Bran, King of Siluria
The early manuscripts conflate Bran of Siluria, an historical personage, with Bran the Blessed, a raven god, son of Llyr the sea god, and almost all following works continue to conflate the two.
Richard of York, 3rd Duke of York
(1411 - 1460)
"Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York, 6th Earl of March, 4th Earl of Cambridge, and 7th Earl of Ulster, conventionally called Richard of York (21 September 1411 – 30 December 1460) was a leading Engl...
Henry IV of England
(1367 - 1413)
there are several "disagreements / conflicts " regarding his birth date and date and location of his first marriagesas you can see Wikipedia has his birth date as 15 of April 1367other references have ...
 © Glenn Francis, www.PacificProDigital.com. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Brad_Pitt_2019_by_Glenn_Francis.jpg#mw-jump-to-license
Brad Pitt
Santa Barbara, Los Angeles County, California, United States
William Bradley Pitt, known professionally as Brad Pitt, is an American actor and film producer. Pitt has received two Academy Award nominations and four Golden Globe Award nominations, winning one. He...
Gor Thorrasson, Sea King
(365 - 约418)
content to clean up According to the Orkney saga, Thorri had two sons, Norr and Gor, and a daughter, Goi.
Goi was kidnapped by a Norwegian chieftain, and Gorr and Nor searched for her, eventually conq...
Sveidi Heytirsson, Sea King
content to clean up
"Hvorledes Norge ble bygget", .
Orkney Saga
Random private tree:
I henhold til Orknøyingenes saga går Ragnvalds Mørejarls ætt langt tilbake: «Heite...
Philip I, king of France
(1052 - 1108)
- is probably the first prince in Western Europe to receive this name which was going to continue until today. He owes it to his mother, Anne of Kiev, whose paternal great-grandfather Romanus II, Emper...
Kristina Jönsdotter Garp
(约1380 - aft.1435)
Turun linnan voudin Klaus Lydekesson Djäknin vaimo. Kristina Jönsdotter . Nämnes 22.1 1435, såsom hustru till slottsfogden i Åbo, häradshövdingen i Masko hd i Norr Finland Klas Lydekason eller Klas Djä...
Piispa Paavali Juusten
(1516 - 1575)
A kind request for all the descendants of Bishop Juusten, and others, who manage related profiles in Geni (and elsewhere). There is no solid evidence whatsoever in any decent source, which would s...
Rein Alango
(1947 - 1971)
Rein Alango (14. juuni 1947 – 07. august 1971) oli eesti muusik, pianist ja viiulimängija, ansambli Oomega liige.
Marju Kuut kirjutab / räägib temast kui oma noorena surnud abikaasast siin:
Friedrich I Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor
(约1122 - 1190)
The Peerage * Geneall * Rootsweb * Find a grave
Ingegerd Olafsdotter
(1001 - 1050)
St. Anna of Novgorod Commemorated on February 10
" St. Anna, Grandduchess of Novgoro d, was born and baptized in Sweden. She was the daughter of the Swedish King Olof Skötkonung, the “philanthropist ...
Israel Israel
(1746 - 1822)
A Patriot of the American Revolution for DELAWARE. DAR Ancestor # A060678
Following is an excerpt from the book, "The Jews of Philadelphia" by Henry Samuel Morais (1894)
"[Israel Israel] was neither...
David I, King of Scots
(约1083 - 1153)
DAVID I King of Scotland.([1080]-Carlisle 24 May 1153, bur Dunfermline Abbey, Fife)
s/o MALCOLM III "Caennmor" & Margaret of England
x MATILDA [Maud] of Huntingdon
MALCOLM (c1115-12 Jun 1152, bur...
Cerdic, king of the West Saxons
(467 - 534)
Cerdic is cited in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle as a leader of the Anglo-Saxon settlement of Britain, being the founder and first king of Saxon Wessex, reigning from 519 to 534. Subsequent kings of Wessex...
