This cemetery is located 4912 Leavenworth Street, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. Find a Grave This cemetery is part of the Cemeteries of Nebraska subportal.
This cemetery is located on 622 Condensery Road, Sheridan, Montcalm County, Michigan. Find a Grave
The prime minister of Thailand (Thai: นายกรัฐมนตรี; RTGS: Nayok Ratthamontri; IPA: [na%CB%90.j%C3%B3k rát.tʰà.mon.triː], literally 'chief minister of state') is the head of government of Thailand. The prime minister is also the chairman of the cabinet of Thailand and represents the government at home and the country abroad. The post of prime minister has existed since the Siamese revolution of...
This is the sub-project where all profiles of South Africans who were Prisoners of War during World War II can be added. All South African Army, Navy and Air Force soldiers (and civilians?) who were Prisoners of War during WWII can be added to this project. About 334,000 men volunteered for full-time service in the South African Army during the war (including some 211,000 whites, 77,000 blac...
The Life Esidimeni tragedy victims Between October 2015 and June 2016, 1,711 people were relocated from mental health facilities operated by long-term provider Life Esidimeni facilities – either Randwest, Randfontein, Waverley or Witpoorties in Gauteng to alternative facilities managed by multiple nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). The result of the change in providers, and the manner in whi...
Parhaita projektikäytäntöjä -pääsivulle - klikkaa tästä! Kyläprojektit sopivat erityisesti niille maaseutupaikkakunnille, joiden asutus perustuu luonnolliseen kyläasutukseen. Siten ne sopivat useimmille paikkakunnille.=Kuinka laadin kyläprojektin?=Tyypillinen aloittava kyläprojekti Genissä on pienempi profiilikokoelma suuremman profiilikokoelman eli paikkakuntaprojektin sisällä. Kyläprojektiin ...
Silsilah Presiden Republik Indonesia dan Wakil Presiden President 18--Agustus---1945-s/d-19-Desember-1948 Soekarno (Bung Karno) 19-Desember-1948-s/d-13------Juli-----1949 Sjafroeddin Prawiranegara 13 - - - -Juli - - 1949-s/d-27-Desember-1949 Soekarno (Bung Karno) 27-Desember-1949-s/d-15--Agustus - -1950 Assaat 15--Agustus - -1950-s/d-12 - - Maret - - 1967 Soekarno (Bung Karno)
'God created the world, but the Dutch created Holland...'==de Polders van Nederland ‧ anno Domini ‧ =====topografie & geografie ‧ bemalen & ontgraven==Hansje BRINKERmet zijn duimpje in de dijk....==historie* IXe eeuw : na Romeinse tijd ging men in 't getijden-gebied wonen op kunstmatig verhoogde RING-WAL-BURGEN ‧ o.a. in prov. ZEELAND ‧ Burgh ‧ Oost-Souburg ‧ Middelburg ‧ * XII eeuw : start sys...
Att länka till personer med anknytning till säteriet eller underliggande torp. Holma säteri Peder Jensen Bagge, til Holme Bernhard Virgin, till Stora Holma Fredrik Christian* Bundsen Torp under Holma säteri Agateberg Backa u. Holma Björnebäck Borgen Jon Nilsson Bryggorna Sven Andersson Båtvik Dykärr Anders Olsson på Dykärr Fredriksberg Andreas Johansson Grönvik Andreas Johansson...
Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw ‧ sinds 1800 ‧ Nederland informatie ‧ documentatie ‧ bronnen Onderscheidingen - Nederland zie ook WikiPedia Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw Ridder Grootkruis in de Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw Commandeur in de Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw Ridder in de Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw Broeder van de Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw, in 1994 afgeschaft ...
This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived, or died in Bayang, Lanao del Sur, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal .
The Military Merit Medal is a military decoration of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. The medal is awarded for heroic achievement or meritorious service during, or in support of military action against an enemy. Wikipedia
South Africa's Project Collaboration and Research Log The purpose of this project is to: Log or register your areas of interest and research, so project initiators can target the relevant people to collaborate with. Bring people who have similar interests together. Identify projects that require help and areas that need researching. To list new ideas for projects. Stimulate interes...
Plantages in Suriname ======bronnen - documentatie - informatie* Plantagelijsten * Suriname Plantages * ==alfabetisch—0—* evntueel nog toe te voegen informatie/documentatie—A— • A la bonne heure · • Akkerboom · • Alliance · • Alkmaar · • Andreesgift ·—B— • Barbados · • Beekenhorst · • Beninenburg · • Berg en Dal · ======Plantage Berlijn · koffie-plantage* Berlijn (district Commewijne) a...
Personer med anknytning till stadsdelen Drumsö i Helsingfors, Finland.
Kashubian History and Culture==This project is to focus on the history of the Kashubian people and their unique culture, traditions and language. Kashubians are not German nor Polish. Since 2005, the Kashubian language enjoys legal protection by the Polish government as a minority language. Kashubian is taught in Polish schools and is found on many street signs in the region. Historians and lin...
Alla de fyra här i projektnamnet omnämnda släkterna har medlemmar på bägge sidor av Atlanten och många som är intresserade av sina rötter och vilka förgreningar, framgångar och bakslag våra släkters enskilda haft genom åren. I både Sandbergs och Harryssons grenar döljer sig Karlsson och Carlson och Carlsson. Bakom namnet Harrysson finns den i Blekinge grundade grenen Almér, där även Åhrberg har...
Bosiglina li 4. Agosto 1726. Nota delle anime chesi trovano nela sudeta Villa di Bosiglina (1) [Jericev] Madalina Gierichieva anni 38 Zuanne figlio anni 21 Catarina figlia anni 17 Lucha figlio anni 14 (2) [Rincic-Maranovic / Ljutic?] Anica Maranicihia anni 50 Cvita figlia anni 19 Elena figlia anni 16
Kangaspelto sijaitsi Suomelle kuuluessaan Muolaan kunnan pohjoisosassa ja se oli pohjoisin lakkautetun Kyyrölän kylistä. Kylästä oli matkaa Kyyrölän kirkonkylään noin kahdeksan kilometriä ja Muolaan kirkonkylään noin 11 kilometriä. Kangaspellon naapurikyliä olivat idässä Ylä-Kuusaa, etelässä Sudenoja, Kyyrölä ja Tervola sekä lännessä Muolaankylä. Lisäksi kylän pohjoiskärki ulottui Heinjoen Kopr...
People Connected to Cornwall== Historical County of England ===== Image right - by Nilfanion - Wiki Commons See also>* Cornwall - Main Page >* Cornwall Genealogical Resources >* Historical Cornwall >* Historic Buildings of Cornwall >* Cornwall Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries & Graveyards Also of Interest* Cornish People
This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived or died in Tayasan, Negros Oriental, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal .
This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived or died in Tuy, Batangas, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal .