimmäinen kirkkoherra ja Iin kirkkoherra Information on the death year (1634) is based on Genealogia Sursilliana's 1971 edition. Vicar Johan Lithovius (Limingius or Corvinius) died 1634. He was...
Col. Tarlton Brown
(1757 - 1845)
A Patriot of the American Revolution for SOUTH CAROLINA with the rank of CAPTAIN. DAR Ancestor # A015888
NOTE - looking for DNA relative
Cunedda Wledig, King of Gwynedd
(c.385 - c.460)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 3, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Darrell Wolcott, "Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees," -- for help in untangling these lines. (May 18, 2016, Anne Brannen, ...
Arnulf, Duke of Bavaria
(c.886 - 937)
Additional Curator's Notes:===Medieval Scholar Wegener speculates that the wife of Arnulf Duke of Bavaria was the daughter of Eberhard, Duke of the March of Friulia, of the Unruochingi line, on the bas...
Gunzelin I. von Schwerin-Hagen, Count of Schwerin
(aft.1125 - 1185)
Wikipedia: I. (Schwerin)aus Wikipedia, der freien EnzyklopädieWechseln zu: Navigation, SucheStatue in der Fassade des Schweriner SchlossesGunzelin von Hagen, auch Gunzelin I. (* zwischen 1125 und 1130;...
Roger II, 1st Earl of Shropshire
(1022 - 1094)
Roger II 'The Great' de Montgomery==* Son of Roger de Montgomery, I Seigneur de Montgomery and Josceline Tofulus de Turqueville * Earl of Arundel & Shrewsbury, Governor of Normandy* Roger de Montgomery...
Tore Garper
(c.1300 - c.1373)
Äldre svenska frälsesläkter I:2, s. 148.Tore Garper, panttasi kiinnityksen 1367 Ahvenanmaalla, maatilaan Uudellakirkolla. Oli läheinen sukulainen, isä tai veli Anders Garpille. Garp, Kosken suku. Keski...
Pope Francis
Vatican City
Pope Francis, The People’s Pope - Times Magazine >>* Pope Francis on 60 Minutes >>* Photos of Pope Francis from Childhood O! Signore protegici!!!♡♡♡
Risto Ryti, 5th President of Finland
(1889 - 1956)
Huittinen - syntyneet, 1887-1893 (AP) > Sivu 206 39: sivu ???; SSHY: / Viitattu 19.9.2020
Huittinen - rippikirja
- 1884-1893 (AP_I) > Sivu 572 573: sivu ???: Loima, Ryti no 4, Danski, Kivi, Vig...
Ragnhildis Ludmilla von Ringleheim
(c.875 - c.917)
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Saxony ( married REGINLIND [Reinhild], daughter of N.N. (-11 May ??). The wife of Theoderich is named "Reinhildam, Danorum Fresonumque germine procrea...
Yolande van Gelre, Vrouwe van Dodewaard en Dalen, von Wassenberg, Grafin von Gelre von Wassenberg, Countess of Hennegau
(c.1090 - 1110)
YOLANDE van Gelre (->1122, bur Mons)
d/o GERHARD von Wassenberg
x [1107] BAUDOUIN III Comte de Hainaut,
xx Godefrid de Bochesin castellano Valencensi
Berta x count of Duraz xx Gilles de ...
Lady Clémence Von Wassenberg
(c.1060 - 1142)
Clementia of Aquitaine=* Daughter of William VII, Duke of Aquitaine and Ermensinde de Longwy* Clementia of Poitiers (ca. 1060-1142) was a daughter of William VII of Aquitaine and possibly of Ermesinde ...
Ingegerd Olafsdotter
(1001 - 1050)
St. Anna of Novgorod Commemorated on February 10
" St. Anna, Grandduchess of Novgoro d, was born and baptized in Sweden. She was the daughter of the Swedish King Olof Skötkonung, the “philanthropist ...