Constantine I "the Great", Roman Emperor
(272 - 337)
Flavius Hannibalianus (* after 289; † before 337) was a son of the Roman emperor Constantius Chlorus and his second wife Theodora and thus a half-brother of Constantine the Great.
New !!: Anastasia ...
Gorm "den Gamle", dansk konge
(aft.890 - bef.961)
the Old - summary in English==Gorm is regarded as the first of the Danish kings' Jelling dynasty.The birthplace of Gorm the Old is unknown.He is mentioned in sagas as the son of Hardeknut (likely a chi...
Tarja Halonen, 11th President of Finland
Tarja Halonen is a Finnish politician who served as the 11th President of Finland, and the first woman to hold the position, from 2000 to 2012. She first rose to prominence as a lawyer with the Central...
Bernard, count & Abbot of St. Quentin
(约725 - 约784)
Bernard of Heristal , son of Charles Martel of The Franks and Ruodhaid, was born 725 in Herstal, Liège, Belgium. He was comte et abbé de st-quentin and comte, abbé by profession. He got married with Un...
Louis IX the Saint, King of France
(1214 - 1270)
Louis IX, Roi de France===b. 25 April 1215, d. 25 August 1270Louis IX, Roi de France was born on 25 April 1215 at Poissy, Île-de-France, France.He was the son of Louis VIII, Roi de France and Blanca de...
Halfdan "Gamle" Sveidasson
content to clean up Halfdan 'Gamle' Sveidasson, born 0758, died 0834, is mentioned in the Orkney saga:
"Heiti, Gorr’s son, was father of Sveiði the sea-king, the father of Halfdan the old, the father ...
Henry I, king of France
(1008 - 1060)
HENRI I King of France[Provence] ([end 1009/May 1010]-Palais de Vitry-aux-Loges, forêt d’Orléans, Loiret 4 Aug 1060, bur église de l'Abbaye royale de Saint-Denis).
s/o ROBERT II "le Pieux" King of Fra...
Ülo Lumiste
(1929 - 2017)
Ülo Lumiste (kuni aastani 1936 Lunden ; 30. juuni 1929 Vändra – 20. november 2017 ) oli eesti matemaatik, Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia liige (valitud 1993).
Nõmmküla Valla elanike nimekirjad 15.d...
Andres Ots
Andres Ots (sündinud 3. oktoobril 1944 Tallinnas) on Eesti näitleja ja laulja.*
Bolesław III Wrymouth
(1086 - 1138)
ław III Krzywousty (ur. 20 sierpnia 1086, zm. 28 października 1138) – książę małopolski , śląski i sandomierski w latach 1102–1107, książę Polski w latach 1107–1138. Pochodził z dynastii Piastów , był ...
Eino Leino
(1878 - 1926)
Suomalainen kirjailija ja lehtimies.
Finländsk författare och journalist.
Finnish Author and Journalist.
Paltamo (nykyisin osa Kajaania), Hämeenlinna, Helsinki ja Tuusula.
Elma Murd {Josepson}
(1915 - 2015)
Palun lisada sünnimeetrika / PR
Kuni pole tõendatud sünnikannet ei saa lisada projekti 100-aastased!
ERA.5201.2.60666 ELMAHTA (ELMATA) SARAPUU (SARRAPUU) eesnime muutmine ELMA
Illuka, Üldosa, 12,...
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle ==The Winchester (or Parker) Chronicle has Cynric, son of Cerdic, son of Elesa, son of Gewis, son of Wig, son of Freawine, son of Frithugar, son of Brand, son of Beldeg, son of Wo...
Theodrada of St. Quentin, abbess of Herford
(约755 - 约806)
As of 28 Nov 2020, FMG shows no extant primary-source evidence supporting a marriage to Isembart.
Thietrade Franks-79217 [Parents].Thietrade married Isanbart Des Fra...
Elisabeth de Vermandois, dame de Crépy
(1085 - 1131)
(Ben notes: Her father was mostly based from Paris, while her mother was merely born into the family that governed the Vermandois region, then north of Paris. There is nothing that says exactly where o...
