Purpose of the Project The Italian Naming Conventions Standardization Project is designed to create a consistent set of guidelines for the entry and management of Italian names, place names, dates, and other genealogical information on Geni. This project aims to ensure that records are uniformly formatted, facilitating easier search, interpretation, and genealogical accuracy. It is highly recom...
West Point Cemetery is located at the intersection of Brownsville Ave and Dewey Street in Liberty, Union County, Indiana. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) feature ID for the cemetery is 445799 (West Point Cemetery). Lewis Davis and his wife, Mary A. Craft Davis had a farm near Billingsville, Indiana, up to 1872 when they moved to Liberty, Indiana. L...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Huntsville, Madison County, Alabama. Official Website Huntsville is the county seat of Madison County. It also extends into Limestone County and Morgan County. History The first settlers of the area were Muscogee-speaking people. The Chickasaw traditionally claim to have settled around 1300 after coming east across the Mississip...
Richland Cemetery was founded in 1808 and organized January 27, 1875. This is not a large cemetery. It's definitely a country cemetery with a cornfield to the north of the cemetery. There's no sign to note the name of the cemetery, but it is visible from St. Rt. 27. Headstones are clearly visible from the road. The entrance to the cemetery is on W. Clifton; it is fenced in and there are four se...
South Africa is mining country (it's also 'farming' country, but that's a different project :-) Mining Greats Barney Barnato Cecil John Rhodes George Harrison (dates unknown) Prospector who discovered the gold bearing Main Reef on the farm Langlaagte in 1886, which lead to the gold rush on the Witwatersrand and the creation of Johannesburg Harry Oppenheimer (1908 - 2000) Businessman -...
People Connected to Dorset Historical County of England Image right By Nilfanion - CC BY-SA 3.0, Wiki Commons See also Dorset - Main Page Dorset Genealogical Resources Historic Buildings of Dorset Dorset Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries & Graveyards See also Visitations of Dorsetshire
The Order of José Martí is a state honor in Cuba. The Order was named so after José Martí, the national hero of Cuba. The design was realized by the Cuban sculptor José Delarra. Wikipedia
This cemetery is located on Marberry Drive, Metropolis, Massac County, Illinois. Find a Grave
This cemetery is located on 3000 1st Street, Rosenberg, Fort Bend County, Texas. It's also known as Holy Rosary Cemetery . Find a Grave Billion Graves Cemeteries of Texas
Olete teretulnud kõik need kes soovivad oma lähedased seoses selle rahupaigaga ära märkida ja projekti lisada. Projekt "Värska kalmistu" koondab neid, kes on aegade jooksul seal oma rahu leidnud. Maetu otsing Haudi andmebaasis Projektiga liituda on võimalik nupu "Tegevused" alt valides "Liitu projektiga" Selle peale saadetakse projekti koostööpartneritele Teie taotlus, mille rahuldamisel lii...
Tallinna vapimärgi kavalerid* 1997 Neeme Järvi* 1998 Jaan Kross* 1999 Eri Klas* 2000 Veljo Tormis* 2002 Olev Subbi* 2003 Dmitri Bruns* 2004 Heinz Valk* 2005 Olga Kistler-Ritso* 2006 Lennart Meri, Mati Hint* 2007 Ita Ever, Jüri Kuuskemaa, Edgar Savisaar* 2008 Urmas Ott* 2009 Arnold Rüütel, Jüri Uppin* 2010 Ellen Niit, Eino Baskin* 2011 Arvo Pärt* 2012 Toomas Vitsut* 2013 Lauri Leesi* 2014 Mati...
Ferdinand Johann Wiedemanni keeleauhind on auhind, mis antakse väljapaistvate teenete eest eesti keele uurimisel, korraldamisel, õpetamisel, propageerimisel või kasutamisel. Keeleauhinna andmise algatasid 1988. aastal Väike-Maarja Keskkooli õpetaja Irma Sild ja Energia kolhoosi esimees Jüri Sild. Rudolf Rimmeli vahendusel pälvis algatus nii kirjanike kui ka keeleteadlaste toetuse.[1] Esialgu an...
Eesti laulu- ja tantsupidude kodarraha Isikud osa siit:
Tallinna teeneka kultuuritegelase preemia samas ka isikud 2011-2024
Eesti Fonogrammitootjate Ühingu auhind Isikud leiab osa siit:
Eesti Kultuurkapitali helikunsti sihtkapitali elutööpreemia Nimed 2012-2023: Alo Ritsing Anne Erm Ants Soots Arne Mikk Ene Üleoja Mati Palm Merike Vaitmaa Neeme Järvi Olav Ehala Peep Lassmann René Eespere Roman Toi
Eesti Muusikanõukogu muusikapreemia Nimed 2002-2024 (lisada - 2 viimast linki)
Eesti Kultuurkapitali audiovisuaalse kunsti aastapreemia laureaadid siia Isikud 1995-2023: Andris Feldmanis Andrus Kivirähk Anna Hints Arko Okk (2x) Asko Kase Dione-Livia Ulman Evald Aavik Hardi Volmer Heiki Ernits Ivo Felt (2x) Jaak Kilmi (2x) Janno Põldma Juho Kuosmanen Jüri Sillart Kaspar Jancis Katariina Lauk Katrin Kissa (2x) Kiur Aarma Maie Rosmann-Lill Mait Malmsten Marianne O...
This cemetery is located in El Dorado Springs, Cedar County, Missouri, at the intersection of 225 Road and Hainline Road. Turn left onto Hainline Road from Main Street (approximately one mile north of Highway 54). Find a Grave
Bethany College is a private Christian college in Lindsborg, Kansas. It was founded in 1881, making it one of the oldest colleges in Kansas.
Wikipedia =Missouri State University (MSU or MO State), formerly Southwest Missouri State University, is a public university located in Springfield, Missouri, United States. Founded in 1905 as the Fourth District Normal School, it is the state's second largest university, with an official enrollment of 22,385 in the fall 2014 semester. In 2011, students represented 50 states, the District of Co...
Eesti NSV teeneline kunstitegelane Isikud 1942-1990 vt siit:
The county was founded February 14, 1845, and named after Cedar Creek, a tributary of the Sac River, which in turn is named from the Eastern red cedar, a common tree of the area. The county seat is Stockton. Cemeteries Cemeteries of Missouri Links Wikipedia
Please add profiles for those who were born, lived or died in Logan County, Oklahoma. Official Website The land in what became Logan County had been settled during the 1820s and 1830s by the Creek and Seminole tribes after the forced Indian Removal by the federal government from their traditional historic territories in the American Southeast. These tribes supported the Confederate States of ...