Hugues I 'Magnus', Comte de Vermandois
(c.1057 - 1101)
Note regarding his name: Sources show that Hugues Magnus was a compound name. See below for details. == Wikipedia ==From the English Wikipedia page of Hugh I, Count of Vermandois: Wikipedia: (1057-1102...
Athol Fugard
(1932 - 2025)
Athol Fugard , OIS , HonFRSL (11 June 1932 – 8 March 2025) was a South African playwright, novelist, actor, and director widely regarded as South Africa's greatest playwright.
Biography Extracted fro...
Duncan I, King of Scots
(1001 - 1040)
Donnchad mac Crínáin (Modern Gaelic: Donnchadh mac Crìonain) anglicised as Duncan I, (died 14 August 1040) was king of Scotland (Alba).
Parents: Crínán 'the Thane', Mormaer of Atholl and Bethóc of...
Gerberga von Lothringen
(aft.925 - 995)
Birgitta Jakobsdotter Kurki
(c.1440 - c.1490)
Aseenkantaja Henrik Nilsson Tawastin II vaimo. Varsinais-Suomi. Väpnare Henrik Nilsson Tawasts II hustru. Egentliga Finland, Finland. 'Squire Henrik Nilsson Tawast's II wife. Varsinais-Suomi, Finland. ...
 © John Mathew Smith, 2001. From Kingkongphoto & www.celebrity-photos.com. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sidney_Poitier.jpg#mw-jump-to-license
Sir Sidney Poitier
(1927 - 2022)
Sir Sidney Poitier, KBE was a Bahamian-American actor, film director, activist, and ambassador. In 1964, he won the Academy Award for Best Actor, becoming the first Black male actor to win the award. H...
Andy McCoy
Helsinki, Finland
Andy McCoy (oikealta nimeltään Antti Hulkko) on suomalainen rock-muusikko. Hän oli Hanoi Rocks -yhtyeen kitaristi, taustalaulaja ja pääasiallinen lauluntekijä. Lisäksi McCoy tunnetaan muun muassa ensim...
Adélaïde d'Aquitaine, reine des Francs
(950 - 1004)
HUGUES , son of HUGUES “le Grand” Duc des Francs & his third wife Hedwig of Germany ([940]-villa "Les Juifs", near Prasville, Eure-et-Loire 24 Oct 996, bur église de l'Abbaye royale de Saint-Denis). Th...
Johann I von Brandenburg, Markgraf
(c.1213 - 1266)
Johann I, Markgraf von Brandenburg
Son of Albrecht II, Markgraf von Brandenburg and Mathilde von Meissen, of the house of Wettin
Project MedLands, Prussia, Brandenburg JOHANN von Brandenburg...
N. N. Jakobsdotter Kurki
(c.1340 - 1370)
Herman Svärd ja N. N. Jakobsdotter avioituivat vuoden 1360 tienoilla. Tapio Vähäkangas: Jeppe Kurjen esivanhemmat ja jälkeläiset
Elizabeth I of England
(1533 - 1603)
"Elizabeth I (7 September 1533 – 24 March 1603) was queen regnant of England and Ireland from 17 November 1558 until her death. Sometimes called "The Virgin Queen", "Gloriana" or "Good Queen Bess", Eli...
Katarina Fincke
(c.1335 - d.)
Ritari Olof Jönsson Tawastin vaimo. Riddare Olof Jönsson Tawasts hustru. 'Knight Olof Jönsson Tawast's wife. HUOM! Olof Jönsson Tawastin vaimon alkuperä ei ole tiedossa. Hänen nimensä oli todennäköises...
Ermentrude of Orléans, queen of the Franks
(bef.830 - 869)
CHARLES II “le Chauve
s/o Emperor LOUIS I "le Pieux" & Judith [Welf]
x (Quierzy, Aisne 13 Dec 842, separated 867) ERMENTRUDIS (d/o EUDES Comte [ d’Orléans ] & Engeltrudis ) (27 Sep [830]-Saint-Denis ...