Hugh "Magnus" of Paris, count of Paris, duke of the Franks
(约898 - 956)
HUGUES , son of HUGUES “le Grand” Duc des Francs & his third wife Hedwig of Germany ([940]-villa "Les Juifs", near Prasville, Eure-et-Loire 24 Oct 996, bur église de l'Abbaye royale de Saint-Denis). Th...
Harald IV Magnusson Gille, king of Norway
(约1103 - 1136)
Iflg. bl.a. Snorre gjorde Harald Gille krav på å være sønn av Magnus Barfot. Moren var en kvinne fra Irland, sannsynligvis Bethoc Gillesdatter. Det er enighet blant dagens historikere at det er svært t...
Conrad II "the Younger", Duke of Upper Burgundy
(约825 - 约876)
- (ENG really small)
CONRAD, son of CONRAD [Welf] Comte de Paris & his wife --- (-876). His parentage is deduced from Regino who names "Ruodolfus filius Chuonradi, nepos Huggonis abbatis"[87], th...
(804 - 883)
Engeltrude Richilde d'Amiens MemorialBirth: unknown Amiens Departement de la Somme Picardie, FranceDeath: unknown Arles Departement des Bouches-du-Rhône Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, FranceBirth:810 De...
Rodolfo I di Borgogna
(约859 - bef.912)
Rudolph I, born 859, died October 25, 912, King of (Upper or Transjurane) Burgundy from his election in 888 until his death.
Rudolph belonged to the elder Welf family and was the son of Conrad, Coun...
Winston Churchill
(1874 - 1965)
Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill KG OM CH TD PCc DL FRS RA (30 November 1874 – 24 January 1965) was a British politician, statesman, army officer, and writer, who was Prime Minister of the United ...
Lord Alberic de Vere, II
(aft.1062 - 约1141)
CBF 26th ggf patriline
Alberic Aubrey II de Vere , son of Aubrey I de Vere (-1088) and Beatrice de Gand, was born circa 30 July 1062 at Hedingham, Essex, England. He served as Justiciar of England and...
Jeppe Abrahamsson Djäkn
(约1350 - bef.1412)
Äldre svenska frälsesläkter I:2, s. 122-126.
946 Märta Haraldsdotter , abbedissa i Askeby, m. fl. intygar av Askeby 6 juni (feria qvarta post ascensionem Domini) 1386, att vid det i de...
Héribert I, comte de Vermandois
(aft.848 - 907)
I of Vermandois (c. 848/850 – 907), Count of Vermandois, lord of Senlis, of Péronne and of Saint Quentin, was the son of Pepin of VermandoisStewart Baldwin's Henry Project page on Herbert I,Count of Ve...
Brian Boru, High king of Ireland
(约941 - 1014)
Foundation for Medieval Genealogy:BRIAN Boroma, son of CEINNÉITIG & his wife --- ([941]-killed in battle Clontarf 23 Apr 1014). The Annals of Ulster record the birth in 941 of "Brian son of Cennéitig”[...
Håkon V Magnusson, King of Norway
(1270 - 1319)
Håkon V Magnusson, king of Norway HAAKON Magnusson (Tönsberg [10 Apr] 1270-Tönsberg 8 May 1319, bur Oslo, Maria Church). The Icelandic Annals record the birth "Tunsbergis" in 1270 of "Haqvinus Magni re...
Cynric, king of Wessex
(525 - 560)
Cynric ruled as king of Wessex from 534 to 560. He was either the son or grandson of Cerdic. Among the few statements made about his life were that he captured Searobyrig or Old Sarum, near Salisbur...
Richard III, King of England
(1452 - 1485)
latest news about Richard skeleton found beneath a Leicester car park has been confirmed as that of English king Richard III.Richard III dig: DNA confirms bones are king's: III dig: University to relea...
