This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived or died in Tuy, Batangas, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal .
This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived or died in Burgos, Pangasinan, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal .
People Connected to County Wexford====Republic of Ireland See also>===== County Wexford Burials >===== County Wexford - Main Page >===== County Wexford Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries and Graveyards >===== Historic Buildings of County Wexford
People Connected with County Kildare====Republic of Ireland See also >===== County Kildare Burials >===== County Kildare - Main Page >===== County Kildare Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries and Graveyards >===== Historic Buildings of County Kildare >===== People Connected to "Ireland" - unknown Specific Place or County
Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom Pictured right Arthur Balfour painted by Lawrence Alma-Tadema Try to collect and improve the profiles of Prime Ministers of the UK. The United Kingdom of Great Britain was created in 1707, and the first Prime Minister was Sir Robert Walpole. A list of Prime Ministers can be found here . List of PMs Robert Walpole Spencer Compton Henry Pelham T...
The Rock Springs Cemetery is more than 100 years old and has been an important city function since the city was founded in 1889. It meant so much to the people of Rock Springs, that in 1924 they worked as volunteers for months moving all the unregistered graves to the cemetery. In the 1980's the cemetery was completely surveyed and re-landscaped. This great effort to beautify the cemetery bega...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Uintah County, Utah. Official Website The county was created in 1880 and name for a portion of the Ute Indian Tribe that lived in the basin. Adjacent Counties Daggett County Moffat County, Colorado Rio Blanco County, Colorado Garfield County, Colorado Grand County Emery County Carbon County
Peruvian politicians are people who are professionally involved in politics in Peru. Wikipedia: Politics of Peru
This project is a table of contents for all projects relating to this County of Wyoming. Please feel free to add profiles of anyone who was born, lived or died in this county. Sweetwater County is a county located in the U.S. state of Wyoming. As of the 2010 census, the population was 43,806. Its county seat is Green River. In area, it is the largest county in the state. It is in the southwe...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Natrona County, Wyoming. Official Website Prior to Wyoming's settlement by European-based populations, the area's stretches played host to nomadic tribes such as Cheyenne, Arapaho, Shoshone, and Sioux. The memory of such populations is represented at present by such preserves as the Wind River Indian Reservation, a large tract NW of...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Van Buren County, Tennessee. Official Website Van Buren County was formed in 1840 and was named for President Martin Van Buren. Adjacent Counties Cumberland County White County Bledsoe County Sequatchie County Warren County Towns & Communities Bone Cave Cedar Grove Spencer (County Seat) Links Wikip...
Venezuelan politicians are people who are professionally involved in politics in Venezuela. Wikipedia Politics of Venezuela
This project is for those who were born, lived or died in Wakulla County, Florida. First Spanish Period In 1528, Pánfilo de Narváez found his way to what would be Wakulla County from the future Pinellas County, Florida, camping at the confluence of the Wakulla and St. Marks rivers. Narváez determined this was a very suitable spot for a fort. In 1539, Hernando de Soto's expedition passed thr...
(for complete description)The Seminole Wars, also known as the Florida Wars, were three conflicts in Florida between various groups of native Americans, collectively known as Seminoles, their allies, and the United States Army. The First Seminole War was from 1817 to 1818, the Second Seminole War from 1835 to 1842, and the Third Seminole War from 1855 to 1858. The first conflict with the Semino...
Mormon Kilder
The cemetery is located in Bloomer Township on the east side of S Miner Road about 0.25 miles north of its intersection with Fenwick Road (County Road 500), in Carson City, Montcalm County, Michigan. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) feature ID for the cemetery is 621612 (Bloomer Cemetery). Find a Grave USGW Archives
This cemetery is located on 800 1st Street, Hiawatha, Brown County, Kansas. Find a Grave Billion Graves
MMC : Middelburgsche Commercie Compagnie ‧ 1721-1889 ‧ internet:bronnen-documentatie-informatie-boeken-etceteraa-- directeuren ...aanvulling welkom! Geschiedenis 1720 : Middelburgse kooplieden verenigen zich in de Middelburgsche Commercie Compagnie. De MCC dreef aanvankelijk vooral handel op de Middellandse Zee en West-Indië. Er waren handelscontacten met de Oostzee, de I...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Henry County, Kentucky. Official Website The county was founded in 1798 and was named for the statesman and governor of Virginia Patrick Henry. Adjacent Counties Carroll County Owen County Trimble County Franklin County Shelby County Oldham County Communities Bethlehem Campbellsburg
Varhaisimmat tunnetut esiäidit (ikäjärjestyksessä) ja asuinalue Greta Nilsdotter Eurajoki, Satakunta Anna Thomasdotter Storkårk Dagsmark, Lapväärtti Elisabeth Mattsdotter Jaakkola Eurajoki, Satakunta Lisa Henricsdotter Rauma, Satakunta Brita Thomasdotter Ristimäki Mynämäki, Varsinais-Suomi Anna Ristseppä Muolaa, Karjala Brita Mikontytär Eräjärvi, Pirkanmaa Walborg Mattsdotter Eu...
Google from time to time honor people or events with a customized version of their logo. This is a sub-project of Google Doodle Directory . There is a full list that can be searched and filtered at the Google Doodles Library . The goal of this sub-project is to list all of those honored by Google in the year 2008. Profiles will be tagged to the parent project. Linked names have Geni Profiles an...
Dubrava kod Šibenika i Rakovo Selo (ex. Pokojci) / Dubrava near Sibenik and Rakovo Village (ex. named Pokojci) Ovaj projekt je dio projekta Hrvatsko Rodoslovlje - Dalmacija - Dubrava kod Šibenika i Rakovo Selo (ex. Pokojci) / Croatian Genealogy – Dalmatia, of Dubrava near Sibenik and Rakovo Village (ex. named Pokojci)Ovaj projekt tj. potprojekt se odnosi na / This subproject is a related to Šib...