The " Swan " arrived at the Jamestown Colony in late August 1610. It was one of a fleet of three ships belonging to Sir Thomas Gates, which along with the " Tryall " and the " Noah " carried 250 passengers and a years worth of provisions for 400 men. The previous year, 1609, had been known as the dreadful "starving time," when the infant colony [of Jamestown, Virginia] was reduced from about ...
Evidence needed Special thanks go to the 1999 and the Powell research team of Roger Alex Powell of Texas, Joann Rhome Herring of Alaska and Flo DeFoor of Missouri whose combined six decades of prior Powell family research led to an assemblage of a vast bulk of Powell documented evidence of which this biography is based. THE POWELL SURNAME From Family Surname History and Coat of Arms is on t...
The Virginia Company dispatched 144 men and boys on three ships which left England in December of 1606 and arrived in Virginia in May of 1607.The Susan Constant , at 120 tons, was the largest of the three ships led by Capt. Christopher Newport. She carried 71 colonists and was about 116 feet long. The Godspeed , led by Capt. Bartholomew Gosnold, carried 39 passengers and 13 sailors. She was a 4...
From The Abigail and John Endicott : On 20th June 1628 the ship Abigail set sail from Weymouth with many Dorset emigrants bound for New England. Under Henry Gauden, the master, they arrived in Salem, Massachusetts on 6th September. This particular passage was important as it carried the new government for the London Plantation. The governor was John Endicott . Passengers known to be on board...
The Furtherance was a 180-ton galleon typical of its class. It may have been very similar to the Mayflower. The Furtherance left Gravesend about June 11 or 12, 1622. A total of eighty passengers were to go on this trip, including those who would board later at a provisioning stop to be made at the Isle of Wight. The ship's master was Captain William Eden, who used the mysterious alias Mr. Samps...
This cemetery, founded in 1955, is located on 8690 Storey Road, Belding, Ionia County, Michigan. Find a Grave
Particularly in the years after 1630, Puritans left for New England, supporting the founding of the Massachusetts Bay Colony and other settlements. The large-scale Puritan emigration to New England then ceased, by 1641, with around 21,000 having moved across the Atlantic. This English-speaking population in America did not all consist of colonists, since many returned, but produced more than 16...
There are 16 names shown on the monument. Please do not add any others right now! 'Golgotha burial ground Cemetery notes and/or description: Found on Rt. 110 (Macy St.),in Amesbury Massachusetts about a half a mile East. It is the first burial ground in Amesbury but there are no markers. Memorial to the First Settlers of Amesbury 1654 in Golgotha burial ground 'It is possible that some of those...
Who are the early families of Malden, Massachusetts? Document them, collect their profiles, clean up and extend their family trees.=Early History of Malden=Malden, a hilly woodland area north of the Mystic River, was settled by Puritans in 1640 on land purchased in 1629 from the Pennacook tribe. The area was originally called the "Mistick Side" and was a part of Charlestown. It was incorporated...
Wikipedia Babson College is a private business school in Wellesley, Massachusetts, established in 1919. Its central focus is on entrepreneurship education, and it is often ranked the most prestigious entrepreneurship college in the United States. It was founded by Roger W. Babson as an all-male business institute. Now co-ed, Babson College offers bachelor's degrees in business administration...
The Nieuwe Kerk is a Protestant church in the city of Delft in the Netherlands. The building is located on Delft Market Square (Markt), opposite to the City Hall The New Church, formerly the church of St. Ursula (14th century), is the burial place of the princes of Orange. In 1584, William the Silent was entombed here in a mausoleum designed by Hendrick and Pieter de Keyser . Since then membe...
The Royal Order of Charles XIII (Swedish: Kungliga Carl XIII:s orden) is a Swedish order of merit, founded by King Charles XIII in 1811.
The Military Order of Maria Theresa (Militär-Maria-Theresien-Orden in German, Katonai Mária Terézia-rend in Hungarian, Vojenský řád Marie Terezie in Czech, Vojaški red Marije Terezije in Slovenian, Croatian: Vojni Red Marije Terezije) was an Order (decoration) of the Austro-Hungarian Empire founded on June 18, 1757, the day of the Battle of Kolin, by the Empress Maria Theresa to reward especial...
Order of Saint John in Sweden The Order of Saint John in Sweden (Swedish: (S:t) Johanniterorden i Sverige) is a Protestant chivalric order. It is a member of the Alliance of the Orders of Saint John of Jerusalem. It was founded in 1920 in Stockholm, Sweden, as an affiliate of the German Bailiwick of Brandenburg. In November 1946, it was granted a Royal Charter by King Gustav V as the Johannit...
Genealogy of the Danish Royal Family foto © 2024 ...zoeken we nog op... In GENI exists a lot of wrong relationships and double profiles for the House of .... This project aims to solve problems and make a right pedegree. A basic reference genealogy can be found in: See also : Ancestors other close relatives.... [ his brothers/sisters?] Ancestors wife of Frederik X [ the wif...
Tall Club The project 'Tall Club' is for both genders and all walks of life. Being tall is an experience in life shared by tall people, ordinary or notable. The project invites not only the exceptionally tall (like Anna Haining Bates and Robert Wadlow), but also the quite tall. Men who are 190 cm (6 ft 3 in) and women 180 cm (5 ft 11 in) are tall, but 100 years ago they were very tall. The impo...
The University of Havana is a public university located in the Vedado district of Havana, the capital of Cuba. Founded on 5 January 1728, the university is the oldest in Cuba, and one of the first to be founded in the Americas. Wikipedia
Tämä projekti on Vehkalahden pitäjän ja kunnan, nykyisin Haminan kaupungin Husulan kylän ( Bocksböle ) kyläprojekti. Kylän kiinteistörekisteritunnus alkaa numeroilla 75-410- Tilat: 1. Heikkilä 2. Junnila 3. Tepponen 4. Jaakkola Perustettu 26.9.2019 / Toni NäppiProjekteihin liittyminen: kullakin projektisivulla klikkaa Toiminnot > Liity projektiin.Projektin tarkoituksena on kerätä yhteen proje...
Eesti revolutsionäärid ja riigikukutajad Vähemalt need keda 1940-1941 ja 1945-1991 nii kutsuti. Ka need kes 1905, 1917, 1924 riiki kukutada püüdsid
The purpose of this pathfinder project is to serve as a guide for more information on slaves, apprentices and freemen in South Africa and to supply a reference list of death notices to allow a user to find a source. Should you identify the person or create a profile please add the profile to the project. ==Africa== *Semora Mother: Delmina, Deceased left money to: Sophia, James, Maria Louisa Bel...
Scope of Project To build a single, validated and documented shared family tree for the Starbuck , Coffin , Gardner and related families, from earlier origins to near modern times Overview The Starbuck and Coffin families were a group of whalers operating out of Nantucket, Massachusetts from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries. Some members of the family gained wider exposure due to t...
Both Thomas Bouldinge , best known as Thomas Bouldin, Ancient Planter , and his wife Mary are noted on the list of ‘ Ancient Planters .’ According to Jamestown history, a settler who emigrated to America prior to 1616, paid their own passage, prior to departure of the governor and who survived the massacre of Jamestown in 1622 (i.e., lived at least three years after the attack) was qualified to...