Lady? Alice de Rillestone
(约1165 - 1222)
concerns not a proven daughter of her attached parents - from Stirnet's "Temp89" page (link below): "possibly fits here"
comments Surname has also been reported to be de Rillieston .
Date and place...
King of Agder (Legendary) Gard Norsson
(约650 - ?)
Legendary king of Norway, according to "Hversu Noregr byggdist".Son of Nor Thorrison, father of seven sons: Hord, Rugalf, Thrym, Vegard, Freygard, Thorgard and Grjotgard.Quote:"Beite sjøkonge var far t...
Marjory Sutherland of Dunbeath
(约1436 - bef.1480)
Marjory Sutherland
Born after 1424 in Dunbeath Castle, Caithness, Scotland
Died before 1480 in Dunbeath Castle, Caithness, Scotland
Father: Alexander Sutherland of Dunbeath
Mother: Catherine ...
* Yanai ben Yochanan
Isabel de Vipont
(约1233 - 1274)
Isabel Fitz John was born in Shere, Surrey, England to John Fitz Geoffrey, Lord Kirtling, Justicar of England and Isabel Bigod. Her five siblings were: Richard FitzJohn of Shere (died 1297, married Emm...
William de Dronsfield
(? - aft.1239)
changes to be made by a curator
Name/Surname: de Dransfield
Name/Birth Surname: de Dransfield
Name/Suffix: of Whitley, later of West Bretton
Also Known As: William de Dronsfield
comments Da...
Count Ariamiro Arias
(约610 - aft.660)
Evidence needed to support as son of Nuño de Suevos da Galícia & Miss de Deza of Deza
Correction Formerly seen as Ariamiro II of Galicia, Rey Suevo de Galicia, which is an error.
The last Suevic ki...
Antiochus I, ruler of the Seleucid Empire
(-324 - -261)
This article is about the Seleucid King of the third century BC. For the king of Commagene of the first century BC, see Antiochus I Theos of Commagene. stater of Antiochus I minted at Ai-Khanoum, c. 27...
Rabel Tancred, Seigneur de Hauteville
(约965 - 1021)
Lord Rabel (Rabel II) Tancarville aka de la Ville Tancréde*Born 0965 in Tancarville, Le Havre, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France*Son of Geraldus Tancarville and [mother unknown]*Father of Geraldu...
Beatrix de France
(? - 1003)
Beatrix (?-23 Sep 1003), daughter of Hugues le Grand probably by his 2nd wife Eadhild of England , or by his third wife Hedwig of Germany . She was wife of Frederick I of Lorraine .
Dyfnwallon ap Arthen
(约770 - 841)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 5, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Darrell Wolcott, "Llewelyn ap Hoedliw" -- -- for the untangling of these lines. (April 25, 2016; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Dar...
Uchtred of Molle
(1065 - 1174)
UCHTRED OF MOLLE=== Uchtred of Molle, hear treated, is the son of Liulf of Molle, elder He is not the same person as Uchtred mac Fergus, Lord of Galloway FROM THE REGISTER OF KELSO ABBEY=== 1 c. 1152: ...
Elias Giffard, Lord of Brimpsfield
(约1060 - 1130)
Helias is named in 1090 in chartulary of St Peter, in 1121 named with wife Ala and son Helias. An Elias Giffard of Brimsfield was sued by the Abbot of Clrencester for erecting a gallows at Brimsfield. ...
Rabbi Pinchas HaLevi Horowitz
(? - 1618)
His signature is found on a community rule of Krakow, dated July 7, 1595[S.A.Zigelman - The Jews of Poland and Lithuania Until 1648]. Pinchus was born in year 1535. Pinchus' father was Yisrael Yaakov H...
Áedán mac Gabráin, Rí na Dál Riata
(约540 - 约607)
Wikipedia (last edited 3 July 2022) "Áedán mac Gabráin" - An extensive webpage, multiply sourced.