Gradlon Mawr 'The Great' ap Cynan, King of Brittany
(约300 - bef.400)
Gradlon Mawr, King of Brittany ['Mawr' mean 'The Great' and this can be written Gradlon Mawr OR Gradlon The Great ]
Gradlon was known as Gradlon the Great in Brittany, but was mostly called Urban outs...
K. J. Ståhlberg, 1st President of Finland
(1865 - 1952)
Ståhlberg syntyi Suomussalmella 28. tammikuuta 1865 perheensä viidestä lapsesta kolmantena. Hänen isänsä oli apupappi Johan Gabriel (Janne) Ståhlberg ja äitinsä Amanda Gust...
Marju Kuut
(1946 - 2022)
Marju Kuut
Sünninimi Marju Marynel Kuut
Esinejanimed: Marju Kuut, Maryn E. Coote, Marynel E. Coote
Sündinud 12. veebruar 1946 Tallinn
Seotud artistid MERL, Lagle Mäll, Reet Linna, Elle Kalmo
Peter the Great, Emperor of Russia
(1672 - 1725)
Wikipedia: Wikipedia English , RuWiki Русский Peter the Great born 9 June [O.S. 30 May] 1672 – 8 February [O.S. 28 January] 1725) ruled the Tsardom of Russia and later the Russian Empire from 7 May [O....
Frederik X André Henrik Christian de Laborde de Monpezat of Denmark, King of Denmark
Fredensborg, Danmark
Frederik André Henrik Christian, Hans Majestæt Kongen, greve af Monpezat, er født den 26. maj 1968. Kongen er søn af H. K.H. Dronning Margrethe og afdøde H.K.H. Prins Henrik af Danmark.
 Unknown Artist; held at the National Galleries.
James II, King of Scots
(1430 - 1460)
James II, King of Scots was born on 16 October 1430 in Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh and Died on 3 August 1460 at the siege of Roxburgh (Gaelic: Rosbrog) Castle when one of the cannons exploded. He was al...
Waltheof, Earl of Northumbria
(约1040 - 1076)
Waltheof (1050-31 May 1076), Earl of Northumbria and last of the Anglo-Saxon earls. He was the only English aristocrat to be formally executed during the reign of William I. He was reputed for his phys...
Boleslaus I the Cruel, Duke of Bohemia
(约907 - 972)
BOLESLAV of Bohemia, son of VRATISLAV I Duke of the Bohemians & his wife Drahomira ze Stodor ([908/10]-15 Jul [967]). The Chronica Boemorum names "Wincezlaum…et Bolezlaum" sons of Wratislav and ...
Ranulf I, Duc d'Aquitaine Comte de Poitiers
(约820 - 866)
Ranulf I (also Ramnulf, Rannulf, and Ranulph; 820 – 866) was a Count of Poitiers (from 835) and Duke of Aquitaine (from 852). Ranulf is generally considered to have been the son of Gerard, Count of Auv...
Adèle of Normandy
(约897 - 962)
Gerloc Adela Hrólfsdóttir de Normandie (c.897 - 962) was the daughter of Gange-Hrolfr 'Rollo' & Poppa De Valois.
Her original name was Geirlaug or Gerloc, but she was baptised in Rouen as Adela ...
Henry, 3rd Earl of Huntingdon
(1114 - 1152)
Henry of Scotland (Eanric mac Dabíd, 1114 – 12 June 1152) was a Prince of Scotland, heir to the Kingdom of Alba. He was also Earl of Northumberland and Earl of the Honour of Huntingdon and Nort...
Maud, Countess of Huntingdon, Queen consort of Scotland
(aft.1071 - bef.1131)
Maud of Huntingdon, Queen consort of Scotland
Born c.1074 – Died 1130/31 — AKA Matilda of Huntington
From The Scots Peerage : “according to Fordun 2 she died 1130-31, and wa...
 Daniël Mijtens Via Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_Tudor#/media/File:Margaret_Tudor.jpg Public Domain
Margaret Tudor, Queen of Scotland
(1489 - 1541)
Margareta Tudor, born November 28, 1489 in the Palace of Westminster in London, died October 18, 1541, was an English princess, Queen of Scotland, and later Regent of Scotland during the incapacity of ...