Guillaume 'Tête d'étoupe' d'Aquitaine, III duc d'Aquitaine, I comte de Poitou
(c.915 - 963)
Son of Ebles II Manzer, duc d'Aquitaine and Émilienne of Poitou
Project MedLands Aquitaine GUILLAUME de Poitou, son of EBALUS "Mancer" Comte de Poitou & his [second wife Emill...
Anna-Lisa Himma
Klas Fleming, Speculative !
(c.1290 - c.1355)
Fogde. Barth, Pommern, Tyskland. Vouti. Barth. Pommeri, Saksa. 'Vogt. Barth, Pomerania, Germany. OBS! Klas Flemings son kan möjligen ha varit riddare Peder Fleming , men denna person kan vara också en ...
Simo "The White Death" Häyhä
(1905 - 2002)
Simo "Simuna" Häyhä a.k.a. "The White Death" was a Finnish sniper. He is without a doubt the deadliest sniper ever. His head count ranges between 250 - 550 kills, and what makes this even more extraord...
Dinah Malka Isserles, [RaMA mother]
(c.1492 - 1552)
Ermentrudis Billung Im Padergau
(c.902 - 948)
Jöns Olofsson Tavast
(c.1370 - bef.1439)
Äldre Svenska Frälseätter - kts. Media - se Media
Jöns (Juho) Olavinpoika oli Liedon Värtsilän ja Paraisten Kuitian (Qvidja) herra. * Sai Kuitian linnan veljeltään Turun piispa Maunu Tavastilta vuonna...
Lily Tomlin
Jean "Lily" Tomlin (born September 1, 1939) is an American actress, comedian, writer, singer, and producer. Tomlin began her career as a stand-up comedian, and performing Off-Broadway during the 1960s....
Childéric I, King of the Franks
(b. - c.481)
MEROVECH (-[451/57]). m ---. The name of Merovech's wife is not known. Merovech is recorded as having one child: >1. CHILDERICH (-Tournai [481/82], bur Tournai). Gregory of Tours records that Merovech ...
Adèle de France
(c.893 - d.)
Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines refers to "comitis Heriberti gener…Roberti" and in a later passage to the sister of "dux Hugo Cappatus" as the wife of "comitis Heriberti de Peroni, Campanie et ...
Christian II af Danmark og Norge von Oldenburg, Konge af Danmark og Norge, Kung av Sverige
(1481 - 1559)
Christian II of Oldenburg, King of Denmark and Norway.*Herzog von Schleswig-Holstein.*King Christian II of Norway in 1513.*King Christian II of Denmark in 1513.*King Christian II of Sweden in 1520.*Dep...
Frederik IX, King of Denmark
(1899 - 1972)
Name/title: Christian Frederik Franz Michael Carl Valdemar Georg zu Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg. ==Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Find a Grave * Burial In Danish* Danmarkshistorien In D...
Otto I the Illustrious, Duke of Saxony
(836 - 912)
the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Saxony: "der Erlauchte", son of Graf LIUDOLF & his wife Oda [Billung] (-30 Nov 912, bur Gandersheim Stiftskirche). The Annalista Saxo records "Otto" as "fi...
Heinrich I von Schweinfurt, Markgraf im Nordgau
(aft.970 - 1017)
BERTHOLD , son of --- (-15 Jan 980). m ([970]%29 EILIKA [Eiliswintha or Eila] von Walbeck, daughter of LOTHAR [II] Graf von Walbeck [Nordmark] & his wife Mathilde von Arneburg (-19 Aug 1015). Markgraf ...
Philip III, "the Bold" king of France
(1245 - 1285)
From Wikipedia, III (30 April 1245 – 5 October 1285), called the Bold (French: le Hardi), was the King of France, succeeding his father, Louis IX, and reigning from 1270 to 1285. He was a member of the...