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Lluan ferch Brychan; . (Steven Ferry, March 22, 2020.)
Please see Darrell ...
Sir Alan Stewart of Dreghorn, Kt.
(1272 - 1333)
Alan Stewart was the second son of Sir John Stewart and Margaret de Bonkyl.1 He was granted the lands of Dreghorn, Ayr for his services to Robert the Bruce.1 He purchased the lands of Crookston in 1330...
Matthew Stewart, 4th Earl of Lennox
(1516 - 1571)
Links:==* Wikipedia Matthew Stewart, 4th Earl of Lennox[1] (21 September 1516 – 4 September 1571) was a leader of the Catholic nobility in Scotland. He was the paternal grandfather of King James VI of ...
Guillaume V, seigneur de Montpellier
(1075 - 1121)
William V or Guilhem V (1075 – 1121) was the Lord of Montpellier from an early age until his death. He was the son of Bernard William IV.
Soon after his father's death, his mother, Ermengarde, qui...
Sixten Nilsson Sparre, av Tofta
(? - 1295)
Sixten Nilsson (Sparre) af Tofta
Tangwystl verch Owain, Heiress of Dyfed
(约810 - 843)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 6, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Rulers of Brycheiniog - The Unanswered Questions; . (Steven Ferry, March 17, 2020.)
Please see Darrell Wolcott...
Peter von Stackelberg
(1480 - 约1545)
. Lynepit, Rewold (Reola), Camby (Kambja), Perrist (Peri), Kagrimois (Kaagri), Kaver, Memskul, Petrimois (Peetrimõisa) und Kolles (Krootuse)Wiki ET: . und Stiftsfogt zu Dorpat, bfl. Rat, Tartu piiskopk...
Margaret de Beaumont, of Groby
(约1154 - 1235)
Alternative Birthplace: Hampshire, Englandde Beaumont Margaret was born in 1154 in Hampshire, England.1 Margaret's father was 1st Earl of Leicester Robert (Blanchmains) de Beaumont III and her mother w...
Meleri verch Brychan, Saint
(约430 - ?)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 4, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott : The Royal Family of Gwynedd - Meirion Meirionydd, "Grandson" of Cunedda; . (Steven Ferry, November 22, 2019.)
Mary Trammel
(1675 - 1723)
Mary Gerrard Hutt*Birth: BEF 1674 in Stafford County, Virginia*Death: AFT 1723 in Stafford County, Virginia*Father: Daniel Hutt b: BEF 1630 in London, England*Mother: Temperance Gerrard b: 1630 in Asht...
Cornelius Johannes Andries Cronje
(1839 - 1909)
===Prisoners of War ABW == Added by AR Swanepoel
Database ID: 12069
POW Number: 12985
Surname: CRONJE
Age: 62
Where Captured: H...
Theutberge de Troyes
(约881 - 948)
c) TEUTBERGA ( [880/90][146]-before Sep 948). The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. She is named "matris mee Theotberg" in the Sep 948 donation ...
Tegid Tacitus ap Iago
(约295 - ?)
The nationality of Tacitus of Britain was Roman (that is, he was a Celt with Roman citizenship). He was also called Tegid ab Iago.See Darrell Wolcott, "Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees," ...
Metta Gödekesdotter Fincke
(约1370 - 约1442)
Henrik Fincken vaimo. Henrik Finckes hustru. 'Henrik Fincke's wife. Fincke- suku polveutuu äidin puolelta eräästä Finckestä, joka mainitaan Suomessa 1370-1385. Drotsi Bo Jonssonin (Grip) palvelija sai ...
Dinah Malka Isserles, [RaMA mother]
(约1492 - 1552)
Ingerid Svendsdatter of Denmark, Queen Consort of Norway
(1054 - 1093)
Ingerid Svendsdatter. Ingrid Sven daughter, died after the year 1093, Norwegian Drottning 1067-93. Dotter till Danmarks kung Sven II of Denmark. Married year 1067 with kung Olav III Kyrre.Ingrid was th...
Jennett Towneley
(1574 - 1623)
Lawrence Towneley of Stone Edge, a son of Lawrence Towneley IV and Mary Hartley, was born in 1564 in Stone Edge, Lancashire, England. He died 12 February 1645 in Colne, Lancashire, England. He married ...
Hulda Randall Minthorn Hoover
(1848 - 1884)
Iñigo López de Orozco, II señor de Escamilla
(1309 - 1367)
Los inicios de la familia Mendoza fueron los de unos hidalgos dispuestos a ascender aprovechando las luchas, los casamientos y el favor real. En el siglo XIV destaca en Guadalajara la figura de Juan Ru...
Åsa (Aasa) Eysteinsdotter
(708 - 739)
Åsa Eysteinsdotter var datter av Eystein Hardråde. Hun var gift med Halvdan Kvitbein og de to hadde sønnene Gudrød Halvdansson og Eystein Halvdansson. Åsas sønn Eystein ble gift med Hild Eiriksdotter o...
Christiane du Plessis, Baroness Segrave
(约1257 - 1331)
Family Group Record FamilySearch™ Ancestral File v4.19 Search Results | Download GEDCOM | Print --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Husband's Name John De SE...
Алексей Фёдорович Пушкин
(1717 - 1777)
ПУШКИН АЛЕКСЕЙ ФЕДОРОВИЧ 1717-1777ПУШКИН АЛЕКСЕЙ ФЕДОРОВИЧ 1717-1777 В 1730 паж. В 1746 капитан при отставке. Помещик Переяславского, Ярославского, Воронежского и Лебедянского уездов. Жена РЖЕВСКАЯ САР...
Reinier IV, graaf van Henegouwen
(约947 - 1013)
Reginar, Régnier, Rainier IV, Comte de Hainaut.Born after 947, died 1013.Married Hedwig (Avoie) de France[IV], son of REGINAR [III] Comte de Hainaut & his wife Adela [von Dachsburg] (after 947-1013). T...
Scēafa (Fictional)
(-130 - 58)
His ancestry is different in each source:* 9th century Anglo-Saxon Chronicle says he was a son of Noah (Noe) , born in the ark.* 8th to 11th centuries Beowulf says he was son of Heremod * 11th century,...
Svea kung jörund av uppsala
(约487 - 约548)
Jorund eller Eorund var en sveakung av Ynglingaätten, enligt Heimskringla. Han var son till Yngve och hämnades sin far genom att dräpa Hake och återvann så den svenska tronen.Jorund tillbringade somrar...
Henry FitzRoy, 1st Duke of Richmond and Somerset
(1519 - 1536)
Henry FitzRoy , 1st Duke of Richmond and Somerset, Earl of Nottingham, born June 15, 1519, at the Priory of St Lawrence at Blackmore, Essex, England, died July 23, 1536, at St. James's Palace, London, ...
Mathilde de Nevers, dame de Limais
(978 - aft.1025)
Alternate Name listing: "De Bourgogne"Birth Date: Either 976 or 978.Death Location: Auxerre, 89024, Yonne, Bourgogne, France, or alternate listing: Saint-Étienne, Loire, Rhône-Alpes, France.
Friedrich II "the Gentle", Elector of Saxony
(1412 - 1464)
Friedrich "der Sanftmütige" Kurfürst von Sachsen======Frederick "the Gentle" of Saxony===*Friedrich fought the so called Saxon Brother war with his brother William III 1446-1451 *Afterwards Saxon was d...
Conrad "the Red", Duke of Lorraine
(约922 - 955)
der Roteaus Wikipedia, der freien EnzyklopädieWechseln zu: Navigation, SucheKonrad der Rote (* um 922; † 10. August 955) aus der Familie der Salier war 944 bis 953 Herzog in Lothringen. Er trug im Jahr...
