www.pikler.org Pikler Emmi (Reich) (born 9 January 1902 in Vienna; died 6 June 1984 in Budapest, birth name Emilie Madleine Reich) was a Hungarian pediatrician who introduced new theories of infant education, and put them into practice at an orphanage she ran. In 1908 her parents moved to Budapest. When Pikler was 12 years old, her mother died.She returned to Vienna to study Medicine, where she...
Canadian Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM; French: Commandement des Forces d'opérations spéciales du Canada; COMFOSCAN) is a command of the Canadian Armed Forces. It is responsible for all special forces operations that respond to terrorism and threats to Canadians and Canadian interests around the world. CANSOFCOM's primary mission is counter-terrorism, which involves conducting r...
Arm wrestling (also spelled armwrestling) is a sport with two opponents who face each other with their bent elbows placed on a table and hands firmly gripped, who then attempt to force the opponent's hand down to the table top ("pin" them). The sport is often casually used to demonstrate the stronger person between two or more people. Arm wrestling is an ancient sport that was revived in the 19...
The cemetery is located on the southwest corner of the intersection of Park Avenue W (Ohio State Route 380) and Chambers Road. The cemetery is located in city of Ontario, Richland County, Ohio, and is # 10283 (Mansfield Memorial Park/ Mansfield Memorial Cemetery) in "Ohio Cemeteries 1803-2003", compiled by the Ohio Genealogical Society. The cemetery is registered with the Ohio Division of Rea...
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the towns of Mirovice and Mirotice (Mirowitz und Mirotitz) in Bohemia, Czech Republic. Mirovice (Czech pronunciation: [%CB%88m%C9%AArov%C9%AAts%C9%9B]%29 is a town in the South Bohemian Region of the Czech Republic. It has around 1,660 inhabitants. Villages Boješice, Kakovice, Ohař, Plíškovice, Ráztely, Řeteč, Sochovice and Touškov ...
Rosedale Memorial Park Also known as Rosedale Memorial Park Cemetery Tallmadge Township, Ottawa County, Michigan, USA Located on Lake Michigan Drive/M-45 in Tallmadge Charter Township, on border with Walker Township, Kent County, Grand Rapids, Michigan. The Postal address is O-50 Lake Michigan Drive, Grand Rapids, MI 49504. Even though Grand Rapids is in Kent County, the "O" in the street ...
This cemetery is located on Ohio 273. Find a Grave
Heading south on Route 73 out of Hillsboro, Highland County, Ohio, travel about 5 miles and then you will see the church and cemetery on the left. Turn left on Prospect Road and the church and cemetery will be on the left. Park in the church parking lot. Find a Grave Billion Graves
This project is for collaborating on the Pieniniemi family in North America.
Ōtāhūhū Cemetery is located at the junction of Atkinson Avenue and Luke Street in Ōtāhūhū, Auckland, North Island, New Zealand. The first burial was recorded in 1894. There are five Commonwealth burials of the 1914-1918 war and nine of the 1939-1945 war here.
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Sokolivka, Ukraine also known as Sokołówka, Sokolovka, Sokoluvka, Sokelivke, Sokelifke. Gesher Galicia-Sokolivka
Please add profiles for those who were born, lived or died in Halifax County, North Carolina. Official Website Originally the area was home to Tuscarora Indians and then it was settled in the early 18th century by English colonists migrating south from Virginia and also from New Jersey. According to Preservation North Carolina, “Halifax County, designated in 1759, is one of the oldest counti...
The jewish population was small in Autenhausen, about 65 in the year 1890. But there was a Synagoge, a Mikwe and there still is a cemetery. Jews with roots back to Autenhausen are living all over the world now.
Tämä projekti on Luumäen kunnan Suomiehen (Suomes) kylän kyläprojekti. Perustettu 29.12.2018 Kylän nykyiset kiinteistötunnukset alkavat numeroilla: 441-458-Projekteihin liittyminen: kullakin projektisivulla klikkaa Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Projektin tarkoituksena on kerätä yhteen projektialueella syntyneiden, kuolleiden tai asuneiden henkilöiden Geni-profiileja ja rakentaa yhteistä sukupuu...
Ondergang van de NICHIMEI MARU ∙ 1943 ∙ Golf van Martaban . . . . De Nichimei / Nitimei Maru --4.693 ton-- vertrok op 29-12-1942 met ongeveer 1000 Nederlandse krijgs-gevangenen uit Singapore naar Birma, bestemming Moulmein. Er waren ook nog 1562 Japanse soldaten aan boord. Op 1-1-1943 kwam het schip aan in de haven van Pinang; hier werd een convooi samengesteld, bestaande uit twee transportsch...
Słów parę o starych międzybrodzkich cmentarzach W swoich początkach zarówno Międzybrodzie Kobiernickie, jak i Lipnickie, przynależało do rozległej parafii w Kętach. Jednak już w XVI wieku obie wsie przypisano do utworzonej ok. 1565 r. parafii czanieckiej. Zapewne na tamtejszym cmentarzu, położonym na północ od kościoła, chowano zmarłych międzybrodzian. Kiedy w 1810 r. w Międzybrodziu stanęła d...
Ovaj projekt je dio projekta Hrvatsko Rodoslovlje - Dalmacija naselja Kamen / Croatian Genealogy – Dalmatia, of settlement Kamen* Hr , En * Roman Catholic (Rimokatolička crkva) Kamen: Births (Rođeni) 1825-1856, Marriages (Vjenčani) 1825-1860, 1858-1885, Deaths (Umrli) 1825-1855, Deaths (Umrli) 1855-1885 ==Prezimena / Surnames== Most common surnames - Danas-Today / U prošlosti (nekoć) - In the p...
Tämä projekti on keskeneräinen! Voit aloittaa liittymällä projektiin yhteistyökumppaniksi, kohdasta Toiminnot > Liity yhteistyökumppaniksi. Kannattaa myös lähettää yhtestyökutsu projektissa olijolle yhdstämisten helpottamiseksi. Liitsola on kylä Punkalaitumella, nykyisellä Pirkanmaalla. Liitsolan kylän Suonion mailta on löydetty useita kivikautisia esineitä, joiden perusteella paikalla arvell...
This is the British order of St. John. For the Roman Catholic order see Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem . The Order of St John , formally the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem (French: l'ordre très vénérable de l'Hôpital de Saint-Jean de Jérusalem[n 1]) and also known as St John International, is a royal order of chivalry first constituted as such by r...
People Connected to County Kerry====Republic of Ireland See also>===== County Kerry - Main Page >===== County Kerry Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries and Graveyards >===== Historic Buildings of County Kerry >===== People Connected to "Ireland" - unknown Specific Place or County
The cemetery is located adjacent to the Tranquility Community Church, in Tranquility, Adams County, Ohio. The private cemetery is under the care of the Tranquility Cemetery Association. Find a Grave
People/Biographies, Events and Dates that have Influenced the Course of History, and thus Changed the World. =People* Forbes' Most Powerful People, 2014 (top 10) * Women Who Changed the World * 100 People Who Changed the World * Famous People Who Influenced History * 100 Most Influential Scientists in the World * Inspirational People * People Who Made a Difference