Jarl Bengt Snivel
(1110 - 1175)
BENGT Folkason "Snivel"=* Son of Folke The Thick, Earl of Östergötland (Folkunga) and Princess Ingegerd Knutsdotter, of Denmark == Project MedLands, Sweden Nobility BENGT Folkason "Snivel", son of FOLK...
Theodrada of St. Quentin, abbess of Herford
(c.755 - c.806)
As of 28 Nov 2020, FMG shows no extant primary-source evidence supporting a marriage to Isembart.
Thietrade Franks-79217 [Parents].Thietrade married Isanbart Des Fra...
George H. W. Bush, 41st President of the USA
(1924 - 2018)
George Herbert Walker Bush (June 12, 1924 – November 30, 2018) was an American politician, diplomat, and businessman who served as the 41st president of the United States from 1989 to 1993. A member of...
Leutharis III, duke of the Alemannians
(c.600 - 675)
from Medlands ( 3 Feb 2019 ) Dukes of Alemannia
"The territory of Alemannia was invaded by the Merovingian Franks but was able to preserve semi-autonomy. The dukes of Alemannia were finally vanquishe...
Gamle Olof
(c.1390 - bef.1480)
Eftersom Anders Olofssons farfader enligt en muntlig källa hette Herse, så måste Olof Hersesson ha existerat, men finns ej i källorna. Han benämndes 'Gamle Olof' av ättlingarna. (Since the paternal gra...
Gōdwine Wulfnothsson, Earl of Wessex
(987 - 1053)
After 1066, three grandsons of Earl Godwin immigrated to Norway. They were Earl Tostig's stepson Skuli and son Ketil, who came to Norway in 1067 under the protection ...
Margareta till Dalkarby
(c.1270 - aft.1330)
Andris af Bolstaholmin vaimo. Ahvenanmaa. Måns Byskallen vaimo. Ahvenanmaa. Andris af Bolstaholms hustru. Åland. Måns Byskalles hustru. Åland. 1330 Margareta i Dalkarby, med söner, försäljer mark i Sib...
Hatheburg, Countess of Merseburg
(c.880 - d.)
Was Gerlint of Merseburg a sister or another name of Hatheburg? Hatheburg of Merseburg : From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaHatheburg of Merseburg Born 876 Died after 909Spouse(s): Henry the FowlerIs...
Richard II "the Good", Duke of Normandy
(963 - 1026)
II 'le Bon' Duc de Normandie * Parents: Richard I 'Sans-Peur and Gunnor de Crèpon* Spouses: 1. Judith (982-1017), daughter of Conan I de Bretagne Children: * Richard (c. 1002/4), duke of Normandy * Ade...
Isobel Stewart
(aft.1475 - 1516)
Origins John Stewart and Eleanor Sinclair had two sons and nine daughters:
John Stewart, 2nd Earl of Atholl, living 1520, and died before 1522, who married Janet Campbell (died about Candlemas 1545...
Börje Salming
(1951 - 2022)
Salming, Anders Börje
S Köpm.g 13D 802 21 Gävle
Kyrkobokförd i Staffan Gävle (Gävle kn, Gävleborgs län, Gästrikland), distrikt 31, fastighet 58993. Mantalsskriven på samma ort.
Född 17/4...
Valdemar the Great, King of Denmark
(1131 - 1182)
Valdemar the Great, King of Denmark Product MedLands, Denmark Kings VALDEMAR Knudsen, son of KNUT "Lavard" Duke of South Jutland/Sønderjylland [Schleswig] and King of the Obotriten & his wif...
Jöns Andersson Garp, till Koskis
(c.1440 - 1512)
Jöns Andersson, Garp==* von Iohannes Garp*
Frederick II (V) "the Elder" of Brandenburg, Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach and Brandenburg-Kulmbach
(1460 - 1536)
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia: English Deutsch * Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach Reign 1486–1536> Predecessor: Albrecht Achilles Successor: Georg
N.N. d'Austrasie
(c.740 - d.)