(约878 - bef.920)
Ælfflæd, second wife of Edward the Elder.Parents: Æthelhelm of Wiltshire and Ælswitha.Ælflæd and Edward had eight (nine) children:1. Ædfletha2. (?) Æthelfletha3. Eadgifu, married Charles III and Herber...
Frederick I of Prussia
(1657 - 1713)
Was as Friedrich III. Elector von Brandenburg*As Friedrich II. Duke of Preußen*As Friedrich I. King in Preussia. Links: * The Peerage * Geneall * Find a Grave * Wikipedia: English Deutsch
Dwight D. Eisenhower, 34th President of the United States
(1890 - 1969)
Dwight David Eisenhower, Was A Career Soldier, And Was Elected To The Presidency Of The United States In The 1952 Election, He Took Office In January Of 1953. He Served 2 Terms And Was Succeeded By Joh...
Adeline de Ponthieu, of Lancaster
(约1054 - 约1119)
of Lancaster married Lord of Nottingham William Peverel the Elder before 1075.See "My Lines"( )from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA( )
Haim Henschel Isserles
(? - 1544)
information from ancestry should check that there is no error in it
Sir William Erskine of that Ilk
(1274 - 约1331)
Name: William Erskine, 1290 - AFT 1331, , [17]Birth: 1290 at Erskine; Renfrewshire; ScotlandChristening: ? at ?Marriage: ? at ? to Beatrix Stewart, ? - 1337 [16]Death: AFT 1331 at ?Burial: ? at ? Child...
Robert James "Bussy" Foushee
(1932 - 1971)
Robert James “Bussy” Foushee
11 Dec 1932
Hardin County, Kentucky, USA
26 Aug 1971 (aged 38)
Brandenburg, Meade County, Kentucky, USA
Saint George Cemetery
Brandenburg, Meade County, ...
Philippe, King of the Belgians
Bruxelles, Région de Bruxelles-Capitale, Belgique
Golden Fleece - Knights: Austrian Branch===House of Wettin(Haus Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha). ==Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Johann the Younger #3881 * Wikipedia: English Français
Henry de Percy, 2nd Baron Percy
(1301 - 1352)
Henry de Percy, 2nd Baron Percy== Henry de Percy, 9th Baron Percy and 2nd Baron Percy of Alnwick (1299–1352) was the son of Henry de Percy, 1st Baron Percy of Alnwick, and Eleanor Fitzalan, daughter of...
Katherine Harrington
(约1323 - 1359)
Katherine BANASTRE * Father: Adam BANASTRE * Mother: Margaret HOLLAND b: 1290Marriage# John DE HARINGTON b: Abt 1304 in Aldingham, Lancashire, EnglandChildren# Nicholas DE HARINGTON b: 1345 in Farleton...
Catharina Severinsdotter Juusten, till Rapala
(约1530 - aft.1612)
OTE: Virmailan kirja. Kalevi Vuorela 1981... Pietari Sigfridinpojan puoliso oli Hauhon kirkkoherran Severin Juustenin tytär ja piispa Paavali Juustenin veljentytär Karin Severinintytär Juusten. Tämän s...
Magnus I "The strong" Nilsson, king of Sweden
(1106 - 1134)
Magnus Nilsson, Mogens Nielsen, or Magnus the Strong (born c. 1106 – died June 4, 1134 in the battle of Fotevik), was a Scandinavian ruler and Danish duke who reigned c. 1125-c.1130 in southern parts o...
Llewelyn Llyminiog Angel ap Pasgen
(约878 - ?)
See Peter Bartrum, (May 31, 2018; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Darrell Wolcott, , for the untangling of these lines. (February 2, 2016; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Bartrum's "Ped...
Àlvar I, comte d'Urgell
(1239 - 1267)
Foto del Sepulcro de Álvaro I de Urgel y Cecilia de Foix en The Cloisters, Nueva York.Álvaro I de Urgel (Burgos, 1239 - Foix, 1268), conde de Urgel y vizconde de Áger. Bautizado con el nombre de Rodrig...
