Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Famous Last Words

    In her 2014 memoir, Ginger Alden revealed then-fiance Elvis Presley's final words before his death in 1977. During a night of sleeplessness, Presley told Alden, "I'm going to the bathroom to read." The rest, as they say, is history. Poignant, funny, sad, weird or mean—last words can make quite the impact as we shuffle off the stage of life. Here are 65 notable examples. 1. Joseph Wright was...

  • Great Puritan Migration (1620-1640): Passenger Ship Portal

    Please add Geni profiles to the ship projects found in the "related" projects on the right and also listed below. The Great Puritan Migration From The Great Migration of Picky Puritans, 1620-40 New England Historical Society When the Pilgrims landed in Plimoth Plantation in 1620, they began what was called the Great Migration – great not because of the numbers of people who arrived, but beca...

  • Meeker County, Minnesota

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Meeker County, Minnesota. Official Website Meeker County was named after Judge Bradley B. Meeker of St. Anthony. County government was set up on May 6, 1856 by the County Commissioners at Forest City. Adjacent Counties McLeod County Wright County Renville County Kandiyohi County Stearns County Cities Cedar Mills ...

  • Kaštel Lukšić census of 1726 (Status animarum)

    Descriptio Animarum existentium in Parochia Castri Victuriorum Anno Dni 1726. Die 24 Julii (1) (Rosani) In domo Georgii Rosani habitant Georgius Joannis filius annorum 73 Cecilia eius uxor annorum 66 Joannes eorum filius annorum 35 (2) (Rosani) In domo Joannis Rosani habitant Joannes Augustini filius annorum 40 Michael eius uxor, (filia Stephani Scivanovich) annorum 30 Augustinus eorum filius...

  • Kylä Riionsaari, Johannes, Finland

    Tämä projekti on Johanneksen pitäjän Riionsaaren kyläprojekti luovutetun Karjalan alueella. Tila: 1. Riionsaari Perustettu 8.12.2020 / Toni NäppiProjekteihin liittyminen: kullakin projektisivulla klikkaa Toiminnot > Liity projektiin.Projektin tarkoituksena on kerätä yhteen projektialueella syntyneiden, kuolleiden tai asuneiden henkilöiden Geni-profiileja ja rakentaa yhteistä sukupuuta.Rekister...

  • Maltsters

    A maltster (also malster) was someone who brewed beer or prepared malt for brewing purposes. From Glossary of Brewing Terminology Malting was a trade in its own right, and maltsters generally independent from either the farmers who produced the barley or the brewers who consumed the malt, though some of the larger breweries conducted their own malting operations, especially from the nineteenth ...

  • Early Families of Salem, Massachuetts

    Salem, located at the mouth of the Naumkeag river at the site of an ancient Native American village and trading center, was first settled by Europeans in 1626, when a company of fishermen from Cape Ann led by Roger Conant arrived. Conant's leadership had provided the stability to survive the first two years, but he was immediately replaced by John Endecott , one of the new arrivals, by order of...

  • Salem Witch Trials (1692)

    Overview and Scope of Project=The goal of this project is to discover our ancestors involved in the notorious Salem Witch Trials , validate their family trees and our own connections to them, and create nigh-quality, genealogically-valid mini biographies for their Profiles.=About the Salem Witch Trials= The Salem Witch Trials were a series of hearings before local magistrates followed by county...

  • Early Families of Brookline, Massachusetts

    Please add profiles (actions > add profiles) to the project: a list of early settlers is given below. Collaborators, feel free to add resources: images, documents, and more collaborators. Documents & images stored in the project can be tagged to profiles ...From A History of Brookline, Massachusetts, from the First Settlement of Muddy River Until the Present Time: 1630-1906; Commemorating the T...

  • Black Female Legends

    Known and unknown Black actresses, comediennes, dancers, sports figures, and musicians that are alive or deceased. They made many contributions and accomplishments to motion pictures and the stage. Check out the Documents section for photos and posters. See below for bios, filmographies and our Links section for more info on these legends. Join us as we pay tribute to these fabulous and often u...

  • Great Migration: Passengers of the Elizabeth, 1634 & 1635

    THE GREAT MIGRATION: SHIPS TO NEW ENGLAND 1633-35It an amazing story of Providence and the skill of English seamen that dozens of Atlantic ocean passages were made in little wooden ships bringing our Puritan ancestors to America almost without mishap in the 1630's; the unhappy exception being the harrowing story of the Angel Gabriel , 1635, which met a terrible storm and cast up on the coast of...

