Collaborators welcomed
This subportal is part of the USA Portal . Alaska (i/əˈlæskə/) is the largest state in the United States by area. It is situated in the northwest extremity of the North American continent, with Canada to the east, the Arctic Ocean to the north, and the Pacific Ocean to the west and south, with Russia further west across the Bering Strait. Alaska is the 4th least populous and the lea...
Centro Escolar University also referred to by its acronym CEU is a private non-sectarian higher education institution in San Miguel Manila, Philippines. It was founded in 1907 by Librada Avelino and Carmen de Luna as the Centro Escolar de Señoritas. Wikipedia
Personal project, just because no other way to keep all organized.
Äldre svenska frälsesläkter "svenskaregenter" "svenskadel" "Livrustkammaren" "Historiska personer i Sverige och Norden" 124 av dem är gamla frälsesläkter. Flera finns nog, men man får ta tag i dom efter hand. "Introducerad adel" Rekommendationer Observera att adelssuffix med namnformen "af" endast används för personer som i medeltida handlingar kallas så, som tex Niclis Pät...
This sub-project aims to organize genealogical data on the Ramírez Family of the Philippines. Profiles here are those of historical figures, scions of the gentry ( de buena familia ), revolutionary heroes, scholars, government officials, national athletes and other public personalities (celebrities) in various fields. Find more surnames at the master project page, Families of the Philippines . ...
This sub-project aims to organize genealogical data on the Mariano Family of the Philippines. Profiles here are those of historical figures, scions of the gentry ( de buena familia ), revolutionary heroes, scholars, government officials, national athletes and other public personalities (celebrities) in various fields. Find more surnames at the master project page, Families of the Philippines . ...
A project for Historical and Celebrity Figures involved in May-December Relationships. e.g.* Woody Allen & Soon-Yi Previn : 35 Years Apart * Harrison Ford & Calista Flockhar t: 22 Years Apart* Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta-Jones : 25 Years Apart* Clint Eastwood & Dina Ruiz-Eastwood : 35 Years Apart* Bruce Willis & Emma Heming : 24 Years Apart* Morgan Freeman & E’Dena Hines : 45 Years Apart--...
This sub-project aims to organize genealogical data on the Valencia Family of the Philippines. Profiles here are those of historical figures and public personalities, posted for education and research purposes, with information acquired compliant with the Philippine Data Privacy Act of 2012. See the instructions below on how to contribute. Find more surnames at the Philippine Portal . How to ...
Imperial House of Japan (皇室 kōshitsu), also referred to as the Imperial Family or the Yamato Dynasty, comprises those members of the extended family of the reigning Emperor of Japan who undertake official and public duties. Under the present Constitution of Japan, the Emperor is "the symbol of the State and of the unity of the people". Other members of the Imperial Family perform ceremonial and...
former cemetery in Saint Petersburg
Северное кладбище (Миасс) - Яндекс-карты.
Perm (Russian: Пермь), previously known as Yagoshikha (Ягошиха) (1723–1781), and Molotov (Молотов) (1940–1957), is the largest city and the administrative centre of Perm Krai, Russia. The city is located on the banks of the Kama River, near the Ural Mountains, covering an area of 799.68 square kilometres (308.76 square miles), with a population of over 1 million residents.[13] Perm is the fourt...
Преображенское кладбище - Яндекс-карты
Южное кладбище (Пермь) - Яндекс-карты
Широкореченское кладбище - Яндекс-карты
Pärimuskultuuri auhind - on pärimuskultuuri fondi ja Eesti Folkloorinõukogu auhind, mis antakse isikutele või isikute grupile, kes on panustanud valdkonna järjepidevuse hoidmisesse ja tulevastele põlvedele edasiandmisesse. Auhinnaga tunnustatakse sihipärast ja tulemuslikku loomingulist, õpetuslikku, teaduslik-populariseerivat või korralduslikku pärimuskultuurialast tegevust. Osaline ni...
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Perustettu 2018 Kesken.. Projekteihin liittyminen: kullakin projektisivulla klikkaa Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Virolahden kunnan kylän Eerikkälä kyläprojekti . Projektin tarkoituksena on kerätä yhteen projektialueella syntyneiden, kuolleiden tai asuneiden henkilöiden Geni-profiileja ja rakentaa yhteistä sukupuuta. Rekisteröidy kyläprojektin lisäksi suurempiin kokonaisuuksiin Miehikkälä , Vi...
Yekaterinburg= Russian: Екатеринбу́рг, alternatively romanized Ekaterinburg, formerly known as Sverdlovsk (Свердло́вск) (1924–1991), is the largest city and the administrative centre of Sverdlovsk Oblast and the Ural Federal District, Russia. The city is located on the Iset River in Western Siberia, with a population of roughly 1.5 million residents, up to 2.2 million residents in the urban agg...
Михайловское кладбище - Яндекс-карты
This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived or died in Sumisip, Basilan, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal .
This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived, or died in Ditsaan-Ramain, Lanao del Sur, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal .
Riho Pätsi Koolimuusika Fondi stipendium (ka Riho Pätsi Koolimuusika Fondi aastapreemia) on aastast 2002 välja antav stipendium. Isikud 2002-2019