 Tagishsimon. Via Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alnwick#/media/File:Alnwick_and_Alnwick_Castle_-_Northumberland_-_140804.jpg Creative Commons 3.0
Henry de Percy, 1st Baron Percy
(1273 - 约1314)
1st Baron Percy of Alnwick The son of Henry de Percy and Eleanor de Warenne, daughter of John de Warenne, Earl of Surrey and Alice de Lusignan, half sister of Henry III.Henry came from an eminent famil...
Nilla Pizzi
(1919 - 2011)
Adonilla " Nilla " Pizzi (Sant'Agata Bolognese, 16 aprile 1919 – Milano, 12 marzo 2011) è stata una cantante e attrice italiana.
Fu la vincitrice del primo Festival di Sanremo nel 1951 , con Grazie...
Thomas Baldock
(bef.1732 - 1788)
Carl Michael Bellman
(1740 - 1795)
Carl Michael Bellman har hedrats med att ha blivit utgiven på frimärke i Sverige år 1940.
Sir Alexander Radcliffe, Kt., of Ordsall
(约1416 - 1475)
Share some things about...........................
Sir Alexander Radcliffe, Kt., of Ordsall is our 17th great grandfather.
Find A Grave Memorial# 135885119
RADCLIFFE of Ordsall (Sir Knight)1
Robert Plant
Lead singer of Led Zeppelin Robert Anthony Plant CBE (born 20 August 1948) is an English singer and songwriter. He was the lead singer and lyricist of the rock band Led Zeppelin from its founding in 19...
John Tyndale
(约1483 - 1539)
Sources*Douglas Richardson, Magna Carta Ancestry, 2nd Edition, Vol. IV, p. 240-241. *Douglas Richardson, Magna Carta Ancestry, 2nd Edition, Vol. II, p. 89. *Douglas Richardson, Magna Carta Ancestry, p....
Mathilde von Arneburg, Gräfin von Walbeck
(约931 - 990)
von Arneburg Gräfin von Walbeck----------------------------- -3.12.991Tochter des Grafen Bruno von Arneburg und der FrederunaAlthoff Gerd: Seite 425************"Adels- und Königsfamilien im Spiegel ihr...
Ezzo, Count Palatine of Lotharingia
(约955 - 1034)
1. EZZO [Ehrenfried] (-Saalfeld 21 May 1034, bur Brauweiler). The Brunwilarensis Monasterii Fundatio names "Herenfridus comes palatinus, qui post Ezo nominatus est" as husband of "Mathilde ...
Charles de Blois, Duc de Bretagne
(1319 - 1364)
Charles, Duke of Brittanyof Blois (Blois, 1319 – September 29, 1364), claimed the title duke of Brittany, from 1341 to his death.Charles is the son of Guy I of Blois-Châtillon, count of Blois, by Marga...
General Field Marshal Helmuth Carl Bernhard von Moltke
(1800 - 1891)
Britannica Concise Encyclopedia:
Helmuth Karl Bernhard count von Moltke. He joined the Prussian army in 1822 and was appointed to its general staff in 1832. After a stint as adviser to the Turkish a...
Felipe I el Hermoso, Rey de Castilla
(1478 - 1506)
- Archduke of Austria, son of Emperor MAXIMILIAN I Archduke of Austria & his first wife Marie Dss de Bourgogne (Bruges 22 Jul 1478-Burgos 25 Sep 1506). Duc de Brabant 1484. He succeeded in 1504 as FELI...
Thomas Hobson, Sr.
(1636 - 1691)
Name: Thomas Hobson born in 1666, son of Thomas Hobson, was clerk of Northumberland county from about 1710 to 1716. His father, who was born about 1635, was clerk from about 1664 to about 1710. Thomas ...
Alwyn, 1st Earl of Lennox
(? - bef.1199)
EARLS of LENNOX [1210]-1385 1. MURDOCH . m ---, daughter of ALWYN & his wife ---. Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by a Celtic poem which is addressed to "O Leamhan Alun oge, the son of Muiread...
Ælla, king of Northumbria
(aft.800 - 867)
Ælla or Ælle (died 21 March 867) was king of Northumbria in the middle of the 9th century. Sources on Northumbrian history in this period are limited. Ælla's descent is not known and the dating of his ...
Sir Richard Bray, of Eaton Bray
(约1410 - 约1489)
Biographyto most researchers, Richard de Bray was born about 1425, but it may have been earlier, about 1410, because Richard's eldest son John was apparently grown, married, had a daughter, and was pro...
Valdemar IV Atterdag Christoffersen, King of Denmark
(1320 - 1375)
Valdemar IV Atterdag Christoffersen, King of Denmark
Son of Christopher II, King of Denmark and Euphemia of Pomerania, Queen Of Denmark
Valdemar was raised by the German Emperor Ludwig of Bavaria f...
Eadwig, King of the English
(约940 - 959)
Eadwig the Fair====Links:==* The Peerage * Wikipedia * King of the English: Reign 23 November 955 – 1 October 959> Predecessor: Edred Successor: Edgar The Peaceful Eadwig or Edwy (941? – 1 October 959)...
Torlack Skenck
(约1228 - aft.1295)
Torlack Schenk's ancestry is uncertain.Torlack used the triskelion as a seal on the one original document where he is mentioned; this is taken by some as evidence that he had some relationship to the N...
Karl Kristiernsson Vasa
(aft.1390 - 1440)
Kristiernsson (Vasa), död 1440 i Reval, var ett svenskt riksråd. Han var son till Kristiern Nilsson (Vasa) av Vasaätten och Margareta Johansdotter (Moltke).---------------------------------------------...
Alan de Percy, 2nd baron of Topcliffe
(约1069 - bef.1138)
NOBILITY MEDIEVAL1.htmALAN de Percy, son of WILLIAM de Percy & his wife Emma de Port (-[1130/Jul 1138], bur [Reading/Whitby]). A charter listing the property of Whitby Monastery names ”Alaneo de Perci”...
Isabel MacDougall
(约1362 - 1439)
Isabella Macdougall is the daughter of Ewen MacDougall, 5th of Lorn and 7th of Dunollie and Joan Isaac.2,3 She married Sir John Stewart of Innermeath, 3rd of Lorn, son of Sir Robert Stewart of Innermea...
Reijo Taipale
(1940 - 2019)
Reijo Toivo Taipale (9. maaliskuuta 1940 Miehikkälä – 26. huhtikuuta 2019 Helsinki) oli suomalainen iskelmälaulaja.Taipale syntyi tavalliseen maanviljelijäperheeseen. Hän menetti isänsä ollessaan kolme...
Gómez Díaz, Conde de Saldaña y Liébana
(? - 约986)
Heinrich Philipp Pilger
(1803 - 1874)
Adelais de Rouergue, comtessa consort de Carcassona
(949 - 1011)
Adelais ??? (d. after April 1011)Her parentage is unknown. We will follow the lead of the scholarship of the FMG Medieval Lands database rather than arbitrarily making her the daughter of any number of...
Henry III, duke of Brabant
(约1230 - 1261)
III of Brabant (c. 1230 – February 28, 1261, Leuven) was Duke of Brabant between 1248 and his death. He was the son of Henry II of Brabant and Marie of Hohenstaufen.The disputed territory of Lothier, t...
Akihito, Emperor Emeritus of Japan
Akihito (明仁) reigned as the 125th Emperor of Japan according to the traditional order of succession, from 7 January 1989 until his abdication on 30 April 2019. He succeeded to the Chrysanthemum Throne ...