Joan Beaufort, Queen of Scots
(约1404 - 1445)
a possible birth date was 27 December 1406============================================================="Joan Beaufort (c. 1404 – 15 July 1445) was the Queen Consort of Scotland from 1424 to 1437 as the...
Saint Dode of Metz
(约583 - 约611)
Many historians reject her existence. She is said to be daughter of Arnoaldus , and Oda , a Suevian. From Sewell Genealogy Site. Online ClothildeFemale, (about 586 - )Clothilde|b. a 586|p30536.htm|Arno...
Óláfr Sigtryggsson, King of Dublin
(约995 - 1034)
Amlaíb mac Sitric, rí Gall1,2,3b. circa 1010, d. 1034Father Sitric mac Amlaíb, rí Gall4,2 b. before 981Mother Slani ingen Briain Dál gCais4,3,2 b. after 995Also called Óláfr Old Norse.5 Amlaíb mac Sitr...
Tauno Palo
(1908 - 1982)
Tauno Valdemar Palo (ent. Brännäs , Paloniemi ), oli suomalainen näyttelijä ja laulaja. Hän aloitti teatteriuransa Sörnäisten työväennäyttämöllä Helsingissä vuonna 1927 ja siirtyi Suomen Kansallisteatt...
 Photo by the British Royal Navy. OGLv3.0. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:William_Submarines_Crop.png#mw-jump-to-license
William, Prince of Wales
Kensington London, Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, England, United Kingdom
HRH Prince William, Prince of Wales K.G. William Arthur Phillip Louis Windsor, Prince of Wales
formally... His Royal Highness Prince William, Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall and Cambridge, Royal Kn...
Caradog ap Bran, King of Siluria
(约5 - 约100)
See Darrell Wolcott, "Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees," -- for help in untangling these lines. (May 18, 2016, Anne Brannen, curator)Please see Darrell Wolcott: Rethinking the Gwent Pedig...
Sanna Marin
Sanna Mirella Marin (Finnish pronunciation: [ ˈsɑnːɑ ˈmirelːɑ ˈmɑriːn ]; born 16 November 1985) is a Finnish former politician who served as prime minister of Finland from 2019 to 2023 and as the leade...
Einudd ap Gwrddwfyn, King of Cernyw
(约190 - ?)
See Darrell Wolcott, "Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees," -- for help in untangling these lines. (May 18, 2016, Anne Brannen, curator)Please see Darrell Wolcott: Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediat...
Siegfried I, count of Luxembourg
(aft.919 - 998)
Siegfried of Luxembourg From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Maldred mac Crínán, Earl of Dunbar
(约1015 - 约1045)
Maldred, Lord of Allerdale, Earl of Dunbar, Lord of Cumbria, b. 1004-1015, d. 1045-1060second son, Maldred of Allerdale, held the title of Lord of Cumbria. It is said that from him, the Earls of Dunbar...
Kenneth II, king of Scots
(932 - 995)
áed mac Maíl Coluim, (Modern Gaelic: Coinneach mac Mhaoil Chaluim) anglicised as Kenneth II, and nicknamed An Fionnghalach, "The Fratricide" (before 954–995) was King of Scotland (Alba). The son of Mal...
Edmund I "the Magnificent", king of The English
(921 - 946)
Edmund I, the Magnificent, King of England (20ggf)
Name: King Edmund
Born: c.922
Parents: Edward the Elder and Edgiva
Relation to Charles III: 31st great-grandfather
House of: Wessex
Ascended to the th...
Catharina Hansdotter
(1532 - 约1596)
Karin (Katarina) Hansdotter (1539 - 1596), was the royal mistress of King John III of Sweden in the 1550s before his marriage during his time as Prince and Duke of Finland.
(Although it has been clai...