  • Great Migration: Passengers of the Griffin, 1634

    Griffin left England Aug 1, 1634 with her master, ?, arriving in September 18, 1634, at Boston with about one hundred passengers and cattle for the plantations. Alphabetical roll: William Bartholomew (From London, bound for Ipswich and Boston. Ref: Banks Mss. 36 pg 109) Mrs. Mary Bartholomew William Haynes, of Salem of Dunstable, Bedford, bound for Salem. Ref: Aspinwall 36 pg 1 Richa...

  • Oosthuizen Familie

    Ek wil soveel as moontlik Oosthuizens en nasate wat nie die van dra nie aan die projek laat deelneem sodat ons 'n OOSTHUIZEN stamboom kan saamstel met inligting wat almal met Oosthuizen voorouers kan gebruik vir naslaan doeleindes. My voorstel is dat ons by SV/PROG Johannes (Oosthuizen) (Oosthuisen) (Oosthuyzen) (Oosthuysen) begin en sy profiel insit en afwerk na onder. Die volgende is dan b1 -...

  • Presidents of Chile

    El presidente de la República de Chile es el jefe de Estado y de Gobierno de Chile y su máxima autoridad política. Le corresponde, como mandato genérico, el gobierno y la administración del Estado. Si bien su papel y significación ha experimentado cambios a lo largo de la historia, al igual que su posición y relaciones con los demás actores de la organización política nacional, ha sido y es una...

  • Monarchs of Vietnam

    Viet Nam began as two states, a northern one, Annam, Nam Viet, or Dai Viet, that was strongly under Chinese influence, and for a long actually a part of China, and a southern one, Champa, where strong Indian influence can even be seen in the names of its kings (e.g. Rudravarman, much like the names of Cambodian kings). In time, having won its freedom from China, the northern kingdom conquered t...

  • Oak Ridge Cemetery, Springfield, Illinois

    Oak Ridge Cemetery is the largest cemetery in Illinois at 365 acres and is the second most visited cemetery in the United States. Home of President Abraham Lincoln's Tomb, this active cemetery's first burial was in 1858. The cemetery was officially dedicated on May 24, 1860. Oak Ridge is the burial home of many settlers of Springfield and Sangamon County and state and local officials. For many...

  • DNA Surnames

    A surname DNA project is a genetic genealogy project which uses genealogical DNA tests to trace male lineage. Because surnames are passed down from father to son in many cultures (patrilineal), and Y-chromosomes (Y-DNA) are passed from father to son with a predictable rate of mutation, people with the same surname can use genealogical DNA testing to determine if they share a common ancestor wit...

  • Alchemists....Those Who Practice Alchemy

    Alchemy is an influential tradition whose practitioners have, from antiquity, claimed it to be the precursor to profound powers. As described by Paul-Jacques Malouin in The Encyclopedia of Diderot, it is the chemistry of the subtlest kind which allows one to observe extraordinary chemical operations at a more rapid pace – operations that require a long time for nature to produce. Definitions of...

  • University of Padua

    The University of Padua (Italian: Università degli Studi di Padova, UNIPD) is an Italian university located in the city of Padua, region of Veneto, northern Italy. The University of Padua was founded in 1222 by a group of students and teachers from Bologna. Padua is the second-oldest university in Italy and the world's fifth-oldest surviving university. In 2010 the university had approximately ...

  • Astrology

    Astrology ~ ASTROLOGIE ~ ASTRO-LOGICA - STERREN-WICHELARIJ ~ Astromantie ~ αστρολογια ~ etcetera..... Zodiac Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces bekende \\ well know Astro-LOGEN -o- mensen die er STUDIE naar deden alfa-beta-isch —A— Pietro d'ABANO ‧ c.1257-1316 ‧ Abû l-Hasan 'Alî ibn Abî l-Rijâl \\ Haly ...

  • Madison County, Ohio

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Madison County, Ohio. Official Website The county is named for James Madison , President of the United States and was established on March 1, 1810. Adjacent Counties Franklin County Union County Pickaway County Fayette County Greene County Clark County

  • Somerford Cemetery,Summerford, Madison County, Ohio, USA

    Somerford Cemetery Also known as Somerford Township Cemetery Summerford, Madison County, Ohio, USA:

16001-16025 of 74940 projects