Jakob Kettler of Kurland, Duke of Courland and Semigallia
(1610 - 1682)
Kettler (German: Jakob von Kettler) (28 October 1610 – 1 January 1682) was a Baltic German Duke of the Duchy of Courland and Semigallia (1642–1682). Under his rule, the duchy reached its peak in weal...
Juhan Libe
(1904 - 1947)
Juhan Libe (26. aprill 1904 Põltsamaa alevik, Viljandimaa– 16. oktoober 1947 Stensbæk, Taani) oli eesti ajaloolane ja ajakirjanik.
Eestikeelne Vikipeedia
Sünd vkj. 13. aprillil 1904
Album Academi...
Thomas Lyon-Bowes, 11th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne
(1773 - 1846)
Related to: Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother
A note about his death place ..... some sources called it
Holyrood House others called it Holyrood Palace.
Queen Yrsa Hildi Hailagasdottir
(565 - 597)
Birth: circa 565 ** Danmark *Death: 603 (38) **,Uppsala, Sweden Immediate Family: *Daughter of Helgi* "Acutus" "Hvasse" Halfdansson, of Denmark and Olaf the Mighty, a queen of Saxland*Wife of Adils* "A...
Sultan Bolkiah ibni Sultan Sulaiman [Sultan Brunei ke-5, 1485-1524]
(约1481 - 1524)
5. SULTAN BOLKIAH (TM 1485 - 1524) Baginda adalah Sultan Bolkiah Shah Alam [Sultan Brunei ke-5, 1485-1524] da merupakan anakanda kepada Al-Marhum Sultan Sulaiman. Nama Bolkiah dikatakan diambil daripad...
Margaret Erskine
(bef.1357 - 1419)
Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Mar 16 2018, 19:27:06 UTC
Marian Adam Rejewski
(1905 - 1980)
Marian Adam Rejewski (1905-1980) was a Polish mathematician and cryptologist who reconstructed the Nazi German military Enigma cipher machine sight-unseen in 1932. The cryptologic achievements of Rejew...
Frane de Belvoir
(约960 - 约1000)
Bloemfield notes that he was fl (Latin flourit, living) in 979.The identity of this Frane (sometimes written as Frame or Fresne) is uncertain. One point of contention is whether he was Saxon or Norman....
William Tucker
(1689 - 1754)
William Tucker B. 1691/1754 married Elizabeth Michaux B. 1701 Marrie 1719 Charles City, Va
* Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Feb 15 2021, 7:03:36 UTC
Constance de France, heritiere de Dammartin
(约1010 - ?)
There is no proof that Constance, wife of Manassès de Dammartin, was the daughter of King Robert II, the affiliation being proposed for onomastic reasons only[206]. It is, however, suggested by the pre...
 Auckland Library : Sir George Grey Collection : 13 September 1917 : AWNS 19170913-42-35.
Rfn. Thomas Roy Huddlestone
(1899 - 1918)
Thomas Roy Huddlestone was born in Westport on the West Coast of New Zealand's South Island on 29 July 1899 (reg. 1899/7208). His parents were Richard Jackson Huddlestone and Mary Ann Huddlestone (née ...
Indorb Finn "The White" of Ailech dght. of Loarn
(约400 - ?)
Olof Olofsson (Hannuksela)
(1510 - 约1576)
Släktforskarnas årsbok 2012 - Fordeliorum - Tiina Miettinen (s.165-185)-
Nimismies, vouti, talollinen. Saloinen
Antti Soinin "Kierrä kivi älä kiroa" Hoffrenien sukuhistoria 1" mukaan Saloisten Juu...
Stella Aileen Field
(1904 - ?)
Henry Percy, 5th Earl of Northumberland
(1477 - 1527)
Henry Algernon Percy, 5th Earl of Northumberland, KG (13 January 1477 – 19 May 1527) was an English noble who was a member of the courts of both Henry VII and Henry VIII.[1][2] Henry Algernon Percy was...