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin
(1799 - 1837)
Alexander Pushkin was a Russian poet, playwright, and novelist of the Romantic era. He is considered by many to be the greatest Russian poet, and the founder of modern Russian literature.
Freemason i....
Rudolf Hess
(1894 - 1987)
cf.: ß
Aleksander Vaske
(1923 - 1971)
sünd Saaga EAA.2000.1.210:115
Saaga ERA.5155.4.1218:158 Perekonnaregister Pöide Vallavalitsus IX; ERA.5155.4.1218; 01.01.1926-31.12.1949
Helene-Marie Päiv
(1884 - 1894)
Sünd Saaga EAA.1260.1.114:8?65,271,972,191,0
25.04.1884 VKJ = 07.05.1884
Surm 10 aastasena! Saaga EAA.1267.1.104:52?134,1408,1357,95,0
Ebles II Manzer, duc d'Aquitaine
(876 - 935)
Ebles did NOT marry Eldgifa, an English princess [if anyone has proof to the contrary, please post.] Eble Mancer, Comte de Poitou, Duc d'AquitaineMarried:1. Aremburgis (Erembourge), no children2. Emili...
Saint Margaret, Queen of Scots
(1045 - 1093)
Saint Margaret (c. 1045 – 16 November 1093), was the sister of Edgar Ætheling, the short-ruling and uncrowned Anglo-Saxon King of England.
Spouse: Malcolm III, King of Scots
1. Edward, k...
Ketill Flatnose Björnsson
(约810 - 约890)
Kjetil Flatnese (Ketill Flatnefur Bjarnarson)
Høvding på Man og Hebridene
f. ca 810 sønn av Bjørn Buna og Velaug Vikingdatter
Han var gift med Yngvild Ketilsdatter, de hadde barna Torunn, Aud...
A. H. Tammsaare
(1878 - 1940)
Kodanikunimega Anton Hansen , kirjaniku tuntuim pseudonüüm A. H. Tammsaare
Citizen name Anton Hansen , novelist's most known pseudonym A. H. Tammsaare
Estonian writer whose pentalogy Truth and Ju...
Juho Kusti Paasikivi, 7th President of Finland
(1870 - 1956)
Kunta Kerava. Kylä Ylikerava. Tilan nimi Jukola. Tilannevuosi 1931.Omistaja J. K. Paasikivi , Anna Paasikiv
The seventh President of the Republic of Finland
Suomen tasavallan seitsemäs...
Adele of Vermandois
(bef.910 - 960)
nl.wikipedia.org - Aleidis van Vermandois.... ;
Adela (Adèle, Alix) de Vermandois,
wife of Arnoul the Great (the Old)
Spouse: Arnulf I 'den Grôotn' van Vloandern (Arnoul 'le Grand' de Flandre)
Arvo Kukumägi
(1958 - 2017)
Arvo Kukumägi (9. august 1958 Litvina küla, Setumaa – 16. mai 2017) oli eesti teatri- ja filminäitleja
Kukumägi mängis rohkem kui 40 linateoses. Filmikunsti juurde sattus ta lavakunstikateedri tudeng...
Cnut the Great, king of Denmark, England, Norway
(约995 - 1035)
and the old bones of Cnut the Great: Links * The Peerage
Eleanor of England, Queen consort of Castile
(1162 - 1214)
FMG ( 7 Sep 2022 ) "England, Kings 1066-1603"
Princess Eleanor Plantagenet of England and Aquitaine (later Leonora; 13 October 1162 – 31 October 1214) was Queen of Castile ...
Heytir Gorsson, Sea King
brief biography Legendary Scandinavian king, known from a recital of ancestors in "Hversum Noregr Byggdist".
Gor hadde øyene, derfor ble han kalt "sjøkonge". Sønnene hans het Heite og Beite, de var og...
Álöf Ragnarsdóttir
(约790 - 约850)
Landnámabókkafli Hunda-Steinar hét jarl á Englandi; hann átti Álöfu, dóttur Ragnars loðbrókar. Þeirra börn voru þau Björn, faðir Auðunar skökuls, og Eiríkur, faðir Sigurðar bjóðaskalla, og Ísgerður, er...
 15thc illustration of the couple comes from the Belgian Art Link and Tools website at
Ælfthryth, countess of Flanders
(868 - 929)
From fmgMedlands ÆLFTHRYTH of Wessex ([877]-7 Jun 929, bur Ghent, St Pieter). Asser names (in order) "Ethelfled the eldest…Edward…Ethelgiva… Ethelwitha and Ethelwerd" as the children of King Alfred & h...
James I, King of Scots
(1394 - 1437)
other possible birth dates;10 December 139430 December 1394=================================================================================="James I, King of Scots (25 July 1394 – 21 February 1437), w...
Charles III the Simple, king of the Franks
(879 - 929)
Charles the Simple (Charles III of France, l. 879-929 CE, r. 893-923 CE) was king of West Francia (roughly modern-day France) toward the end of the period of Viking raids in the region. His epithe...
Alan fitzFlaald, Sheriff of Shropshire
(1078 - aft.1121)
(born c 1078, died in 1114)
Alan fitz Flaad From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Born Unknown
Probably Dol-de-Bretagne
Died Unknown
Nationality Breton
St. Olga of Kiev
(aft.890 - 969)
Wikipedia in English
In Ioakimovskaya Chronicle it is said about choosing a wife for Igor, son of Rurik: When Igor grew up, he was married by Oleg, who gave him a wife from Izborsk, Gostomyslov famil...
Lady Sibella Cathcart
LADY SIBELLA CATHCART [Note] Lady Sibella Cathcart [Note], here treated, is the daughter of John Cathcart, 2nd Lord Cathcart and his wife Margaret Douglas, of Drumlanrig . The Scots Peerage II: 512
Konstantin Nikolajewitsch Romanow
(1827 - 1892)
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Johann the Younger #1148 * Long bio * Wikipedia: English Deutsch
Gamle Olof
(约1390 - bef.1480)
Eftersom Anders Olofssons farfader enligt en muntlig källa hette Herse, så måste Olof Hersesson ha existerat, men finns ej i källorna. Han benämndes 'Gamle Olof' av ättlingarna. (Since the paternal gra...
Friedrich Trump
(1869 - 1918)
William I "the Great" count of Burgundy
(1028 - 1087)
Guillaume I was Count Palatin of Burgundy (Comte Palatin de Bourgogne). See I, Count of Burgundy
King Charles VIII of Sweden
(约1408 - 1470)
Charles VIII of Sweden, Charles I of Norway== Charles VIII of Sweden (1408 Uppsala - 1470 Stockholm, in reality Charles II), Charles I of Norway , also Carl (Swedish: Karl Knutsson), was king of Sweden...
His descendants claimed he was a son of the Norse god Odin . Weothulgeot or Wihtlæg . According to the genealogies in the Anglian collection, Weothulgeot was ancestor to the royal house of Mercia and t...
Ealhmund, Under King Of Kent
(约745 - aft.786)
EALHMUND, son of [EAFA & his wife ---] (-after 784, maybe after 801). The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle records that "rex Ealhmundus" was "in Cantia rex" in...
Hermann I, duke of Saxony
(aft.905 - 973)
Hermann Billung, Herzog von Sachsen From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Saxony (covering his birth family): [BILLUNG] . The Chronica Principum Saxoniæ names "vir…nomine Bilingus" as fath...
Adèle de France
(约893 - ?)
Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines refers to "comitis Heriberti gener…Roberti" and in a later passage to the sister of "dux Hugo Cappatus" as the wife of "comitis Heriberti de Peroni, Campanie et ...
Liudolf I "the Great", Duke of Saxony
(? - 866)
Ben M. Angel's summary:Relationships:Known Parents: Graf Brunhart von Engern/Angaria (Mittelalter Genealogie), all other information unknown or unconfirmed (spouse unknown)Siblings: UnknownSpouse: Oda ...